Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Wayward Saints MC Book 4)
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Checking on Axle, I see that he's awake and trying to grab his toes. Picking him and his blanket up, I make my way into the living room and grab a diaper and a fresh change of clothes. Once I get him changed and dressed, we go to the kitchen to get a bottle.

Once I feed Axle, I burp him and then rock him until he falls asleep. Setting him in his car seat, I go about making breakfast for Dom and me. Right before I am finished, I feel Dom's lips run down my neck.

"Morning sexy," he says in a husky whisper that causes me to squeeze my thighs together. Turning everything off, I spin around and come face to face with a very sexy Dominic with only jeans on. They are unbuttoned and I am dying to reach my hand inside of them.

He pulls me in for a kiss and I go willingly. "Morning babe," I whisper against his lips. Picking me up, he sets me on the counter opposite of the food and slides his hands under the t-shirt.

"No panties?" he growls. I smirk at him and let my hands wander down to the zipper of his jeans. Undoing them, I slide them down to his knees and he pulls me closer to the edge of the counter. He runs his finger down my cheek before he slams into me. Before I can yell out, he slams his mouth down on mine to silence me.

Moaning into his mouth, he slams into me over and over. My body feels like it's on fire and I know it won't be long before I go over the edge with him. Sliding my hand down to my pussy, I rub my nub and his growls cause me to fall over the edge. "Fuck," he groans in my ear as we come apart together.

Dom continues to place kisses along my neck until he milks his cock in me. He lifts his head and looks over at Axle who is still sleeping in his car seat.

"Mmm," I moan as he pulls out of me.

"Mmm is right,"

I wrap my arms around him before he can go over to the food. Placing a kiss to his chest I whisper, "I'm glad you're here. I missed you."

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. Kissing my head he murmurs, "missed you too babe." After we sit like this for a few minutes, he reaches over and grabs some of the bacon off the plate and feeds me a piece.

"Does Axle need anything else?" he asks as he pulls his jeans back up.

"Yeah, your sister gave me a list a mile long of stuff he needed, but I wasn't sure I had enough so I just got the things he needed for the night," I say nibbling on a piece of toast.

"Okay we can go get everything else once we are done eating." Nodding my head, I watch the way his body moves as he reaches over for the food.

All I can think about is him leaving again and what I would do. I'm not sure what Dom is planning for the future, so I am nervous to ask when he is leaving again or what he is going to do with Axle.

"What is running through your pretty little head right now?" his voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I lay my head against his chest.

"Just wondering how long you will be here." Sighing, he runs his hand down my back.

"My old man is giving me three weeks to figure out my shit before he sends me back to Sacramento. So I'm your guys until I need to go for a few days."

"What happens when you leave?" I can feel my lip tremble, because I'm scared that I won't be enough for him while he's gone.

"Hey Cole, look at me," he pulls my face up to look at his. "We continue what we are doing now. I don't tell women I love them if I don't mean it. I'm in it for the long haul and I want you to be right there with me. You can try and run, but I'll always come and find you. You're it for me and Axle."

Closing my eyes, I can feel the tears fall down my cheeks. Using his thumbs he wipes them away, places kisses in their place. "I love you," I whisper. He breaks out in a grin and kisses my lips gently, "I love you too."

"So does this mean you'll stay by my side?" Nodding my head, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck. He lifts me up off the counter and grabs the car seat, taking us both into the bedroom to get ready.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Once I help Coley get ready, well more like help her undress more than once, we finally make it out of the house to the store. Who knew kids needed so much stuff. After furniture shopping, we finally made it to Target for some clothes, and a shit ton of other things.

The only good thing about this trip was seeing the way Coley's eyes lit up when she was showing Axle the stuffed animals. He ended up latching on to a little monkey and wouldn't let him go. After a shit ton of clothes, formula and diapers, we finally get to the side of the store I want to be in. Lingerie.

I look over at Coley and she's busy looking at shoes or something for Axle, so I tell him I have plans for Coley tonight. He smiles at me and I think we understand each other. His giggles make my heart feel full and I finally get why Brant is so protective over the twins.

