Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (6 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

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Although the look on her face told him she was as uncomfortable about the whole thing as his brothers were.

“We wondered if you were coming tonight,” Crag said.

“I had to get Faith. Planning a little R&R after business is over.”

Pete grinned, and looked Faith up and down, mentally undressing her. More than a bit disrespectful, but he allowed it, hoping Faith would see he wasn’t the only one who would bend her over the table and fuck her. “I bet she’s mighty sweet,” he said, licking his lips. “Perhaps when you’ve finished with her you could send her my way.”

“I am not intending to finish with her for quite a while, Pete.”

“We could always share,” Crag said, nudging Pete. “I remember those days.”

“That’s because it was only last week,” Pete answered.

Faith looked embarrassed; he might have to give her something to do. Like kneeling in front of him and giving him a blow job while they talked. No, he didn’t think she was ready for that, not just yet.

“Come and sit on my lap, pretty,” said Crag, patting his thighs.

Faith looked confused, and moved closer to Snake. She had not spoken a word, and seemed to have completely zoned out. Oh well, she had better get used to it. And if nothing else he had proved a very valuable point to her. He was not ashamed of her, and any of his men would willingly take her. Although remembering some of the women they had had, that was not necessarily a compliment.

Chapter Five

Faith had never been in the presence of men quite like this. They were rough, sitting around drinking whiskey, clad in denim and the vests all the Dread Cult wore. She began to see how the tattoo made her part of this, it was a brand, in the same way the vests were. If you wore the Club’s colours, you abided by the rules.

The Dread Cult were more a family than a motorcycle club. The history of their members went back a good way, entwined together. These men knew each other, really knew each other. They lived in each other’s pockets, understood each other more than she had ever felt understood by her own family.

It appealed to her, to be part of something like this, and as she watched them talking she wondered if this had been the thing that had attracted Rob and Stan to the biker lifestyle. Neither of them had known what it was to be part of a complete family. Although she doubted it was all plain sailing when they had too much alcohol inside them. All families had their disagreements.

Now they sat around the table, it was like a board meeting you would see in a movie, only one for bikers. Snake had her sit on his lap, which made her feel awkward. It also meant she was out of the reach of the other men, all who had looked at her rather lustfully when she had come in. She might have felt happier about that if the conversation had not instantly turned to things both illegal, and in some ways, immoral. Things she did not want to hear, but Snake made her stay, for whatever reason.

Only when his hand slipped down onto her thigh, did her mind switched to more interesting things. This was how she could cope with it all, concentrating one hundred percent on the way his hand circled her thigh, small gentle strokes, climbing higher and higher.

Something struck her when his hand slipped between her thighs, Snake was an exhibitionist. He enjoyed the conquest of her body, especially when people were watching. This knowledge gave Faith confidence in herself. If he didn’t value her physically, he would not show her off like this. She was no conquest if he thought any man could have her, or no man would want her.

Occasionally one of the men glanced down at Snakes hand as it slid along her slit, the feeling incredible even through her clothes. Faith wondered, if she had been wearing a skirt, if he would have lifted it up and openly fingered her in front of them. She was sure he would have, and she felt a twinge of disappointment his intimate access was denied.

God, what was happening to her? Perhaps she was the exhibitionist after all. Whatever she was, her fantasies turned her on. She imagined parting her thighs so he could push inside her, the looks on their faces, how they would struggle to concentrate on gun running and whores if they could watch their leader fingering his woman.

Unconsciously she had begun to wiggle on Snake’s lap. His hard length pressing against her soft bottom, making her need more urgent. She wanted him to take her again, as he had the night before, to make her scream as she came wrapped around him. Her face flushed, and she closed her eyes, moving a rhythm that mimicked the very act she was imagining deep in her mind.

What she didn’t know was how short he cut the meeting because he could not wait to get her upstairs, and into his bed.

“Well gentlemen,” he said, practically tipping her off his lap. “I have something more pressing to get on with.” He winked at the men sat around the table, and then they were out of there.

