Transcending Queen (7 page)

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Authors: SK Thomas

Tags: #fiction, #fiction adult survival, #fiction abusive relationships, #fiction love betrayal loss, #fiction action adventure ebook, #deception and christianity, #fiction about love, #fiction adventure thrillers, #fiction christian thriller, #fiction dark love

BOOK: Transcending Queen
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“Again Tony, I said keep them coming.” I

Tony shook his head not believing what he
just saw, but ponied up another round. I wallowed in my sorrows
unable to see past the negativity that engulfed me in its clinches.
After several hours of blowing off steam, annoying him and all the
other patrons in the establishment, he had had enough of me.

“Hey, it’s Tony. Your girl is down here and
she needs to leave. Come get her as soon as possible.” He insisted
talking on the bar phone.

“I can’t, she wants her space and I am not
about to get involved. Sorry man.”

“No, you don’t understand, she’s in a stupor
about ready to pass out. You need to help her.”

“Find someone else. She’s not my problem
right now.” Jack insisted.

“Who the fuck else is going to take
responsibility for her? C’mon Jack!”

“I got to go, again I’m sorry.” Jack said as
he hung up.

Tony felt like a deer in headlights and being
only 5pm he refused to let her kill his business all night. He
didn’t want to babysit. One of his regulars got up to leave when he
felt compelled, “Hey, take her home on your way.”

“No, I don’t know where she’s from.” He said
with his beard swaying as he turned.

“Look, she stays at the motel. Drop her off
in the front office and Luann will take care of it.”

“Nope, my kids are grown.”

Tony turned to say something when he caught a
glimpse of an overbearing shadowy figure and knew immediately who
waited out there due to his rather large stature. He came searching
for Melissa since she had missed yet another session.

“Father Clayton, can you take her back to her
room? I can’t be responsible for her all night. I have a business
to run.” Tony explained.

“What happened here? Why did you let this get
out of control?”

“I don’t know, she’s determined and then one
thing lead to another.”

“Listen Tony, if this happens again I’m going
to shut this place down. You know I have the authority.” Father
Clayton then noticed Melissa slur her words incoherently wishing he
could’ve stopped this before it had gotten this far. Wiping his
brow, he established it was going to be a long walk as he picked
her up and got her out of there.

Upon entering his place, he propped her up on
the couch and she immediately slouched over. “Not even well enough
to stay sitting upright on her own”, Father Clayton mumbled and
once more bared her weight as he finally got her back to his bed.
She lay sprawled out so helpless and unaware. He took in her full
body that had intoxicated him from day one in his moment of
weakness, she lay right there in front of him everything he has
desired and thirst for.

“Melissa?” he whispered and hesitated unsure
if he would act to fulfill his needs.

“Melissa?” he stated in full voice as he
tried to rouse her from her stupor. She laid still, not a muscle
moved. He hastily closed the shades just enough leaving light creep
into the room for a dim cast. Gradually, he began to unbutton his
shirt giving her every chance to wake up before stripping it off
and throwing it on the chair next to the window by the bed. He
crawled on top relaxing his body onto hers breathing in her scent.
Her hair smelled as he had imagined with a silky softness and her
skin smooth. Her lips fresh and moist as he ran his finger tip over
them while licking his own wanting a taste even with all the
alcohol she had ingested, but knew it not the right time. Breaking
the barrier, he reached under her shirt caressing skin to find her
nipples hardened. “Odd,” he admitted to himself. “Melissa darling…”
he said making one more effort to arouse her, but still no
reaction. Straddling her now, he unbuckled his pants and went ahead
to remove her clothing as best he could repositioning her legs. He
leaned over to feel around and found she had a full bush, not a
Brazilian which is the fad these days and he approved. The fun is
just beginning as he entered her almost not able to contain himself
sliding it in with ease. At first, he took his time treating her
delicately like the prize he so admired when he couldn’t hold back
any longer unleashing his lust and slamming himself hard against
her becoming a greedy beast. His eyes locked onto her beautiful
face making sure she was not awakening. “No, there’s no chance, she
is out cold.” Sweat dripped from his body as his needs raged on. He
could feel a rush pulsating down through his pipes as an explosion
of fluid discharged, flooding the allotted space and giving him
immense gratification. A grunt released as he threw himself off her
and onto his back catching his breath. The darkness reigned supreme
once again, it could not be controlled.

