Wet and Wilde (3 page)

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Authors: Tawny Taylor

BOOK: Wet and Wilde
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And unless you’re going to rescue me, get your fuckin’ hands off! I’m dying down here!

He couldn’t help smiling. Yes, a fiery sprite, she was, one that would make Coventina, the goddess he most adored—for her spunk, of course—hang her head in shame.

As long as we’re together, you won’t die.

Nice, buddy. What kind of nut job are you?
Using her feet, she pushed up from the concrete floor, scooping water into her cupped hands as she swam to the surface.

He followed her and the sounds, sights and smells of the world outside the water assaulted him as he broke the surface. Wrapping one protective arm around Jane’s narrow waist, he gave her time to catch her breath. She sputtered and sagged against him in relief.

Her soft body against his made every muscle tense. His cock shot to full erection, his internal engine switched to high gear as his heart pumped blood through every miniscule part of him. His heart’s quickened thump pounded in his ear, revved even more as he cupped her ass with his free hand and held her tight against him. His legs kicked slowly, keeping them both afloat.

Damn, how he wished they were in murky waters! The toxic chemicals in the pool water left it as clear as the calmest sea, and offered no opportunity for further exploration of the body pressed firmly against him.

And what exploration he would like to have, particularly of the delicious juncture between her thighs. He licked his lips as he mentally tasted her.

Sweet, mellow.

“Are you going to take me to the side, or are you just going to stay here in the middle of the pool and cop a feel?”

He laughed. Her sharp wit delighted him. “I don’t see you objecting.”

“Like hell, I’m not!” She shoved at his chest, but he held her fast, purposefully molding her body to his and appreciating every place their skin touched.

“Truly, you don’t wish me to release you, do you?” His skin was ablaze as nerve endings erupted like tiny volcanoes, sending molten lava through his veins. His cock reared up, ready to delve into her juices, plunder her into the submission he knew she yearned for. And yet, he knew he could do nothing but deliver her to the side of the pool and release her.

His heart sank at the thought. Now that he had found her, he didn’t want to let her go.

Still in the middle of the swimming pool, he let his grip slacken.

She, of her own will, wrapped her legs and arms around him, pressing into him. “No. Not here! Don’t let me go out here. I’ll drown.”

“Look at me.” He forced his voice into a command when he would have rather sung. Nothing felt better than a woman pressed tightly against him. Not the pressure of the heavy seas upon his shoulders, or the joy of a swim with dolphins.

She obeyed.

Yes, she would do nicely. Her will was strong, but not impossible to bend. Like a willow. Her gaze met his and her eyes widened.

“You’re always safe with me. I will never let any harm come to you.”


“I’ll protect you, always. I promise.”

Her lovely mouth, still glistening with moisture, quivered, and he yearned to kiss away the movement. His entire body took in her essence, her sweet smell, her taste, her softness against his hardness. It was pure murder to hold back, to resist his increasingly urgent need to mate—in the middle of that pool. In the midst of children’s laughter and splashing earth dwellers careening through the silky waters.

The gods were punishing him!

His cock throbbed with a need so great he had no choice. He moved quick, delivering her to the tile-coated side of the pool, and in one swift motion he set her above him. She looked down with such confusion on her face he had to smile, despite the ache between his legs, through his gut…in his heart.

“Thanks, I think,” she stammered. She didn’t move, didn’t turn away.

He let his gaze visibly linger on her smooth legs then travel slowly up to the dark gap between them. She remained still, seemingly open to his visual investigation. He checked her face for a reaction and wasn’t disappointed.

It was a pleasant, cock-heating shade of pink.

He licked his lips, which had gone dry, despite the fact that he was still submerged chest-deep in water. “Will I see you next week?”

“I…er, I’m not sure.”

“I would be very disappointed if you didn’t come.”

“I will then. I’d hate to see you disappointed.” She stood and took a single step backward, the slight increase in distance stretching the invisible connection between them. The energy dancing between them faded to a dull glow, which he knew only he could see.

“Good, and wear a different bathing suit, one with less material. It’ll be better for swimming.” He sent her a deliberately heated glance.

She smiled. What a glorious sight! “That was about the worst line I’ve ever heard.” She scooped up her plastic shoes and towel and wrapped the white terrycloth around her waist. “It was good meeting you.”

“You, too, Jane Wilde.” He let her name echo through his head as he watched her walk away, admiring the sway of her hips, the roundness of her ass pushing the snowy material out from her backside.

She would be a delight to bed—passionate, submissive, eager to please, yet a firebrand that would test him in every way.

He must mate with her. As soon as possible.

His cock reared once more.

* * * * *

Jane shook away the sound of his voice, still echoing through her head as she walked through the locker room. Her body tingled, from hair roots to toes, almost as if she’d just climaxed. Hell, if she didn’t know better, she’d swear she had.

Diana was fully dressed, sitting on a wood bench, her hair dry, make-up in place.

Jane dropped on the bench next to Diana, her legs wobbly as jelly and her heart still thumping in her ears. Her pussy was on fire, tingly and wet, the muscles twitching like they did after an orgasm. “Where the hell were you? Doing your hair while I nearly drowned?”

“Nearly drowned?” Diana screwed her picture-perfect features into a mask of disbelief. “You did not! Before you even lost that pool noodle, that gorgeous swimming instructor dove in after you. You’re so melodramatic.”

“Well, I was under water long enough for you to dress, apply your make-up, and do your hair. That has to tell you something.”

“It tells me you were in the pool catching a feel—not that I’d blame you.” Diana gave her an elbow jab in the ribs. “What did I tell you? To die for, isn’t he?”

