Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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I've heard my phone go off for the last fifteen minutes, but I need to talk to this girl before I deal with anything else. I need to find out what happened, and why shit turned so fast.

When we finally get to the room this girl is staying, I see why my brother was so fucking hooked. The girl is beautiful in the girl next door kind of way. She has long dirty blonde hair and a slender body. She isn't very tall, but she makes up for it in tits and ass.

Her eyes widen when she sees me. "Is Raef here?" she asks trying to look around us.

"No. I need to know what happened and why my brother got blamed for this shit going south." She looks at Butch and he just stares at her.

"Leave us alone Butch," I state still staring at her. He goes to protest, but I cut him off by growling, "now!"

He turns and walks out with a huff. I don't want him to get in the way of finding out my answers. "Now tell me what the fuck happened. Your brother won't be able to protect you anymore. I need answers and I need them now."

The look on her face is one of fear. She doesn't know me and I sure as hell don't want to have to show her how mean I can fucking be.

"I don't know how they found out about me and Raef. I just know they did and they tried to kill him too," she whispers. "I never wanted him to get involved with my past."

I can see the tears forming in her eyes and I want to bolt from the room. I don't do well with bitches who cry. That's not something I've been good with. Every time my sister cried, I wanted to put my fist through a fucking wall.

"Who?" I bark out.

Her eyes glisten more and I want to get out of here now. "The guy who bought me," she whimpers a little.

Aw fuck. This is going to get bad real quick. "Your brother know someone bought you?" I ask. If that happened to my sister, I would be fucking killing people. There would be no mercy for anyone who was involved.

She shakes her head and I can barely understand the words that come out of her mouth next.

"They made a.. a.. deal with the mob and so my brother can't.. can't take them all on alone." Dammit to hell. I walk towards the door but before I can leave her broken voice cuts through me. It's like hearing my sister talk about Brant after she was kidnapped all those years ago.

"Is he ever going to come back?" I can tell she's about to cry and I think she already knows the answer.

"I have no idea," I say before walking out. I hear her sobs through the door, but there isn't anything I can do to help her.

Grabbing my phone I check the messages and see one from Coley and one from Brant.

Gun put his fist through some dude face for running into Case and your girl.

I didn't need your help Dom! I could handle myself.

Yeah I can tell. She doesn't get how fucking beautiful she is. Every guy would be stupid not to hit on her. I'm just glad as fuck the guys were at the bar tonight.

Dialing my old man's number, I wait for him to pick up.

"Yeah kid?" he asks when he finally answers.

"You know Raef had a thing with this girl that's up shit creek without a paddle?" I hear him muttering fuck a bunch of times under his breath.

"Who is she?" he asks agitated.

"One of Mac's men's sisters. The mob sold her to some prick and he's the one waging war out here. I'm sure if we retaliate, the mob will be on our asses so fucking fast." I hear him barking out orders to the others before he gets back on the phone with me.

"Smooth shit out with our buyers before you come back. We need a plan before we go up against some shit like that."

"Ten-four," I reply before hanging up. Before I make it back out to the clubhouse, I call Coley.

"Hey," she answers on the fourth ring.

"Hey to you too babe. How was your first night?" I already know she's gonna lie, so I just wait patiently with a grin on my face.

"Well..." she starts. "I watched Gunner punch someone for knocking me and Casey over," she pauses for a minute. "Oh and Rob threatened some drunk guy for trying to grab my ass."

I hear her giggle and I can't help but growl. This is why I don't want her working in a damn bar. "Babe you have no idea how fucking sexy you are." She stays quiet, so I know the answer.

"You are so fucking hot that every one wishes they have what I got. I wish you didn't work at the bar, but if you won't give it up, expect someone from the club there every night you work."

"Dom you can't do that," she says on a huff.

"Baby I can do whatever I want. You can come work for me instead when I get back," I reply. I hear the clubhouse doors open and a few of the guys filing out.

"Dom no. I want to do this on my own." I hear my phone beep and see that it's the doc calling. I had done the paternity test on my way out of town. He must have my results.

"Baby we will talk about this when I get back. The doc is calling me so I have to get it. I miss you and I'll be home soon." Before she can even say anything else, I answer the docs call.

"Hey doc what's up?" I hear his chuckle. "You don't sound as pissed as you were when you left." I can hear his snickers and as much as I want to punch him, I need to know the answer first.

"Fuck off. What's the verdict?"

"Well Dom, I'll cut to the chase. He is one hundred percent yours." I feel like I had the wind knocked out of me. I have a son. Axle. Fuck I feel like I need to throw up.

