Unbroken Pleasures (19 page)

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Authors: Alisa Easton

BOOK: Unbroken Pleasures
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“Stop,” I whispered
even though I clung to him unwilling to let go. I gave in to the pleasure that
built inside me as our bodies pressed together with the rain washing over us. I
pulled his body closer to mine and held on as tightly as I could manage,
clawing him as the pleasure increased and ultimately collapsing into the tree
as we simultaneously released. By the time I’d regained some form of composure
and turned my head in the direction of the couple’s bedroom window, the drapes
had been drawn and the house was dark. I turned back to Reese feeling his
labored breath against my face and I knew that he’d gotten just as worked up as
I had from this unusual encounter.

We were limbs
entwined with branches. Somewhere in the distance the wind chimes sang their
lonely song. The rain had slowed but with the dampness soaked into our bodies,
it didn’t seem to matter. He lifted off me and started to replace his clothes
so I followed his lead and did the same. Neither of us said a word.

Once I’d replaced
my clothes, I started walking back toward my house not sure if he planned to
follow or not. I wasn’t even sure at this point if I wanted him to. I kept
thinking about the woman in the house and the way she’d been watching us as we
watched her and I felt uneasy. Even though I wanted Reese with every fiber of
my being, I wasn’t sure that I wanted him like this. I didn’t know what I was
getting myself into and I wasn’t sure I’d have the strength to stop it.

I heard his
footsteps as he kept pace walking behind me and I slowed my pace a bit thinking
that it would encourage him to walk beside me. Instead, he slowed his pace in
order to maintain his distance. I wasn’t sure why this unnerved me so much.
Over and over in my head I kept hearing the words repeating. This would never
be a normal relationship. This would never be the sort of relationship that I’d
been hoping my whole life to find. How could I ever take him home to meet my
parents while in the back of my mind all I could think about was the night he’d
leaned me into a neighbor’s tree and had his way with me while the neighbors

I sighed audibly
as we approached my front door. We still hadn’t spoken a word to each other but
it was clear that he didn’t intend to go anywhere. I hesitated before unlocking
the door wondering if I was crazy enough to let this man into my home, into my
life. I felt his tension behind me, almost as if he knew that the possibility
existed that I might turn around and tell him to leave. Would it devastate him
as much as it would devastate me never to have the feel of his arms around me
or his hands caressing my body? It was hard to imagine that he cared half as
much as I did about the outcome.

I turned to face
him and opened my mouth to say something even though I still hadn’t decided
what words would come out of my mouth. The words never had the chance to
escape. He caught my head in both of his hands and held me there as he pressed
his face into mine and devoured me with his kiss. Despite everything that just
happened, his need for me was still very much evident and I surprised myself by
relenting immediately. I knew in that moment that I needed his lips against my
lips and his body against my body more than I’d ever needed anything in my
life. I had been wrong about everything that I thought I wanted in my life.

I felt behind me
for the door and pushed it open, pulling him with me at the same time. He
caught the door and closed as we threatened to topple over each other in the
entryway. We tugged at saturated closing, peeling it from our cold wet skin and
tossing it aside, not really bothered where it landed, simply consumed in each
other and the passion that we managed to ignite. I could barely breathe as I
fought to kiss him, fighting to consume him as he returned the favor smothering
me in kisses as well. It was almost as if we would claw our way into each other
and reach inside.

Once we were
both free of clothing, he scooped me into his arms wrapping my legs around his
waist and continued to kiss me as he carried me into my bedroom. He threw me
onto the bed and himself on top as we rolled together, meshing and binding,
bodies pressing into bodies, both hot and wet covered in sweat and rain. The
taste of his skin was intoxicating. The feel of his hands sliding over my skin
pushed me over the edge again and again. I wasn’t sure that I could ever have
enough of him no matter how long we spent wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Do you like
chocolate?” he whispered into my ear as we lay tangled in each other’s arms
still catching our breath.

