Traitor (11 page)

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Authors: Julia Sykes

BOOK: Traitor
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When we reached the center of my bedroom, he turned me so that I was facing the door. His lips were at my ear, his hot breath rippling across my neck as he spoke. “I’m going to let you go now, and you’re going to strip for me, Claudia,” he told me. “You are not to move from this spot, and you are not to look behind you under any circumstances.”

“And if I do?” I asked.

There was a sharp, bruising pain as he pinched my ass hard, and I let out a surprised yelp. “There will be consequences,” he said matter-of-factly. “And if you’re tempted to test me, know that you are in enough trouble as it is. I’m warning you not to goad me. You might not like the results. Do you understand?” He asked softly.

“Y-yes,” I forced out, and he laughed at my stuttering. He released his hold on me, and he delved his hand under the back of my shirt. His index finger slowly traced the line of my spine from my nape to my tailbone. He stroked the little patch of skin just above my ass, and I let out a strangled cry as he stimulated the little bundle of nerves there that he had introduced me to when he had first spanked me.

But he drew away all too soon, and I whined at the loss.

“Now strip, Claudia,” he ordered. Cool air closed behind me as he moved away.

With trembling fingers, I gripped the hem of my sweater, drawing it up over my head. Then I fumbled at the button of my slacks. It took a few tries before I was successful and was able to shove them down my legs, stepping out of my shoes at the same time. I straightened, wearing nothing but my bra and panties. I had purchased a barely-there, lacy black set just for Sean. I heard him growl behind me.

“As much as I appreciate the view, you had better take those off. I want you completely bare for me.”

I tried to still my shaking fingers as I unclasped my bra and pushed my panties down my legs. I shivered, goose bumps covering my skin and my nipples hardening. I was unsure if it was from the cool air or from my arousal. There was a growing wetness between my legs as I felt Sean watching me, his eyes practically burning into my back as he stared at me, making me wait.

Then I heard a drawer sliding open.

“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice high and thin as I began to twist my head back to see what he was up to.

“Eyes forward, sub,” he ordered harshly. “And I thought I told you to stay quiet.”

He had never called me that before, and my pussy clenched at the term. My head snapped back, my eyes gazing resolutely forward. I heard him rummage for a moment, followed by the sound of the drawer closing. My muscles were so tense from the effort of holding my stance that they were practically quivering.

He stepped so softly on the thick carpet that I barely had time to register his approach before his hand closed around the back of my neck again. He was gentler this time as he guided me towards the bed, but I didn’t dare fight him any longer. Then his hand was on my back, between my shoulder blades. He gave me a hard shove, and I barely had time to catch myself on my hands before I fell onto my front on the bed, facing diagonally so that one of my bedposts was right in front of me. I instantly felt him behind me as his weight shifted the mattress. His arm snaked under my belly and jerked me upward, forcing me onto my knees. I tried to straighten, but his hand was back between my shoulder blades, holding me down.

I smirked. “This is familiar again,” I taunted, referring to the similar position that he had trapped me in downstairs. I could hardly believe that I dared to say it.

His hand came down hard on my ass, and I gave a sharp cry as the intense sting turned to a deeper, throbbing burn. At the same time, my clit pulsed, and I could feel myself growing wetter.

“Oh don’t worry,” he said smoothly. “You’re soon going to see just how different this is. I’m going to push you tonight, Claudia. We’re going to see just how much you can handle.”

He slapped me again, and I groaned both from the erotic pain and from his threatening words.

“And what did I tell you about speaking out of turn?” He demanded. Then he raked his fingernails across the burning area where he had abused my ass. “You will learn obedience, Claudia. And I will enjoy teaching you.” His voice was rough and lustful.

He bent over me, and I relished the feeling of the hardness of his body against my back, the pressure shoving me down and pressing my breasts almost painfully against the mattress. I mewled and closed my eyes as my taut nipples rubbed against the sheets, craving more stimulation.

