Trickle Down Tyranny (59 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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Salazar, Ken, 133
Samaria, 195
Sandinista junta, 131
San Francisco Chronicle,
Sarah’s Law, 52
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 136, 137, 139
Saudi Arabia, 154, 157, 199, 214
The Savage Nation
(radio program), 3, 17
Savage Revolution, 19–21
SB 1070, 31
Schenck v. United States,
Schmaler, Tracy, 33
Scobey, Margaret, 155
Scotland, 180
SEALs, Navy, 157, 164–66, 239
Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S.
Second Amendment, 149, 245
Secure Border Initiative Network, 17
Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. (SEC), 82–83, 101, 231
Service Employees International Union
September 11 terrorist attacks, 29, 55, 63, 146, 181–83, 240
Service, John Stewart, 131
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 35, 109–10, 111, 113, 134
Sharansky, Natan, 176
Shariah law, 5, 154, 156, 161
Sharpton, Al, 180
Shell Oil, 180, 221–22
Shelton, William, 167–68
Signa Technologies Inc., 143–44
Silvermaster spy group, 131
Silver prices, 92–93
Simon & Schuster, 47
Sinjar documents, 157
Sirte, Libya, 157, 163
SkyTerra, 169.
See also
Smallpox vaccine, 143–44
SNAP program, 69
Socialist International, 233
Socialist Party (Brazil), 192
Socialist Party (France), 139
Social Security, 69, 83
SOE, 25
Solana, Javier, 156
SolarReserve, 210
Solis, Hilda, 253
Solyndra, 26, 27, 37, 205–11, 213
bankruptcy declared by, 208, 211
criminal investigation of, 208, 210
spending spree in, 207
warning signs of problems, 206
Sorobama, 162–63
Soros, George, 9, 26, 98, 103, 109, 141, 147, 149, 151, 201
economic policy and, 65, 67, 72, 83
energy policy and, 228–33, 235, 236
LightSquared and, 169
Middle East policy and, 36, 155, 161–63, 175–77, 193
Murdoch conflict and, 48–55
Soros Doctrine, 155, 175–77, 193
Soros Fund Management LLC, 169, 229, 230
South Africa, 141
South China Sea, 4
Southern California, 10
Soviet Union, 45, 131.
See also
Space programs, 80, 172
Spain, 15, 84, 93, 94
Special-interest bonds, 83
Spectrawatt, 211
Speech, freedom of.
Freedom of speech
Spies, communist, 131–32
Spinner, Steve, 206–7
Spitzer, Eliot, 137
“Spring Wind” initiative, 78
St. Vincent, 196
Stahl, Lesley, 150
Standard & Poor, 94–95
START treaty, 3
State Department, U.S., 195
State of the Union address (2011), 33
Stephentown, New York, 211
Stern, Andy, 35, 113, 134
Stimulus plan, 71–73, 141, 143, 264.
See also
Stock market crash of 1929, 87, 88, 96
Stock market crash of 2008, 81, 88
Stone, I. F., 116
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 135–40
Student-loan market, 33, 188
Subprime mortgage loans, 219.
See also
Housing crisis
Sulfur dioxide emissions, 222–23
Summers, Lawrence, 85
Sundance Film Festival, 231
Sunstein, Cass, 126–27, 148–49
Supreme Court, U.S., 33, 240, 261
Massachusetts v. EPA, 222
New York Times Co. v. the United States,
Schenck v. United States,
Surface Transportation Revenue Alternatives Office, 234
“Sustainable bankruptcy,” 69
Sweden, 50
Syria, 37, 51, 160, 161, 176, 201
Taft-Hartley Act, 106
Taiwan, 132, 172
Take Back the American Dream Conference, 109
Takoma Park, Maryland, 124–25
Taliban, 75–76, 165, 166, 182
Tamm, Thomas, 241
Tapie, Bernard, 137
Troubled Assets Relief Program
Taxation, 86–87
cabinet secretaries and, 127–28, 129–31
capital gains, 76–77, 99
corporate income, 77–81
in health insurance field, 69
new taxes added by Obama, 76
on oil, 214, 215–16
OWS movement on, 106
political favoritism and, 77–81
without representation, 76–81
of the “wealthy,” 76–77, 80–81, 99–100, 117
Teachers’ unions, 112–13, 115
Teamsters union, 108
Tea Party, 20, 99, 115
Telegraph newspaper group, 51
TerraPower, 78
See also
Airline screening measures; Al Qaeda; September 11 terrorist attacks; Taliban
al-Awlaki case, 24–25, 111
Breivik case, 60–64
“community-based approach” to, 258–59
extremism distinguished from, 61–62
Gitmo detainees, 58, 240–41
Holder’s policy on interrogation, 239–41
Israel listed as sponsor of, 195
NDAA as a response to, 22–24, 261
Terry, Brian, 245–48, 251, 253
Texas, 10, 17, 38, 257
Thakur, Ramesh, 151
“THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT—An Analysis of the Alinsky Model” (Clinton), 117, 149–50
They Thought They Were Free
(Mayer), 263
Tides Center, 109
of London, 85
The Tonight Show
(television program), 266
Tonopah Solar Energy, 210
TransCanada, 216
Transnational National Council (TNC) (Libya), 181
Transportation Opportunities Act, 234
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 38, 56, 132
Treasury bonds, 86, 88, 91, 94, 96
Treasury Department, U.S., 86, 127, 235, 124
Trickle Up Poverty
(Savage), 16, 33, 81, 83, 87, 99, 102, 175, 219, 225, 230, 253, 254
Trotsky, Leon, 131
Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), 82–83, 88, 90
Trumka, Richard, 35, 113, 114, 134
Transportation Security Administration
Tulane University, 221
Tunisia, 6, 176, 199
Tupi oil field, 230
TurboTax, 131
Turkey, 8
Uganda, 146, 196
Unabomber, 64
Underwear bomber, 120
Unemployment, 68, 71–73, 264, 266.
See also
Unemployment benefits, 72
Unfunded liabilities, 83
Labor unions
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), 113
United Nations (UN), 147, 150, 151, 159, 194, 195
United Nations Security Council, 200
United Socialist Party (Venezuela), 191
University of California, Berkeley, 213
University of Chicago, 148–49
University of Hartford, 103
University of Washington, 131
University of Waterloo, 151
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 184
USA Today,
Utah, 255
Vahidi, Ahmad, 194
Valdez, Alaska, 231
VantagePoint, 210
Venezuela, 187–92, 197, 199, 217
Verizon, 112, 169
Veterans Affairs Department, U.S., 39
Veterans Health Administration, 123
Vietnam War, 59, 145
Vietor, Tommy, 186
Vilsack, Tom, 69
Vlaams Belang (Belgium), 50
Voth, David, 252
Wachovia, 168
Walker, Scott, 112, 113, 114
Wall Street, 67, 68, 71
Wall Street Journal,
43, 97, 155
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
Dodd-Frank bill
War Powers Act, 32

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