“Yes,” I told
him and I smiled to myself thinking of the trail of chocolate kisses he’d left.
I doubted I’d have the heart to eat them. I’d want to save them to remember
this night and the storm of emotions inside me as he held me.

“I have something
else for you.”

I tried to roll
onto my back to get a better look at what he was holding but before I could, he
placed a blindfold over my eyes and tied it gently behind my head.

“What are you

He covered my
mouth with his in response and I felt the flutter in my belly that signaled
that my body would happily take more. He didn’t let the kiss linger for very
long and for a moment I wondered if he had second thoughts about whatever he’d
planned to do. I lay on my back in silence, listening and waiting. And then I
felt a liquid barely more than room temperature drip onto my belly and trickle

“Oh,” I squealed
and then without warning I felt more of the mystery liquid drip on my chest and
thighs. He was squeezing something over me and it made my body tingle in
response. “What is it?”

I felt his
tongue caress my stomach following the path of the mystery liquid and I
shuddered. The sensation of his warm tongue against my cool skin was almost
more than I could bear. He moaned into my skin and I felt the rush of arousal.
I tried to reach out to him but he held back pinning my hands over my head as
he bent down again to lick my breasts, paying special attention to my nipples
that responded by sending delicious sensations through my body as they

“Chocolate is
one of my favorite things,” he said as he let go of my hands and worked his way
back down to my thighs. The flick of his tongue on my inner thigh made me sigh
and moan all at once. He massaged my legs upward and then forced my legs apart.
I didn’t resist. I wanted to feel myself open to him. I enjoyed the hot caress
of his breath against my core. I anticipated the touch of his tongue against my

He used his
knees to hold my legs apart as he squirted more of the chocolate sauce over me,
letting it drip between my legs making me gasp and grip the sheets. I felt his
breath as he hovered over my legs before tasting me. He used his hands to
spread my outer lips revealing the most sensitive parts for his pleasure and
then used his tongue to spread the chocolate sauce over me completely so that
the sauce mixed with my own juices. He was gentle at first, licking and
suckling, enjoying the taste of me in his mouth until I felt like I couldn’t
take it another moment longer. He held back again, pouring more of the
chocolate against my body making me moan and call out his name as he pressed
his mouth against me and devoured me greedily. He placed one finger and then
two inside me to stroke the inside as he continued to pleasure me on the outside.
I lost all sense of where I was, who I was, or what I was doing in that moment.
The only thing that I knew was Reese and the immense pleasure that he was
bringing my body with just his tongue and two fingers stroking me. I thrust my
hips, unable to control myself as the first waves rolled over me raging inside
me like a storm that was breaking free. I convulsed against him, shuddering and
crying out again and again until I finally collapsed against the bed in

He took his
fingers out slowly and let them trail over my stomach where he nibbled and
licked my skin clean before he relinquished the hold he had over me and slid up
next to me removing the blindfold and covering my face in kisses. I looked at
him and he smiled at me. I couldn’t help but to smile in return and I felt a
wealth of emotions as he wrapped his arms around me and laid his head against
me. We both fell into a blissful and satisfied sleep just as the first sounds
of birds sang their songs outside my window.


Chapter 17



When I first
opened my eyes, I forgot what day it was. I stretched out in my bed not
expecting to bump into the warm body beside me. I jumped up in surprise as I
looked at him. He was still asleep, lying on his stomach with his head turned
in my direction and hair partially fallen over his face. The morning light
brought out the natural gold highlights in his hair and softened his features
to give him a boyish handsome face. I was torn between wanting to reach down
and kiss his lips and wanting to rush out of the bedroom and pretend like I
didn’t know he was there. He stirred and I panicked. In a rush, all the
memories of the previous night came back to me, the way that he’d pleasured me
for hours on end. I’d never felt like this with anybody before and here he was
still in my bed. Certainly that must mean something.

