Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (5 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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Vaguely the inside of Snakes office came into her mind, and a glass been thrust into her hand. The first tequila, she had downed it in one, trying to get her head straight after such incredible sex. It had done the opposite, her head becoming foggier, but her actions bolder. The rest became hazy, apart from lying in Snakes arms, his fingers inside her, his lips on her breasts, sucking and licking while this dull pain spread across her left shoulder. The tattoo. My god she had acted like a loose woman.

She was so shocked she nearly dropped the pickles she was carrying.

“Faith. Are you sure, you're OK? You don’t seem yourself today.”

“I’m OK. I might just need to go to the restroom for a moment. I feel a little hot.”

“Sure. Take a few minutes. If you need to go home, I’ll cover you.”

“No, really. I only have an hour to go. I’ll be back out in a few minutes.”

She headed to the restroom, splashing water on her face. Shock took hold of her. She had gone from being barely a virgin to this sex-crazed woman, all in one night at the hands of Snake. It came back to her clearly now, his hands and mouth, relaxing her while some guy watched, and tattooed her. In her mind, she remembered arching her back and coming around his fingers, of him laughing, muttering something about how insatiable she was.

Insatiable. Faith. The two simply did not go together in her head.

No more alcohol, she promised herself. Tonight she would go with him, try to extricate herself from his clutches and then move away if necessary. There was no way she was going to end up like her mom, pregnant and abandoned by some loser bad boy.

Going back out to the store, she somehow dragged herself through the last part of her shift. She smiled and said good-bye to Bernard, trying to keep her nerves steady.

“Have an early night, Faith. Hope you feel better tomorrow,” Bernard said, looking very concerned.

“I’m sure I will, Bernard. See you tomorrow.” She felt awful, taking his sympathy when she really did not deserve it.

“Take care now, Faith.” Sandy said, walking out with her. “Your bad boy’s waiting for you.”

“What?” Faith turned to see Snake waiting for her, leaning against his big bike. It shone as though he had been polishing it for hours, the chrome reflecting the low evening sun. She wondered if he polished it himself or got some of his lackeys to use their elbow grease on it. She turned back to Sandy. “He’s not my bad boy. He’s a friend of my brother’s.” More lies.

“Whatever you say, Faith. But I can tell you. My brother’s friends don’t look at me the way he looks at you.” She winked and then walked off down the street, flicking her long blonde hair back, swaying her hips provocatively. When Faith turned back towards Snake she half expected him to be watching slim, pretty Sandy, but his gaze was firmly locked on Faith. Maybe he thought she was going to do a runner, if only she had the courage.

Reluctantly she crossed over to him. He smiled, and her heart skipped a beat. Then she remembered what had passed between them last night, particularly the parts when she was under the influence of alcohol, and felt more than a little ashamed.

“Ready to ride?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Is it safe?” She eyed the big beast of a bike he stood by, having no idea what exactly it was, but she guessed by the looks of people passing by, it was impressive. In this case, it was certainly not a substitute for his physical lacking. If anything, it matched him perfectly.

“You need to learn to trust me, Faith.”

“Well, I will once you give me good reason to.”

“You mean I haven’t already.”

“We obviously have different standards.”

“So you’ve judged me already.”

“After last night I think I have every right to.”

“Funny, because even after last night I still have an open mind about you.”

She didn’t answer him, it was a strange thing for him to say, but when she thought about it, he was probably right. Her actions could be judged as lacking. She had invaded his hangout, allowed him to fuck her in front of his men, and then got drunk and tattooed. Taken out of context they were some pretty bad choices.

“What exactly do you want, Snake?” Her head still hurt and she didn’t know if she was up to whatever he had planned for her tonight. Despite her attraction to him, the sensible side that still hung on to her brain was telling her to cut her losses and run. Rob and Stan did not deserve her loyalty, why not tell him and be done with it.

He cocked his head and looked at her. “I don’t know.”

“Is that some kind of test? Am I supposed to know what you want from me? Because I don’t get it.”

