Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (4 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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Getting out of the shower and grabbing her robe, she headed back to the bedroom of her small apartment and sat down, absently brushing her hair. She had no idea what she was supposed to do, so she decided to carry on with her boring life as though nothing had happened. Faith certainly would not be telling Rob or her brother anything about the outcome of the evening. Her tattoo would have to stay permanently covered, forever.

Breakfast, although the clock told her it was nearly lunchtime, and then to work. Forget about everything she had gone through, and put it down to a lesson hard learned. From now on, she would do what was best for her, no one else.

For the moment, she simply needed to survive the day. Her shift started at two, hopefully by then her headache would have cleared. Forcing it down, she ate some toast, swilled down with some orange juice; she could not face the taste of coffee, her stomach still churned too much.

Leaving herself plenty of time, so she would not be forced to rush, she headed to the store where she had been working for the last year or more. Not much of a job, but it had meant she could leave home, and make a life of her own. She had always hoped to go to college, but the money was never there, and her sanity had been more important than her education at the time.

Living with her mom, and her mom’s new boyfriend had been unbearable. The guy treated her like shit because of her weight, it was like he saw her as some kind of lesser human being because of it. As usual, her mom had done nothing to support her, making the choice to leave easy. Her mom thought more of the new boyfriend than her own daughter.

Another nail in her worthless coffin.

“Hi, Faith.”

The voice brought Faith back to the present. “Hi, Bernard. Busy day?”

“Steady. Enough to pay the bills. Can you manage while I step out to fetch some supplies?”

“Sure. Give me a minute to dump my bag.” She went out to the small staff room, put her bag in her locker, and put on her tabard and name badge, checking she had it on straight. Her face staring back at her looked like she felt, as if she had experienced one hell of a night. The dark rings under her eyes a testament to it.

Faith hoped they would have a quiet afternoon. Sandy, the other girl Faith was working with, would be on the cash register. Hopefully, Faith could hide amongst the shelves, doing very little. She normally never shirked work, but today was not exactly normal.

“OK, Bernard, when you’re ready,” she called out, trying to sound cheerful.

“Thanks, Faith. Sandy, any problems, Faith is in charge.”

“OK,” Sandy called. “Rather you than me,” she said to Faith once Bernard had gone.

“Let’s hope we have a very quiet afternoon,” Faith said, smiling at Sandy. They had worked together for the last two months. Faith liked her, she was young, and pretty, but unlike the pretty girls at school, she did not treat Faith as though she were a misfit. Instead, they had a laugh and a joke together, usually about some customer or other. There were more than a few odd people passing through the doors of the store.

“You look as though you had anything but a quiet night. I always thought you were a stay in on work nights kind of a girl.” Sandy raised an eyebrow in question.

Faith did not intend to spill the beans about her night of passion. Instead, she opted for the easy answer. “I was sick, thought I wouldn’t make it in today, but I hate to let Bernard down.” Faith hated herself for sounding like a martyr when she had been anything but, however she did not intend to speak about it to Sandy, especially not at work.

Luckily, the store became busy, and they both set to work. Sandy, busy serving people, while Faith went to get some stock. Slowly but surely, the time ticked away, and Faith became lost in thought. Well, her dreams actually, the star of the show was Snake, and he was doing some very naughty things to her.

“Tell me, do you sell condoms?”

Faith snapped out of her daydream, what jerk was asking her those. She looked up from where she had been crouched down filling up the chocolate spread. In her head, Snake had just been smearing it over her breasts ready to lick off. She nearly dropped the jar she was holding.

There stood the man himself, in all his hard muscled glory, his crotch at the same height as her face.

“If you want we could always just go for a blow job instead. I think you owe me one.” His hand briefly touched the bulge in his pants, and she certainly knew what he had hidden away down there.

She quickly got to her feet, too quickly because she stumbled forward and he had to catch her.

“Steady there,” he said his hand tucked under her arm, purposely stroking the inside of her breast with his finger. “I don’t want my property damaged.”

