Trickle Down Tyranny (55 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #General, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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fiat money and, 90–95
financial aristocracy and, 67–68
global, fixing, 13–15
Leninism in, 66–71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 95–97
“recovery” of, 68, 96
redistribution of wealth in, 68–70
rejection of Obama’s budget, 73
roots of current crisis, 81–84
“sustainable bankruptcy” in, 69
tools of Obama’s policy, 95–97
U.S. ranking in competitiveness, 78
Ecopetrol, 231
Ecuador, 199
Edenhofer, Ottmar, 224–25
Eggheads, 36, 145–73, 174–75
destruction of military and, 164–72
female, 147–52, 165
Middle East and, 145, 154–57, 161–64, 173
Egypt, 140, 154, 164, 181, 201
Elbaradei in, 155–56
Israel and, 8, 161, 178, 194, 199–200
shadow parliament in, 156
U.S. foreign policy and, 5–6, 177–79
Einsatzgruppen, 61
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 43–44, 196
ElBaradei, Mohammed, 154–56
Election results processing, 25, 265
Electric grid, 10, 223
El-Erian, Issam, 199
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 196, 197
Ellsberg, Daniel, 59
El Salvador, 262
Emanuel, Rahm, 98, 111, 115, 119, 137
Emergency Broadcast System (Obama’s test), 55–56, 188, 262
Emergency Committee for Israel, 104
See also
fall in private sector, 95
Keystone XL potential for, 217
misleading statistics on, 111–12
in the oil industry, 10, 11–12
outsourcing of, 77, 78
rise in public sector, 95
Energy Department, U.S. (DOE), 32, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211
Energy policy, 37–38, 202–36, 264–65.
See also
Global warming; “Green energy”; Oil
Obama’s strategy, 213–18
real energy crisis and, 233–36
reversing, 10–13
tyranny of government regulation, 218–24
Energy Policy Act, 208–9
Energy Tax Prevention Act, 227
Enerl, 211
Engels, Friedrich, 29, 101
Energy policy
Environmental Defense Fund, 203
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 10, 11, 12, 13, 37, 124, 215, 218, 221–24, 234.
See also
Browner, Carol
Alaska oil exploration denied by, 221–22
creation and purpose of, 221
Environmental Protection Agency
Espionage Act, 58–59
Eureka College, 146
Euro, 15
economic crisis in, 14–15, 85, 93–94
Goldman Sachs banned in, 93–94
Muslim immigration in, 50
European Central Bank (ECB), 15, 94
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 226
European Union (EU), 14, 15, 156, 198
Eurozone, 15, 85, 96
Evans, Gareth, 151
Evergreen Solar Inc., 211
Export-Import Bank, U.S. (Ex-Im), 230, 231–33, 235
ExxonMobil, 187, 189–90, 215–16
Falcone, Philip, 168, 169
Fannie Mae, 36, 83
Fareed Zakaria GPS
(television program), 49
Farrah, Joseph, 41
Farrakhan, Louis, 153, 180
Fast and Furious project.
Project Fast and Furious
FBI, 37, 54–55, 60, 208, 210, 249, 250, 258
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 169, 188
Federalist Papers, 129
Federal Reserve, 46, 82, 94, 140, 235
Federal workers, salaries of, 47
Feinberg, Kenneth, 36, 125–26, 127–28
Feinstein, Dianne, 229
Fiat money, 90–95
Fifth Amendment, 208
Financial aristocracy, 67–68
Financial derivatives.
Derivatives, financial
Financial Services Modernization Act, 87
First Amendment, 50, 51, 59, 126, 127
The Five
(television program), 47
Flywheel technology, 211
Food stamps, 92
Ford Motor Company, 35
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 54, 55
Foreign policy, 36–37, 174–201
Brazil and, 192–93
Cuba and, 184–86
Egypt and, 5–6, 177–79
enemies, 199–201
Great Britain and, 6–7, 196–97
Honduras and, 197–99
Israel and, 7–8, 36–37, 193–95
Libya and, 180–81
new enemies in, 193–99
Pakistan and, 181–84
“responsibility to protect” doctrine
“Responsibility to protect” doctrine)
returning to a position of strength, 3–8
succint description of, 176
Venezuela and, 187–92
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 203
Fort Hood, 170, 259
Foster, Vince, 159–60
Founding Fathers, 30, 32, 149
Fourteenth Amendment, 254–55
Fourth Amendment, 56
Fox News, 30, 34, 43, 46, 47, 48–51, 54, 188
Fox News Channel, 43, 47
Fracking, 12
France, 50, 93, 94
Frank, Barney, 89
Freddie Mac, 83
Freedom, loss of, 39–41
“Freedom Index” survey, 39
Freedom of Information Act, 127, 226
Freedom of religion, 39.
See also
First Amendment
Freedom of speech, 33, 39, 126–27, 264.
See also
First Amendment
Free Press, 169
Friedman, Gregory, 206
F-35 fighter jet, 172
Full Sail University, 142
Fulton, Brenda S., 171–72
Gallup polls, 39
Gasoline prices, 134, 213–14, 220–21, 234
Gates, Bill, 78
Gates, Robert, 152, 201
Gays, 170–72, 232
Gaza Strip, 199
Gross domestic product
Geithner, Timothy, 15, 85, 86, 90, 95, 130–31, 137, 140, 235
General Electric (GE), 77–79, 102
General Motors (GM), 27, 108, 134, 188, 209
General Services Administration, 34
Geneva Convention, 160, 239
Genocide, 149, 150, 156
Gensler, Gary, 219
George III, King of England, 31
Germany, 91, 94.
See also
Nazi Germany
cordon sanitaire policy in, 50
economic conditions in, 15
military training in, 166
Ghadafi, Moammar, 13, 148, 152, 153–54, 156, 163, 177, 180, 181, 193, 201
assassination of, 6, 157–61, 164
attacks on demonstrators ordered by, 147
letter to Obama, 153
Ghadafi, Seif, 160
Gheen, William, 40–41
Gibbs, Robert, 130
Gibson Guitar Corporation, 202–4
Gillespie, Dizzy, 130
Gingrich, Newt, 47, 57
Ginsberg, Marc, 47
Gips, Donald H., 141–42
Gitmo, 58, 240–41
Glass-Steagall Act, 87–88, 92
Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, 167–69
Global warming, 2, 10–11
agenda behind the myth, 224–27
Chu on, 10, 213
media on, 47
Godfather movies, 123, 136
Goldemberg, José, 229
Goldman Sachs, 15, 35, 67, 73, 90, 218–19
amount loaned to, 82
economic strategy of, 84–88
European ban on, 93–94
Gold prices, 92
Gold standard, 15, 90
Goldstein, Warren, 103
Goldwater, Barry, 61
Goreleoni, Al, 225
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 34
Government benefits, percentage receiving, 69–70, 80, 266
Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill, 87
Grassley, Charles, 247, 248, 249, 250
Great Britain
author banned in, 48, 120
Iranian ties severed by, 6–7
Libya and, 180–81
U.S. foreign policy and, 6–7, 196–97
Winnie the Pooh banned in, 118
Great Depression, 1, 26, 87–88, 146, 264
Greece, 84, 93, 94
Greene, Graham, 184
“Green energy,” 37–38, 111, 143, 221, 233, 234

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