Wes and Toren (6 page)

Read Wes and Toren Online

Authors: J.M. Colail

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Wes and Toren
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“It…it was nice meeting you,” I said. Wesley already had the driver-side door open.

Wes & Toren


“Yeah, we’ll see ya around, Toren. Bye, Wes,” Lissa said, making eye contact with me.

Wesley started the car and we watched Kate and Lissa walk back into Cue. He peeled out of the parking lot and drove me home. He idled in front of my building and I started to say good night, but he interrupted me.

“Wait a sec. You didn’t forget about our bet, did you? Good thing I didn’t specify which parking lot.”

He leaned in and kissed me, pushing his tongue between my lips and ruffling my hair with his fingers. It was dark out and the car’s interior lights weren’t on, so I felt pretty safe that we wouldn’t be seen.

“See you later,” Wesley said, pulling back and sinking into the driver’s seat.

“Good night.”

I waved before I got to the stairs and Wesley waited until I was up to the third floor before he drove away. I couldn’t help but let a shy smile steal across my face. It kinda felt like we were on a date, and it was a good feeling.


J. M. Colail

WESLEY was waiting for me at my locker before history class. He looked really cute in his ripped jeans and an unbuttoned plaid, short-sleeved shirt over a white T-shirt. My stomach tingled a little when I saw him and I immediately blushed.

“What’s going on?” he asked, leaning against the lockers with his book bag over his shoulder.

“Nothing. How are you?” I asked, pulling out my History book.

He complained about not being able to eat lunch with me because our lunch hours were consecutive. He talked and I listened, nodding my head and smiling, until class started.

Mr. Hannity told us about the exam on Friday and that we should catch up on any reading since the test would cover chapters 13, 14, and 17. He glanced at Wesley a few times during the announcement, enough that even I noticed.

After class, Wesley waited for me to pack up my things. He glared at Mr. Hannity and frowned. He was ticked off because Mr. Hannity always seemed to single him out. There was no doubt that Wesley was upset, but I thought Mr. Hannity did it because he knew Wesley could do better if he applied himself.

“We should go to the library today, to get stuff for our project,” I said, stuffing papers into my folder.

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Wesley groaned. “No way. It’s Monday. Besides, the project isn’t due for, like, ever.”

I shook my head and tried to convince him otherwise, but Wesley was adamant.

“Hey, Wes. What’s up?” Jen asked, surprising him from behind. “I was wondering; you wanna grab a bite to eat? I’m starving.”

Wesley turned around and smiled nicely. “Oh, sorry. I can’t. Toren here is dragging me to the library. Maybe another time,” he said cordially.

Jen’s face fell but she smiled quickly. “Oh, that’s okay. Yeah, maybe another time.” She smiled again and then looked down at me, narrowing her eyes. It was like a black cloud circled her head and I actually felt a chill.

I got my things together and Wesley followed me out of the classroom. He waited while I got my book bag and closed my locker.

“Where are you going? My car’s this way,” he said, pointing down the hall.

“You said I was dragging you to the library.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t mean it. It was just so Jen would leave me alone.”

“Well, that’s not fair,” I said with a smile. “You can’t use me as an alibi.”

Wesley stared at me a moment and then dragged his feet like they were made of lead. “All right, all right. But only for a little while,” he conceded.

We found two books on the Chinese Exclusion Acts and I checked them out on my library card. We weren’t there long, but Wesley complained the whole time. When we left, he drove me to his house and I gave him one of the books. He complained more, but agreed to read it if I let him kiss me. I agreed with blushing cheeks and leaned into him.

We worked on our homework, doing Spanish together and then working separately for other classes. After an hour, Wesley pulled out 40

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his small pipe and bag of marijuana. He packed the bowl and reached into his pocket for his lighter.

“Wanna smoke this with me?” he asked, tilting the lighter and inhaling.

I shook my head and gripped the textbook in my lap. “No…that’s okay.”

“C’mon, what’s the big deal? You might not even get high since it’s your first time,” he coaxed, raising his eyebrows and grinning.

“No, I don’t think so,” I said, looking down.