Chapter 9 – Looking For a Home

Impolitely awakened from a bad dream, I
found myself questioning where I was. The room spun as I caught a
glimpse here and there, my head hurt as I winced in pain. I tried
again slower this time to recognize I found myself again in Father
Clayton’s bed. Panic struck not being able to remember the night
before, wondering what I had done as I tried to recollect the
events to no avail. A shockwave tore through me as I noticed my
clothes on a neighboring chair. I lay there trying to calm down as
I jogged my memory with nothing new coming to mind.

“Father Clayton?” Calling out as I gradually
sat up covering myself with bed sheets. After waiting a significant
amount of time I called out again, “Colin?” Just when I’d almost
given up he entered showered and clean shaven with coffee in

“Brought you a little helper, figure you
needed it. A mocha latte with a shot of espresso, I know how you
protest regular black coffee.”

“Thank you so much, that’s very thoughtful.
You look handsome this morning.” I offered.

“Business as usual, it never ceases.”

“Colin? Is there a reason my clothes are over
there?” I asked innocently hoping if we had a moment of passion I
hadn’t forgotten.

“Once you passed out and later vomited, I was
forced to wash your clothes. Letting you sleep in that condition
would’ve been unbearable, not to mention the stench.”

“I’m so embarrassed…”

“No, please don’t be.”

“Do you have any idea what happened before I
came here?”

“You don’t remember any of it?”

“Not yet.” I expressed in a shy tone.

“Does Tony’s ring a bell?”

I took my time trying to recall the events
but nothing came to mind. I shook my head when Colin proceeded to
fill me in.

“Tony called Jack, but out of respect for
your wishes he refused to help. You forgot our appointment, so I
figured there were only so many places you could be. It didn’t take
long to track you down and once I saw the state you were in, I
brought you back here.”

“Again, I’m embarrassed to be such a

“Nonsense, it’s the least I could do. But I
have to ask, what were you doing there last night?”

“You name it. Drowning my sorrows, trying to
figure my life out or maybe to deaden the pain, I guess.”

“Next time, come see me first. You could save
yourself a lot of heartache and even better a headache.”

“I don’t want to be a bother knowing how busy
you are.”

“Nonsense, we agreed to this arrangement

“Well, I better get dressed so you can get on
your way.”

“Take your time. Look in the fridge to fill
your stomach or grab a shower. I’ll return so we can talk

“Ok.” I said with a smile.

He left his room and then exited the house
when I heard the back door bang shut. I sipped on my latte while
taxing my brain to bring back even a small piece of my memory that
had evaded me before deciding I needed to get on with it. I grabbed
my clothes when parts of my body ached with movement, “That’s
strange.” But then I thought, “Who knows, I might of fell off the
barstool, weirder things have happened when drinking too much. I
could be sore from all the alcohol consumption.” I felt gross,
dirty and in extreme need of a shower. There was no bother dressing
as I made my way directly into a steaming hot water flow rushing
over my body to feel human again. Next, I applied toothpaste to my
finger opting to get the stink off my breath as best I could under
the circumstances and then on to the kitchen for a bite to eat.
“How lucky was I to have a man like Colin in my life?” I asked
myself while eating our food we had prepared together days

Father Clayton arrived in the neighboring
town heading straight for the only warehouse in the area. There was
no seedy neighborhood to drive through, just a regular building
townspeople thought he used for storage. He parked his car and sat
for a period thinking, “How could I ever be with Melissa knowing
who I truly am?” He shook it off urging himself to stay focused on
the task at hand.

“Father Clayton, good to see you today.” The
man said.

“Enough with the small talk, what do you have
for me?”

“Here’s everything you requested, the money
and paperwork. Sister Margaret is asking to see you.”

