Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (15 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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I'm now hard as a rock and needing some relief. A few of the club whores are on the prowl and have been sniffing at me the whole time I've been sitting here talking to Coley. One of them tries to put her hand on my thigh, and I push her hand off of me.

"Dom!" she yells this time.

"Yeah baby?" I ask. Getting up off the stool, I make my way to one of the empty rooms at the end of the hall.

"When do you think you'll be back?" Her soft voice makes me want to say fuck this shit and ride all the way home tonight, but I know that it's not gonna happen.

"I don't know. Depends on the info I get from Trace." I hear her sigh. "Babe trust me, I would rather have you in my bed than be here."

She starts to giggle. "I'm already in your bed."

Such a little smart ass. My hand wants to imprint on her sweet little ass. "I know you are and I'm here all alone."

She snorts before replying. "I'm sure there are plenty of girls who want to take a ride with you Dom." There's jealously dripping from her words, but I like knowing she's jealous.

"None of them hold a candle to you sweetness. I only want my dick inside of you." Her intake of breath is noticeable and I know I'm getting to her right now.

Just before I say all the things I want to do to her body, my phone starts to beep again. "Fuck," I mumble as I check whose calling.

"Babe I have to go. It's my dad and he's supposed to call when he has news on Axle."

"Okay, let me know what happens and if you need me to do anything," she rushes out.

I can't help but smile that she wants to help me with him. "Will do darlin'. I'll call you tomorrow."

Clicking over, I ask him what he found out.

"Well Brant called to tell you but your fuckin' ass wouldn't answer," he sneers.

"Fuck off, I was talking to Coley. You said you'd call, not fucking Brant." He doesn’t say anything so I ask him the question that I am dying to know the answer to.

'What do you know about that bitch? Where is my son?" I rush out. I want fucking answers and I want them now.

"We found her, but he's not with her." What the fuck does he mean she doesn't have him?

"Where is she?" I ground out. I'm tired of this run around. "Looks like she's out with her boy toy. I have a call into Danvers. He owes me a favor and should be able to get his help getting him out of there. I'm doing everything I can to bring him home."

Sighing, I know he is. He would do anything for my sister, my brothers, and me. "I know Pops. I just don't know what that bitch is planning or who the fuck she is."

"I know kid. What are you going to do when he is home? I'm sure your sister will help, but she's got her own shit going on with the twins, the pregnancy and Brant." I know my sister would help even with all the problems she has going on.

"Coley said she would help too, so it will be fine. Just get him home."

"Will do Son.
I'll call you when we get word. You still can't leave California until it's dealt with," he says in warning.

"Fuck that. When my son gets there, I'm coming home. I'll come back out here but let me fucking have some time with him."

"Dominic," He warns, but I don't back down from this fight. It's one I'm gonna win.

"Don't fucking Dominic me. You and I both fucking know you took some time off when Anslie came home because I was the one handling all your fucking shit with Nick. I'm not asking for a fucking lot, just a few days to get to know my kid. I'll come back out here once I do."

His deep breath comes through the phone loud and clear. "Fine Dom. The shit out there is a sensitive deal. I don't need backlash over it. Get some sleep and I'll call you in the morning when I get some info from Danvers." With that he ends the call.

Chapter Twenty-Three

After talking to Dom and hearing how stressed out he is about his son and whatever club business he is dealing with, I have a hard time falling asleep. I want to be able to help him, but I don’t know how.

I don’t want to push him, so I try and fall back asleep, but being alone in his bed is hard. I want to be able to cuddle up with his big body and have his hands roaming all over me. God I sound pathetic, but I can’t help how I feel about him already.

Maybe Anslie was right the other night. Trying not to think about soul mates and if we are meant to be together, I get out of bed and turn the light on so I can find the remote. Once I find it and turn on a re-run of Criminal Minds, I am able to relax enough to fall asleep a little while later.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of someone banging on the door. Panicking, I grab my phone and dial Dom’s number. “Hey baby I can’t talk now,” he says quickly.

The pounding on the door gets louder and I hear a woman screaming. “Dom, someone is pounding on your front door.” I hear him mumble something to someone. “Hold on, I’ll check the security camera.” I wait as he checks.

“Fuck,” he grits out. I hear him say something about calling his dad and then he gets back on the phone with me.

“Babe, I need for you to open the door and let her in. It’s that bitch and she has Axle with her. I have one of the guys calling my old man.” Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the door and look through the peep hole.

“Coley everything will be fine. They are a few minutes out.” Steeling myself for her, I open the door and come face to face with the bitch who stole his son.

