Wes and Toren (5 page)

Read Wes and Toren Online

Authors: J.M. Colail

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Wes and Toren
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Wes & Toren


WE got our exams back in Spanish class. I got a 94 and was a little disappointed. I got three questions wrong that I knew the answers to. I felt better when Wesley met me at my locker after class with a beaming smile.

“Check it out. I got an eighty-six,” he said, holding his test up. I looked at the lop-sided smiley face in red ink.

“Good job,” I said, pulling my math book out.

“I made flashcards like you said and I think it really helped.” He folded the test in half the long way and stuck it in his back pocket. “What are you doing for lunch?”


“You wanna eat together?” I looked up and down the hall self-consciously and Wesley noticed my blushing cheeks with his requisite grin. He looked at my math book and frowned. “Damn. You’ve got third lunch, don’t you?”

I nodded and the bell rang. I smiled shyly and shrugged my shoulders. “I gotta get to class.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you in history then,” he said, patting my shoulder and waving at me.

I sighed and watched him walk toward the cafeteria. I still didn’t quite know how to act around Wesley at school. I liked that he paid attention to me, but I also worried that people might suspect something.


J. M. Colail

After history class, Wesley waited for me to get my book bag. We walked out together and I paused at the front of the school, looking down the sidewalk. Wesley stopped and followed my eyes.

“You don’t have to walk home, you know…I’ll give you a ride from now on,” he said, walking toward the student lot.

“Did you get your garage cleaned up?” I asked, dropping my book bag on the floor between my feet.

“Mostly. It took for-damn-ever too,” he answered, starting the car.

He drove to my apartment and parked in an open space. I didn’t even have to invite him in.

I gripped the straps of my book bag as I got out of the car. “I was thinking…we should probably get an outline together for the History project.”

“What? It’s Friday! The weekend! You shouldn’t even think about homework until Sunday. Night. Around 11,” he said, stretching his arms over his head and waiting for me to catch up. I laughed and Wesley smiled warmly. “You’re cute when you smile,” he said, tilting his head and looking at me sideways. “So, is your mom home?” he asked when we reached the third floor.

“No, she’s at work,” I answered, as my heart began to thump to a faster rhythm.

“I see,” he mumbled as I opened the door to the apartment. “And your sister promised me she wouldn’t be home ’til at least six.”


“I ran into her between classes today. She’s pretty cool.”

“I’ll tell her you said that,” I said, feeling my heart in my throat. I set down my book bag at the door and looked over the messy living room. I looked around everywhere except at Wesley.

“Your sister’s really protective of you, you know? She told me that if I broke your heart, she’d cut my balls off. Then she laughed and said

‘see ya.’ It was pretty funny…and maybe a little scary now that I think about it.” Wesley stepped closer to me, smiled devilishly, and slid his Wes & Toren


hand around my waist. “She doesn’t have anything to worry about though.” He walked me to the sofa and I fell back onto it.

His kiss felt incredible, flowing through me like electricity, and I shyly pulled him closer. He kissed my neck and collarbones and his hands slid down my arms. He pushed my T-shirt up and his kisses followed the trail blazed by his fingertips. I pushed my head back into the sofa; it felt amazing. Then his hands dropped and he began to unhook my belt buckle.

“Wa-wait! What are you doing?” I stammered, stopping his hands.

“Man, for an honor student, you sure can be dumb sometimes.

What do you think I’m doing?” he said with a smile, continuing to unbutton and unzip my pants. He hooked his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans and yanked them down. I bit my lip as I felt myself respond to his touch.

“Wait a second. Wesley!”

He grinned when he felt me stiffen beneath his hand. He pulled down my boxers, touching me gently, as he climbed down in front of me, between the sofa and the coffee table.

“Why—why are you doing this?” His fingers grew bolder, stroking me with more energy as a quiet gasp escaped my lips.