“All right. Fine.” He sighed, sounding defeated, then took another hit and scooted closer to me. “The least you can do is give me a kiss then.”

He kissed me and my lungs filled with smoke. I started coughing and had to hold onto my book to keep it from sliding off my lap. Wesley snickered and I furrowed my brows at him.

“That—that wasn’t fair!” I shouted between coughs.

“I know, I know. I couldn’t help it.” He held out the pipe again.

“C’mon, just a puff.”

I looked at him a moment and then down to the pipe again. “I don’t know how.”

“It’s easy,” he said and I took the pipe from him. “Just suck it in and breathe. Like normal.”

I looked down at the glowing bowl and lifted it to my lips. The tip was wet with Wesley’s saliva and I breathed in. I tried to breathe again but I started coughing instantly. Wesley patted my back and took the pipe.

“It’s okay, it just takes a little practice,” he said and sucked on the small pipe.

I wiped away the tears in my eyes from my coughing fit and Wesley handed me the pipe. I tried again, bringing the pipe to my lips and exhaling a plume of smoke without coughing. My eyes brightened and I was strangely proud of myself.

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“Yeah, just like that,” Wesley said with a smile. “Go ahead, take another.”

I tried to do the same as before, but I inhaled too much and my throat became raw from coughing. Wesley laughed and took the pipe, patting my back again. He smoked what was left in the bowl and then put everything back in the cabinet in the coffee table. He closed the book in my lap and put his arm around me.

“So, you feeling anything? Are you high?”

“I—I don’t know.”

“Then probably not. You would know if you were. Oh well, maybe next time.”

He turned my face toward him and lowered my chin with his thumb. It always surprised me by how good his kiss felt. He ran his hand across my stomach and kissed my neck and collarbones. I was entranced and thought this was much better than getting high.

A low rumbling noise stopped Wesley’s lips and tongue and he frowned at me. He leaned back into the sofa and pouted. “Damn. My mom’s home.” He looked at me with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

“And things were just gettin’ good.”

I looked around the room and straightened my shirt. Wesley stood up and stretched his arms over his head. I could see a swatch of his white stomach and a few sparse hairs leading downward. I swallowed hard.

“Hi, Mom,” Wesley greeted, meeting his mom in the kitchen.

I sat on the edge of the couch and stuffed my textbook into my book bag. I stood up as his mom stepped into the living room.

“Hello,” she said with a smile. She closed her eyes when she smiled.

“Mom, this is Toren. Toren, this is my mom,” Wesley said.

I was suddenly very glad that I didn’t get high. I gripped the strap of my book bag and felt really nervous.

“Um, hello. It’s nice to meet you,” I said, bowing slightly.


J. M. Colail

“Oh, yes, Toren. Wes’s told me about you. You’re partners for a class project, right? I’m Cindy. It’s nice to meet you too.” She had a crooked smile and a perm that was too tight. She was thin, maybe on the skinny side, and wore lots of eye makeup. “Wes, there’re some groceries in the car. Bring them in, all right?”

Wesley rolled his eyes, but obeyed and left me standing in the smoky living room with his mother. I looked around nervously while Mrs. Carroll took a pack of cigarettes from her purse. They were ultra slim and about six inches long.

“What class is your project for?” she asked, the cigarette bouncing up and down as she spoke.

“It's for History. We’re doing it on the Chinese Exclusion Acts,” I answered.

“The what?”

“The Chinese Exclusion Acts of the 1880s,” I repeated quietly.

Wesley returned with four plastic bags of groceries draped on his arms. He and Mrs. Carroll talked in the kitchen while I stood awkwardly in the living room. Wesley came back and sat down on the sofa, patting the cushion next to him. I sat down and Wesley picked up his Math book and smiled at me.

Mrs. Carroll stepped into the living room and gasped. “Holy shit.

Wes, are you doing homework?” Wesley rolled his eyes and nodded his head sarcastically. “Well, I’ll be damned,” she laughed and then coughed into her fist. She took a hit on her cigarette and coughed again. “Toren, you wanna stay for dinner?”

