Treats Aren't Always Sweet (18 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #menage, #mfm, #action and adventure, #New adult, #mc romance, #mc menage, #biker mc, #contramporary romance menage, #lady bikers

BOOK: Treats Aren't Always Sweet
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“Yeah it kinda does, cause when my men kill
you, we are gonna kill her, and I gotta give them a reason to do
it. We don’t just go around killing people, what kind of club do
you think we are?” Treat yelled.

“For the love of God,” Stone yelled. “Stop
pissing off the crazy man with a gun.”

“Oh please,” Treat snorted. “He is a pussy,
take his ass out so we can finish this. I’m not feeling too good. I
need to lay down after I kill this bitch.”

“I have information you need,” Lane yelled
loudly. “You don’t want to kill me. I know where Chet is, I know
why all this is going on.”

“Really?” War said. “Do tell.”

“Chet went to cover his tracks,” Lane said.
“He knows if you find out the truth you will never let it go. He
was supposed to be back, he was supposed to help me clean up this
mess. I never agreed to this shit. I swear, I only helped him for
the money, he promised it would be easy, you know, because she

In the middle of his sentence a shot rang
out, startling Treat and the woman as Lane crumbled to the floor
beside her. A single shot, right in the middle of his forehead.
. When Treat looked back to Stone, War, and the others,
they had their backs to her and their guns were now pointed at the
two huge gentleman standing in the open doorway, hands held out
showing they weren’t going to cause any more problems.

The one on the left spoke and Treat hadn’t a
clue what the fuck he was talking about, then again, did it matter
because fuck, everything that had happen in her life up to this
point probably left this situation in the middle of her list of
messed up shit that had happened around or to her.

“We were in the area, looking at some
property for our boss when he called. Came as soon as he told us
where to go.”

“Who the fuck is your boss?” War asked.

“Marco.” And the gentlemen didn’t miss a
beat, they turned and walked out as if having guns on them was an
everyday occurrence. Leaving everyone looking after them until
Stone shook his head and followed them out.

Treat was pretty sure shit was coming down,
she just hoped it wasn’t so thick she couldn’t swim to get out of

“Someone want to untie my goddamn hands and
tell me what the fuck is going on?” Treat said as she watched Nike
turn and head in her direction with a weird expression on her face
that was gone as soon as she looked Treat in the eyes.

Bob and Nike grabbed the woman on the ground
and pulled her up. Treat followed them into the room where she had
been held earlier. The guys were getting Boo and Buddy out of here
and since they owned the building, they called the clean up crew to

“Babe?” War called out to Treat who was
limping, and still bleeding. “Wanna come over here so we can talk
and get you checked out. The girls can handle her.”

Treat paused and then glared at both men who
were seriously telling her to leave the job half finished. Like
they would have, seriously? They needed to have a talk about
respecting each other’s positions. She was the fucking VP of this

“No,” she growled. “I will deal with this
first then you can tell what other bullshit I am gonna have to deal
with about this situation. It doesn’t escape me that you two have
been hiding some shit from me.”

Both men actually had enough audacity to
grimace and look at each other.

“Yeah, maybe you should be a little worried
about that shit,” she muttered and followed the girls into the

Bob threw the woman on the floor as Nike
closed the door. Treat looked at her friend, something was off
about her. When those guys came in, she had been confused. They
would deal with that later as well.

“So,” Bob snarled. “You wanna tell us your
sad story before we kill your ass?”

Trixie said up glaring at the trio and then
said, “Fuck you. It is simple, an eye for an eye.”

Bob snorted. “Bitch, nothing about this is

Trixie grinned. “You are right, nothing is.
Do you seriously think you could get away with killing someone
without anyone caring?”

“She told us she was an orphan, didn’t have a
family. Then she went completely psycho and we killed her. End of
story. Now you, coming back thinking you can avenge something that
you have no business avenging. Please. The bitch didn’t even claim
you, why the fuck are you so hot and bothered about avenging her
death?” Bob laughed.

“You people are serious dumb fucks, do you
know that. All that fucking money and you don’t even run checks on
people who fucking come into your club. You just believe whatever
people say. Have you not learned that no one is what they seem, in
this world, everyone has a fucking deal,” Trixie laughed. “You
think by killing me this is gonna end? Shit, you are dumber than
you look.”

Bob kicked the woman in her stomach and then
nodded to Nike who lifted her up and punched her in the face before
dropping her back on the ground, and Bob kicked her again. They
went back and forth for a while, working the woman over before
Treat said.


Bob stepped back and let Trixie take a couple
of what sounded like painful breaths before saying, “Who the fuck
are you talking about?”

Trixie grinned. “Like I said, maybe you
should run that background check and figure it out.”

Treat looked at Nike who shrugged. “Call

“Yeah, by all means call that whore,” Trixie
laughed loudly.

Bob pulled out her phone and made the call.
By the end of it, they decided Nike would take Trixie back to
Nevada to deal with her there. They would find out what she was
talking about. Then they would plan.

By the time they got out into the main room
again, all of the Warriors were there along with Bic, who saw them
exit the room, and walked to Trixie and punched her twice before
Free pulled her away.

“Fucking whore,” Bic snarled.

Trixie just grinned as they dragged her




One week later…


Treat stretched and turned to where her men
were sleeping, they had taken her twice more in the middle of the
night, it had been amazing, she could feel her muscles ache in the
most marvelous way. She twisted slowly and looked at War and Stone.
She liked having them near her, when they woke her in the middle of
the night it had been so natural, so right.

