Read VampireMine Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

VampireMine (15 page)

BOOK: VampireMine
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He felt a smile of his own forming. “Bullshit.”

“Bullshit?” she repeated, tilting her head, blue eyes

“If you’ve been reading my thoughts as long as I think you
have you know exactly how compatible we are.” He’d felt her presence months
ago. Back then he’d thought she’d been a figment of his imagination. Then he’d
discovered she was very, very real. “In fact, it’s about time you start
leveling the playing field. It’s only fair I know everything about you too.”

“What do you want to know?” She pushed her ass back, rocking
on his softening cock.

“Everything, naturally,” he said. “But I’ll start with your
last name.”

“Hmm.” She sighed when he stroked her arm. “Dumus.”

“Sadie Dumus?” he repeated, as though he as testing the

“That’s right.”

“No middle name?”

“No,” she exhaled softly.

He stretched his arms past his mate and turned on the sink.
Then he retrieved the hand towel on a nearby rack. He wet an edge of the cloth
with warm water and took a step back. His seed had seeped from her pussy,
coating the side of her thigh. He wiped it away, taking care as he cleansed her
legs and swept the towel over her labia. She shuddered but remained in place,
allowing him to care for her.

“Next time I’m going to draw you a hot bath, give you all
the bubbles you can handle and massage you from head to toe.”

“Promises, promises.” There was humor in the retort but he
noted the seriousness that had crept into her face. She reached down to pull up
her pants and dropped her head. “We have a lot to do before we can relax.”

Damn. In the heat of the moment he’d forgotten about
everything else. Nothing had mattered but the two of them. He’d needed to find
balance with his mate in order to take the necessary steps to face what was
sure to come.

“Kinsley is here.” She tried to straighten her shirt despite
the fact the neck had been stretched to hell. “Ava just warned me. She said we
need to cut our bathroom break short.”

Fuckedy, fuck, fuck.
He quickly tucked his dick away
and yanked up his jeans.

He didn’t want to rush outside and end the moment. He wanted
to stay right where he was, talking to Sadie like a lover. This was the first
time she’d been truly mischievous, speaking to him with happiness in her voice.
He wanted it to last, learning what made her laugh, discovering all the little
things that made her smile.

Besides, as soon as they left the room he’d have to get
ready to kiss ass.

Kinsley had always been Diskant’s confidant, not Trey’s.
They needed the man’s support but Trey wasn’t gung-ho about turning to him for
help. Kinsley’s assistance—as much as they needed it—would undoubtedly come
with a cost.

Sadie started to slide away from the counter and he stopped
her. He turned her around, bringing them face-to-face. They were about to meet
the world outside, but not before he gave her a kiss that would make her toes

Dipping his head, he pressed his lips to hers. She opened
for him, her tongue darting out to stroke his. He wasn’t easy or tender,
kissing her hard and deep. She groaned, wrapping her arms around him. He
grasped her ass with both hands, squeezing the soft mounds. He didn’t want to
come up for air but he knew he had to.

Once again they were stealing a moment of borrowed time.

“Soon, baby,” he swore, heart pounding, gazing into her
eyes. “I’m not going to settle for this shit. I’m going to give you everything
you need. No more half-assed fucking in a hurry.”

“Now don’t go saying something like that that.” Drawing her
hand down his chest, she lifted on to her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. As she
leaned away, she grinned. “I’ll have you know I’m quite fond of half-assed
fucking in a hurry.”

He was so shocked by the sincerity in the statement he
didn’t try to stop her when she glided away, striding with her head held high
for the door. He tossed the towel into the small hamper on the side of the
counter, shaking his head as he moved to follow her. Once again she’d upped the
ante, taking their mating up another notch.

So she liked quickies? Fan-fucking-tastic.

He couldn’t wait to show her that she’d love nice and slow
even more.

Chapter Eleven


Fabulous. Another fucking mystery.