A breathless Faith stumbled out of the door with his hand under her arm, propelling her forward. When the door closed behind them, he pulled her back towards him, before ramming her roughly against the wall, his thigh pressing between her legs. She felt the hard length of him, it dug into her as he tilted his head and kissed her, fisting her hair roughly and meeting her lips fiercely.

The kiss left her more breathless, and more than a little dizzy. She was unsure exactly what had happened, but she didn't care. Her lips parted and his tongue slid inside to taste her, his free hand cupped her full breast and he squeezed it, his thumb brushing her nipple.

“You are a tease,” he said, pulling back from her. “I should strip you right here and now, and parade you naked through this brothel. There are men who would pay good money to have a few hours with you.”

“Is that what you have planned for me? Once you’re done you’ll share me around, sell me to whoever wants me? Is that what this tattoo means?”

He pulled the hem of her top up, and then dragged it over her head; she stood self-consciously in her bra. His fingers pulled the strip off that had been covering her tattoo, his fingers running over it softly. “Oh, no. That means you belong to me. No one else, and I am very careful who I lend my stuff to. I intend to keep you to myself. As long as you are obedient and do as you’re told.”

His mouth dropped butterfly kisses along the swell of her breast, over the scar of the tattoo, and then up her neck. She trembled with desire.

“Is that what you want? A meek woman to do your bidding,” she said, her hand grasping his cock and pumping it through his clothes. “Or would you prefer a woman who has her own ideas.”

“That depends. I don’t know who else has control over you. But I intend to make you obedient to only me. Until you show better judgement.”

She went to break away from him, offended by his words, but he held her fast. “You’re not going anywhere.” He grabbed her hand, and made her put it back on him. Holding it and running it up and down his rock hard cock. “If I told you there would be no repercussions would you tell me?”

“That depends on whether I can trust you,” she said, squeezing him and then releasing him, knowing by his breathing she was driving him to distraction.

“Then let’s go upstairs and I will teach you all about trust.”

He stepped back, and held her hand firmly; she could not get away from him even if she tried. Back to the hallway they went, where Francine was sitting reading a magazine, waiting for them patiently.

“You’re earlier than I thought,” she said, looking at Snake and then to Faith, her gaze resting on her voluptuous breasts.

Faith smiled to herself, there were some perks to being a curvy woman, and her breasts were obviously her best asset. So instead of trying to hide her figure she took a deep breath and pushed them out, trying to look relaxed at the same time, as though she were comfortable in her own skin.

Francine led them up the beautiful staircase. Faith was surprised to find the house was not as tacky as she had imagined. It was plain that they were trying to cater for a higher paying clientèle. They paid more for privacy, or so Faith imagined. She would love to spend a couple of hours here on a Saturday night; she bet there things going on that were hushed up.

Her mind then flitted to contemplate just how bad the Dread Cult were. Did their illegal business stop at guns, or were they hired hands to use those guns too. Had this man leading her to bed ever killed anyone? Was he capable of such a thing? It was a question that would reflect what she eventually told him about her brother. Because she was sure one way or another, Snake would never let this rest. He didn’t know the facts yet, she was sure of that now, but when he did, she did not know what his reaction would be..

Francine led them down a long hallway and Faith was sure she could hear the sounds of other people indulging in carnal pleasure. The thought of all the doors they passed, holding forbidden secrets, had a strange effect on Faith. Taking her state of arousal a little higher, until it peaked when the unmistakable sounds of someone being whipped came through the closed door of one of the rooms. Her hand tightened in Snakes, and he turned to her and smiled. “If you’re feeling adventurous, I could always asked Francine to bring some toys.”

Faith didn’t know what to say. Perhaps when she knew Snake better, trusted him more it would be something she would like to experiment with. For now, she felt it too out of her depth, so inexperienced next to him.

“Maybe next time,” she said in the end.