“No, tell her I’m too busy right now. And
while you’re at it let her know there’s someone else.”

“C’mon, why do I have to deliver the bad
news? She might stop her business to spite us.”

“Not her, she wouldn’t dare. Even though
they’re nuns, she likes the money flow like everyone else. Greed is
a natural part of human nature. You tell her she doesn’t have a
choice and better do her job like the others. There’s a price she
has to pay. You tell her that!”

“I don’t like this, but I’ll do what I

Father Clayton had grown tired of his piss
poor attitude, his frustration mounted until he clocked him upside
the head. “I think everyone is forgetting I started this
underground operation not only for my retirement but everyone else
as well, including your families. No one is allowed to pick and
choose their outcome. Once you sign on, you’re my property. My
existence is a god damn favor to all of you. How else would these
nuns make any money choosing their vocation? It’s your time to get
the fucking job done! Be a man and grow a fucking pair, that’s what
I hired you to do!”

“I said I’d do my best.”

“Go beyond your best.” He scanned the area as
his soapbox preaching continued, “And as far as Melissa goes,
everyone better keep their hands off her! She’s mine and only mine
if you get my drift, not to be passed around like those filthy

“Yeah boss, we’ve seen her and it’s obvious
why you want to keep her to yourself.” The man stated with a

He stared down this yahoo making light of a
serious issue, his temper rose to its breaking point as he searched
around until he grabbed a two by four lying within arm’s length as
his beast exploded out of the darkness. Flipping halfway around and
without warning Father Clayton slammed it again and again into his
face as he heard bones break. There was a price for everyone to
pay, no matter how heinous. No thoughts entered into his reality as
he kept swinging long after blood spewed forth and until the other
men jumped into stop him.

“Father Clayton, get off him!” Angus

“You’re going to kill him!” Rich

It took several men trying to pry him off
leaving Angus no choice but to deliver a kidney punch causing him
to double over and relinquish the board that now had blood coating
it. He had seen this too many times before and knew exactly what to
do before the situation spiraled too far out of their control.

“C’mon Father, you’re done.” Rich insisted
but couldn’t budge him. “You did what you had to do, but now it’s

Father Clayton came back to consciousness as
he heard the voice of Rich citing instructions while he stood
gasping for air. He looked over to see a man lying on the floor out
cold, “He’s going to be alright?”

“He’s just unconscious, nothing that can’t be
fixed.” Rich said treating him with kid gloves directing him to the
exit of the warehouse.

“Not a word of this to anyone.”

“That’s why we’re here and you have our word,
not a peep.” Rich assured.

“Once he wakes up, fire him immediately. I
don’t ever want to see his disgusting face again.”

Rich nodded, “Status quo, we’ll be ready for
you next week.”

Father Clayton drove his way out of town and
back to Melissa staring at the blood on his hands. He jerked the
car over and stopped on the side of the road desperate to get it
off. He dug in his back pocket for his handkerchief to wipe as much
evidence away as he could but most of it had already dried. There
wasn’t any water to clean it off and even he cringed at the thought
of using his own saliva. Back on the road he couldn’t get home fast
enough as he pulled into the garage, marched through his backyard
and stopped at an outside faucet to promptly wash away what blood
remained before heading into the house. He appreciated gardening as
a past time to take his mind off things, that faucet has come in
handy more than once.

“You’re back.” I said when he meandered his
way through to the front of the house.

He halted when he heard my voice, “Good,
you’re still here. We can have a quick session.”

“Did the trip go as expected?”

“You know I can’t discuss that,
confidentiality and such. People trust me with their deepest,
darkest secrets.”

“Of course, I meant in general.”

“Have a seat and talk to me. Tell me about
your husband, your life before. What happened?”

I was caught off guard much like a fish
trapped in a net not able to find my way out, yanked from the water
gasping to breathe. He seemed to be in a rush to change the subject
and extremely distant. “I want to forget it and I’m tired of
reliving something that isn’t any longer.”

“I understand, but would you like to expand
on that thought?”

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