Sadie stayed close to Trey but she kept her gaze on the
enormous male seated across from Diskant and Ava. Kinsley had dressed in black
leather that matched his shoulder-length hair, his piercing emerald green eyes
giving away nothing. Another feline shifter had accompanied him, standing
quietly at his back. She’d seen Kinsley at Club Liminality on a few occasions—a
place that catered to all things supernatural, which also happened to be the
place Ava had worked as a bartender once upon a time. The owner of
Liminality—Brett McGovern, who also happened to be a fucking warlocke—didn’t
tolerate any bullshit. It was a safe place to venture so long as a person
approached situations carefully. Due to that, she’d never gotten up close or
personal with Kinsley.

Now she wished she had.

He had a mental block of some kind going on. Like Ava’s,
only different.

Instead of nothingness when she tried to slide into
Kinsley’s head, she found herself directed to weird thoughts. One minute she’d
see a bright, sunny sky. The next an image of a child eating ice-cream would
flash through her head. Since she didn’t want him to know for certain she was
monitoring his mind, she couldn’t ask if he was fucking with her or if he was
really that fucked up in the head.

What the hell? Has the entire world flipped upside down?

For a split second she wondered if Kinsley had been reading
her mind.

He looked straight at her, his unwavering stare coming
across almost amused. Breaking eye contact, Sadie glanced at Ava. If she wanted
she could ask Ava if she noticed something weird about Kinsley’s thoughts. But
she didn’t know if Ava would be honest or not. They hadn’t established any sort
of trust.

It’s not just you.
” Ava’s thought answered Sadie’s
question. The petite female didn’t turn to Sadie but continued telepathically,

I’ve only been able to get a clear line into Kinsley’s thoughts a couple of
times, but that was when he wasn’t paying attention. It didn’t last more than a
second or two. I think he can sense when someone enters his head. He’s able to
keep people out.

Was that so? Interesting.

“Your best bet is to find Ava’s brother,” Kinsley said, his
rich Scottish brogue accenting his words. Returning his attention to Diskant,
he kept talking. “If the amulet is as powerful as you say, you won’t have to
worry about anyone or anything once you have it.”

“We’re working on that,” Diskant replied, placing a hand on
Ava’s leg. “For now we have to deal with issues in the pack.”

“There is that.” Kinsley lips quirked. “Do you want my

“I wouldn’t have asked you to come here if I didn’t.”

“Don’t tell them about Aldon. Let them know about the mating
but don’t tell them how serious shit is right now.” Kinsley’s gaze drifted to
Mary and he winked. “You’ve already lost a quarter of your pack to stupidity.
If you lose anyone else you’re going to have to pack up and find another city
to call home.”

Sadie was stupefied.
They’d lost that many

She knew many members of the pack—especially those who were
mated and had children—had left after Emory’d mated with Mary. As a Shepherd,
Mary was considered an enemy of shifters the world over. It didn’t matter that
the woman was nothing like her relatives. Her presence alone made the
werewolves in Trey’s pack uneasy.

And now they have to deal with me.

“There’s another option.” She knew it was going to piss Trey
off but she said, “We don’t have to tell them anything about me. You can give
them enough information about Aldon and Leigh to get their support. That’s far
more important.”

“Sadie, darlin’,” Trey growled and snagged her by the waist.
“Shut the hell up.”

In another time or place, she might have been annoyed. It
wasn’t everyday she let someone insult her. But she knew Trey wasn’t trying to
be an asshole. She sensed his frustration. He wasn’t going to let her step down
and take a place in the shadows. Moving forward meant doing the right thing by

He’d marked her. He’d claimed her. It was a done deal.

She caught herself before she lifted her hand to the scar on
her neck. The healing process had started, mending the tissue. Everyone had
noticed it. She’d tried not to blush or react to their stares but each time
she’d seen someone gazing at it she instinctively tried to cover it.

Like now.

Everyone was staring at them, curious to see how the newly
mated couple interacted.

“I’ll shut the hell up when you start thinking straight.”
She snorted, trying to play it cool. “My way makes sense.”

“Your way,” he drawled in a raspy timbre, “ain’t happening.”

Sadie started to reply when Ava said, “Don’t bother arguing.
They’re all Neanderthals.”

“Not me,” Kinsley remarked, thickening his accent. His gaze
swept over the women in the room, a gleam in his emerald eyes. “I’m all charm.”

