Twenty Tones of Red (9 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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She said nothing. S
he wasn’t meant to speak when she was in slave mode and one of the advantages of this was that she could listen carefully to David and was never required to answer unless he demanded it.

After playing with her for a long time in the kitchen he untied her ropes and pushed
her upstairs where they finished the evening with the usual passionate climax. He soon fell asleep but she found she couldn’t. Something about the twin aspects of the idea meant that she couldn’t quite drift off. She was both insulted by the concept of being loaned to another but also incredibly intrigued. She decided to wait. Part of her was curious to see how serious he was and the only way of doing that was to ignore his suggestion and see if he brought it up again.

a few nights later when she was restrained and helpless he did. As he teased and tormented every inch of her body he described how exciting it might be to lend her to another master to play with. This time she questioned him, asking who the master might be and what she would be required to do for him. David was so carried away with the idea that he didn’t even tell her off for talking out of turn. He replied that he was already in the process of speaking to someone and that she would soon be given her duties.

Later when they were cuddled up in bed she asked him
more seriously about what he’d been talking about and discovered that he’d already worked out quite a lot. The loan would not be fully sexual. He couldn’t bear the idea of another man making love to her but she would be naked and restrained and beaten as much as the stranger desired. There would be torture, slavery and servitude that no full sexual contact. Although she still found many aspects of the idea shocking she was pleased that there was no actual sex involved. What he imagined was essentially an extension of what happened in the fetish clubs. Even if she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea she understood the principle. When he asked her directly if she would consider it she said that she would give it some thought. Looking back she realised that this was a critical moment. If she hadn’t wanted the idea to develop she should have rejected it out of hand. By offering to think about it she was admitting that on some level she found it interesting or exciting and the brutal reality was that this was the truth.

Life went on pretty much as usual while she considered the idea. It didn’t take long for her to admit to herself that the crit
ical element was the other man. If it had been Brad Pitt, George Clooney or David Beckham she wouldn’t have had moment’s hesitation. They spoke about it again on numerous occasions but for a long time she struggled to move the concept from the late night fantasy part of her mind out into the real day-to-day world. She asked him to explain the detail of how such a situation might actually take place and he started to explain the rules. He explained the list of conditions to her at least five or six times until in the end she realised that he was convincing himself as much as her. He had his own fears and because he knew just how turned on she could get when she was bound or dominated he was undoubtedly afraid that she herself might initiate full contact with her loaned master.

Something must h
ave shifted because she then started to make her own demands. She talked about what she would want to know about the stranger she’d be serving and while she was listing her requirements the look on David’s face made her realise that he already had somebody in mind. She was instantly incredibly curious and demanded to know who the man was. If she had a good feeling about him then she’d go ahead but if she had any doubts at all then the idea would be abandoned and never mentioned again. She wanted to see a video of the man speaking. If she saw him and heard his voice then she could see how attractive he was and sense his energy.

This proved to be a littl
e bit difficult for a while. She knew that David and her potential master were emailing but the man hadn’t been able to find the time to make a specific video for her. Of course it was difficult for David as slaves were not meant to be making demands so he needed to blur the distinction and make it sound as though he also needed the film clip. In the end her first contact came from an unusual source. It seemed there was already a YouTube clip of the man talking about a pop video that he had made. She was intrigued. It seemed that he was a successful and well-known music video director and there was a wealth of information about him on the Internet. When they sat down to watch his interview she was immediately thrilled and excited. The person standing chatting in a casual and charismatic manner was called James and he was the tall well-dressed man with the Cockney accent they’d met in the corridor of the fetish club earlier that year. He was the master whose expensive brogues she had already kissed and licked and worshipped.

She knew she wasn’t meant to be im
pressed by his job but the fact that he was cool and successful really helped. Even more important was that she’d met him in person. She knew about his smell and his aura and being able to recall all the strange intangible factors that you experience when you stand in front of somebody helped to order her thoughts.

It was now set
. She didn’t remember explicitly saying the precise words but at some stage she must have agreed to act out this bizarre piece of fantasy. She was going to be sent away to spend a weekend as the naked slave of a stranger. It was outrageous but at the same time she couldn’t help thinking that it could be one of the most interesting and exciting episodes of her whole life.

er perspective changed. She became less concerned about the stranger and more interested in her own appearance. She made a mental note to increase her gym usage and cut down on wine and puddings. She wanted to be in the best shape and on her best behaviour. She wanted this man to be absolutely blown away by her.


Once the weekend had been put in the diary she realised that although she was incredibly nervous a large part of her was also very much looking forward to it. Some of her excitement was driven by curiosity and she found that she was waking in the night and fantasising about being naked and helpless in front of this stranger.

As the date crept nearer and nearer she stepped up her
preparations. She did everything she could to make sure that her skin, hair and body were as outrageously beautiful as they could be. She ate only the best foods, worked hard in the gym and took all the supplements she could think off. Her obsession with how she would look just grew every day. Soon there was only a week to go and the anticipation and distant nervousness never left her. She was about to do the most outrageous thing she could imagine and the idea possessed her both day and night.