“Can I help you?” I ask staring at her. She looks me up and down and turns up her nose at me.

“I’m looking for my baby daddy. Where the hell is he?” I back away from the door and let her in.

“He should be back any minute. You can come in and wait,” I say with the nicest tone I can muster. In reality, I want to punch this stupid bitch in her face.

She gives me a dirty look as she walks past me with the car seat. Taking a peek at Axle, I can see that he looks just like Dom.

My God.

I close the door once she comes inside and I show her to the couch. “So are you like his maid or something?” she spits.

Smiling politely, I answer, “no, I’ll just be the woman taking care of your child when he sees what a selfish whore you are.”

Her head snaps to me and she sets the car seat down next to the couch. She points her finger at me and I know she’s pissed. “You wish. He is going to throw you out like yesterday’s trash when he finds out that the test is positive. Axle is Dominic’s son and we will be raising him under this roof together.”

Smirking, I just think to myself how delusional she is. “So how did you meet Dominic?” No one seems to know that answer and I am curious as to why she is trying to be part of his life with a kid that’s not even hers.

She steps back a few feet from me and looks around the room. “I knew he had some money, but this is nicer than I thought,” she turns her head back to me and then smiles a down right evil smile.

“I met Dominic one night at Midnight Tavern. He cornered me in the hall way and asked if I wanted to go back to his place. I didn't do things like that so at first I said no, but once his fingers touched me I was done for. I knew I wanted him, so I told him let’s go. We ended up at my place where we made love all night long.”

I feel like the breath just got knocked out of me. How can her story be so similar to the way we met? Does he do this with all the girls? I think I’m going to be sick.

I watch her face break out into a big smile, because she knows she’s getting to me. Before she can open her mouth again, the front door opens and I see Cason and a few other men coming inside.

“Who are you?” she stutters out when she sees how pissed off Cason is.

“I’ll be the one taking my grandson away from your whore ass. Who the fuck are you?” he growls. I watch her look between all the men before she thinks better of trying to run with Axle.

I go to grab my phone off the table next to the door and see that Dom is still listening. “Dom,” I whisper.

“Yeah baby I’m right here. Don’t believe a word she said. I never pick up women from Midnight. You are the only one.” I want so bad to believe him, but I don’t know if I can.

What if she’s right? Then what do I do? I thought that we had something between us, but if he does that all the time then I’m even more of a fool than before.

“Cole I know your head is spinning, but I need you to believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you, I’m falling hard for you and I need you right now.” I can hear the emotion in his voice.

“Okay,” I say quietly. Before I can say anything else, the front door opens again and a police officer and Brantley come walking in.

“What’s going on here Cason?” the uniformed officer asks. I look over to Cason and he just smirks at the woman.

“Well officer, this woman claims to be the mother of Dominic’s son, but we have a DNA test that proves otherwise. This bitch is a fake and who knows how she ended up with my grandson.”

The officer looks from Cason to the woman and then asks, “do you have the paperwork?” Cason nods his head and pulls out some papers from his back pocket.

Handing them over to the officer, I see her eyes widen and she goes to grab the car seat. Before she can, I make my way to Axle first and grab the car seat off the floor. She tries to grab me, but one of the guys steps in front of me to keep her away from us.

Looking down into the car seat I see Axle’s sweet little face that looks so much like his fathers. I tell Dom to hold on and I take my phone and snap a picture of the little guy and send it to Dom. Putting the phone back to my ear I hear his intake of breath.

“He’s beautiful,” he whispers.

“He looks just like you,” I say with a smile.

I hear him saying something to someone else and I watch Cason walk over to me. “Can I talk to Dom for a sec?” I nod my head and hand him the phone.

“Looks like the paper work is all here. Miss, I need you to come with me,” he grabs his cuffs and goes to arrest her. “Cason can I trust that you guys won’t disappear with him? I need to make sure this goes through the proper channels. Just be available when I need to talk to Dominic.”

“You have my word,” he says before he walks into the other room with my phone. When the officer leads her away, I see the other men start to loosen up a little and a few even come over to me and Axle.

One that I think is Dom’s brother comes and takes a peek inside the car seat. “Holy fuck!” he says.

One of the others smacks him. “Don’t cuss in front of the little man,” he says looking over at Axle as well.

“Like the little shit can even understand me,” he says laughing.

“Remember when you said fuck in front of Rem and Sev and they said it for a week Bent?”

Bent starts to crack up. “Dude, those two are four and this one isn’t even a few months old yet. He can’t understand us yet.”
I watch the guys bicker back and forth and part of me feels right at home with them. I just wish Dom was here right now.

Chapter Twenty-Four

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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