“Yo, Casanova,” Diskant snarled, eyes narrowed. “Put your
ego in check. Get back on track.”

“Fine.” Kinsley shrugged and reclined in the oversized
chair, nonchalant and seemingly unaffected at the annoyance in Diskant’s
request. “My official opinion is you tell the pack about the mating and keep
the rest to yourself. Otherwise you’ll cause panic. Work out a plan and track
down Ava’s brother.” He lifted his eyes to Trey. “Aldon’s not an idiot.
Eventually he’s going to come here. I suggest you move the girl you’re hiding
and take her somewhere else. In the meantime I’ll talk to my eyes and ears in
the area. They might be able to provide additional information. I’ll also speak
to the pride Alphas and let them know they need to tighten security.”

“And if they ask questions?” Trey asked.

“Shepherds might have been quiet for a while but they’re not
gone for good,” Kinsley said, menace creeping into his voice. “You let me worry
about my people.”

Sadie tried to keep her reaction to Kinsley’s advice under
wraps. Everything he offered made perfect sense but she didn’t want to think
about sending Leigh away. How would Leigh react if she was placed in the
company of strangers? And who in the world could keep her safe?

There wasn’t a coven Sadie trusted to do the job. Not

She inched closer to Trey, taking a small measure of comfort
at his closeness. He seemed to understand, increasing the tightness of the arm
around her midsection. Wasn’t it strange? A couple of days ago she’d almost
died. She’d sworn she’d hate him for what he’d done. Then—before she could
fully wrap her head around it—she’d found herself in his bed, accepting his
mark and standing by his side.

Funny how things turned out.


“Whatever you say.” Diskant sounded incredibly tired. “I
think I know of a place we can move our guest. I’ll have to make a few calls.”

“Nathan won’t let her leave without him,” Trey interjected
quietly, soothing Sadie by breezing his lips over her temple. With her settled,
he said, “That means the pack will have double the shit to deal with. They might
be fine with kicking my ass out but they won’t want to lose Nathan. He’s the
primary person they’ve all been able to trust.”

“Then tell them a simplified version of the truth,” Kinsley
suggested. “They’ll understand if he’s found his mate and needs time away to
initiate the union. You don’t have to tell them who or what his mate is. Not
yet, anyway. Sometimes small truths are blessings in disguise. The issue is,”
Kinsley broke his relaxed posture, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his
knees, “who can you trust to take Nathan’s place? You’ll need a Beta who can
keep everyone calm.”

Silence followed, a heavy apprehension filling the air.

Trey shifted his feet, his body bumping Sadie’s. She reached
out to him with her senses, telling herself she wasn’t going to intrude on his
thoughts. She had to start trusting his reasoning and stop second-guessing
things. Tension wafted from him, slamming into her in waves. He had an answer
to the dilemma but something caused him to hesitate.

“Everyone knows Zach was next in line for the position,”
Kinsley said softly. “It can’t hurt to ask him.”

“No.” Ava looked horrified. Diskant tried to enfold her in
his arms but she shook him off. “He’s been through too much. You’ll push him
over the edge.”

“It might be what he needs, Pinkie.” Diskant’s reprimand was
gently given. “There’s a reason he didn’t follow Katie after she died.”

” Sadie thought to Trey.

Zach’s mate.
” Even in her head she could feel Trey’s
grief. “
She was inside Dougan’s Bar when it exploded.

Sadie’s heart bottomed out.
Oh Goddess.

She’d been standing outside the bar when the explosion had
taken place. At the time she’d been watching Trey as she usually did—hidden by
shadows, aching for a man she could never have. He’d left with the pack to face
zealots who’d threatened the city. Shepherds had planned an attack, deceiving
the shifters. With many of the men gone, a lone man had entered the werewolf
bar with a bomb strapped to his chest.

Ava and Nathan were the only two who made it out alive.

