Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series)
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It was a little after
midnight when the guys started to get rowdy and loud, Chad right along with
them, pushing and shoving and joking about God knows what. Kendall and I walked
right through their little group, my hand trailing on Chad's chest and giving
him a naughty little look, making our way to the horse barn so that I could
visit my four-legged friend Rowdy the horse.

The wooden fence was old
but sturdy and I hiccupped my way over it with my feet in the slots between the
boards. Kendall pushed the latch up and shoved the creaky barn door open, the
smells of hay and manure rushing out as the night air flowed in, stirring the
horses from their fitful sleep. Rowdy was always in the middle stall, being the
largest horse he needed the most space and from here he could watch over all of
his mares. Pulling the little string, the light bulb above his stall buzzed to
life, his ears perking up and his large eyes finding me, a soft neigh running
from his chest.

He was identical to the
Budweiser horses, the dark brown coat and white mane, his tail always being
braided and tied up as to not get anything in it. His coat was soft and his
mane rough and wiry, just like always as I ran my hand over his massive
shoulder and up his neck. He leaned into my touch, bumping his enormous head
into my chest as I stood on one of his over-turned feed buckets.

Kendall unlatched his
stall door, grabbing the bridle and lead rope, Rowdy leading the way out of his
wooden home to stand still as a statue in the middle of the barn just waiting
for us. Giving him a palm-full of grain before putting the bit in his mouth, I
rub his nose and he nudges me again, his large nose sniffing into my hair.

"Ready big
guy," Kendall whispers in his ear and I laugh when his ears flick forward,
his front leg stomping on the cement floor. Kendall takes the front for the
first time around, stepping up as Rowdy bends his knee up as a step and she
swings her leg over, reaching her hand out for me. There's nothing more freeing
than riding a horse bareback, well except for maybe lying in bed with Chad, but
being on Rowdy I feel like a cowgirl. Holding onto Kendall's hips, she starts
him out at a walk to get him clear of the barn, everyone's attention turning to
us as we float on by on our side of the fence, a few whistles ringing out as
Kendall speeds him up to a trot. Now we've both learned from experience that
it's not a good idea to go any faster than a trot when you’re riding two
bareback, because one is liable to fall off, so Rowdy trots around the empty
and dark pasture, Kendall and I talking the entire way.

The bonfire was only a
dot in the background when we stopped and switched positions, sliding around on
Rowdy's massive back without having to get down, Kendall complaining that her
legs were going to be sore tomorrow. I didn't even have to tug on the rope,
Rowdy turning us around and leading back to the barn at a slower trot than our
escape. His large hooves stomped through the crispy ground, snapping branches
and splashing through a few small puddles.

Getting close to the
party, Kendall points and shows me how the guys have started to play beer pong
and I just shake my head as Chad looks my way, holding his cup up in the air as
a wave. "Alright girl," she says, sliding down to the ground,
"be nice to this ol'guy." She pats Rowdy on the neck and hops on the
fence, turning to see my departure like she always did.

"You ready
boy," I lean down and whisper, Rowdy's answer being a hoof stomp and a
loud whiney, "Hayah!" I yell and we're off, Rowdy's large powerful
muscles propelling us down the pasture in the blink of an eye. I squeezed my
legs tight to his ribs, holding my butt up just a little so that the brunt of
the impact is on my legs. The wind is bitterly cold as it hits my face,
stinging my hands as I hold onto the lead rope attached to Rowdy's bridal.

We go further into the
darkness, leaving the pasture and breaking the tree-line, Rowdy's agile giant
form jumping fallen trees and dodging large thorned bushes. Slowing him before
we hit the stream I know is up ahead, I turn him around, heading back at a fast
trot to give his muscles time to wind down. I lean down to pat and hug his
neck, his bristly hair brushing against my face, my frozen hand patting his
coat just as we break the tree line, the echoes of shouts finding me.

I speed him up, keeping
my eyes on the growing dot of the bonfire as the shouts turn into yells and
swearing, fighting forms surrounding the table where only minutes before the
guys had been playing beer pong. My heart starts to race as I see headlights
through the horse barn, that familiar rack of flood lights highlighting the
Dodge Ram front end and I immediately slide down from Rowdy when I'm close
enough to hear Chad's raised voice.