Then my eyes snapped open as something soft encircled my wrist, tightening around it. I looked up as Sean pulled my arm forward with his grip on the material that bound me. I realized that it was my pantyhose as he looped it around the bedpost. I tried to jerk my other wrist out of his reach, but he caught it easily, stretching it out before me as he deftly secured the silky material around it. He ran his fingertips up my arms, feeling the way that my flesh was pebbled. When he reached my shoulders, one hand moved to tenderly stroke my hair while the other gripped my chin, turning my head slightly so that I was forced to meet his gaze where he hovered above me.

“Are you alright, little one?” He asked softly, his eyes kind.

Was I okay? I took inventory of my body. My ass burned where he had struck me, but I had to admit that the feeling was delicious, spreading heat to my sex, making my core throb. The bindings on my wrists were secure but painless, and the feeling of being restrained was undeniably erotic.

I was far, far better than okay. I nodded at him weakly, and he grinned down at me. His smile held a slightly predatory edge.

“Has anyone ever taken your ass, sub?” He asked, his voice suddenly brusque and business-like. My jaw would have dropped if he hadn’t been holding it closed with his grip on my chin. Still, I managed to drop my eyes, blushing furiously.

He held my face more firmly, a warning. “You will look at me when you answer me,” he reprimanded.

I forced my gaze to meet his, and I trembled as I was captured by the dark flame of his eyes. “No,” I admitted, my voice barely audible.

His grin twisted into something satisfied and slightly cruel. He released my jaw to trail his fingers over my cheek. “Then I’ll be honored to be the first.”

Oh, god. Was he really going to do that to me?

“Will it hurt?” I asked tremulously, knowing that I shouldn’t speak out of turn but unable to resist voicing my concern.

His thumb tenderly stroked my cheekbone. “Yes,” he admitted, and my stomach clenched. “But I will be gentle with you, and I think you’ll grow to like it.” He speared me with a hard look. “That pain can turn to pleasure. Do you understand what I’m talking about?”

I thought of how much pleasure I felt when he punished me, and although I was terrified of what he was going to do to me, I nodded. I trusted him, and I was willing to take the plunge.

His weight lifted from me abruptly.

“Where are you going?” I asked nervously, worried that he was going to leave me.

He said nothing, but it wasn’t long before he was behind me once again.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered, holding his hands behind his back. I was worried about what he was concealing from me.

“What?” I asked breathlessly.

He looked down at me forbiddingly and his fingers closed around my face, putting pressure on both sides of my jaw. I cried out at the twinge of pain and my lips parted. He shoved something black into my open mouth, and I realized that it was my panties. I tried to push them out with my tongue, shocked, but he pressed something else between my teeth, tying it firmly behind my head. He had used another pair of my pantyhose as a makeshift gag, and they pushed the panties further into my mouth. I could taste my wetness on them. I thought that I would be revolted by it, but I was only further turned on by his show of utter dominance.

His hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing gently. “I warned you not to speak without permission; I told you that there would be consequences for disobedience. This is your punishment.”

I moaned as his words washed through me, stoking my desire to a fever-pitch. The sound was smothered by the gag, and it only turned me on more. His grip tightened incrementally.

“You won’t be able to use your safe words, so I want you to snap instead if you become distressed. Can you do that for me now?”

I snapped my fingers obediently, and his grip loosened, his fingers stroking the side of my throat. “Good girl,” he praised. Sparks danced across my skin, making me shiver as his words of praise washed over me. I could feel the submissiveness that I had been trying to resist insistently closing in, rolling across my mind like fog being blown inland across the water. It seeped into my thoughts, saturating and smothering them. That incredible feeling of nothingness was overcoming me, and I welcomed it with open arms. There was nothing but the torturous pressure of the mattress beneath my breasts and the tautness of my restraints, reinforcing my utter helplessness. And there was Sean, his scent infusing the air around me, mingling with the smell of my own arousal. It was a heady cocktail, and I breathed deeply, drawing it in until I was drowning in it. I felt myself go limp, completely ceding to his will. My body was his to do with as he pleased, and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn’t
to do anything about it.

There was a rustling sound behind me, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Sean stripping off his clothes. I tried to crane my neck back so that I could take in more of him, so that I could admire his perfect body that I couldn’t seem to get enough of.

