Waiting for you (Part 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Kelli Lawler

BOOK: Waiting for you (Part 1)
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They had a quick snack, then Cammy was off to get ready for the night. She used the master bathroom and purposely left the door open, keeping an eye out for Hayden in his office. She was going to really going to spend the time tonight to look extra good for him so he would never think of that whore again.

“Fuck me Cammy” Hayden said as if he were out of breath.

“Do I look all
right?”  She said standing in the doorway of the bedroom, biting her lower lip.

“You are so fucking beautiful baby. You just get more and more beautiful with every birthday, every day”

“You like then?”

“I more than like baby, I love. You are stunning tonight. I’m going to marry this, fuck I am a lucky mother fucker. Oh baby.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, smiling
from ear to ear.

Cammy knew she looked good. She had put on the tightest jeans she had, a
baby blue lace top that made her eyes pop, a black leather jacket and some heeled thigh high boots. Dangling from her wrist was a silver Tiffany bracelet that Hayden had given her for her birthday. He saw it and gave her yet another kiss on her hand. She had straightened her hair tonight, which made it twice as long and glossy, rocker chic, shiny lip gloss on her lips and her eyes had just enough shadow, liner and mascara on them to make them memorable.

“Give me a minute and I will warm up the car before you get in baby”

“Thank you Hay” She knew she had him by the balls tonight. It worked!

They drove to the store, parked in back, where everyone else was parked. There was security in the parking lot tonight, since Detroit isn’t the greatest place to be. They got out and headed in.

“Kitten, you look so gorgeous tonight. Hayden, you’d better do her right man!” Dean said hugging Cammy and Hayden, then giving Hayden a small punch in the side of his arm.

“Thank you Daddy. Everyone here?”

“Yep. Ready to go in a few minutes. Your brother has been drinking tonight already. Been doing that a lot lately, since he has been hanging out with Liam. Maybe you can talk to him for me please Kitten? It’s hard to talk to him when he gets home at night.”

“Ok Daddy, I will try”

“Oh, sounds like it’s time. Come on guys” He ushered them to the back area.

It was an intimate setup tonight. They had arranged several of the extra couches they kept in the ware house around a small stage that they had set up. The lighting was just the lights that hung from the steel ceiling, but it was enough. Dean, Cammy and Hayden all sat on a blue couch that was by the front of the stage area, next to Davey and Aspen, who were both clearly buzzed. There were about 30 other people there, sitting and standing, mostly friends of the band I assumed.

“Thanks for coming tonight guys. We have some new stuff we want to try on you. We have been recording as you know, but felt the need to do something for you guys, since you all stand by us and support us, so here you go” Liam of course, being the lead singer and guitarist addressed everyone in the room.

Liam looked good tonight, the black tousled hair, jeans, boots and a tight black shirt on. He had a silver bracelet on and a silver chain around his neck. I could smell his cologne from where I was sitting. He smelled good.

They opened with an acoustic song that was actually pretty good. Neither Hayden nor I cared for techno, so we weren’t up on all of Lyrics material, not a good thing for music store owners, but it was also because he was such an asshole all of the time. The band was quite good and Liam really did have a good voice.
They really weren’t all techno either. I should have paid more attention as to why they were such a good band, selling out, being around the scene for so long. Liam moved with his music, as if it were taking him somewhere, other than the stage. He looked at me a few times while he was singing and Hayden just held my hand tighter.

After an intermission of a few minutes, Lyric was back on their small stage and Liam was introducing another song he was about to sing.

“This is the last song for tonight guys. I wrote it over the last couple of months. Anyway, I hope you like it as much as I love it”

He counted f
rom one to four to the band, then they started with one of the members playing a violin, followed by some guitar, then of course, the keyboards. Liam sang a few lines, then completely and totally looked at Cammy and sang:

I’m calling your name

You don’t have to love me

You are already mine

In my eyes

You are mine

I have what you need

You will never want

Let go

In my eyes

You are already mine

He was singing it for Cammy and everyone could tell. She was embarrassed and Hayden’s grip was so tight by now
, her hand was hurting. Hayden was staring at Liam like he was going to leap out of his seat at any moment. Cammy looked at Davey and he was smiling back at her. Dean was uncomfortable and left the couch and went to the other side of the store.

“Thank you, now back to my place” Liam shouted into the microphone before stepping off the stage and while throwing his hair back, catching Cammy and Hayden’s eyes.

Hayden got up from the couch and followed him. Cammy was following behind.

“Hey man, what the fuck was that?” Hay was pulling on his arm.

“What? You liked it? New stuff. What did you think Cammy?”

“Fuck you Liam, this is my fiancé, you can’t do that shit, especially in front of her father, not cool.”
Hayden was up in his face, yelling.

“Hayden, go home. Cammy knows how I feel about her. It’s just a song man”

“Oh she does? Just a song man?” Hayden was ready to punch Liam until Davey came over and separated the two.

“Hey, hey, guys, not here” Dean was shouting.

“I’m sorry Dean, we are leaving.” Hayden told him.

“Ok son. I don’t get what that was about. He is just an arrogant prick”

“I know. Ready Cammy?”

Cammy nodded and went over to say her goodbyes to the people she knew before heading home. Liam was in the corner, staring at her. She was flattered
and had to admit in her head that Liam was sexy as hell tonight. She hid it from Hayden and everyone else of course. She caught his eyes and smiled as if to say thank you. Liam smiled back at her. She turned and went to Hay so they could go home. She felt Liam and everyone’s eyes upon her ass as she walked out the door. She grabbed Hayden’s hand and intertwined it with hers, she was claiming her man. He put his hand around her waist, holding her close to him. They headed for home.