"Get the fuck outta
here," I hear him yell but I can't see him. Hopping up on the wooden fence
I peek over the top rail, Kendall's eyes finding me from across the way,
begging me to come over with one look. Hooking my feet into the slots, I
attempt to haul myself over the top rail when some little hands push me back
over, splinters of wood filling my numb hands as they try and grip the old wood
to keep me from falling in a futile attempt. My right hip and butt cheek meet
the cold ground, Rowdy stomping and snorting as a pair of fake leather cowboy
boots jump down by my face.

"Down where you
belong," the high pitched tone comes to my ears, my eyes seeing the
bleached blonde locks hanging freely down by her round little face. I roll to
my back, trying to see if I really hurt myself. My hip would be sore as hell
but I was okay. So quickly scooting myself to my feet, I face Holly Unger, a
smug little smile on her face. I can still hear Chad's raised voice and Duke's
ignorant one, battling back and forth, exchanging insults, and it makes me
nervous. My eyes dart from the slut in the tight blue jeans before me and the
fire light between the wooden planks beside me.

"Get the fuck away
from me Holly," I say, grinding my teeth and making a move towards the
fence. She stepped in front of me, her hands shoving into my chest, knocking me
off balance for a split second, "What the hell is your problem?"

"You," she
smiles at me, pulling her bleached hair into a ponytail at the nape of her
neck, "you think you're so high an' mighty. You think you're the hottest
thang goin', but then why did Duke choose me?" She grinned at me, pushing
up the sleeves of her Hollister sweatshirt, her perfect little French manicure
white nail tips showing in the darkness.

I scoff at her and her
absurd idea that I really cared who Duke was with, "Honey, here's a
reality check. The only reason Duke is with you is because you spread your legs
faster than a cold in a pre-school." I laugh again at her anger filled
expression as she calls me a bitch, "And by the way it's not like you're
the only girl he's sleepin with right now. Well just the other night I saw him
hangin all over Brie Fulton as I drove past Muncy's."

Her eyes turned into
slits as her fists balled at her sides, her mouth going tight as she pursed her
lips together, seemingly trying to form words to retort my comment with. She
swung a fast right at me, missing my jaw by mere inches as I stepped back,
throwing my hands up ready to block the next swing that came only seconds
later. The problem with Holly's fighting was that she was too blinded by
emotion. Her swings were wild and throwing her off balance and I took
advantage. Kicking my leg out so that the top of my foot connects with the back
of her knee, I drop her to the ground, a whimper escaping from her lips as she
gets slowly to her feet.

"Leave this alone
Holly," I warn, holding my hands up to her as a placating measure,
"it doesn't have to go down like this."

"Yes it does,"
she swung at me again, her left fist connecting with my right shoulder as I
fail to get my hand up in time.

Another thing is, Holly
didn't know how to use her weight in her punch, the landed blow only causing a
mild pain unlike the right hand I delivered to her jaw in defense, her feet
stumbling back at least ten feet. "Bitch," she screams, her hand to
her cheek, "I'm gonna rip your hair out." She screamed at me, running
towards me and I turned, trying to get into the barn where I could lock her up
to contain her.

Just as I reached the
open frame of the door, her hand tugged into my hair and I stopped abruptly
swinging backwards into the space around me, connecting with her stomach and
face at least five more times, knocking her down to her butt, a trickle of blood
running down from her nose. I can hear Kendall's voice now yelling at Chad to
stop and it frightens me, the high pitch and shakiness of her voice and I
launch myself over the wooden fence, Holly grabbing at my retreating feet as I
swing them over falling to my knees on the other side.

It was a chaotic scene,
guys all over the place exchanging blows and I spot Chad in the middle of it,
toe to toe with Duke and they both look like they've taken a few blows. I get
to my feet, only to be smashed down by the falling Holly, her hands raking into
my hair and pulling on it as my back falls to the ground and she sits on my
chest. Her face is snarled into a fiercely angry mask, her eyes boring into
mine as she raises her hands trying to slap at my face.