“If you keep looking back like that I’m going to have to blindfold you,” he said coolly.

A part of me wanted that, was intrigued by the idea of being deprived of my sight as he touched me. But I was already overwhelmed by the new experiences that he was introducing me to; I wasn’t sure if I could handle another. So I meekly laid my cheek back against the mattress. I could no longer summon up the willpower to resist him anyway.

“Another time, then,” he said, the thread of excitement in his tone betraying his anticipation for the night when he would get to do that to me.

His fingers were suddenly at my desire-slicked lips, swirling in the wetness there. I groaned at the silky sensation of his feather-light touch. He gathered up some of the wetness. Then his fingers were slowly trailing backwards, leaving hot, tingling lines in their wake as he made steady progress away from my sex. When he reached the area between my pussy and my ass, he pressed harder, and I gasped as the sensation sent fire shooting through my core and up my spine, the heat searing into my nipples. I moaned and couldn’t help shifting my torso, desperate to relieve some of the building pressure in my painfully hardened buds. But it did little to slake my need, which was only building as his fingers continued on their forbidden path. He was moving agonizingly slowly, bringing my flesh sparking to life as I began to pant in anticipation of his touching my most taboo area, the hint of fear that was pulsing through me only intensifying my arousal. By the time he reached the edge of my dark entrance, I was distantly surprised to find that I was desperate for him to touch me there. He hovered there for a moment, and I couldn’t stop my back from arching, offering myself up to him in silent encouragement.

His laugh was a low, satisfied rumble deep in his chest. My sharp, shocked cry was lost in the gag as he brushed against me, tracing against me in a circular motion. Nerve endings that I had never known existed jumped to sudden, shocking life, and pleasure ripped through me at the utterly foreign sensation. He pressed against me gently.

“Relax for me, little one,” he ordered.

All of my muscles were tense, the building ecstasy pulling my body taut like a drawn bowstring, straining for release. It was a great effort to comply with his command, forcing my muscles to loosen for him.

When he was satisfied, he increased the pressure until he breeched my opening. My fingers twisted in the sheets as he continued to drive slowly, inexorably into me. There was no pain as he gently stretched me, introducing me to pleasure that I had never imagined would be stirred from stimulating this area. He paused for a moment when he was fully seated within me, letting me grow accustomed to the strange but delicious sensation. Then he quickly pulled almost all the way out before driving back into me abruptly, jarringly.

A strangled cry erupted from me, and the way that the gag muffled the sound made my pussy clench. My clit was throbbing with every rapid beat of my heart as it grew painfully hard.

He pulled back again, and there was more pressure at my entrance, a second finger insisting to penetrate me. He pressed his way in, widening me, and I knew that he was preparing me for his cock. The thought of it taking me there now made my mouth water. He began pumping in and out of me in a regular, steady rhythm.

“This is the ultimate submission, Claudia: allowing me to take your ass,” he informed me, his voice seeming far away. “I’m going to claim you, Claudia, as no man has ever done. As no man will ever do.”

Something akin to a sob escaped me at his possessive words. I wanted nothing more for them to be true.

I thought through the haze in my mind.
No one else.

Without warning, his cock plunged into my pussy. His fingers remained within me, and the feeling of fullness was incredible. He pumped into me a few times, his assault on my sex alternating with that on my ass.

I felt a moment of loss as he completely withdrew from me abruptly, but he was immediately touching me again, the tip of his hard cock, slick with my own juices, pressing at me this time. I gasped at the size of it. There was no way he would fit; I was far too small.

He gripped my hips hard to prevent me from moving away from him and gave a low, warning growl. “This will hurt a little,” he said. “Relax for me.”

I tried to obey, forcing my body to invite him in as it had done before.

Holding me firmly in place with his hands on my hips, he resumed his ruthless progress. I felt him penetrate me, slowly forcing me to stretch for him as the intrusion became wider. It awoke a distinctly uncomfortable burning sensation, and I pressed my face into the mattress to smother my pained cry. I pulled against my restraints, my body instinctively struggling to escape him. But there was no escape. Not from him.

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