“’Cause I wanna make you feel good,” he answered, pushing the hem of my shirt farther up my chest. The corners of his mouth curled and he bent his head down, tracing the contours of my stomach with his tongue. He looked up at me again and his hand worked me over with a sense of urgency, producing the most exquisite feeling within me. “So, do you? Feel good?”

I nodded my head and squeezed my eyes shut.

His tongue found the way to its target and he licked and sucked on me with a renewed vigor. The feeling was unbelievable, sending amorous shockwaves through my entire body. I moaned and gasped for air, liberating the sexual voice deep within me. I was coming up fast to the moment of crisis and tears welled in my eyes from the intense pleasure.


J. M. Colail

“Wesley! I—I can’t—” I shouted, almost as a plea.

Wesley remained vigilant, keeping his mouth in place and grasping my backside with his hands, bringing me closer and deeper into his mouth. I threw my head back as I climaxed and Wesley held me tightly in his large hands.

I collapsed into the sofa, delirious and panting, and covered my face with my hands. I couldn’t look at him. I was embarrassed…I came so quickly. It was the first time someone else had ever touched me and just the thought of his soft, warm mouth was almost enough to make me cum again.

“Don’t hide your face,” Wesley whispered, pulling my hands away.

I closed my eyes and turned my face to the side. He put his hand to my cheek and I hesitantly glanced up at him. “Heh, you look adorable all out of breath and panting like that.”

I felt the weight on my legs lift and I sat up, pulling up my pants. I was afraid of how he would react, how he would look at me after what we did, but he surprised me with his gentle calm. He was nothing like I expected him to be; he wasn’t the loud, obnoxious Wesley that I saw at school, but a kind, funny, sensitive person. My attraction to him grew instantly and I felt more confident that he wasn’t just toying with me.

“So you really wanna put an outline together?” he asked.

“Um, if you don’t wanna do it now, that’s okay,” I mumbled.

“Cool. Are you hungry? You wanna go grab a bite to eat?” He draped his arm over my shoulders.

“I can make something here,” I offered shyly. “Do you want a sandwich or something more like dinner?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll have whatever you feel like.”

I stood up and Wesley followed me into the kitchen. I made dinner for two, a quick chicken stir-fry that Wesley complimented over and over. We sat on the sofa watching TV, and I remembered Alycia commenting on how I would “make someone a wonderful housewife someday.” I glanced at Wesley and blushed.

Wes & Toren


“TOR, me and Mike are gonna go see a movie tonight. Wanna come?”

Alycia asked, walking past me toward the bathroom.

“Actually, um, I have plans tonight.”

“Oh! Are you going out with Wes?” she squealed, popping her head out from the bathroom.

“Who’s Wes?” Mom asked, walking into the living room from the kitchen.

“He’s a friend from school,” I said, catching a glimpse of Alycia from the corner of my eye. Fortunately, Mom couldn’t see her rolling her eyes and nodding her head sarcastically. She stepped into the hall, made quotation marks in the air with her fingers and mouthed the word

“friend.” I grimaced at her and Mom looked at me funny.

“What are you gonna do?” Alycia asked. She was leaning against the wall pulling a brush through her hair.

“I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you come see the movie with us?”

“Nah, I’m not in the mood for some chick flick,” I said, shaking my head.

“C’mon, you love sappy love stories like this!”

There was a knock at the door. Alycia ran past me and answered it before I even got off the sofa.


J. M. Colail

“Hi, Wes!”

“Hi. How ya doin’?”

“Pretty good. Come on in.” Alycia opened the door wider and Wesley walked in. His hair was damp and he wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He looked at me and smiled.

“So you must be Wes,” Mom said, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

Wesley looked up and smiled awkwardly. “Yeah. Hello.”

“I’m Amanda. I’m the brats’ mom,” she said with a grin. Alycia rolled her eyes and I groaned.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Wesley said and bowed his head slightly. It was kind of amusing to see him so awkward. He glanced to the side and scratched the back of his head. I walked over to him and he smiled a little nervously.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked and Wesley nodded.