“Um, thank you, but I don’t think I—”

“Oh, come on. I’m just making chicken and green beans. Why don’t you stay? I won’t take no for an answer.”

“All—all right. Thank you,” I conceded. Mrs. Carroll smiled triumphantly and returned to the kitchen. Wesley smiled at me and I already began to feel nervous.

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Wesley’s dad came home while his mom was setting the table. He was a tall man, thick with muscle. He was wearing custodial blues and had dirty hands. He stared at me and I smiled awkwardly. Wesley introduced us and then Mrs. Carroll called us to the table to eat.

The conversation was typical of a family meal. I ate politely though the chicken was burned and the green beans were bland. I realized I made better dinners than this and then felt guilty for not appreciating her effort.

“What was your project on again, Toren?” Mrs. Carroll asked, picking at her chicken.

Everyone’s focus turned to me and I felt my cheeks get hot. Wesley tapped my shin with his foot under the table and smiled. I looked down at my plate and swallowed hard.

“Um, the Chinese Exclusion Acts of the 1880s,” I answered quietly, cutting through a tough piece of chicken.

“Oh, Frank! You won't believe it,” Mrs. Carroll said, slapping the table. “Wes was actually doing
when I came home!”

Mr. Carroll laughed hoarsely and when he smiled, it seemed crooked and strange, like he had trouble doing it. “Now that’s rare,” he murmured, looking at Wesley. His smile was gone.

“Yeah, about as rare as Mom actually cooking,” Wesley chided.

Mrs. Carroll laughed, Wesley smiled, and Mr. Carroll dropped his fork on his plate. His face turned sour again, an expression that looked more natural on him.

“Watch your mouth,” Mr. Carroll warned, narrowing his eyes at Wesley.

“Frank—” Mrs. Carroll began, but stopped and glanced at me.

“Apologize to your mother,” Mr. Carroll said.

“I was just joking around.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I said, apologize—”

“All right. Sorry, Mom,” Wesley said quietly, lowering his eyes.


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It was awkwardly quiet and I stared at my plate. Mr. Carroll continued eating as if nothing had happened. Wesley glanced at me and Mrs. Carroll sighed. She asked if anyone wanted seconds and the unanimous answer was no.

“You wanna go shoot some pool?” Wesley asked, finally breaking the silence.

I looked up at him. “But, it’s a school night.”

Wesley laughed and Mrs. Carroll chuckled quietly. My cheeks grew red.

“So? Let’s go. I’ll make sure you get home at a reasonable time,”

Wesley said and I eventually nodded.

“Help your mom with the dishes first,” Mr. Carroll said and then retired to the living room.

Mrs. Carroll told Wesley that it was okay, that we could go. I said goodbye and retrieved my book bag from the living room. Mr. Carroll stared at me in his rigid way and I felt really uncomfortable. Wesley pushed me forward and followed me outside. I took a deep breath in the warm air and sighed with relief.

We went to Cue again and found a table in the back. We played a few games, Wesley winning all of them. He made me bet again, a kiss in the parking lot being the prize.

“Sorry about my folks. They’re a little weird,” Wesley said, leaning over the table.

“They seem nice.”

Wesley looked at me from the top of his eyes and grinned. “You’re too nice sometimes.”

I laughed and conceded in my mind that I didn’t really like Mr.

Carroll. I didn’t like the way he treated Wesley. I didn’t like the way he looked at me. I felt inadequate; one of the first times that I felt…girly. I tried to push it out of my mind and Wesley’s hand on my rear end quickly made me forget all about it.

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“Hey! What are you doing?” I asked, looking around. The place was pretty empty, but there were still some people at other tables.

“I doubt anyone saw. But I just couldn’t help myself,” he said with a smile. “You’ve got a cute ass.”

I rolled my eyes and Wesley apologized sarcastically. I excused myself to use the bathroom and took a deep breath. His touch was intoxicating and I had to concentrate to keep myself calm. When I returned to the table, Wesley was talking to two girls. They didn’t look like Kate or Lissa and when I neared, I realized that it was Jen and Olivia. I shyly walked up to the table.

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