I pick out something for Coley, and stick it in the cart and make my way over to where she is standing. Wrapping an arm around her, I pull her to me.

"Dom, what about these?" She asks holding up a little pair of shoes.

Looking at them, I shake my head and then look over at the selection. Finding a little pair of boots, I point and tell her to get those. She looks at me and shakes her head. "Come on baby, he needs to look like his daddy. Biker all the way, sweetness."

She hands me the boots and I toss them in the cart and follow her to the next aisle. Instead of paying attention to where I'm going, I end up running right into her because I was too busy staring at her ass. But trust me it is an amazing ass. She smacks my shoulder and tells me to pay attention before she hurts me.

"Baby I'm game for whatever," I say with a smirk. This causes a bottle of baby soap to come flying at my head.

She shakes her head and keeps walking.

By the time we finish our shopping trip, I have a shit load of stuff to bring into the house, and new baby furniture to put together.

Once I get everything inside and the crib put together I'm starving. Making my way into the kitchen, I see Coley talking to Axle while he is on her hip. Watching how happy he is with her makes everything worthwhile. Sure it sucks that I still don't know who his mom is, but I am glad he is here with us. Coley will make an amazing mother.

Her eyes light up as she talks to him and they slowly dance around the room. His giggles are contagious and when I think I can't love her anymore, she proves me wrong.

"You look just like your daddy," she coos at him. He grabs for her hair and it doesn't even faze her. She looks happy and I love that my boy and I can do that for her.

"Hey baby," I say. She lets out a yelp and I can't help but smile. She puts her hand over her heart and Axle grabs at her hand.

"You scared me," she says trying to calm down. Smirking, I make my way to them and kiss them both. Taking Axle from Coley, he grins at me and lets me hold him.

"Sorry baby, just came to see if you were hungry."

"Yeah I am. Do you want me to make something?" She asks looks around the kitchen.

"Naw baby let's just go out. Tomorrow we can make something." She smiles at me and tells me she is going to get her purse and then she's ready.

When we get to the restaurant, the hostess stares at me the whole time. Instead of getting mad like the last time, she grabs my hand, and places a kiss to my mouth. She shoots the girl a dirty look and I just smile. That's my girl.

Axle starts to fuss, so Coley takes him out of the seat and the hostess just stares between the three of us.

After a few minutes she finally shows us to our table and asks if we need a high chair or anything. Coley shakes her head no and continues to dote on Axle. Once we are seated, my phone starts to ring.

"Yeah Ans?" I say when I see her name pop up on the screen.

"What are you guys doing?" she has this super sweet tone and I know I'm gonna regret answering the phone.

"Just sat down to eat. Why?" Coley looks up from Axle and gives me a questioning look. Shrugging my shoulders, I go back to listening to Anslie.

"Oh well can you guys come over sometime? I want to hang out with Axle and get my baby skills back to par." I can hear Brant in the background saying he will keep her occupied instead, but she tells him to go fuck himself.

Laughing, I tell her, that we will bring him by next week.

Once I finally get my sister off the phone, the server is ready to take our orders. After we place our orders, I slide into the same side as Coley and Axle. He reaches his little fingers at me, so I take him from Coley. He reaches for her hair, and I hand him my keys instead.

Coley rests her head on my shoulder and tells me about their trip to the store to pick out some clothes and all the stuff he needed the first day. By the time the food gets here, I learned all about their first day together and I can’t help but smile.

After we finish eating and Axle falls asleep in his car seat, I pay the check and grab his car seat and lead Coley to the truck. Once I get Axle strapped in, I walk over to Coley’s door and open it for her.

Helping her in the truck I squeeze her ass. She yelps and turns and smacks my shoulder. Leaning into her body, I whisper, “as sexy as you look naked, I like you better when you’re holding Axle.” She turns her head to kiss me before hopping into the truck.

I close the door and walk over to my side and start the engine. The ride home is quiet and I can’t keep the smile off my face. Never in my life did I think that I wanted kids or an ole’ lady, but watching Coley and Axle, I know that I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Hell, I was content just being an uncle to Rem and Sev, but this is really what makes all the shit we go through for the club worth it.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

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