Chapter Six
a Weekend Away



When there were just a few days to go David told her the final details
. The man was going to collect her from their flat on the Friday evening then return her late on the Sunday night. It was perfectly simple and yet incredibly daunting. She was to come home early on the Friday and then wash and put on a thin summer dress. She could add a pair of sandals to the outfit but nothing else; no underwear and no coats or jackets. She would be allowed a small clutch bag of toiletries but that was it. Once she was dressed at this minimal level David was going to put a collar and handcuffs on her then tease and tormented her until her new master arrived.


This was exactly what happened. She left work as soon as she could and with butterflies dancing and fluttering in her stomach rushed home and scrubbed her body until it was as clean as she could make it. With trembling hands she rubbed body lotion all over her skin and then slipped into the thin dress. She got a text from David telling her to be kneeling in her basic slave position by the front door when he got home and she spent the next twenty minutes waiting for him in that position. She couldn’t believe how hot and wet she already was and the thought of her new master discovering the state of her arousal only turned her on more.

Her lover came through the door at a little after six which meant that they had slightly less than an hour of foreplay before her new master was due to pick her up. David didn’t waste any time
. He quickly locked a leather collar around her neck and handcuffed her hands behind her back. She noticed that he had bought a new key-ring with the word
written on it and it was obvious that this would be handed over to James as part of the ceremony.

Having been physically prepared
her lover then bent her over the kitchen table and started to spank her bare backside. He spoke to her as he beat her, reminding her to be on her best behaviour and that her obedience and submission was a test of him as a master and trainer. As he talked she felt herself drifting away; her mind began to anticipate the instructions of the man who was about to arrive. She felt guilty because she was tuning out David’s voice and imagining the command of another but then she reminded herself that it had been his idea. Why should she feel guilty for imagining herself with another man when it was her own lover who had pushed for it to happen? Despite the turmoil going on in her mind her body found the situation quite simple and straightforward. Between her legs there was already a gorgeous heat and wetness and the very core of her seemed to be trembling with anticipation of what lay ahead.

It was only a lit
tle before seven when David untied her then made her sit on her haunches in the basic slave position. Her buttocks were burning from the long intense slapping they’d received and she knew that her face and the delicate skin of her throat were also blushing with excitement.

The doorbell rang and she jum
ped. Her lover left her and she caught the soft murmurs of the two men talking in the hallway. She heard the visitor decline a drink on the grounds that they had a long journey to complete then the voices got nearer and were then so loud she realised that both her masters, old and new, where standing in the kitchen doorway looking at her. She could feel her heart beating hard in her chest and her breath catching in her throat. There was some nervousness and a tiny dash of fear but most of all she felt a huge thrill about what was to come. She didn’t know how it would feel to be with this man but from the online interviews and the short time she’d spent with him in the club she knew that he was attractive, charismatic and interesting.

James mentioned that he’
d brought some things to make getting her into the car easier and she soon discovered what they were. David commanded her to stand and she shot up as quickly as she could; almost falling with her eagerness to show how well trained she was. With her head still bowed he made her walk towards them and then she felt a jacket being put over her shoulders.

Next David
put a couple of fingers under her chin lifted her head. She caught a glimpse of James and discovered that she was able to smell the scent rising from his body; there was the faintest trace of a sandalwood-based aftershave and the more natural smell of fresh sweat on skin. She knew she liked it and was amazed that her body could respond so strongly just to his odour and the tone of his voice. Something gently touched her cheeks and she realised that it was the hands of her new master. He was very carefully easing a pair of large wraparound sunglasses onto her face. They’d been painted black on the inside and apart from a faint haze of light coming in around the edges she was totally blind.

Firm a
rms manoeuvred her out of the kitchen and down towards the front door. She couldn’t work out exactly who was doing what but guessed that both men were now making sure that she was not bumping into anything. David kissed her cheek at the doorway and reminded her to be good and obedient. He gave her bottom several hard smacks and warned her that if there were any bad reports she would be on punishment duties for more than a month. She shivered with the excitement of the situation. It was deeply shameful and humiliating and that of course was exactly what turned her on.

There was a click and a cool breeze and she realised that she was
now being moved out of their flat and towards the top of the staircase to the communal hallway. A firm hand went over her shoulder and she was carefully guided down the steps. Something was pressed into her hand and she realised that David had passed her the small clutch bag that contained her essential toiletries. With a brief good-bye the door was closed behind her and she knew she was alone with her new master.

seemed to accelerate and just an instant later she was out in the open air being moved down the path to the pavement. It was dusk on a Friday evening and any of the neighbours coming home from work or looking out of their windows would have seen her leaving the flat. She was wearing sunglasses when she didn’t need to and she had a leather jacket over her shoulders but otherwise there was nothing to show that she was a slave being transported.

car door clicked open and she was gently nudged onto a leather seat. Something that must have been a seatbelt crossed her chest and was locked into place. James pushed the door closed then got in the front and just seconds later they were driving through the busy late rush-hour traffic. “Are you comfortable there slave?” he asked.

he nodded. “Yes thank you master.” Her voice sounded faint and she coughed to clear her throat.

If those handcuffs are too tight let me know and I’ll loosen them,” he said kindly. The metal links were absolutely fine and she told him so.

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