Her temper flared, only the other customers milling around the store making her keep her voice to a loud whisper. “I am not your property.”

His fingers slid into the collar of her shirt and pulled it down. “That mark there says otherwise. It’s the same way as you stick a label on your tins here. Tells me it belongs in your store, until I buy it. That tells every other motorcycle gang in the world you belong to me.”

“But I don’t.”

“That’s not what you said last night.”

“I said no such thing.” Or did she? So much of it she could not remember, like how she had ended up in her own bed.

“Oh, but you did. After about four tequila's, you would have agreed to anything.”

“You got me drunk?”

“No, you got you drunk. After one shot to calm your nerves, you kept on going. I think I have woken up the bad girl in you.”

She really did not remember, but it sure would explain the thumping headache. Alcohol had never sat well with her. “So you thought it was a good idea to tattoo me while I was drunk.”

“I would have had to hold you down if you weren’t. One way or another that mark was going on you last night.”

“Why? Why would you do something like that?”

“Because you are mine now. You belong to me. Whatever allegiances you have to the Castaways is gone, broken.”

“I never did have any allegiance to them, or any other stupid motorcycle club. What are you four?”

He stepped closer, and immediately her body responded to his nearness. There had been no need to tattoo her; she belonged to him in more ways than just the purely physical one. It was as if they were joined by some invisible thread, and every time he was close he pulled her in. “Watch your mouth; you are talking about my family.”

She let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But I don’t understand all this.”

“Then why get mixed up in it?”

“I didn’t...” How could she tell him, explain to him what had happened without bringing it down on Stan. Rob she no longer cared about, but her brother, could she tell on him, and live with the consequences. If they had tattooed her, what would they do to a grown man who had betrayed them?

“You didn’t know what you were getting into. I know.”

“Then why?”

“To protect you.”

“What? Protect me. How does forcing me to get a tattoo protect me?”

“Because whoever put you up to it didn’t care about you or your safety. Sending you into our hangout, is not the move of someone who takes your welfare seriously. I figured that whoever did it should learn not to take advantage of a woman.”

“And what you did wasn’t taking advantage?”

“Oh, honey, you were more than willing, don’t try to kid yourself otherwise. You were so nice and tight I would almost believe you were a virgin.”

She blushed, her cheeks turning bright red. There was a lot he had put together about her, he was too close to finding out about Rob and Stan. It was best if she cut all ties now. Although she had to question whom it was best for, because she would willingly go through the same treatment he gave her last night, every night.

“I need to get on with my work. Sorry we don’t sell condoms.” She turned, grabbing the rest of the box of chocolate spread and heading for the store room.

“Pity, I thought you might help me get through a few later. The way you came, tight around my cock, that I could do over and over.”

His voice was loud enough that more than one customer turned to look at him, and then their eyes flicked to Faith. Mortified, she turned and stalked back to him. “Please, this is where I work.”

“Come with me now. Forget all about work, I want to take you some place private to fuck you again.”

She wasn’t sure if he was joking, or just trying to cause trouble for her. Whichever way it was, this was still her job, and she needed it.

“I’m asking you to go, you’re causing a scene.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t want a little more of what we started last night.”

“I don’t. Really.” She tried to sound firm, but he could tell she didn’t mean it. There was no way to hide the flush covering her skin. Or the way her breasts strained to be freed against the confines of her clothes when he talked to her like that. Much more, and she would put on another public display with him, right here in the grocery aisle.

“Faith, it’s time you opened yourself up to the possibilities being my woman would give you.”

“Your woman. I’ve already told you, I’m nobody’s woman.”

“Pity, but still, I’m gonna have you again. You know that, your body craves me.” He leaned towards her, his breath on her skin, and his gaze going down to her heaving breasts. “Oh, does it crave to be licked, and sucked...”

“Stop.” Faith’s eyes had dilated, her skin itched to have his hands on it, and if he said much more he would draw her to her doom.

