Warped Passages (80 page)

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Authors: Lisa Randall

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Planckbrane 401n
Planck’s constant 120, 131, 139, 140, 143, 169–70, 474n12
planetary motion 43, 87, 88, 194, 367
Plato 66, 67
“plum pudding” model 126, 127
longitudinal 198, 199, 208–10, 217
transverse 198
Polchinski, Joe 50–51, 297, 306, 307, 309, 310
Politzer, David 231–2
Pomarol, Alex 404, 405–6, 409n
Ponton, Eduardo 347
Porrati, Massimo 347, 443
position-momentum uncertainty principle 143
positron emission tomography (PET) 161
positrons 160, 161, 227,
, 230,
, 231
potassium-40 161
potential energy 100
Pound, Robert 101
Pozzi, Giulio 136
Princeton University 291, 296, 297, 434, 435, 441
probability function 131–3,
, 391, 395, 479n35
see also
graviton probability function; wavefunction
probability waves 148, 355, 356, 357
projection 21, 23–5,
, 27–8
collision 181, 182,
decay 236–7, 335, 404
emission of additional particles
intrinsic spin 164
mass of 78, 171
and neutron decay 165,
, 166,
positively charged 76,
and quarks 9, 10, 77, 173, 174
pulsars 67


quanta 148
quanta quantization
assumptions 119
electron 126, 128–30
hypothesis (Planck) 121, 123, 131
quantum chromodynamics (QCD) 171, 173n, 196
quantum contributions 228, 238–9, 246, 265, 340, 341
QED (quantum electrodynamics) 157, 158, 207, 281
quantum effects 118
quantum field theory 157, 158–9, 214
anarchic principle 227–8, 339
anomalies in 290
and antiparticles 159
and effective theories 223–4
and gravitons 281–2
and quantum mechanics 207
and special relativity 94, 207
and string theory 261, 295, 301
and virtual particles 222, 225
quantum gravity, theory of 145, 282, 301, 316
quantum mechanical contributions
quantum contributions
quantum mechanics 65, 81–2, 85, 100, 115–49, 279
and electrons’ orbits 76–7
fundamental principles 117
and general relativity 279, 280, 301
and gravity 80, 279–81, 293, 294, 295
and Planck scale length 279–80
Planck’s constant 139
and quantum field theory 207
and quantum paths 148–9, 228
smaller mass means larger size 401
and string theory 5, 33, 68
and virtual particles 222, 225
quantum paths 148–9, 228
quantum theory 116, 123, 125
quantum theory of gravity 145, 282, 301
antitop 182,
bottom 176, 180, 182
bound together through the strong force 78
the building blocks of the proton 151
charm 176, 272, 348
color-neutral combinations 172–3
colored 172, 234
decay 182,
described 173, 287
down 77, 78,
, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 202, 215, 236
flavors of 176, 177–8, 273–4, 348
in generations 177
groups of 174
and GUT 234, 236
, 176
intrinsic spin 281
mass 190, 213–14, 216, 218, 219, 220, 241, 254
origin of the name 171–2
and supersymmetry 263
and photons 173
replicas 175
strange 172, 176
and the strong force
, 78, 172, 173, 175, 177
strongly interacting 233
top 176, 180–84,
, 263, 265, 272, 348
trapped on a brane 365
up 77, 78,
, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 202, 215, 236, 272, 348
virtual antitop 252,
virtual top 252,
quasars 67
and the “Einstein Cross”
quasicrystals 4–5, 27
quaternions 104
Quinn, Helen 235


Rabi, I.I. 175
blackbody 120–22,
, 122–3
electromagnetic 155
Hawking 380
high-frequency 120, 121, 122
low-frequency 122
wavelengths 123
radioactive dating 116
radium salts 127
Radon-222 127
Ramond, Pierre 259n, 261, 262, 286, 289
Rattazzi, Riccardo 346–7, 382
Reall, Harvey S. 432n
Rebka, Glen 101
reflective boundary condition 54
relativity 5, 65, 81–2, 85, 88, 113, 114
renormalization group 224, 228–9, 270
rescaling 400, 417n, 430
Riemann, Georg Friedrich 106
Rohm, Ryan 291, 330
rolled-up dimensions 31–49, 52, 224, 292–4, 298, 300, 317, 318, 332, 333, 352–7,
, 359, 364–5, 370–71, 408
RS1 385–417
and hierarchy solved 394–7, 402–4, 406, 458
and “Warped Athena” 414–17
RS2 418–432
and model name 427–8
and reception 435–6
compared to locally localized gravity (KR) 443
Rubbia, Carlo 186
Rutgers University 310
Rutherford, Ernest 126, 127, 162–3, 173, 287