One of the good things
that came from having an older brother was that at an early age I had learned
how to defend myself to a certain degree. Bringing my knees up, I use the
momentum to flip Holly over my head and into the dirt, a loud '
sound escaping from her as I scramble to my feet, my eyes locked on Chad.

I scream, surprised at how shaky my voice is as I stumble my way through the
crowd of fighting and shouting men. I see Harlan pretty much beating the crap
out of Jesse Ludwell, being twice Jesse's size and as strong as an ox, with
Kendall trying to pry him off Jesse. I reached out for Chad just as a heavy
weight flew into my back, pushing me to the ground, my hands still trying to
grip at Chad's shirt as I'm pulled to the ground. Holly's hands pulling at my
hair and scratching at my face as it hits the dirt. I wince when her weight
sinks down on me, my teeth biting into my lip as my chin smacks the cold

Holly is too focused on
her rage and I can wiggle my way from her grip, tossing her onto her side as I
kick at her, connecting with her ribs. Getting to my feet once more, I bump
right into Chad and Duke. They are locked in a struggle for control over their
situation, Chad holding Duke in a headlock delivering punch after punch to his
face and chest area.

I scream, my hands grabbing at Chad's shoulders and elbows, my eyes scanning
the crowd for someone to help me. Harlan's hulking figure appears as if
summoned, his massive arms pulling Duke from Chad's grasp and flinging him to
the dirt, kicking at him while pushing Chad back into my arms which wrapped
around his waist.

"Get the fuck outta
here," Harlan spat out of breath and I see Jesse trying to get to his
knees, his face bloodied and his shirt ripped. "Don't ever come
back," just as Harlan kicked at Duke's stumbling figure, Holly's fingers
wrapped into my hair again. She yanks hard, getting a shrill scream to flow
from my lips, ripping me from the grip I had on Chad. His arms tried to hold
onto me as Holly's angry yells filled the now silent air and I could hear
Kendall's voice from nearby as my hands tried to pry the bleached blonde
skank's fingers from my skull.

"I fuckin' hate
you," she spits in my ear but her tirade is cut short as both of us are
flung to the ground, Holly landing on top of me forcing my face into the dirt
again as Kendall's angry words come to my ears.

"Get the fuck off
her you stupid bitch," Kendall says and I can hear her slaps connecting
with Holly, the weight dissipating as I see Chad and Harlan's feet approaching.
I can taste the blood more profoundly now and I put my dirt covered hand up to
my mouth, bringing it forward to see my fingertips covered in blood. Chad's
strong hands pull me to my feet and for the first time I realize that he has
few marks from his scuffle with Duke, the only real evidence being a slight
lump below his right eye and a small line of blood coming from his left

His eyes roamed my face
as I can hear Kendall and Harlan yelling, telling Duke and his little lackies
to get out of here before they call the cops, Chad's hands come up to cup my
cheeks. Looking into his blue eyes I can't help but tear up, fearful that Duke
will go to the authorities just to get Chad in trouble, but he just smiles a
little crooked smile at me, his thumb wiping at the blood flowing from the
corner of my mouth, "Oh babe," he whispers, pulling my face into his
chest as the tears flow down my cheeks.

Harlan's deep voice
rolled over me as I felt Kendall's hands go to my shoulders and running through
my hair, probably pulling debris from it. "They're gone," he said to
Chad and I could feel him nod his head as his chin rested on the top of my
head. I can't really say why I was crying so hard but at that moment I had this
overwhelming sense that I was going to lose this man that was holding me. The
emotional last few minutes had brought all my fears to the surface in a hurry
and I buried my face into Chad's already wet sweatshirt, fisting the material
in my hands.

"Shh, shh,
shh," he murmurs as I feel his large hands rubbing my back, pulling me
tighter to him, "no need to cry." His voice is like a lullaby,
soothing the sobs that were hidden in my chest for at least the moment. I could
feel the stares of the other party goers around us, the heat from the bonfire
still roaring and flowing around us. "Come on now, let’s go get cleaned
up," he says, pulling me towards the milk house with Harlan and Kendall in

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