Trust Me (22 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Trust Me
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“I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to discuss Damien’s past with me.

He smirks in appreciation of my candidness. “You seem like a nice girl, and I just want you to be on the level. Cassandra Williams is Damien’s ex, and he hasn’t been able to get over her for the last four years. They were engaged, and she left him because of his unfaithfulness and his past. Basically, she got tired of constantly running into his recent bed conquests at events like this, and his past didn’t help out at all. Since then, he’s been pining after her, hoping for a second chance. Rumor has it that she’s here tonight to give that to him.”

Refusing to sit here and discuss Damien’s past, I get up. Martin follows suit. “Please excuse me. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Mills.”

“Martin, please. Do you not believe what I’ve told you?”

The asshole is continuing to size me up.

“Mr. Mills, I find it inappropriate that you would obviously try to start something behind Damien’s back. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find my date.” I start to step away when his hand comes out toward me and I stop.

He moves slightly in front of me in order to maintain eye contact. “Here’s my card.” He’s trying to give me his debonair smile.

Repulsion is the only thing I feel toward this guy after what he’s tried. “Thank you, but I’ll have to pass.”

He withdraws the card. “Don’t say I didn’t tell you so when he betrays you one day. He does it to everyone he cares about.”

I don’t respond as I walk past him, making my way toward the door where I last saw Damien. Part of me wants to throw my champagne all over Martin for his audacity, like the way actors do so dramatically in the movies.
Martin is probably the one behind those texts. Asshole.

Finally reaching the door, I open it and walk into the room, remembering a moment too late that Damien left me to deal with a crisis of his own.

Holy fuck!
The blood drains from my face, and my heart rate triples its pace as I see some woman’s mouth mashed to Damien’s. At the noise of my entry, he instantly pushes her away with evidence of their kiss smeared on his lips.

Everything goes into super slow motion. An indescribably gorgeous blonde is standing beside Damien. She is tall. I mean, she’s as tall as Damien, and her legs seem to go on for miles. Her dress has a very high slit that showcases every one of her assets.
Big boobs…check. Phenomenal body…check. Itty-bitty waist….check. Yep, I think that about covers it.

Damien looks shocked and petrified. His expression probably mirrors what my own face looks like. When his hand goes up to wipe away her lipstick, I immediately feel sick. I look to my left, and there is an older couple sitting together, holding hands with smiles on their faces.
I need to get out of here

but I have to verify if this is who I think it is.

In a monotone voice, I ask, “Cassandra?”

She nods and gives me a cat-ate-the-canary smile.

It’s time for me to leave.

Damien starts walking toward me, and I immediately take steps back.

“Alli, wait.”

I shake my head. If I speak, I’m going to end up losing it. There is no way I’ll let them see me in a full meltdown. When I turn around, I almost run into Sam. She looks around me. With my back to the room, I take in a shuddering, brokenhearted breath, and she moves out of my way instantly, having figured out what I’d walked in on.

After making my way out of the room, I hear Damien’s voice call after me.

“Alli, wait! This is not what it looks like. Sam, move the fuck out of my way.” His panicked voice sounds behind me.

Pressing forward, I move quicker and quicker, needing to distance myself from this situation. I know we’ll have to talk at some point, but my heart is breaking right now.

As soon as I clear the ballroom, I take off running to the nearest exit. I need to get somewhere fast before I fall apart on Vegas Boulevard.

I run across the street and walk into some random hotel. I use the cash I have in my clutch and get the cheapest room. The only thing I even remember about the hotel is that giant purple fluorescent birds are everywhere.

Since I didn’t hear any voices calling after me on the way here, I assume Sam played blocker to let me escape, or Damien just doesn’t care what happens to me now that he has Cassandra.
Why’d she have to be so beautiful? I feel so inadequate next to her.
It hurts too much to think about it right now.

Finally, I make it to the room. I flop onto the hard mattress, not bothering to turn on the light. Sobbing in the dark is easier with my broken heart.

Once the tears start, they don’t stop. Wracked with sadness, my body shakes, and my chest hurts. A crushing weight won’t let up, and I want to let it swallow me. I have no idea how much time has passed before I am cried out. I can’t even focus on any one specific thought because I’m so upset. It’s a fuzzy, foggy, jumbled cloud in my head.

He said he loved me.
We confessed our love, and then I caught him in the arms of another woman. I want to cry more, but I have nothing left to give.

Sam is probably worried.
I grab my cell phone, and the screen shows that I have at least fifty missed calls along with numerous text messages and voice mails between Damien and Sam.
I can’t deal with all that now. One thing at a time.
First, I text Sam.

Me: Thanks for your help. I’m alive.

Sam: Where the hell are you?

Me: The hotel across the street from the gala. No idea what the name is. Big purple birds. I’m in room 213. I’m sorry if I worried you. I had to get away.

Sam: I understand. I’ll be right there. You need anything?

Me: Clothes would be nice. I’m a mess. Thanks.

Sam: No prob. Give me ten.

Me: Okay.

Sam: xoxo

Ugh, I need to talk this out with Sam.
She’ll help me keep all this in perspective, considering Damien and I have only known each other for, like, two weeks.
How could it be true love just after two weeks? Whatever it was, it hurts like a son of a bitch now that it’s over.

I collapse back onto the bed and throw my hands on my face.
What a mess! What a gigantic screwed-up mess.
I can’t even begin to make heads or tails about what went down tonight.

Maybe now that Damien has Cassandra, I can just disappear quietly into the night to lick my wounds.
I can’t stop myself from thinking about how she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I don’t blame him for pining after her, but I am furious at the fact that he declared his love for me.
Maybe he never thought she would give him a second chance. Well, I should have at least been informed. Face it, Allison, it’s not the first time he’s omitted something.

