Unbind My Heart (36 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Unbind My Heart
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He’d popped off the panel and was at work by the time they got there. Right then, the lights flickered a few times before the stairwell went dark. 




“On my desk.”

“I’ve got one.”  Lexie exclaimed as she began to rifle through her purse for the little light she kept on her key ring. She found it, just as the auxiliary lights switched on.  The low light allowed them to see, although not enough for the small detail work Jonas needed to do.  As she held the penlight in position, she noticed they were giving her odd looks.  Cap was smiling.

She gave him a look.  “What?  I’m a nurse.  A penlight is standard equipment.” 

“You girls never cease to amaze me,” was his answer. 

“Does anyone have a pocket knife?” Jonas asked.  “I need something to use as a screwdriver.”

Lexie dug back in her purse. “How about a screwdriver?” she asked, holding up a small pocket-sized tool.  “It’s got a flat and a Phillips head.”

“Damn, she’s a keeper, Tech,” T laughed.

“I agree, T. I’ll thank you properly when we get safely inside, baby.”  Grabbing the tool, he worked for a few moments then cursed.  “This is fried.  It was programmed with a disabler set to go off during a security breach or a fire.”

The banging above continued along with another round of gunfire.

“Who could they be shooting at on the roof?” Lexie asked.

“The door,” Dex answered.

Lexie didn’t respond, thinking it would only be a matter of time before repeated gunshots weakened the door and they were on top of them.

“Fortunately, this is Rossi’s roof access, little one, and we made enhancements to security.  That door is a top of the line 16-gauge bullet resistant steel door rated to withstand a high-powered 7.62 mm military rifle with a lead core full metal jacket, little one.  I think it will hold them off long enough for your man to get us inside.  I’ll go back up and provide cover for our asses, just in case.”

Lexie looked after Cap as he ran back up the stairs, not knowing half of what he said, still it sounded impressive enough to make her feel marginally better. 

Jonas growled in frustration and stepped back.  He pulled the light out of Lexie’s hands, returning her keys to her after removing the penlight from the key ring.  He aimed the faint beam toward the wall, scanning it from floor to ceiling.  After a moment of searching, he focused on a vent about six feet off the floor.  Sighing, he looked over at Dex.  “Give me a leg up, would ya?”

Dex chuckled as he eyed the vent.  “This is becoming routine for you, yeah?”

“I hope not.”

Realizing his intention, Lexie stepped close and touched his back.  “Please be careful, Jonas.”

He turned to her and grinned. “Dex is right, Sunshine, routine—no worries.”  His hand curved around her neck and he pulled her up for a quick kiss before looking at Rick, who had stepped up behind her, like her shadow almost from the beginning of the crisis.  “Keep her safe for me, Chief.”

“You got it, bud.”

With her penlight gripped between his teeth to light his way, he disappeared the next instant, his long, muscular frame barely fitting into the air duct.  There was nothing for them to do now except wait. 

No more than five minutes had passed before a familiar pair of black leather boots reappeared.  Lexie had noticed that Jonas favored motorcycle boots when he worked, like the other guys, although he didn’t have a Harley.  She could picture him on one though, with his badass square-toed harness boots, tight jeans and a leather jacket.  She imagined herself wrapped around him as they hit the open road west of town—awesome.

“Come here, Lexie.” 

She blinked.  Rick was snapping his fingers in front of her face and literally snapping her out of her daydream.  “Earth to Lexie,” he said.

Jonas was holding his hand out to her and it suddenly clicked that he had spoken to her.  She stepped up to him, mentally smacking herself for getting so distracted at such at time, by a pair of biker boots of all things.  “What’s wrong?”

“There’s a sharp bend in the duct about ten feet in.  My shoulders wouldn’t make the turn.”

