Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (8 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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“I’ve never...”

“There’s a first time for everything.” He reached for the condoms, and handed one to her. “Don’t say it,” he said when she opened her mouth to speak.

Her skin flushed red, and she closed her mouth and silently took the condom from him. With some help from Snake, she placed it over the head of his cock and slowly rolled it down, shyly watching the way he squirmed as her hand pressed against his cock. When it was securely in place, he rolled on to his back and she looked down at him apprehensively.

“It’s time you took control, Faith.”

He held out his hand and she took it, allowing him to guide her so she was sat with one leg either side of him, straddling his chest. She felt open to him, exposed, especially when he slid a hand between her thighs and ran it along the length of her slit.

Pushing inside her with two fingers he said, “Lower yourself down, that’s right. Now that’s all you have to do.”

She had to admit it would be so good to have him inside her like this. He was right; this would give her some control over how much of him she took. Snake rubbed her clit, his finger slipping in and out of her until she was nice and wet, and definitely ready for him.

“Hold my cock in your hand, that’s right. Now lift yourself up nice and high, and get comfortable before you sit on me.”

She did as he asked, holding him firmly, when she felt the head of his cock pressing against her outer lips she paused, trying to compose herself. Slowly, she took the head of him inside her sex, and then inched herself down on him.

She stretched to accommodate him. Gripping him as she lowered herself further and further down onto his hard length. In this position, he felt much wider than before, his cock causing an intense friction inside her.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on every movement, trying to control her body. His hands on her breasts made her lurch forward in surprise, and she felt the wonderful movement of her sex against his cock. Finding that even more enjoyable, she moved in a steady circular motion while she lowered herself further.

Stretched and full, and getting fuller with each moment that passed while she lowered herself until she was sat in his lap. Faith had worried whether she would be able to take him completely like this, and she had a moment of triumph when she realised she had.

Opening her eyes, she looked down on him, and smiled. Then she began to experiment with increased movement, lowering herself and then rising up to allow him to slide against her inner walls. At the same time, she managed to move, swaying on him, rotating her hips until she found exactly what she liked.

Snake allowed her to explore. To test and experiment, all the while taking them both closer to an incredible orgasm.

“Oh god, that’s good.” His hands gripped her hips, his fingers hard on her skin, his hips lifted off the bed and he tried to impale her even deeper, then he cried out, filling her with his seed. She felt him pulsing inside her, and she let herself go to follow him into the throes of an intense orgasm.

Her hips rose and fell; she pumped her body up and down on him. Almost out of control as she rode him, making him come harder. Her sex gripped him, and her inner muscles tensed tightly around him, making him cry out, a mixture of agony and ecstasy.

Sweat beaded both their bodies, the intensity of their lovemaking exhausting. Without a word she lay by him, her head resting on his chest, and her eyes closed, soothed to sleep by the beat of his heart and the rise and fall of his chest.

How long she slept, she didn’t know, but Faith woke feeling cold. She turned over to snuggle up against Snake’s warm body, however, when she moved towards him, she found he was not there. The fact he had abandoned her sent a chill through her body. Why had he left her, what if someone else came into the room, thinking she was one of the whores?

Worse, what if that was what she was now? If she got up and tried the door, would it be locked? Was she a prisoner of the Dread Cult MC’s now?

Getting up quickly, she saw his shirt still on the floor where he had dropped it, but his pants were gone. Anxiety seeped into her head, she needed to know what was going on. Tiptoeing as quietly as she could over to the door, she was about to turn the door knob when she heard voices.

They were not directly outside the bedroom, so she had to hold her breath and stand very still to hear them. Snake’s voice was instantly recognizable, the other one she couldn’t tell, it was only vaguely familiar. What she did hear was her name, and Stan’s. They had found out.

Snake’s voice rose, making it easier for her to hear. “You’re sure? So I don’t need to get the information from her?”