“Good morning,”
he said before he opened his eyes. He must have felt me staring at him even
though I hadn’t moved. He stretched out and I could make out the form under the
sheet with which I’d become so familiar. Despite my need for control, my body
responded with a tingling deep inside. What was wrong with me? Why did I want
this man so desperately?

“Good morning,”
I said almost timidly, “Would you like some coffee?”

“That would be
wonderful.” He sat up and smiled at me and my stomach fluttered. There wasn’t a
single thing I would change about him.

I slipped out of
bed without another word and quickly wrapped myself in a thread bare robe that
I kept hanging on a hook by the bedroom door. I felt self conscious even though
there wasn’t an inch of my body that he didn’t know intimately by this point. I
caught a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror before I left the room and
made a mental note to purchase a new robe. This one was long beyond being
presentable with company.

The coffee pot
gurgled to life as I tapped my fingers impatiently against the counter top.
Should I make him breakfast, I wondered. I didn’t really have anything in the
house suitable. It wasn’t like I had been planning for an overnight guest.

He startled me
by coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. He was wearing only a
pair of boxer shorts and I could feel his full length against my backside. I
had to stifle the urge to turn around and continue where we’d left off last
night. Unfortunately, I still bore the telltale traces of his late night
snacking with sticky patches of dried chocolate syrup over parts of my belly
and thighs. I needed a shower more than anything. I waited until the coffee pot
finished, poured two cups, and handed him one.

“There is milk
in the fridge if you want it,” I said going out of my way to not make eye
contact with him, “I’m going to take a shower.”

“That sounds
like a lovely idea.” He smiled at me again and I felt my knees go weak. I hurried
out of the kitchen before I managed to say anything stupid that I might later
regret and I went straight to the bathroom to begin running a hot shower. The
sooner I stepped in and rinsed off all the evidence of last night, the sooner I
could face him with a clear head. I stepped into the shower remembering that
first night that he followed me home and the way he’d pleasured me then and
felt the instant physical response. If he opened the door and stepped into the
shower with me now, I wouldn’t be able to resist him. I wanted his hands on me.
No, scratch that, I needed his hands on me. It’s the only thing that I could
think about while I soaped my body and washed my hair.

By the time I
stepped out of the shower, it was difficult to hide the disappointment that he
hadn’t taken the opportunity to join me. Then a more terrifying thought came
over me. What if he had slipped out the front door while I was showering
without so much as a goodbye? After all, I could hardly expect him to sit
around and chat. Conversations weren’t exactly our strong point.

I quickly ran a
comb through my hair and wrapped a towel around me. I should have gone to the
bedroom to find a fresh set of clothes but that could wait. I had more pressing
issues on my mind. I went to the kitchen but there was no sign of him. His
empty coffee cup sat in the kitchen sink. I went to the living room but he
wasn’t there either. I felt consumed by frustration and utter despair. He’d
left me without even having the courtesy to tell me that he was going, without
giving me any means of being able to contact him if I wanted, and worst of all,
without any idea of when I would see him again. I sighed and turned back to the
bedroom. My only intention was to flop face down in my bed and spend the rest
of the day hiding from the world. Why did it feel like I just kept sinking
deeper and deeper no matter how hard I tried to pull myself back up again?

I opened the
bedroom door and there I found him stretched out in my bed, completely naked,
and still with that devilish smile on his face.

“What are you

“Waiting for

“I thought you

“Do you want me
to go?”

“No, of course

“Then I suggest
you come over here because I’m not sure I can wait much longer.”

I let the towel
fall to the floor before I crawled on top of him in my bed. I suppose I was so
relieved by the fact that he hadn’t left me combined with the state I’d managed
to work myself into in the shower, I knew that I couldn’t wait much longer
either. I needed to feel consumed by him again. I needed to consume him. I
shuddered as he melted into me and I came almost the instant that he was buried
inside me. I reached down to wrap my hands in his as we blended together over
and over until I cried out in release.

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