Trickle Down Tyranny (58 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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Ghadafi’s letter to, 153
on immigration laws, 253
impeachment of called for, 41
law license voluntarily surrendered by, 26
Nobel Prize awarded to, 157, 162
not invited to British royal wedding, 196, 197
Osawatamie speech, 260–61
possibility of reelection, 2–3, 266–67
presidential prerogatives claimed by, 128–29
Project Fast and Furious and, 242–43
public opinion polls on, 39–40
on self-reliance, 66–67
serious problems concealed by administration, 1–2
“signing statement” issued by, 128
State of the Union address (2011), 33
Obama, Michelle, 27–30
anti-obesity campaign of, 29
law license voluntarily surrendered by, 26
vacations of, 27–29
Obamacare, 16, 76, 77, 108, 146, 255
“The Obama Miracle, a White House Free of Scandal” (Alter), 27
Obamanomics, 141
Obamavilles, 26
Ocasio, Arlene, 39
Occupy D.C., 109–10
Occupy Tahrir Square, 5
Occupy Wall Street (OWS), 26, 35, 56, 98–111, 263–64, 267
anti-Semitism in movement, 103–5, 109, 195
beliefs and demands, 105–6
characteristics of supporters, 109–10
as a “civilian army,” 108
crimes and uncivil behavior of, 107
ignorance of participants, 100–101
Occupy Yom Kippur, 103
Office of Management and Budget, U.S., 205
Office of Personnel Management, U.S., 127
Ogden, David, 242, 243, 248
O’Hare International Airport, 132
Oil, 7, 10–13, 36, 37, 147, 192, 213–22, 226, 231, 235, 265
company profits, 215–16
fracking and, 12
government regulation and, 218–22
horizontal drilling technology and, 12
jobs created by industry, 10, 11–12
Keystone XL pipeline, 10, 12–13, 206, 216–18
Libyan, 180–81
number of projects awaiting review, 234
Obama’s production strategy, 213–18
Oil spill, 37, 133
Old Testament, 63
Olsen’s Crop Services, 211
Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company, 211
Omar, Mullah, 182
O’Neill, Tip, 47
Open Society Institute, 109, 149
Organizing for America (OfA), 113
Orlando Sentinel,
Orszag, Peter, 85
Orwell, George, 49, 227
Osorio-Arellanes, Manuel, 246, 247
Our Man in Havana
(Greene), 184
Out Magazine,
OutServe, 170, 171
Owens-Illinois, 187–88, 189
Occupy Wall Street
Pacific Gas and Electric, 79
Paige, Leslie, 35
Pakistan, 181–84
Palestinian Authority, 194
Palestinians, 8, 194, 195
Palin, Sarah, 119
Pampas Humedas LLC, 229
Panama, 131, 198
Panama Canal, 131
Pan Am flight 103, bombing of, 158, 180–81
Panetta, Leon, 7–8, 9, 74, 131–32
Le Parisienne,
Paris, 140
Particulate matter, 222–23
Patino, Uriel, 249
Paul, Les, 203
Paulson, Henry, 82, 90
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 1
Pedophiles, privacy rights of, 52
Pelosi, Nancy, 77
birthday bash of, 29
energy policy and, 37, 111
on health care legislation, 261
OWS movement and, 100, 105, 108, 110–11
Solyndra project and, 210
Pelosi, Ronald, 210
Pennsylvania, 11–12
Pentagon Papers, 59
People’s Liberation Army (China), 80
Perelman, Ronald O., 143
Perino, Dana, 47
Perlo, Victor (Perlo spy group), 131
Peru, 198
Petrobras, 147, 192, 230
Phillips, Brian, 102–3
Piven, Frances Fox, 102
Plant a Tree: A working guide to regreening America
(Savage), 202
(newspaper), 116–17
Poland, 3, 4
Political attack ads, 126–27
Political contributions, 35.
See also
Campaign donors
Political correctness, 170, 49, 50, 128
Portugal, 84, 93, 94
Posse comitatus
act, 267
Poverty rate, 92
Power, Samantha, 147, 148–49, 150
Powers, Scott, 34
President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, 77, 79
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 206
A Problem from Hell
(Power), 149
Project Fast and Furious, 26, 47, 237–39, 242–53
absence of arrests resulting from, 252
ATF agents’ statements on, 248–49
ATF director’s testimony on, 249–50
Biden on, 27
congressional committee report on, 250
death of Border Patrol agent
Terry, Brian)
death of Mexican citizens and, 243
guns from at crime scenes, 249
Holder’s denial of, 238, 243, 248, 251
initial cover-up of, 244
real purpose of, 239, 244–45, 252
stated purpose of, 244
withholding of information on, 249, 250
Project Gunrunner, 242, 243, 244, 248
Project Vote, 116
Public Citizen, 142
Public Interest Spectrum Coalition, 169
Public Knowledge, 169
Public opinion polls, 39–40, 220, 266
Pulitzer Prize, 149, 241
Putin, Vladimir, 39
Pyle, Thomas, 220
Al Qaeda, 9, 24, 55, 60, 154, 156, 157, 163, 181–82, 184
Breivik influenced by, 64
British intelligence on, 196
Holder’s representation of members, 240
Israel invaded by, 194
report on wiretapping of, 57–58, 241–42
QE2, 94, 95
Quantitative easing, 91, 92, 94, 95
Radical accomplices, 35, 98–122.
See also
Occupy Wall Street
mob rule by, 98, 111–15
rules for, 116–20
rules for beating, 120–21
Rainforest Alliance, 203
Rangel, Charles, 152
Rathke, Wade, 110
La Raza, 38, 253, 254
Reagan, Ronald, 8, 19, 131, 146, 196
Recovery of Auto Communities and Workers, 36
Redford, Robert, 231
Reficar, 231
Reid, Harry, 100, 128
Religion, freedom of, 39
Democrats compared with, 19
opinion polls on, 266
public employees
Tea Party ignored by, 20
The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and For All (Thakur), 151
“Responsibility to protect” doctrine, 36, 149, 174
developers of, 151
Islamist radicals protected by, 148, 154–57, 193
Libya and, 147–48, 150–51, 153, 156–57, 201
real meaning of, 148
selective application of, 150, 151
Revere, Paul, 42
Revolutionary Communist Party, 105
Rice, Susan, 46, 147, 150, 195
Rich, Marc, 241
“Right-wing Extremism” (Napolitano), 258
Rivera, Henry, 188
Rome Statute, 160
Romney, Mitt, 16, 142
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 32, 40, 41
Roosevelt, Teddy, 189, 260
Rose, Don, 116
Rosenthal, Lynn, 36
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 191
Rothschild quote, 163
Royal Bank of Scotland, 82
Royal Dutch Shell, 221
Rubin, Robert, 84–85, 86, 87–88
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
(Alinsky), 35, 116–19
The Rules of the Game
(pamphlet), 226–27
Russia, 9, 20, 66, 102, 201
oil production in, 218
U.S. economic policy criticized by, 96
U.S. foreign policy and, 3–4, 36
Russian Revolution, 101, 131
Russo, Anthony, 59, 168
Rwanda, 150
Sadat, Anwar, 156
Salafist party (Egypt), 5

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