“Nor do I. You’re not my type, but I sure do want more of you. I thought we might take it somewhere private tonight.”

“Ahh. Now I get it. You never had a woman as curvy as me, so I’m some kind of notch on your bedpost. But you don’t want everyone to know you want someone like me.”

He pointed his finger at her, waving it up and down slightly. “You have a very low opinion of yourself. I wonder where you get it from? Perhaps whoever got you to pull that stupid stunt last night?”

He hit a nerve. Of course he was right on all counts, she wiped her eyes and turned from him so he could not see the emotion threatening to spill out. When she turned back to face him she raised her chin defiantly and said, “You got it smack on. So why not get this over with. One night, and then you leave me alone.”

He laughed. “You got it wrong. I was describing your opinion of yourself. Not mine.” He grabbed a spare helmet and handed it to her. “You want me to show you off, then I know just the place.”

“Wait, that’s not what I meant,” she protested.

“Put your helmet on, I intend to keep you safe, Faith.”

A thrill went through her. His words might be flippant, but in reality, no one had ever kept her safe her whole life. When her dad left, her mom concentrated all her energy on Stan and keeping him out of trouble, or simply covering it up and turning a blind eye. As she grew up she was often used by Stan and his mates, made of fun of and treated like a slave, and she stupidly went along with it thinking it would earn her some kind of acceptance. It never had.

Numbly she took the helmet and put it on her head. He did the same, and then hooked his leg over his bike, looking around at her to follow suit. With a deep breath, she took her life in her hands and took the first step forward to a new exciting life. She just didn’t know it yet.

When he started the engine and pulled off, she had to grab hold of him. Despite what had passed between them the night before she still did not feel comfortable touching him, holding him in any way. They were strangers.

The engine throbbed loudly; and she found herself clinging to him as he navigated expertly through the city traffic. The feel of the bike under her, the feel of the man in her arms, it thrilled her, made her feel free. She found herself grinning, feeling like a stupid kid. So this was the appeal of a motor bike. The open road, houses and businesses flowing past in a blur as they weaved in and out of the slow cars.

It was only after this first thrill had passed that something else took its place, the warmth of Snake as she pressed her body against him, the hardness of his chest under her hands. The entire experience turned her on. She could not deny it. It was as though she had been asleep her whole life and now someone had breathed air into her lungs for the first time.

They went further out of the city, through quieter suburbs where heads turned as they roared by. Looks of disapproval, shaking of heads as the air rushed by them. The houses became more spread out, green grass and trees interspersed the buildings until he turned up a track, leading up hill and ending with a big old house.

Snake pulled up outside it, and Faith took note of the other bikes and some cars, expensive cars, parked in front. He cut the engine, and took his keys out, and his helmet off. Faith did the same, passing hers to him when he held out a hand for it.

“What is this place?” she asked, feeling a little nervous.


“Business? Is that all you're going to tell me?”

“It’s all you need to know.”

“Now where have I heard that before?”

He turned and frowned at her. “We run businesses. It’s how we make money. This one is slightly less legal than some of the others.”

“Less legal. Oh, god, not drugs. I am not going in there if you deal in drugs.”

“Relax. We gave that up over a year ago. Too much trouble.”

“With the police?”

“No. Incompetence. Have you ever tried doing business with people that are off their faces?”

“I can’t say I have,” she replied sarcastically.

He grinned. “Funny. But you work in that store; you must see the effect it has on people. Customers that have to scrape pennies together to buy milk or bread. Try imagining what it’s like when they desperately need what you have, and they don’t have the money. Lying, cheating. Not worth it. We transferred the cash to other things.”

“OK. I don't think I want to know any more.”

“One thing. Whatever you see, or whoever you see in here, stays in here.”

“I don’t understand?”

“You will.” He led the way, and she followed.

A woman dressed in a short skirt and revealing shirt opened the front door. Her breasts were shoved up and out in a way Faith could only describe as uncomfortable to look at. Faith knew her large breasts would never be capable of defying gravity like that.

