Trickle Down Tyranny (57 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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economic policy and, 72
Islamist radicals and, 199
mob rule by, 111–15
moderate members of, 114–15
Murdoch and, 51
Obamacare waivers for, 77, 108
OWS movement and, 108, 109–10
Lacey Act, 204
Lagarde, Christine, 136, 137, 139–40
LaHood, Ray, 132
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 213
Lazard Ltd., 207
Lead (environmental), 222–23
Leahy, Patrick, 249
Lehman, John, 170
Lehman Brothers, 82
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 66, 67, 68, 71, 76, 77, 80, 101
Leninism, 66–71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 95–97
Lennon, John, 174
Leno, Jay, 266
Lerner, Stephen, 109
Levander, Andrew, 86
Level 3 Communications LLC, 141
Levin, Carl, 22–23
Levine, Michael, 251
Levi-Strauss, 79
Leviticus, book of, 63
Lewinsky, Monica, 146
Al-Libi, Abu Faraj, 182
Libya, 6, 13, 32, 150–54, 163–64, 175, 177.
See also
Ghadafi, Moammar
disguised declaration of war on, 151–52
eggheads’ policies and, 146, 147–48
mixed messages from U.S., 153–54
no-fly zone over, 152, 153
“responsibility to protect” doctrine and, 147–48, 150–51, 153, 156–57, 201
U.S. foreign policy and, 180–81
LightSquared, 143, 167–69
Limousines used by administration, 34–35
Lincoln, Abraham, 141
Little, George, 4
Lobo, Porfirio, 198
Locke, Gary, 134
Longshoremen’s union, 111
Long-Term Capital Management, 219
Longview, Washington, 111
Loudon, Trevor, 131
Loughner, Jared, 119
Lurie, Nicole, 143–44
Maddow, Rachel, 172
Madoff, Bernie, 85, 86
Malcolm X, 130
Al-Maliki, Nouri, 265
Mao Ze-dong, 102
Marcellus shale formation, 12
Marcos, Ferdinand, 28
Marcos, Imelda, 28
Marcuse, Herbert, 232
Martin, Alice, 57
Martin, John, 57
Marx, Karl, 29, 101
Massachusetts v. EPA,
Matalin, Mary, 47
Matthews, Chris, 46, 47, 119
Mayer, Milton, 39, 263
McCarthy, Arlene, 94
McDermott, James, 57
McDermott Will & Emery, 209
McDonald’s, 187
McKeon, Buck, 74
McMahon, William, 252
McVeigh, Timothy, 64
Media, 33–34, 43–65
anti-Semitism in, 104–5
cordon sanitaire
policy, 50
GE policies not questioned by, 78–79
historical perspective on, 45–46
Obama’s dinner speech, 46
equivalent, 34, 45–48
relationship with government, 46–48
rise of government regulation and, 56–60
on Taliban corpse desecration, 75–76
tyranny of blame and, 60–64
Media Access Project, 169
Media Matters, 48–51
Medicare, 16, 74, 77
Al-Megrahi, Abdel Basit, 180–81
Melson, Kenneth, 249–50, 252–53
Mexico, 162, 254, 255, 262.
See also
Project Fast and Furious
drug cartels of, 17, 31, 258, 265
oil production in, 218
MF Global Inc., 85–86, 219
Middle class, 68–70, 99
Middle East, 13, 20, 96, 145, 173, 199
purpose and results of Obama’s policy in, 161–64
“responsibility to protect” doctrine and, 154–57
Soros Doctrine in, 155, 175–77, 193
U.S. foreign policy and, 4–8, 36–37, 175–77
budget cuts in, 8–9, 74, 166
decreased size of, 2
destruction of, 164–72
gays in, 170–72
LightSquared scandal, 143, 167–69
OWS misconceptions about, 101
political correctness and, 170
restoring, 8–9
Taliban corpse desecration and, 75–76
Military-industrial complex, 43–44
Minorities, 117–18, 121
Mir, Hamid, 182
Mitchell, Andrea, 46
Mob rule, 98, 111–15
Money laundering, 17
Montgomery, Ed, 36
Moon, Ban Ki, 194
Morgan, Piers, 54
Morgan Stanley, 82
Morocco, 6
Mountain Plaza Inc., 211
MSNBC, 46, 119, 159, 172
Mubarak, Hosni, 5, 8, 154, 155, 161, 176, 177–78, 179, 193, 194, 199, 200
Mullen, Mike, 152
Munoz, Cecilia, 254
Murdoch, James, 53
Murdoch, Rupert, 44
author’s opinion of, 43
phone-hacking scandal, 51–54, 57, 60, 241–42
reasons for media antagonism toward, 51
Murphy, Patrick, 172
Muslim Brotherhood, 5–6, 140, 157, 161, 163, 164, 173, 177–79, 200, 241
“legitimacy” recognized by U.S., 181
Libyan rebels infiltrated by, 154
Sadat assassination and, 156
Soros’ promotion of, 201
“virginity tests” conducted by, 179
Wisner’s meeting with, 199
See also
Islamist radicalism
accommodations made for sensitivities of, 118
European immigration policies, 50
killing among, 64
terrorism issue and, 60, 62–63
Nader, Ralph, 142
Napolitano, Janet, 17, 18, 39, 246, 249, 255, 258
NASA, 80, 172
National Air and Space Museum, 111
National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, 168
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 22–24, 261
National Drug Threat Assessment, 257
National Labor Relations Board, 108
National Post
(Canada), 51
National Public Radio, 50
National Rifle Association, 149
National Security Agency, 58
National Security Council, 186
National Transitional Council (Libya), 6
NATO, 13, 152–53, 156, 157, 160–61
Natural gas, 11–12, 13, 230–31, 234
Navy, U.S., 2
Nazi Germany, 39, 49, 61, 110, 115, 232, 263
NBC, 46
National Defense Authorization Act
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 193–94
Netherlands, 50, 118
New America Foundation, 169
New Black Panther Party, 190, 238, 241
Newell, William, 252
New Guinea, 231
New Jersey, 85
New Mexico, 17
New School for Management and Urban Policy, 232
New School for Social Research, 232
News of the World,
27, 54, 182
New Testament, 63
New York Communities for Change (NYCC), 109
New York Magazine,
New York Post,
130, 138
New York Times,
57–60, 138, 139, 241–42
New York Times Co. v. the United States,
NextEra Energy, 79
Nicaragua, 131
Nichols & Driessen, 212
(Orwell), 227
Nixon, Richard, 90, 221
Nobel Prize, 157, 162, 213
North Africa, 199
North Dakota, 11
North Korea, 9, 102
Norway, 60–64
Nuclear weapons
Iran and, 3, 7, 9, 37, 155, 156
North Korea and, 9
Russia and, 3–4
NYC General Assembly, 102
Nyhan, Brendan, 27
Obama, Barack.
See also
Corporate cronies; Economy; Eggheads; Energy policy; Foreign policy; Media; Radical accomplices
accomplishments of, 264–65
anti-Christian bias of, 39, 178–79
anti-Semitism of, 39, 103, 104, 161, 162, 178, 186
creation and meetings of boards/commissions, 32
dimensions of tyranny, 30–42
Emergency Broadcast System test and, 55–56, 188, 262
extent of corruption in administration, 25–27

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