Sadie had come across them in an alley. After she’d killed
the Shepherds who were ready to attack the fallen woman and shifter she’d come
to their aid. It was then that Sadie had used her healing magic and blood to
give Ava the strength she’d needed to live. Diskant had arrived shortly after
and almost killed Sadie, mistaking her for the enemy. She’d managed to get away
before the damage became lethal. He’d been so fierce, eager to rip her head
from her shoulders.

“I thought you couldn’t survive without your mate.” Her
knowledge wasn’t totally limited and she was almost certain shifters didn’t
last long once they lost their partners. “How’s he still alive?”

“She was human. Zach hadn’t fully sealed their bloodbond.”
There was something else he wanted to say. This time he spoke the thought
aloud. “He’s determined to see every Shepherd dead. The pack is all he has.
They could give him something else to live for. It might be what he needs to

“He’s been to hell and back but he’s not given up. I think
he’s a solid choice,” Kinsley informed Trey. “But you’ll have to tell him
everything. You can’t leave anything out.” Turning to Diskant, Kinsley kept
going. “If you have a safe location for the other female I suggest you move her
as soon as possible. There’s no need to add fuel to the fire. Get her out of
the city and take Aldon out of the equation. Shepherds haven’t struck again yet
but they will. This has to be sorted as quickly as possible.”

“I’ll need to make a few calls,” Diskant said, sliding his
hand up and down Ava’s back. She was still shaken and it showed. “More than one
person owes me a favor.”

“Then do it.” Kinsley rose in a swift, seamless motion.
“I’ll get things started on my end.” He walked over to Ava and kneeled, looking
her in the eye. “It’s going to be all right, lass,” he murmured, giving her a
smile. “You just take care of that wee one. Let us worry about the rest.”

When Kinsley stood, Trey let Sadie go and walked to the cat
shifter. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me.” Kinsley reached out to shake Trey’s hand.
“If I need help in the future, you’ll pay me back. That’s not negotiable.”

“Whatever you say,” Trey replied and thought to himself,

Sadie wanted to chuckle but she forced her face to remain
expressionless, witnessing the exchange as though she hadn’t heard a thing. The
man who’d stood behind Kinsley had gone to leave, stopping just beside the
entranceway to the large room. It was then that Sadie noticed Nathan. He’d been
lingering just outside, listening to the conversation. He didn’t look happy. In
fact, Sadie was certain he wanted to beat the hell out of something.

“Sadie,” the Beta said, studying Diskant, “Leigh is asking
for you.”

“I’m on it.”

She didn’t want to leave but she knew she had to. She wasn’t
sure why she looked at Trey for his approval but she did. She’d expected him to
nod or tell her to go ahead. He stunned her silly by striding away from
Kinsley, snaking an arm around her and giving her a hard, thrilling kiss. She
nearly sagged, wanting to take things to another level. Somehow she managed not
to open her mouth and tease his lips with her tongue.

“I’ll be right here, baby,” he whispered. She inhaled his
scent, shivering at the heat of his body against hers. “When you’re finished
come back to me.”

She felt like a shameless hussy who didn’t give a shit what
anyone thought. “Okay.”

It felt as though she’d lost a part of herself as she walked
away from him. Nathan gave her a sideways glance as she darted past him. She
increased the pace, hurrying to Leigh’s room. She had to do damage control, get
Leigh sorted out and take charge. That’s what the young vampire would need
right now. Anything else would spook her more than she already had been.

With a deep breath for courage, she opened the door and
stepped inside the bedroom.

* * * * *

Trey had wanted to bolt after Sadie. Each time she left him
he wanted to bring her back to his side. To distract himself, he’d put his
focus on Nathan. Leigh’s rejection had shattered the male. The Beta looked
beaten and emotionally worn down. Even so, Leigh was the man’s mate. Nathan
would do anything for her. She could hate him more than anything in the world
and he’d still lay down his life for her. Diskant wouldn’t be making any calls
without Nathan’s approval. That much was clear.

Poor son of a bitch.

“I have a serious matter that needs my attention,” Kinsley
stated, pulling Trey’s gaze from Nathan. “You need to set things up within the
next twenty-four hours. After that I’ll be on a leave of absence. I’m not sure
how long I’ll be gone.”

BOOK: VampireMine
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