“Come with me.” His voice was so seductive, mesmerising her into doing the reckless thing he asked.

She pulled away from him. “I can’t. My boss is a good man and I need this job. I’m asking you not to cause trouble for me, please.”

Snake straightened up. “OK. Tell you what, you agree to come with me when you finish here, and I’ll leave now.”

Faith took a long hard look at him. She had no idea what she was getting herself in to, but she could not resist wanting to find out. The very fact he had come here, found her, meant something. Didn’t it?

Hey. That was a good point. How the hell had he found her.

“What do you want from me, Snake? I doubt I’m your type, and I don’t have the remotest interest in bikes or clubs.”

“Perhaps that is exactly why I like you. You’re not some starry eyed hanger on. You’re a challenge. I want to see just how far I can corrupt you.”

“How do you know I’m not corrupted already?”

He laughed, “I found out quite a lot about you after tequila number three.”

Her mouth dropped open. “What did I say?” She imagined she spilt the beans about her brother and Rob. Perhaps he had all the information he needed and had already dealt with it, she just hadn’t heard about it yet.

“If you want me to tell you, then meet me after work. Put yourself in my very capable hands for the evening. You know I won’t disappoint you.”

“Snake, please.”

“Tell me, Faith. What do you have to lose?” he asked.

She had no answer for him. He was right. She had nothing to lose. Nor, she suspected, did she have anything to gain. Except trouble, because she figured Snake was trouble with a capital S.

“I finish at eight. I’ll meet you then, if you leave now.”

He put his finger to his brow in a silent salute, leaving without another word.


Sauntering out of the store where Faith worked, he felt pleased with himself. He hadn’t thought she would want anything else to do with him after the whole tattoo thing. Snake had been prepared to put up quite a fight to get her to see him again. So once again, she had surprised him. In the same way that she had surprised him last night when, despite the alcohol in her system, she would not divulge the name of the scum who put her up to the vest trick.

Snake was determined to break her though; it now came down to a matter of personal pride. He wanted to make her so needy of him that she would tell him anything he wanted. More than anything, he wanted to see her round naked body with his mark emblazoned on it, and then fuck her gently. She was so damn sweet.

He lifted his leg over his bike, and started the engine. It rumbled underneath him, doing his cock no favours. He was hard, and he would not be truly satisfied now until he had taken her again. He thought quickly. Perhaps he had time to ride out to the little whore house they ran and relieve the tension in his body. Somehow that thought made him feel like he would be cheating on her. Ridiculous. He had never been faithful to one woman in his life. He didn’t think he was about to start now. One thing he realised, he would have to be careful, he had sworn to never give his heart to any woman, but she was in danger of stealing it.

He hardened his resolve. Perhaps he would go out to the whorehouse after all. He pulled out into the traffic, with every intention of heading there, but somewhere along the way he was side tracked. Maybe it was subconsciously, maybe not, but he went back to the Dread Cult’s hangout instead, wanting to be up to date with any news about the Castaways before he met up with Faith.

Chapter Four

The minutes ticked by so slowly. Maybe it was because she constantly found herself looking at the clock, awaiting her doom. Nothing good could come of this, she should just run and hide, but there was no point, he obviously knew where she lived. Without doubt, she had not been capable of getting herself home last night.

She mulled over his words while she laboured through her work. Did she really believe him when he said she had agreed to the tattoo? Closing her eyes, she tried to piece the night back together. Everything was clear until he had lifted her onto the pool table and...oh, she really should not think about that at work. Him moving inside her, filling her.

“I’m back, Faith. You alright, you look a bit peaky?” Bernard’s voice woke her from her thoughts, pulling her back to the present.

“No, fine. Do you need a hand?” Faith asked, trying to get her mind back on the job.

“Yes, please,” he answered.

Faith followed Bernard, helping him to arrange the stock he had brought in. At the same time, her mind chipped away at the blank wall that held her memories captive. She remembered the taste of the tequila; it explained why when she vomited this morning it had been so foul and acidic.

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