Salam, Abdus 163, 169, 217
satellites 85, 123
Scherk, Joel 262, 286, 287, 289
Schmaltz, Martin 347, 348
Schrödinger, Erwin 116, 131, 132
Schwartz, Matthew 406–7
Schwarz, John 261, 262, 286, 287, 289–92
Schwarzschild, Karl 67, 113
Schwinger, Julian 156–7
scientific methodologies
“bottom-up” approach 67
“top-down” approach 67
Seiberg, Nathan 454
Seiberg, Nati 310
selectrons 263, 266, 273, 274
Sen, Ashoke 310
sequestered flavor-symmetry breaking 348–350
sequestered supersymmetry breaking 338, 343–40
sequestering 335, 339–43, 349
sfermions 263
Shenker, Steve 452–3
Shifman, Misha 435
Shinkai, Jisa-aki 432n
Shiromizu, Tetsuya 432n
simultaneity 94
singularity 282
sinkhole (four-dimensional gravity) 444
Skiba, Witek 92
Standard Linear Accelerator Center
sleptons 263, 269
slicing 21, 22–3,
, 28, 51–2
small-scale information, disregarding 28–30
smuons 273, 274
sneutrinos 263
sound waves 100
South Pole 105
boundary conditions 49
five-dimensional 414n, 420, 442
flat 111–12, 407, 430n
higher-dimensional 387
lower-dimensional 371
and special relativity theory 90, 91, 92
warped, and gravity 6, 17
curved, warped 103, 107–12, 114, 280, 329, 330, 332–3, 386, 389–92, 397, 398–9, 409, 412, 419, 432, 441; growing and shrinking in a warped dimension 397–402
curved with flat slices 390, 391,
five-dimensional 387, 388,
, 390, 392, 395, 407, 421, 441, 442
flat 391, 392, 479n35
four-dimensional 17, 107, 108, 110, 335
geodesics 108–9, 111
geometry of 110, 111, 112, 309
and gravity 111
infinite warped 420,
negative curvature 389
positive curvature 390
and relativity 114
special relativity 88–95
and antiparticles 159
and general relativity 94, 109
inertial reference frames 95
Maxwell and 155
and quantum field theory 94, 207
relates energy and mass through
E= mc
114, 220
space 90, 91, 92
and symmetry 198–9
time 90, 91, 92
spectral lines 126, 129, 130
spectrum, blackbody 122,
, 123
speed of light 86, 159
constant 92, 114, 144
finite 90, 154, 438–9
and inertial frames 91
and massless objects 43n
photons 146
and special relativity 170n
spheres 18–19,
, 105, 109–10,
spin 146, 258, 260
spontaneous symmetry breaking 204, 205–7, 208, 211, 212, 214–15, 220, 234, 406
see also
Higgs mechanism
squarks 263, 269
and sequestering 345
and the Higgs mass 263, 265
Standard Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Palo Alto, California 187, 188, 235, 241, 287
Standard Model of particle physics 10, 65, 71, 78–80, 148, 150–78, 187, 90, 211, 242, 249, 290, 291, 341, 363
advancing beyond 5, 52, 70, 71–2, 81–82, 177–78, 186, 187, 258, 341, 360, 382, 457
defined 78
and experimental tests of 5, 179–89
and GUT 234, 236, 237
heavy particles 79,
, 80
and the hierarchy problem 241, 243, 254, 368, 386
and the Hoøava-Witten brane-world 332
the known fundamental particles 174–78
leptons and quarks in 290
parity violation 165
Standard Model particles confined to a brane 5, 81–2, 149, 151–2, 179–89, 201, 258, 261–70, 271,
, 273, 275–6, 291, 327, 328, 297, 300, 322, 330–31, 332, 343–4, 348, 360, 364–5, 366, 375, 383, 388,
, 393,
, 422
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) 174, 363, 382
Star Trek
stars 102, 122, 162, 279

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