“No,” the second voice rumbled. “My source is very reliable, intimidation is a wonderful thing.”

A grunt of laughter followed, Faith did not who from.

“OK. Thank you for this, Crag. I would be grateful if you kept it to yourself until I have dealt with matters.” A brief pause, before he added, “I’ll speak to Francine in the morning. Don’t worry, she will make all the arrangements.”

“Let me know if there’s anything else you need. Damn idiots thinking they could get away with this.”

A door shut, and footsteps began moving along the hallway. Panicking, Faith ran lightly back to the bed, and pulled the covers up over her. Her heart was racing, what should she do? Lying still she figured her best move would be to say nothing, not let Snake know she had over heard them. As soon as possible she would get away from him, and away from this place. There was no way she was going to end up living here. What she had done might have been wrong, but that did not justify he punishing her by making her a whore.

Either time was passing by very slowly, or Snake was not coming back to the room straight away. Faith decided to take a chance, and try to get away now. It tore her up inside to know he had simply been using her, that his sweet words had simply been a way of getting her here.

If she had grown up knowing how to trust people, she might not have over reacted. Instead, she felt betrayed.

Faith had just learnt to trust him, and now she knew it had all been lies. People were unreliable, and out for themselves. She should have known better, he had tricked her, and she had fallen for it completely. It had been so easy, because it was all she had wanted her whole life, for someone to be there for her, and to have her best interest at heart. She should have known better than to put her trust in the President of the Dread Cult.


Snake finished, and then flushed the toilet. His head was full of the information Crag had given him. He now had all the details he needed. Faith had his sympathy, her family, or at least her brother had betrayed her, and he knew what that felt like. Now he had to decide what to do.

Trouble was, this was not something he could deal with on a personal level. To do nothing would make him seem weak, and he couldn't risk that.

If Faith had trusted him enough to tell him first, he could have called his boys off, and the secret could have remained between them. Now Crag and a couple of the other guys knew, it was impossible to contain. Something would have to be done; some kind of retribution against the Castaways would have to be carried out. That would have the knock on effect of the Castaways dealing with her brother, Stan, and his friend Rob.

Nothing he could do. The Dread Cult were his family, and as President, he had to stay true to them. He was torn, he had such hopes and dreams for a life with Faith, if he could learn to balance both sides of that life, things would work out. It was something his father had failed miserably at.

His father had spent so much time on club business he had completely neglected his family. Never before had Snake wanted to even attempt to do a better job, he had chosen the club exclusively, pushing everything else aside. Now he wanted to be something else, a husband, and a father.

He was going to have to be smart, and very persuasive, if he didn’t want to lose Faith while he cleared this mess up.

Sighing he went back to the bedroom where he had left Faith sleeping. She wasn’t there. It took a moment for it to sink in. She was gone.

“Shit,” he cursed aloud.

Now he was back to being confused. What the hell was she up to? He could not tell if she was really who she said she was, or if she was a spy from the Castaways. Maybe Crag had been given a false story. But what did she have to gain from sleeping with him?

He sat down on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. Thinking back over the last few hours, he felt foolish. He had spoken of children, of having her in his life all the time. Full time. Christ he had nearly proposed. Certainly, he’d been duped; the Castaways must have sent her to fracture the Dread Cult. And she had come so close to owning his heart, damn if he would make that mistake again.

Angrily he pushed himself off the bed. Then he dressed, pulling on his vest and boots, catching the reflection in the mirror. The Dread Cult MC’s were his life, his family. He should forget about Faith before she damaged that family irreparably.

His brain argued that she was his, he had branded her, and he was going to go and reclaim his property.

It was OK though, she needn’t expect to hear slushy stuff coming from his mouth. That was gone. Nevertheless, he would have her in his bed until he had tired of her. And she would submit to him.