"Dom I need to warn you though, we did a DNA test on her to just to make sure she was his mother without her knowing. You can never be too careful nowadays.” He pauses for a second, so I ask the obvious.

"And he's hers?" I hear him sigh.

"No Dom, that's not his mother." How the fuck does she have my child if she didn't give birth to him?

"Now before you flip out, I had a friend of mine run his DNA through a database and it had a hit with a woman who is now deceased." I can feel my heart stop. What kind of fucking bitch would stoop to that level?

"Who is it?" I ask. My head is running through all the women I've slept with in that time frame and I can't figure it out.

"I don't know. She was unidentified. No one reported her missing and she has no record."

"Can I get my kid from her?" I want to throttle that bitch so fucking bad that my blood is boiling. I hear Mac come out and ask what's taking so long.

"Doc, do me a favor and call my old man and have him find her now," I bark out.

He tells me he's on it and I hang up and try to focus on the shit at hand.

Chapter Twenty-Two

When I make my way over to the guys, I look right at Butch and lay into him. "Why the fuck did you let someone sell your fucking sister?" He goes completely ghost white. He probably didn't think she would actually say anything.

"You are fucking worse than they are. I would never let some asshole sell my sister. I would fucking put his god damn head on a fucking platter and trust me, that mother fucker would never make it out of this situation alive. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I sneer.

"Enough!" Mac shouts, causing the whole group to quiet down in an instant.

"Who the fuck is this guy that sold your sister?" I ground out. I'm trying to keep my cool, but ever since Anslie was kidnapped,

I can't keep calm about shit like this. I should have protected her better, but I didn't, and now I won't let that happened to anyone in our fucking chapters.

"I don't know him. I just know they dated a while back and she said she left him for acting strangely. She said she cut him loose and I believed her. I had no idea he would do that to her." I can tell he's regretting his decisions on believing that she was okay. Shit, I did the same thing.

"I need a fucking name," I can feel my teeth grinding and I want to fucking throttle him until he gives me the info. "Fine, I'll just go ask her. Let me in the building," I say as I walk over to the door.

He pales before he gives me the name.

"Marco Cabrera."

I turn and walk back inside the club house to call Trace our resident IT guy in Vegas. When he answers, I tell him to run everything on Marco Cabrera, and to call as soon as he has something. Once I hang up, I make my way to the bar. I need a fucking drink and I need it now.

I pull up a stool and ask for a beer, but before I even get the bottle, my phone starts ringing.

"Yeah Pops?" I don't really feel like talking to him, but I know I need to.
"Just talked to doc. He said we need to make a move before she takes off with your kid."

"Just get him away from that bitch. Do whatever you have to do," I grit out. I want to be fucking home instead of dealing with this shit here in California.

"Will do kid. I'll call you when I have more info." We say our goodbyes and I take a long pull from my beer.

Looking at my phone, I see that it's after three in the morning. She's probably asleep in my bed by now, but I want to hear her voice. Pushing the contact with her name, I pray she answers.

"Hey baby," she mumbles through a yawn.

I can't help the instant grin that appears on my face once I hear her voice.

"Hey sweetness, you asleep?" I can hear her moving around in my bed and I wish I was there with her.

"No, I was hoping you'd call back." Her whispering gets me hard and I want nothing more than to fuck her right now.

Chuckling, I let it slide since I know she was asleep when I called.

"You sound upset Dom, what's wrong?" I didn't think that she would catch on to that.

Sighing, I tell her about Axle. "So the doc said that Axle is one hundred percent mine, but the woman who has him isn't his mother." Blowing out a breath, I close my eyes and take another pull from my beer.

"What? How can she have him if he isn't hers?" I can hear the change in her voice and I know she's worried about him like I am.

"I don't know babe. My dad is gonna work on getting him away from her, but there's nothing I can do from here." I hear her intake of breath and she heaves out a heavy sigh.

"If you need me to do anything let me know." She sounds like she's ready to cry.

"Thank you babe. You working tomorrow?" I ask trying to take her mind off of the baby.

"Yeah. I work from seven to closing. Am I going to get body guards?" she asks with a giggle.

"Yeah you will."

"I like Casey and your sister, they're great." I can't help but smile. I love that she gets along with my sisters. I hear my phone beep, so I pull it away from my ear and see Brant calling.

Ignoring him, I spend the next half hour just talking about random things with Coley. She tells me all about her first shift and how excited she was when she seen how much she had gotten in tips.

I know for sure the tips were all from the men in the bar thinking about all the ways they wanted to fuck her. Hell I'm having trouble thinking of anything other than bending her over the bed and fucking her. Spacing out on all the dirty things I want to do to her, I hear her trying to get my attention.

"Dom," she growls.

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