She slid out the bottom of the bed so she
didn’t disturb them and walked into the bathroom. She needed a
shower since she was sticky, Treat grinned and started the shower.
While she bathed, she thought about the night and wondered if
everyone knew what they had been up to, they hadn’t been exactly
quiet last night, she could feel the blush on her skin. How was she
going to face everyone? Damn her mother was in the house.

Who cared
, she thought and finished
washing her hair, she wanted to go back to bed, they had worn her
out. Maybe when she was done, she could crawl back between them and
cuddle. Happy with her plan, she turned off the water and dried off
then combed her hair. She looked in the mirror and smiled, so much
had happened over the last week. When the guys sat her down and
explained what all they had found out about Chet, Lane, everything,
she had been pissed they had held so much back from her.

So do you understand, babe,” Stone asked
her when she had just sat there stone still and sure that her mouth
hung open.

Yeah, just a lot to process. My dad beat
my real mom, who he wasn’t married to, leaving her in the apartment
when he heard the sirens of the approaching cops from someone
calling in a disturbance. He takes me with him and I am still just
a baby. Hmmm…guess I should be glad he thought of me, he usually
leaves everyone behind when he was on the run. Moved from Nevada to
Cali, met Lane who helped him get the new identity stuff for
himself and me. So Charles became Chet and Spice… Let me just put
this out there, who the fuck would name their child Spice. Anyway
Spice becomes Brooke, me. Meets the woman I called mom my whole
life, married her, had Jilly with her, treated all like shit and
gave Jilly to Lane because he owed Lane shit tons of money for

Then my biological mother is found. A
woman who survived the beating but lost her child, heals, meets a
man who we now know is the head of the Acciai family in Nevada,
marries her, and helps her for years to look for the daughter they
never could find.

Oh and they are heading back to the
States to come meet me. But a couple of his men came by and shot my
kidnapper and left like they do that everyday. My stepfather, if
that is what he is, now wants to back the Lady Riders financially
with their endeavor. Does that pretty much wrap it up?”

Yeah, so you good?” War asked.

Then shit, she couldn’t complain when they
took her home and fucked the mad right out of her.

Treat remembered her first meeting with her
mother. It had been awkward, especially when the woman was crying
and hugging her and she had no idea what she was supposed to feel.
For her entire life she hated mother figures, mostly because hers
had been weak. But this woman, she had been different.

From the moment she saw her exit the limo she
pulled up in, Treat had seen the resemblance. It was almost like
looking in a mirror and for once in her life Treat been thankful
for her looks. Because now, she didn’t have to look in the mirror
and see her father. No, she had someone else to thank for her

“My poor baby,” her mother had cried. “I
looked for you, I swear.”

Treat had nodded into her neck and whispered,
“I know.”

“He took you from me,” her mother cried.

“I know,” Treat responded.

“I loved you so much, he knew that, he was
trying to hurt me by taking you,” she said.

“I know,” Treat had said.

“Come on,
,” the man who had
gotten out of the car behind her mother said soflty. “Let her up
for air.”

Her mother had sniffed and stepped back, but
not letting go of her arm. Stone and War stood waiting behind her
and Treat felt a little awkward.

“I am Marco Acciai, and this is my wife,
Christina,” the man said, holding out a hand.

War and Stone stepped forward and introduced
themselves while both women gathered themselves together. It had
been a tearful day, one that Treat didn’t want to relive, but at
least she knew the truth now.

Chet was in the wind, and Marco was searching
for him. He agreed with War and Stone they would work together to
find him and deal with him. However, nothing so far had turned up
about the man, it was like he disappeared just like he had years

Trying to be quiet, she tiptoed back into the
bedroom and looked at her still sleeping men, they were amazing.
She felt the love burst from her chest as she gently crawled back
into the middle and lay down gently then sighed.

Right where she belonged, in the middle of
her men. She wanted to wake them in a seductive way, maybe show
them a little of what they gave her. With a grin, she turned and
faced Stone. His hair was tousled and he looked peaceful. She
reached out and touched his cock, which was already hard.

Treat looked over her shoulder and saw War
was still sleeping. She pressed her ass back until it was cradled
in his waist, and rubbed it around, trying to roust him as well, it
wouldn’t be any fun if all of them weren’t involved this

Stone groaned with pleasure as Treat cupped
his bulging cock, he reached up and tightening his fingers as he
reveled in making her gasp and arch with teasing swipes of his
thumbs over her nipples. Not nearly appeased but drunk on making
her whimper, Stone showed no mercy as he curled his fingers over
her tender tips.

She paused to watch his powerful physique
reveal itself yet again as she pulled the sheets down.
Damn, he
was hot
. She then turned to War who lay on the other side, just
as naked and grinned. “Two for the price of one.” She laughed when
they fell on her like they were ravenous.

Stone took her breasts again and laughed when
she arched to him, threw her head back and moaned. Stone turned her
head and kissed her passionately while War aroused her body more,
taking over where Stone left off.

The hard, puckered points burrowed deeper
into War’s twisting, pinching grip as she swayed and panted against
him. It wasn’t enough, not with that sweet, little pussy beckoning
him with wet kisses every time her hips rolled and bumped into his.
Releasing one of her breasts, he slid a hand down over the curve of
her waist, tracing the flare of her hips before discovering the
softly padded flesh of her ass. War pushed her to move her hips as
he sucked on her nipples, he quickly found her already wet pussy
and sank two fingers in, making her thrash and moan as he set a
fast pace.

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