Chapter Seven

She had dressed hastily, and now she held her breath as she went to the bedroom door and prised it open just a crack. Her relief to find it unlocked was immense, now she simply had to navigate the hallway and stairs to get out unnoticed. Simple. As long as Snake did not come back, and Francine wasn’t still down in the front lobby.

The house seemed quiet, no sound of Snake returning. She assumed everyone else was in bed, whether they were sleeping or not was another matter. Her mind tried to blank out all the earlier images she’d had of unseen men and women having sex behind these doors. However, she was aware that someone could come out of one of the bedrooms and discover her at any moment.

Luckily, she remembered the way back to the stairway, and was relieved to meet no one on the way. When she reached the big staircase, she leaned over the bannisters to try to see if anyone was down there. All seemed quiet. No Francine keeping guard.

Holding her breath and walking very carefully, so she didn’t make a sound, she tiptoed down the stairs. One step at a time she descended, the lobby dark and silent. It seemed to take forever to reach the bottom, and she only let her breath out once she found it empty. So far so good.

Still going as quietly as she could, she headed for the front door, relieved when she put her hand on it and turned the handle. Relief quickly dissipated, it was locked. Now, where the hell was the key?

Faith stood on the spot and turned full circle, looking carefully for anywhere it might be. No obvious hook could be seen. Surely, Francine didn’t lock up and take the key to bed with her; the Dread Cult must come and go at all hours. She couldn’t simply lock everyone in.

Faith swallowed her fear. What if the women who worked here did not do so by choice, perhaps the door was locked to stop them escaping. Was that her fate now, a sex slave, kept to be used at the whim of the highest bidder? That would be stupid, who would want to pay for her. Snake was the only person who had ever really wanted to bed her, and now she guessed he had ulterior motives. Information, that was all she had that he required.

Feeling so terribly betrayed she stepped away from the doorway, and began taking a closer look around. It was only by chance that she came across the keys. Knocking into a small table in the dim light, she couldn’t believe her luck when she heard the keys rattle. On closer inspection, she saw a small draw, pulling it open quietly; there she found the keys to the front door.

Grabbing them quickly she went back to the door. Despite her trembling hands, she found the right key to open it and allow her to leave.

It was dark outside, and for a moment, she hesitated. She didn’t know if anyone was out here on guard, it seemed over dramatic, but she honestly didn’t know. The need to get away from here overtook her fear; she had to get away from Snake and his lies.

At this moment she was also thinking it would be better if she got away from her life, make a new start somewhere else. She had nothing here to stay for. The saddest thing, the thing that was threatening to break her heart, was that the only person who had any respect for her was Bernard, her boss. What did that say about her life?

Fighting back tears she headed down the drive, it was a long way back to town, but she would walk if she had to.

She got about a half mile down the road before she heard the distant sound of an engine. Her first thought was to hitch a lift. As it got closer she realised it was a motorcycle, the engine loud and rumbling. Faith made a split decision, and moved out of sight.

Hiding behind a hedge in the front garden of one of the big houses along the road, she stood silently watching the bike appear, grow bigger and then pass her by. She was right, it was Snake, come to take her back to his whorehouse, she bet.

Waiting until he had long passed, she hit the road again and began walking. Cars passed her by, no one stopped, not that she wanted to risk getting into a car with a stranger now. There was no way to tell if any of Snake’s men were searching for her. However, she was in luck, there was a bus stop, and looking at the timetable showed her there would be one coming along in twenty minutes, so she sat down, and waited.


Faith got back to her apartment, unbelievably tired, and completely dejected by the whole mess she had ended up in the middle of. She climbed in the shower, hoping to wash away all trace of Snake. The water helped to do that physically, but mentally there was no escape. Her body craved the feel of him, and the thought of never being with him again was almost too much to bear.

He might have given up drug dealing, but the man himself was an addiction, and he had her hooked. Maybe that was what he did, seduced women and then controlled them, making them do what he wanted. In her opinion that was what men did, they had proved that to her over and over again.

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