Listening closely, she nodded as she looked up at him.  She waited for him to say more.  When he just looked at her, she blinked again.  Dex, who was standing beside him, was giving her the same intense look.  Lil T, who was leaning against the wall, just grinned.  She couldn’t see Rick behind her, but she had a feeling if she turned, he’d be staring at her, too.  Her eyes rose to the open vent. 

“I’ll fit.”  She slipped her purse over her head and shoved it into Rick’s hands. She kicked off her shoes and handed those to him as well.  Looking up at him, she noticed his frown.  “You’ve been married forever, Rick.  I know that is not the first purse you’ve carried.  Do not leave it behind.  It has already produced a flashlight and a screwdriver.  Who knows what else we’ll need from it before this is over.  Even though shoes are expendable, I’ll probably need those later.”

Turning back, she noticed Dex was now grinning as well.  They all seemed to find her vastly entertaining for some reason.  Eyeing the small opening, she remembered one thing that made her confidence waver.


“I’m right in front of you, baby.”


“That door won’t hold forever, Lex.  We need to hurry.  Ten feet in there’s a right turn, another five and you’ll find a ceiling vent. It should drop you right in front of the door.  There’s an emergency panic bar that will open and let us in.”

“How do you know?”

Dex answered.  “Jonas installed it, Lexie.  It’s what he does, one of the many things he does, anyway.”

“Can’t you guys just kick in the door?  Isn’t that what badass Special Forces men do?”

“The door is steel, baby.  It’s the same one as up top.”

She nodded.  “What kind of place needs a bulletproof steel door?”

“Wells Fargo.  This door’s like a vault, baby.  Are you ready now?”  Jonas handed her the flashlight and the screwdriver, then moved her toward the wall, his hands already around her waist. 

She felt the pressure and knew he was going to lift her when she stopped him.  “Wait.”

“Don’t be scared, Lex.  This is a piece of cake.”

“I’m not scared,” she said, turning back to him. 

“What then?”

“I’m wearing a short skirt.”


“Um, and a thong.”  Although she said this softly, she heard male chuckles.

“I’ll make sure they don’t look, right guys?”

“Sure,” said Rick.

“Absolutely,” came from Dex.

Lil T laughed.

“Shut up, T,” Dex ordered, “you’re not helping.”  Looking at Lexie, he shook his head. “I’m worried about that blow to the head.  It obviously scrambled his brains.”

“Make sure he doesn’t look, Dex.”

“I’ll make him cover his eyes, honey.”

“I don’t trust him.  He’s a horndog.”

“Baby, we need to hurry,” Jonas reminded her.


Facing the wall, she put the light between her teeth and tucked the screwdriver in her bra.  She nodded in readiness. 

Jonas lifted her up so she sat on his shoulder.  “Put your hands flat and watch your head.  I’ll slide you right in.”

“I’m ready.” 

His strong hands boosted her easily, supporting her hips and legs, until she was fully inside the duct. Crawling on her forearms and belly, she quickly found the bend and made the turn without a problem. The ceiling vent was right where he said it would be.  She popped off the grate and stuck her head in.  There was a desk right below her and only a six-foot drop.  Now her dilemma was getting down to it.  In the end, she crawled past the vent and when her feet were even with it, dropped down easily.

Although there was an ear-piercing alarm when she pushed the panic bar, the whole thing went off without a hitch.  Jonas was in first, pulling her aside as the others followed.  When Lil T staggered past under his own power and gave her a shit-eating grin, she accused, “You looked!”

“Couldn’t help it, babe.  Purple’s my favorite color.” 

Injured or not, Lexie shoved his shoulder. 

“Leave him, Sunshine.” Jonas said as he pulled her after him.  “I’ll deal with him later.”

“Does that mean you’re gonna go eighth-degree black belt on his ass?

“Damn straight.”

Cap added his two cents.  “Can we focus here?  The building is on fire and bad guys are shooting at us.  Hardly as important as purple panties, but let’s pretend.”