Thankfully, they reached the end of the hallway. Francine opened a door, and stood back for them to enter. “Here, this is the best room I have. It’s quiet tonight, I do have a few regulars in, but they like the cheaper pleasures of the house.”

“Anyone in I should be aware of?” Snake asked, his business head back on.

“No. No one important. Or that you need to avoid,” she finished.

“Good. Oh, by the way. Do you know if Crag is hanging around, there is something I need to talk to him about later,” Snake asked.

Francine laughed, a high, beautiful noise. “When doesn’t Crag hang around? I believe he has plans to entertain himself with a couple of the girls tonight. He said he would hate for them to become rusty if there aren’t many clients tonight.”

“Pass the message on, please Francine. Now, if you'll excuse me,” he said, and turned his full attention back to Faith.

“Enjoy,” Francine said, and left the room.

“Now. I think you should take all of your clothes off,” he said, locking the door behind Francine.

“And if I don’t?” asked Faith, knowing she was more than willing, but needing to know what he would do if she was not obedient.

He undid his belt and unlooped it from his worn jeans. Then he folded it in half and cracked it against his hand. Faith visibly winced. Spanking had never been a fantasy of hers, and the only belting she had ever received from her mom had taught her there was nothing fun about it. It had also taught her not to steal fruit from Mrs Hendricks’s garden. In truth, it should have taught her not to trust Stan; he had told her the old woman had said it was OK to help herself.

She had not dobbed Stan in that day. Would she now?

Faith decided not to push her luck, so she took off her clothes until she stood in front of him dressed in only her underwear.

“And the rest?” he asked, the belt thwacking against his hand again.

“What about you?” she asked.

“All in good time,” he said, and then he indicated her bra, and raised his eyebrow.

Faith felt a little disappointed, she found the idea of him undressing her much more sexy. The touch of his hands on her heated skin made her lose her inhibitions. Taking her clothes off like this did not. Standing here under his gaze made her want to hide her body away from him.

She undid her bra, her breasts free, bouncing out as their restraint was removed. She let it drop to the floor, and stood for him.

Surely now he was going to come to her, to touch and tease her with his wonderful hands and mouth, but he stood his ground. “Lastly.”

She sighed, bending down and pushing her panties off.

Then he laughed. “Very sexy. I had perhaps hoped for a strip tease, not this reluctance. I thought you couldn’t wait to be alone here with me after that display downstairs. Do you know how hard it was to control myself when you were gyrating in my lap?”

“I was not gyrating.” Faith didn’t think she even knew how to gyrate. All she did know was something came over her when his hands were on her, and she lost all sense of control.

Now he did come towards her. “I can’t make you out Faith. Are you so good at this you have completely pulled the wool over my eyes?”

His fingertips reached out and touched the very tips of her nipples. Instantly reacting to his touch, they harden, enlarging and becoming incredibly sensitive. She watched his hands, leaning forward to press herself against him.

“See, you are incredibly sensuous, the women I’m used to simply want me to ram them hard with my cock. But you want more.”

“Do I?” Her eyes dilated, her body moving so her nipples brushed the palms of his hands.

“Tell me who you are, and what you want?” His voice so soft, so sensuous, lulling her into a mesmerising trance while his hands worked their magic.

“I’m nobody. And all I want is you to touch me.”

His hands rubbed her breasts, his lips moved to kiss her neck, and he whispered, “I don’t believe you. Yesterday I thought you were some innocent woman, you were so tight. But then you were so willing to lie naked and let me fuck you in front of everyone. The whole jacket thing, was that a ruse to get under my skin?”

“No.” The feel of his touch on her breasts, before he slid one hand down between her thighs, stopped all reasonable thought from entering her head.

“But one of the Castaways must have put you up to it.” His thick finger slid inside her, and his teeth nipped at her earlobe, something she would never have guessed would arouse her so much.

“I acted alone.” She tried to see where he was heading with this.

“Why? What did you have to gain from it? So again I ask you, who are you?”

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