Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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Before I can even start to cry, Dom has me wrapped up in his arms, and my head is tucked into his neck. "It’s okay sweetness, I got you," he whispers against my neck.

After twenty minutes of him comforting me, his phone starts to ring. Without moving me, he reaches into his pocket and pulls his phone out. Once he has it to his ear he barks out a "yeah?" His other arm is still tightly wrapped around me, and I can feel the tension pouring off of him.

"Fuck me," he groans. "Are you sure?" I turn my head to look at his face, and I can see that he looks pissed, but is masking it as best as he can.

He slowly exhales and tells whoever is on the phone that he's on his way. He drops his phone on the bed and pulls my face to his. He kisses me soundly and lifts me with him as he gets up. I slowly slide down his body. "I need to go. You want to stay here?" he asks with a sexy smile.

Shaking my head no, I tell him I should get back to my hotel room so I can find a job and somewhere more permanent. He growls and gives me a look that I can only guess is him being unhappy about me going back to the hotel. He doesn't think it's safe for me to be there alone, but I don't mind it. I personally think it's interesting to see all the different people who stop by there.

Once we get dressed and ready, he takes me to the hotel and walks me inside. He probably thinks that people seeing us together will keep them at bay. Personally I think it's cute that I have my own personal Pit Bull. I can't help but giggle at that thought.

When he hears my giggles, he spins me around and pushes me against the door. "What's so funny?" he says as he runs his nose up my neck and his mouth latches on to my ear lobe. When I don't let him, he grasps it with his teeth and tugs on it a little. A moan slips out of my mouth and I can't help but feel my panties get wet.

"Tell me," he growls.

Giggling some more, I finally tell him. "I swear you're like my personal Pit Bull. Making sure to mark your territory," I start to giggle again and he runs his hands down my sides and they go straight for my ass.

"Just making sure those fuck heads outside know who you belong to baby," he nips along my collarbone, and I can't help but melt into his touch.

"I'll be gone for a few days, so call my sister if you need anything," he says sighing. He doesn't seem to want to go wherever he's going.

"Okay," I whisper into his neck.

"I'd rather you stay at my house or the clubhouse." His breath is on my neck and I can feel the tingling going straight to my pussy. God I want to fuck him again.

"I'll be fine," I huff out. I feel his body tense and I know I’m pissing him off.

"Fine Cole, just call if you need anything. I'll call you when I get done with the run." I nod my head and wait for him to kiss me and when he does, he leaves me panting and horny.

Chapter Seventeen

Leaving Coley in that shit hole of a hotel is probably the hardest thing I've done. I want her back at my house where I know nothing will happen to her.

Fuck! I sound like a pussy whipped bitch right now. Never in my life have I cared about where a bitch stayed after I fucked her. All I know is I wanted her out of my place, but with Coley it's different.

Making my way back to the clubhouse, I can't help but think about her. I'm gonna kill my brother when I see him. If he would have taken his assignment like he was supposed to, I would be back in bed with Coley, fucking her brains out.

I see my little asshole brother when I pull up to the club house. Putting my bike on its stand I go striding after him. "You're such a fucking prick. You fucking did that on purpose," I yell as I push his shoulder.

He whips around and gets right in my face. "Fuck you Dom. You think that you're the only one who has other fucking shit to do? It's not always about your bitch ass!"

"Just cause you're the fucking golden boy around here doesn't mean you're above doing the actual fucking work. Yeah, we all know that you're taking over once dad steps down, but get off your fucking high horse," he spits.

"Jealously ain't a good color on you brother," I state. I don't know why he's so damn pissed lately, but this shit needs to fucking stop.

"Fuck you Dom," he says running his shoulder into me. I see our old man standing there watching and as much as I want to deck the little bastard, our old man will flip his shit on us.

I watch as Raef walks by our father muttering something. I make my way over to Prez and he has a smirk on his face.

"All that over a girl?"

"He screwed this shit up, so why do I have to clean up his damn mess?"

I'm pissed that our old man always has me cleaning up after my brothers. It's always been this way, and it pisses me off.

"You want to take over right?" he asks with a serious expression. I just nod my head. Of course I do. It's been pounded into my brain for as long as I can remember. The oldest son is to take the reins, it's my future.

"Then you need to learn how to deal with your brothers and clean up their messes. What else do you think I do most of the fucking time?"

"Fine," I grit out. I'm still not fucking happy about this shit, but if I want the reins, I have to prove it to him or he will never step down.

"If that girl likes you like I think she does, she will be waiting for you to come back," he stares at me for a second before he walks back inside the clubhouse.

I make my way inside and go straight to my room. Grabbing a few clean shirts and a pair of jeans, I throw them into my duffle bag and make my way to my bike. I don't even bother saying anything to my brothers or my old man. The sooner I get this shit done, the sooner I can have Coley naked and under me.

Eight hours later, I finally make it to Sacramento, California. I wouldn't mind the drive so much if fucking California drivers knew how to drive. Pulling into the club parking lot, I see Mac coming out of the club house. He waits for me to walk up to him before he says anything.

"Fuck son, it's been a long damn time." He claps me on the back and I do the same with him. Mac is like an uncle to us. He used to be one of my old man's number ones until he decided he wanted to get out of Vegas and start a chapter out here. Now he has about twenty men. "Yeah I know. How's it going?" I ask looking around.

The place looks a little worn down, but nothing that can't be fixed. "Ehh you know. Just been having some trouble with another crew and that damn brother of yours never followed through," he shakes his head and I know something else went down.

"You and I both know that’s not like him. What the hell happened?"

"I think some little pretty thing got under his skin and got his head spinnin' but what do I know. I'm just an asshole who doesn't believe in all that love bullshit," he smirks and I can't help but laugh.

Mac is the complete opposite of my old man. Hell sometimes I'm not even sure how they got along all these years.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see Coley's name pop up. "Yeah babe?"

Mac's eyes widen and he looks at me in shock. Never in my life have I ever called a girl babe.

For one, I never even answer my phone if a bitch is calling, except for my sister and Casey. They’ve have always been the only exceptions to the rule.

"Dom," she whispers into the phone.

"What's wrong?" Starting to worry, I hear her sharp intakes of breath. "Coley what's wrong?"

Every instinct in me is yelling for me to kill whoever scared her. I want nothing more than to fucking get home and pull her into my arms.

"Someone broke in while I was looking for a job. All my money and jewelry is gone," she sniffles. "I have nothing left. What am I going to do?" I can tell she's about to start panicking.

"Cole, go to my house and stay there until I get back. I'll take care of everything when I get home."

"Dom, I can't. I want to do this on my own. I don't want to rely on someone else. What if we don't work?" Her voice is low and sad, and I fucking hate that I can't do anything for her right now.

"Just go to my place and we can talk about this later. Do you want me to send one of the guys?"

She hiccups and says no.

"Baby I'll send you my address. Get comfortable. I should be home in a few days. Call Anslie if you need anything. There's food in the cabinets and fridge so help yourself." I hear her giggle and I can feel some of the tension leaving me.

"You have actual food at your house?" she says still giggling.

"Yeah babe, I do. Don't let my rough and rowdy lifestyle fool you," I say with a smirk.

Mac is still looking at me like I've grown a second head, but I don't even give a fuck. Knowing that she's laughing makes it all worth it.

I tell her that I'll text her the info and that I'll call her later.

Walking over to Mac, he shakes his head. "Fuck, please tell me you didn't go and fall for a damn pussy."

Chapter Eighteen

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