“Have fun, guys. And Toren, not too late,” Mom said as we left.

“So what do you wanna do? Wanna go shoot some pool?” Wesley asked, turning over the engine and putting his hand on the back of my headrest as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Okay, but I’m not very good.”

“That’s all right. I’ll teach you.” He ruffled my hair with his fingers.

We went to a pool hall called Cue. It was small and dark, with ten or twelve pool tables and a small bar against the back wall. Wesley exchanged his license for a set of pool balls and I followed him to a table in the back. He took the triangle from beneath the table and began to rack the balls.

“Do you know how to play?”

“Yeah, I used to play with my dad when I was little,” I explained.

“But I haven’t really played since my parents got divorced.”

Wes & Toren


Wesley gazed at me for a moment and then said “oh.” He looked back at the table and lifted the triangle from the felt. “You wanna break?”

I shook my head and Wesley lined up his shot. He sank a solid and then two more before he missed. I looked over the table and found an easy shot. I lined it up and Wesley corrected my aim.

“Why don’t you just figure out the angles? Sine and cosine and shit?” he said with a laugh.

“I’m not too good in math. Algebra is okay, but trig and calc are pretty much a mystery to me,” I said and took my shot. It went wide.

“I’m okay in math. If I study. Hey, maybe there’s something I can help you with.” I smiled and Wesley stepped closer to me. “Wanna make this interesting? If I win, I get a kiss in the parking lot. A good kiss.”

He stepped back and took his shot; a solid dropped in the corner pocket. I didn’t stand a chance. I looked around at people at other pool tables. I hoped that it would be dark out before we left, because I was sure Wesley intended to collect on his bet.

I lost the first game with four balls still on the table. “Best two out of three?”

Wesley moved close to me and leaned in. “All right, but I get two kisses then.”

Wesley racked the balls with a grin on his face. Some kids called out to him and waved. He lifted his chin in greeting and waved back. I figured he came here a lot from the number of people that waved to him or stopped to say hi. The man at the counter knew him by name. Wesley was leaning over the table when a blonde girl came running up and hugged him.

“Wes! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in so long!

What’s going on, lover?”

Wesley hugged her briefly and looked at me over her shoulder. He stepped back and flashed his smile. A shorthaired brunette girl stood behind her blonde friend and looked at me.


J. M. Colail

“Hey, Kate. How ya doin’?” he asked casually and then looked at the other girl. “Hey, Lissa.”

Kate put her hands on her hips and furrowed her perfectly plucked eyebrows. “Seriously, I haven’t seen you in forever. Where have you been?”

“I’ve been around,” Wesley answered, glancing at me. Kate followed his eyes to me.

“Who’s this cutie?” she asked, spreading her crimson lips into a smile. I looked around shyly and Wesley chuckled.

“This is Toren. Toren, this is Kate and Lissa.” He pointed at each girl as he said her name.

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Ooh! He’s so polite too!” Kate squealed with a hand over her mouth. I looked to the side and resisted rolling my eyes. I hated it when people were condescending. Lissa looked at me and smiled, but it was an understanding smile—an “I get it” smile. Kate returned her attentions to Wesley and looked at the pool table. “So, can we join you?”


“Me and Wes against Lissa and Toren. Can I break?” she said quickly, taking the cue stick from Wesley’s hand. Wesley looked at me again and shrugged his shoulders.

We played four games; Wesley and Kate won all but one. Lissa was pretty good but she had to pick up my slack. After an hour or so, we turned in the pool balls and Kate and Lissa followed us into the parking lot. I hoped Wesley had forgotten our bet on the first game.

“Well, we gotta take off. It was good seeing you,” Wesley said as we neared his car.

“Yeah. We should do this again soon,” Kate answered, stepping up and hugging Wesley. She looked at me and smiled. “You too.”

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