A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts.

When I open the door, I freeze when I see who’s standing there. How can my night get any worse? Well, I have the answer. I was just betrayed by my best friend because she sent my ex-boyfriend to my hotel room even though he had hooked up with his ex-girlfriend while he was dating me. Yep, that will do it.

I try to shut the door, but Damien’s foot wedges between the doorjambs, effectively halting the door from closing.

“Alli, listen, we need to talk.” His hair is a mess. He’s still in his tux pants and shirt, but his jacket has been removed.

Is he serious?
“Not tonight, Damien. Please go.” I try to push the door closed again. I’m not even causing him to budge.
Ugh, he’s as strong as an ox
. If he were at least wincing just a little bit, I’d feel better about my attempts to keep him from entering.

“Alli, let me in, so we can talk, or so help me, we will have this conversation out here in the hall for everyone to hear. It’s your choice.”

Really, he’s agitated with me?

My voice begins to rise as I respond. “You have some nerve coming here and giving me ultimatums after what I just witnessed. Just go.”

He’s vibrating with irritation. “No! Let me in the fucking room, Alli. We need to talk. If I have to break down this damn door to get to you, I will. You are not running away from this.”

Fuming, I stare at him while he pierces me with his eyes. I have two options here—continue to piss off Damien in the hallway in which a scene, a big scene, will be caused…or let him in.
Haven’t I suffered enough humiliation tonight? There has to be a reason Sam gave him my location.

“You can come in on one condition. When I’m done with the conversation, you leave immediately and let me be.” He doesn’t answer me and I push the door against his foot to emphasize my words.

Through gritted teeth, he replies, “Fine.”

This conversation is probably going to be over before we are even seated if this is how he’s going to act.

Moving swiftly toward the only chair in the room, I take my seat with Damien hot on my heels. I need the space the chair provides. It hurts just being in the same room with him. He takes a seat on the couch closest to the chair. Petulantly, I stare at the outdated purple Parisian flowers on the carpet, focusing on the lines in the petals.

“Alli, I need to ask you a question first.”

I press my lips into a hard line, trying to keep my temper in check.

“How did you know her name was Cassandra?”

Closing my eyes, I start massaging my temples.
Gah, he’s so frustrating and exhausting!
“Damien, it doesn’t matter if it really was or wasn’t Cassandra. You were kissing another woman.”

“Please answer the question, Alli, even if it doesn’t seem relevant to you.” From his demeanor and tone, he seems to be beyond frustrated, too.

Slowly letting out a deep breath, I try to gather my thoughts and not fall apart in front of him. With all the crying I did earlier, I’m sure my face looks like something from a horror show. At least, it wasn’t in front of him.

“Your friend slash ex-partner, Martin, came up to me and tried to stir up stuff. It was obvious what he was doing, and I remembered him from the hotel lobby in Miami. So, I left to find you to let you know. He told me about your past with Cassandra. When I saw you kissing another woman, I assumed it was her. Is it true that you guys were or are serious?”

“Motherfucker. Son of a bitch. Fucking asshole.” He starts rubbing his head, and then he stops and looks at me. “You’re wrong about Cassandra, baby. You came in at the worst possible moment. She took me off guard, and she did it just as you were walking in. I want no part of her. I only want you.”

I drop my head in my hands. “That’s what every cheater says when he’s been caught.” Raising my head, I pleadingly say, “Can we not do this and just end things on an amicable note? If you want Cassandra, you can have her.”

Calmly, he responds, “I’m in love with you, Alli.
ending things is not an option. Cassandra means nothing to me. You are mine and only mine. Please tell me what Martin said exactly, baby.” His tone and eyes seem serious. He’s looking at me like he did earlier this afternoon on the balcony.

Was it really one of those moments when I walked in at the worst possible time, and she had just kissed him? Does he really love me?
My heart starts to beat again for the first time since the incident.

Treading carefully, I explain the situation, not letting too much hope take hold. “Basically, he said you were his friend and ex-partner. He’s never seen you so taken with someone since your breakup with your ex-fiancée, Cassandra, four years ago. He was surprised you left me with how possessive you seemed toward me all evening. He was glad you were finally trying to move on from Cassandra. She’d left you for being unfaithful and for something in your past. I immediately went to find you because I wasn’t about to discuss your past relationship with a man you obviously don’t get along with. You know the rest.” I lay my head back on the chair and close my eyes.
This is so tiring.

His velvet words penetrate the black haven I am trying to create. “Think about our time together. Think about the first night I made love to you, and the connection it formed. Think about all our conversations these last few days. Think about this afternoon on the balcony. Think about how it feels when I’m inside you.”

Memories, loving memories, flood my mind.

“Now, do you really believe that I would betray that? I’m in love with you and no one else.”

Tears start to prick my eyes. “Damien…”

His hand comes out to touch mine, and I open my eyes. The look of grief flashing over his face makes my heart come to life.

I trust him.
“I believe you. I still need a more detailed explanation of what I walked in on this evening though because it looks pretty damning.”

He leans forward, barely sitting on the edge of the couch, as he holds on to my hand like it’s a lifeline. “Can we talk about this with you over here with me? This distance, not having you in my arms, is killing me.”

I want to give in to him, but there’s too many unanswered questions. “Honestly, I’m barely hanging on here. I need some answers.” I stop to try and collect myself as my bottom lip quivers again. I put my sole focus on one of the small pink flowers printed on the carpet.

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