“If he’s so great, why aren’t you going for him?” Jane stood and rubbed her ribcage. That jab smarted. Little bitch! Just another sensation to add to the myriad her mind still hadn’t sorted through yet—warmth in places she hadn’t felt come alive in ages, tingling, throbbing, aching, and lots of confusion in the brain. She opened her locker and pulled out her clothes, waiting patiently for Diana’s smartass comeback.

“I tried. I’m not his type.”

Well, now, that was a stunner! Diana was every man’s type…or so Jane had always assumed. Gorgeous, with a perfect body, legs that went forever, a waist at least a handful of inches smaller than her own, and round, perky tits…what wouldn’t the guy like? “Really? Why am I having a hard time believing that?”

Diana nodded. “I think he figures I’m too high maintenance, which I am.”

Jane pulled the towel off her still electrified body and rubbed her hair dry, licking the salty taste from her lips. Salt? Where had that come from? “Smart man. I like him already.” She went to a private stall to change. She never had been comfortable undressing in front of anyone, even Diana.

When she returned to the main area, Diana was leaning against the locker, backpack slung over one shoulder, purse over the other. “Seriously, I can’t believe what you did in that pool. That was amazing. You’re coming back next week, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know. I told him I would.”

“That’s great! You did way better than I ever expected.” She gave Jane a solid thump on the back. “You’re a real trooper, made outta tougher stuff than I thought. I’m proud of you.”

“Yeah, yeah. It’s not like I went deep sea diving or anything. It was a half hour in a swimming pool.” She left the building, wondering exactly what the hell had happened in there.

Not only had she seemingly conquered the worst of her fear of water, but she’d also experienced one of the most erotic moments in her life…twelve feet under the surface! Not that she was about to tell Diana that. After all, even the though of it—which still sent ripples of pleasure through her entire body—was outrageous. How could she possibly explain it?

Chapter 4

The mind plays the most fascinating tricks on itself sometimes.


“It’s early.” Diana eyed Jane from the passenger seat before returning her attention to the vanity mirror glued to the back of the car’s sun visor. “Want to get something to eat? Swimming makes me hungry.”

“Everything makes you hungry. I’ll bet eating makes you hungry.” Jane started the car. She still hadn’t fully recovered from whatever had happened in that pool, if anything had actually happened. As time passed, and the twitching between her legs eased, she was convinced it had been in her imagination. Some kind of psycho mechanism to protect her from the horror of nearly drowning.

Who knew psycho mechanisms could be so damn…exhilarating?

One thing was for certain, that gorgeous hunk of man had been all too real. From the tip of his head to the soles of his feet, living breathing, hunky heaven.

A bit of a mystery, too. There was something…what was it? Something dark and mysterious about him. Something that made him different from every man she’d ever met. She couldn’t put his face from her mind, or the sound of his frolicking voice from echoing through her body. It kind of vibrated through her, like a current of low voltage electricity.

Unforgettable. She’d have some dandy dreams tonight, she had no doubt. Maybe a few pre-sleep fantasies while she was at it. There was one other fact she couldn’t doubt, his cock had been large and ready. A blade of heat shot to her pussy, making it instantly slick.

Wow! She couldn’t remember the last time a simple thought had made her horny. This was something! Maybe she’d get more for her supposed birthday makeover-slash-wish her friends had promised than she’d bargained for.

About twelve inches more, if her eyes hadn’t been deceiving her—God forbid! She’d never had anything bigger than average, whatever that was. It wasn’t like she’d bothered to measure. What did it feel like to fuck twelve inches of cock? Her pussy began to weep in response to that unspoken question.

“Hello! Earth to Jane!” Diana waved her hands in front of Jane’s nose. “You still with me?”

“Yeah. Where’d you think I’d gone?”

“Somewhere far away. And gauging from the very strange look on your face, filled with lots of yummy man-meat.” She snorted, obviously amused with herself.

“Where are we going?” Jane refused to encourage Diana. If she did, the conversation would get slimy in a hurry. “I just want to get home.”

“What’s the big hurry? Don’t tell me you’ve been holdin’ out on me! Do you have a sex slave locked in the basement?”

“God, no!” Even without help, the conversation had taken a nosedive. “Where do you get this stuff from?”

Looking quite coy and pleased, Diana simply shrugged her shoulders. “A girl can dream, can’t she?”

“You? What do you have to dream about? You can have any man you want. Now, where are we going?”

Diana didn’t speak.

Clearly Diana didn’t care to answer the first question, nor did she seem to care where they went to eat. Without asking a third time, Jane shifted the car into drive and headed down the street, turning into the nearest restaurant’s parking lot.

“Where are you going?”

“You didn’t tell me you had someplace special in mind.” Jane put the car into park.
What’s up with Diana today
? If Jane didn’t know better, she’d swear Diana had been the one to nearly drown, lose a few thousand brain cells.

“Yes! I mean, no.” Diana shook her head. “But, I’m in the mood for some Italian. Let’s hit Giovanni’s up the street.”

“What are you up to?” She eyed her friend, taking care to note shifting eyes mostly hidden by black-framed shades.


“Bullshit.” Blinking against the early evening sun hanging low over the horizon, Jane dug in her purse for her sunglasses.

“I’m hungry. Is it a crime to crave Italian food?”

Maybe she was being a little overly suspicious. “Okay. Italian it is,” she half-breathed, half-spoke. She drove down the street in the opposite direction, parked the car in the lot, and half-expecting a group of friends to jump out and yell surprise, Jane walked into the restaurant’s quiet, cozy interior.

No rounds of clichéd songs.

No surprises whatsoever.

Whew! A relief.

“Well, look who’s here!” Diana caught her by the elbow and dragged her past the hostess wearing a dazed expression and a black mini-dress that hugged her curves like a race car.

What was Diana dragging her into now?

“Hi there.” It was that voice. His voice.

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