“Hi there, Snake. Have you come for business or pleasure?”

“A little of both, Francine.”

Francine eyed Faith speculatively. “Do you want me to line up one of the girls to join you?”

“No thanks, Francine. Faith is quite capable of satisfying my needs. I would however like a room.”

“Sure. I’ll line that up for you. Can I get you a drink?”

“Beer thanks. Nice and cold”

Francine looked at Faith.

“Oh, water please.”

“Water!” Francine asked stunned, Faith might just as well have asked for freshly squeezed blood. Scrap that, they probably served it if you asked nicely.

Snake laughed. “I think Faith is suffering from the after effects of tequila. Tonight she wants a clear head so she can remember every little bit of pleasure I can coax from her body.” He put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

Then he did the most shocking thing to her yet. He kissed her.

From all the things that had happened the night before, this one act completely obliterated them in terms of arousing her. His lips were firm, sensual against hers, at first pressing lightly, and then his tongue slid out and ran along her sensitive lower lip. She found her own lips parting on their own accord, and he gained access.

Her lips tingled, the sensation spreading through her body, connecting all of her erogenous zones until she felt the familiar wet heat he always seemed to draw from her. He thought she was insatiable, but did he have any idea it was only when he touched her, when their bodies were close, that she felt that way.

His hand slid to her lower back, he drew her close, her body pressed against his hard length, and she wondered if it was the same for him. Did he feel these things for her, or was it simply sex. Was he telling her the words she needed to hear to gain the information he needed from her, to find out who set her up?

Her body didn’t care, and she told her brain to stop questioning him, and enjoy it. What happened, happened. She was tired of fighting, tired of trying to be something she didn’t want to be. All she had to do was stay sober and keep hold of her senses. Not easy when his tongue was sliding in and out of her mouth, reminding her of how it slid in and out of her sex last night.

Her clit throbbed to be touched, she pressed closer to him, and he slid his hand down between their bodies to touch her between her thighs.

She moved her leg, allowing him to touch her there, sighing against his mouth with satisfaction.

“Do you want that room now?” Francine asked.

Startled, having once again forgotten she was not alone with him, Faith jumped, breaking away from his mouth.

Snake chuckled. “I think I should deal with business first, that way I can take my time with the pleasure side of things.” He grabbed Faith’s hand and pulled her down a dim hallway, she followed meekly, entranced by him.

He stopped outside a door at the end of the corridor, his hand on the knob.

“Do you want me to wait out here?” she asked, not really wanting to be wrapped up in his business, only his arms.

“No. I’m not letting you out of my sight. Don’t worry, they won’t eat you.” He kissed her on the neck, then whispered, “That will be my pleasure later.”

Her body shivered in anticipation, wanting them to go right now so he could make love to her. Instead, he opened the door, and she followed him in.


“Hey guys,” he said, looking quickly around the room to see who was there.

The usual crowd. Five of his most trusted brothers, all of them in charge of some part of the businesses run by the Dread Cult. Mike and Ron controlled most of their legitimate ventures, some dot com companies and stocks and shares. He smiled, who would have thought it, a motorcycle gang dealing with technology. However, it had become their best asset over the last few years.

Carl, and his second in command, Steve, took care of the shadier deals, guns for the most part now they had dropped the drugs. It was not an easy side to the business, and gave them the biggest headache, paying off the law, and anyone else who needed to keep their mouths shut.

Lastly, he saw his cousin Crag, VP of the Dread Cult, and his most trusted advisor. The man who took care of everything that needed doing. Also, the person he had sent to find out anything he could about the Castaway’s plan. He would speak to him privately later, it was the only part of tonight he wanted to keep from Faith.

By the looks the others gave him, he knew they were not happy with him bringing Faith to the meeting. But they would have to deal with it, the talk would be mainly superficial, no details, so unless she had a wire, and he was certain she hadn’t, he felt it safe for her to sit in. If he was going to convince Faith that his intentions towards her were not flaky, that he really wanted her, then this was the best way.

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