“You look so beautiful tonight Cams. If you want to go somewhere else let me know. I’m sorry I was such an asshole, but he clearly was throwing it out there that he wants you and is going to have you”

“I only want you baby. You have nothing to worry about. Liam Griffin is just a prick!”

“He said you knew how he feels. What’s that about?”

“He told me.”


“He told me a while back that he wanted me and that he would give me more than you ever could. He kissed me”

“That mother fucker. I’m going to kick his stupid ass!”
Hayden was yelling and stepping on the accelerator of the car.

“Take it easy. He isn’t a threat baby. I am yours. He knows that.”

“He is Liam Griffin Cammy.”


“So he is a threat baby”

“I know where I want to go Hayden”

“Anywhere baby. Where?”

“Bella Lake. Our lake”

Pulling up to a spot by Bella Lake and turning off the car, Hayden turned to Cammy and caressed her face, not saying a word. He didn’t have to. She knew he was sorry for what he had done. The hurt from tonight was in his eyes. His breathing was fast and nervous. Cammy noticed him in a different light, his jeans that fit him so well, one of the first things she noticed about him in school, though they were uniform pants. Hay had on his signature flannel drenched in his musky scent and the way he could just look at her and they could read one another’s thoughts just by touch, by looking.

“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Cammy Sage, I love you with everything that I am.”

This was yet another moment between them that would reaffirm what they already knew. This was a love of a lifetime, their love.

“This is our lake Hayden. Whenever we fight, or have doubts
, or just need something to believe in, this is where we will go. Bella means love. Bella means Cammy and Hayden forever.”

Cammy leaned into Hayden and they held each
other tight, tighter than they ever had. His breathing finally slowed and a weight fell off of them. He ran his fingers through her hair and buried his head into it and sucked up every breath of it he could. Cammy’s scent permeated the car, his body, his life.

“Let’s go home baby. We are going to freeze here!”

On the drive home, they went through the drive thru of some donut shop and got donuts and hot chocolate, an indulgence they both loved but hardly ever gave in to.

They were laughing and joking when they got into the house. Heading upstairs to get into a warm bed, Cammy’s cell rang. When she looked at the caller id it said Liam.

“Who is it babe?” Hayden took the phone from her hand.

“What do you want man?” Hayden answered it with a harsh tone.

“Sorry, sorry man, but its Davey, he’s completely trashed and needs to go home, I don’t want this shit here tonight. He won’t take the car service, he wants Cammy. Come and get him but hurry up, he has already puked”

“Yea, ok, we will be there soon”

Hayden hung up and turned to Cams.

“Why is he in your phone?”

“I forgot to delete it out. He put it in when he told me all of that shit. What’s going on?”

“We have to go and get Davey, says he so trashed that he doesn’t want him there and he’s throwing up. Let’s go
. He can stay here tonight.”

“K baby”

“You have to tell me where to go since you have been there before”

“Let’s go Hayden. I wonder what’s going on with Davey. Hurry.”

And out the door they went to The Tuscany, to Liam’s lair. Cammy gave Hay the directions and they finally pulled up to that massive building once again. They parked in front and a concierge was already outside, ready to take us up to his penthouse. They went inside and got into the elevator.

“Nice fucking place”

“I know right?” Cammy said back to Hayden.

The elevator opened up to the 15
floor, just like before. Liam was standing in the foyer, waiting for their arrival.

“Thanks for coming to get him. He’s in the living room.” Hayden followed
Liam with Cammy in tow.

Davey was a wreck, lying on the big purple couch, his head hanging off.

“Hay man, Cams, how do you do? Have you come to get me? That’s my beautiful sister and the ever so handsome fiancé!”

“Get up Davey, let’s get in the car, you are coming to our place. Get up.”

Hayden was standing him up and leading him to the waiting elevator.

“I’ll put him in the car Cams and be right back for you and Aspen”

“Ok babe”

He loaded Davey into the elevator and the doors closed.
Cammy heard it start to make its way down and to the lobby.

“Where is Aspen Liam?”

“She’s not her love. She left with one of the people here. That’s what’s wrong here.”

“Couldn’t you have been his friend and taken care of him tonight?”

“Yes, but it was a perfect plan to get you here and look at you one more time”

“Liam, please stop causing problems for me” Cammy felt overwhelmed.

“Did you like the song?”

“Who wouldn’t Liam?”

Liam could hear the elevator coming back up and he knew Cammy would be leaving. Grabbing her left hand, he held it and twirled the ring from Hayden, her engagement ring, and looked at her.

“This should be mine.”

Cammy jerked her hand away from his grasp and walked towards the elevator. She had to walk slowly since she still had on her heeled boots and didn’t want to slip on the marbled floor of his penthouse.

“Cammy, you are so fucking, so fucking indescribable, the way you look tonight, the way you smell, your gorgeous hair, on and on I can go. Why won’t you give me a chance to know you? Just one? I can ask Hayden. What boyfriend is going to turn down that opportunity for their girlfriend? Cammy, like my song said, in my eyes you are already mine, just say yes” Liam was pleading with her, desperate, with those amber eyes, barefoot in those sexy jeans and black tee

“Fuck you Liam. Leave us alone” She blurted out just as the elevator doors opened and she saw Hay standing there. He had heard it all.

“You done Liam?” His face was red in anger.

Liam held up his hands in the air and said nothing. He turned and walked away, back to his living room, now empty.

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