From the lobby of the empty Commerce Building, it appeared to Lexie that the entire San Antonio Fire Department had responded to the fire.  Gray smoke billowed out from all but the top few floors of the 16-story building.  Occasionally, a window would burst outward and flames would lick up the side of the fully engulfed structure. 

“They’re undermanned, especially the paramedics.  I should be helping,” Lexie told T as she watched a paramedic working on a victim outside the barricade set up to indicate a safe zone for the observers.

“Don’t even think about it.  Jonas would have my head on a platter if he gets back and you’re not here.”

“I can’t stand by and watch people die, T.”

T walked up beside her and watched for a moment.  “From where I stand, there are eight rigs, two men per rig and I only count five victims. You’re staying put. End of discussion.”

Lexie tilted her head, frowning up at him.  “You Decadence men all sound alike.” 

Expecting a smart remark, when he remained silent, Lexie turned back to the chaotic scene outside.  “You need that wound cleaned and stitched up before it gets infected.”

“It stopped bleeding so I’ll survive a bit longer, Lex.  Nice try, though.  You’re still staying put.”

Lexie snorted in response.  “Fine, don’t come whining to me if it scars and your hair doesn’t part right.”

T snorted behind her.  “You mouth off to Jonas like this?”


“Didn’t think so.”

“I don’t need to.  Unlike some people I know, most times Jonas has the sense God gave him.”

“I’m looking forward to the next time.”

“What next time?”

“The next time you’re bent over for a public chastisement at The Club.  ‘Cause I’m keeping score, darlin’.”

This time, he laughed as she huffed in outrage.  Deciding it was best to ignore her glorified babysitter, she walked a few steps away.

“Don’t get too close to the windows.  I don’t need you spotted.”

Lexie stopped without a word, obeying T’s orders as she promised Jonas she would.  T was a bit irritable about being left behind to watch over her.  Cap had taken one look at the gash on his head and sidelined him, while the rest of the men headed to Mendoza's condo to see if they could salvage anything of tonight’s mission.  Located only a block away, they went on foot. That was over an hour ago, Lexie noted worriedly. 

As diversions went, this one was a doozy drawing law enforcement away from patrol to focus on the clogged streets and crowds of gawkers. Lexie watched the flames lick up the side of the building to the uppermost floors. Another explosion of flames and glass sent a fiery shower of ash and cinder raining down.  Another fire truck pulled up to join the losing battle. Facing what was undoubtedly a total loss, their focus had to be on containment.

As she watched more firemen rush toward the blaze and policemen corral the spectators, Lexie noticed a man in a dark suit standing across the street just beyond the barrier.  Oddly out of place in eveningwear, he was gaping up at the fully engulfed building like everyone else.  He was angled away, but something about him nagged at her and even though it was at least eighty degrees in the building, a chill ran up her spine. As if he felt her watching him, his head turned  toward the lobby where she and T were waiting for the team to return.  Lexie took an instinctive step back as she noted his hat, a white fedora with a dark band and a crimson red feather peaking just above the crown.  Dear god, she recognized that hat.  It was just like Esteban Mendoza’s hat, but that wasn’t the 70-year-old kingpin.  Lexie’s eyes widened in horror as she recognized the gunman from the clinic, the one who’d shot them all and left them for dead.  Lexie’s gaze lowered to his face and she found herself staring into the cold-blooded eyes of Victor Mendoza. 

“T!”  She cried, terror-stricken as Victor said something to the man beside him, who immediately reached into his suit jacket.

“Get down.”  T dove toward her, knocking her to the floor just as a loud series of pops sounded. Expecting shattering glass and bullets flying overhead, Lexie held her breath. 

“Don’t move,” T ordered as he crouched and edged slowly toward the doors.  His eyes scanned the scene as he spoke into his transmitter.  “Shots fired in front of the Commerce Building.  I need back up.”

“Roger that.  Lexie?”

“She’s safe.”

“There were two men, T.  One of them was Victor Mendoza.”  Her voice came out panicked as she rose up on her elbows. 

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