Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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"She's my sister. She got in deep with some bad dudes and when we went to get her out of there, he put a price on her head. She had been hanging out here until shit died down and when Raef got here, they hit it off and one thing led to another." Fucking hell, why can't shit be easy just one damn time?

"Where is she?" I demand. The sooner I talk to her the sooner I can put this to rest.

He looks at Mac, and Mac nods his head giving him permission to tell me.

"She's here. We have her in the safe room just in case they come after her again," he sighs.

"Show me," I grit out. He slowly gets up and leads me to a room that's right outside the compound. He swipes a key over the door and it opens.

I let him lead the way, but I keep on guard since I have no idea what to expect.

Chapter Twenty

Once Anslie and Brantley insure that I go to Dominic's house and drop all my stuff off, I get another text from Dom.

Fine babe. We will talk about it later. Be safe.

I'm afraid to even respond. I don't want him to change his mind. I'll just text him when I get home from my first shift.

Once Anslie and Brant leave, I walk around the house checking everything out. The house isn't overly huge, but it is nice.

Walking from room to room, I'm surprised with how clean everything is. All the furniture is dark and all the walls are light, causing the rooms to look airy and bigger than normal.

The whole feel of the place is clean and carefree, something I would never expect of Dom. He's so broody and dark.

Glancing at the clock, I notice that I need to get to my first day of work, so I grab a change of clothes and strip down.
Once I am redressed, I make my way to my car, and drive the ten minutes it takes to get back to the bar.

Once I walk inside of Midnight Tavern, I notice a few people sitting at the bar nursing beers. Making my way over to the bartender who hired me earlier, I notice the freaked out expression.

"Hi," he says looking behind me.

"Hi." I smile back at him. He motions for me to come around the bar. He shows me where I can put my stuff, and hands me an apron and a notepad.

"First things first, I'm Rob and this is my bar. I'll pour drinks, you take orders, and deliver the drinks. Easy enough?" he asks still not really making eye contact.

"Yeah, I got it," I reply. He points me in the direction of a few older gentlemen who look like they've had a few too many already. I walk over to them and ask if they need anything.

One of the men turns to look at me and spends way to long staring at my breasts. "Yeah sweetheart, I'd like to have a little taste of you," he slurs. He goes to grab my ass and I can't help the instinct of slapping his hand away from me.

Before he can reach for me again, Rob comes up from behind me, and blocks me with his body. "Keep your fucking hands off her," Hehe growls.

The drunk moves back so fast, you'd think Rob hit him. "Come on Rob, you never cared who touched the other waitresses before," the other old man slurs while waving his hand around.

"Yeah well the others didn't have an old man in the Wayward Saints. This one does. Keep your fucking hands off her," he says giving them a death stare.

Turning away from the table, I see that everyone heard what Rob just said. Some of the guys look a little intimidated. So that's why Rob would barely look at me, Dom must have called him.

Grabbing my phone, I shoot Dom a text message.

I didn't need your help Dom! I could handle myself.

He doesn't respond to me right away, so I shove my phone back into my bag, and get back to waiting on tables.

A few hours later, the bar gets packed and I hear the roar of motorcycles outside. Oh great. Please tell me he didn't send in reinforcements, as well as threatening the owner.

I watch Anslie walk in with Brantley and a few other men. I can see her scanning the room, and as soon as her eyes find me, she comes running towards me in these sky high heels.

"Hey!" she squeals. I can't help but smile at her. She is always excited to see me. Another girl is walking up behind her with a similar outfit and shoes on.

"Hey Anslie," I say back to her.

I look over at her friend and I'm instantly jealous. She's beautiful and has the prettiest colored hair I've ever seen.

this is my best friend Casey. Her old man is Brant's cousin, Gunner. They just came down for a little visit from Seattle,” Anslie says excitedly. She points over to Gunner, and he just nods his head in greeting and goes back to talking to the other guys.

"Hi Coley! It's so great to meet you! I never expected Dom to have an ole' lady!" Casey squeals pulling me in for a hug. I can see why they are friends.

They don't even let me get one word in. They are both so excited that I'm seeing Dom. The guys pull them over to their table in the corner of the bar, and I tell them I'll be right there to get their drink orders.

I drop off a few drinks that were ready, and then slowly make my way over to the table. All eyes are on me when I walk up and the conversations stop. Fidgeting with my hands, I ask everyone what I can get them to drink.

Anslie orders a water and Casey orders a Jack and coke; while the guys order a couple of pitchers of Bud Light. Before I can walk away, Anslie grabs my hand to leans in to whisper in my ear. "I'm sorry we all showed up, but Dom wanted the guys to keep an eye on you."

Pulling away I can tell she feels bad that they are checking up on me, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that he cares enough to do all of this.

"It's okay. I get it," I say with a smile. She slowly smiles and nods her head. I walk over to Rob and tell him their order before going to get the drinks for the next table.

I spend most of my time serving drinks and closing tabs, but every once in a while I spend some time talking with Anslie and Casey.

They both are so awesome. I can't believe that they have taken me in without any questions.

Near the end of the night, a few of the guys sitting next to the bar are so drunk that they keep saying dirty things to me every time I walk by.

The last comment was about how he would like to see me with my hands and feet tied together while he fucked me from behind. I shuddered at that thought, but thinking about Dom bending me over the other night gives me the chills.

Making my way over to where Anslie and Casey are dancing on the makeshift dance floor, the douche bag follows me, and tries to grab me. When his hand touches me, I jerk back, causing him to fall forward into me and Casey.

Before Anslie can help Casey and I up, the guys makes their way towards us with pissed off expressions. The one I was introduced to as Gunner gets right in the drunk guys face and looks ready to kill.

I try to walk over to them, but Casey and Anslie both pull me back. "Don't get involved," they both say in unison.

"Trust me honey I've seen Gunner do way more damage than that guy," she has a smile on her face and I'm not sure that is a good thing or not.

I'm not big on confrontation so I want to diffuse the situation. I hear the drunk guy slur something towards the guys and Gunner swings hitting the guy right in the cheek. "Oh my God," I shriek.

"Don't ever fucking say another thing about our old ladies again mother fucker," Gunner spits at the guy. Rob comes around the bar and kicks the drunken guy out without a word.

I can't even form any words. "Trust me Coley if my brother was here, it would have been worse." I look over at Casey and she nods her head.

"Coley, Dom is like my big brother too. He doesn't do well when anyone touches either of us, and if he likes you like I've heard, then shit would have hit the fan. Big time!"

Gunner walks over to us and pulls Casey into his arms. He whispers something in her ear, and her face breaks out into a huge ass smile. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him.

Trying not to intrude on their moment, I look over to Anslie and she has a huge smile on her face too. I can tell she loves Casey and I can see why. It's hard not to like her. She's the total opposite of me. Brantley comes over too and pulls Anslie to him.

"You alright Coley?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You're gonna tell Dominic aren't you?" he looks down at Anslie and then back at me.

"I'd expect the same if something happened to Anslie while she was with him; so yeah I am."

Well at least he's honest.

Once the excitement dies down, they all go back to the booth. I finish out my shift, and when it's time for me to close out all my tabs, they are ready to go and insisting they walk me to my car. Instead of fighting them, I just go with it.

Chapter Twenty-One

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