Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2)
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“That’s why I’m asking you. I know you trust him and that he’s with you all the time. In fact, he said that he witnessed it himself. What am I to think?”

“God, I don't even know what to say that.”

“I just need to know if that is something that you like to do. I'm Chinese –“

“Stop! Don't even, don't even say it. No, I guess you really don't know me that well if you think that I would be doing that. Let's be honest, I don't need to pay anybody for sex.”

“So you didn't sleep with a bunch of women in Asia because you’ve got some kind of Asian fetish?”

“No, I did not sleep with a bunch of people in China. I don’t know what got in to Jorge. After this conversation Jorge is going to be let go.”

“I mean when Jorge told me that, I just…I know he works for you.”

“He no longer works for me anymore.”

There was silence while we both processed what had just happened. I didn't even know what to say. I could tell that he was completely taken aback by our exchange because he had his head in his hands and then he rubbed his forehead.

“Are you that insecure that you would doubt that everything we experienced together over the past week? I realize it's pretty quick, but I want you to know that I like you and my intentions are good.”

“I like you too, Adrian. I just know with what he said and then you just called me a china doll. I thought maybe there was something big I was missing. You know this is been really wonderful, but I just almost can't believe it's real.”

Then I couldn’t stop myself. I burst into tears because the stress and the emotions just overwhelmed me. I tried to cover my face with my hands.

“This was not how I expected this night to go,” he said reaching over to stroke my arm.

“Look Adrian, I need some time to really think about what I want. I need to go.”

“Kai, don’t go. Let’s eat something. We’ll both feel better.”

Adrian reached for my hand and squeezed my fingers, “Please just stay and let's try to get through this meal.”

I pulled my hand away from his, quickly dabbing my eyes with a napkin. I stood up and pushed my chair back. I put my napkin on my table and moved as fast as I could away from the table. I could hear him pushing back from the table, the click of the silverware on the table as he brushed by the table, trying to catch me. I was outside by the time he got my arm.

“Please not this way.”

“I want to go,” I said, removing my arm from his grasp.

“I don't want it to end like this,” Adrian said.

“Let's talk next week.”

“Okay you take care of yourself,” I kind of half jogged off and flagged down the first taxi I saw. I immediately told him my address and I didn’t look behind me. I couldn’t because I knew he was standing there. I crumpled up and cried all the way back.

I couldn't even really make sense of what it happened. I mean Jorge was his trusted advisor. How was I supposed to know that he was trying to protect his boss? I felt unbelievably exposed during that encounter with Adrian. When I first started flirting with Adrian, I felt so tough but when I left I knew I was insecure. I felt beyond embarrassed. I just was trying to protect my heart. I'm sure he saw that and I could tell he cares deeply about me. But taking the plunge with this person had never been scarier.

Especially since I just couldn't believe how I felt about this person. Everything was happening so fast – and maybe I had just screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me. Truth be told, it was my most embarrassing moment ever. The worst date in my life and it was with the person I care the most about.

When I got home, I chucked my stupid shoes into my closet as hard. Then I frantically rubbed off all the makeup. I stripped off my dress and put myself in the shower.
Stupid, stupid, stupid
. I never wanted to be near that person again. The mortification was too much for me to handle. I dried myself off and I hopped into bed. I didn't even want to think about anything.

Chapter Twenty-One

The next day I woke up with a raging headache. I knew I needed to get off of Adrian’s design project. In fact, I needed a way out of the job. I needed a fresh start. So I concocted a story that would explain why I needed to take a leave of absence from my job. I couldn't face designing a house for this man when I just broke up with him. I called my boss and it went to voicemail and so on Sunday I left a message.

“Hi, I this is Kai Jian and I'm calling because I really need to take a leave of absence for at least two weeks to help my family with an emergency that they are experiencing. Sorry for the short notice. Call me back, I can discuss it in detail. I hope that this is okay, but if it's not okay I still need the time. So if it is too much of a problem, I'm going to have to resign my position. I will be sending an email with more information. Thanks for understanding. Bye.”

Then I called my parents to say that I needed their help. My dad picked up, “Hello?”

“Hey Dad, how are you?”

“Doing great sweetie. What’s going on?”

“I need you to know that I am taking a little time off of work right now. I know it’s unlike me. I’m just feeling a lot of stress of the job and I need to reflect on it. I'm just hoping that it would be okay if I came and worked at the shop for a little while I get my mind off of the design world. It's a little too high intensity for me, Dad.”

“Okay sweetie, sure come on over. You can be a hostess – or fold some silverware into some napkins. We would love it. You’d be awesome, just like the old days, right sweetie?”

“Thank you Dad. You're so nice.”

“You want to come home tonight?”

“How about tomorrow? I'm just going to take in a movie tonight.”

“Okay, you come over tomorrow and I will make you your favorite dishes, wonton soup and Ma Po tofu.” I laughed, he was such a kind man.

“Okay Dad, I'll be there tomorrow what time you want me there?”

“Whenever you want to show up…okay maybe like nine or 10 okay?”

It felt good to think about going back home tomorrow. I knew they would be there for me. It also felt good to be needed. There was no question I’d get my mind off of everything at work.

Chapter Twenty-Two

For the rest of the day, I cleaned my apartment and organized my closet. I was being productive in a way that I hadn't been in a long time. I remembered to send that email to my boss and other coworkers about my leave of absence.

That night I only wanted comfort food. So I made my vegetarian chili with honey cornbread with coconut. I put on The Philadelphia Story, a movie with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant Jimmy Stewart. Black-and-white movies with love stories? Yes, please.

I popped some popcorn on the stove and then sprinkled it with pepper and parmesan. Watching Katharine Hepburn on the screen getting the attention of Cary Grant, I thought about Adrian. Being adored by man is a wonderful thing. I couldn’t get Adrian out of my mind. I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I started dreaming about Adrian. He was carrying me through the garden behind Fox Hunt. I was kicking my legs and laughing in his arms. I was wearing a long, flowing white dress. When he got to the cottage, he tossed me on the bed. Then he jumped in after me. Laying together next to each other, he stroked my face and looked in my eyes.

“I love you, Kai.”

Adrian pulled my gown off by pulling it down my shoulders and exposing my breasts. He undid the burgundy sash around my waist. I sat up and straddled him with just my thong on. I started pulling off his shirt and running my hands over his pecs and his hard abs. He leaned back and I leaned down on him, grinding on his hard body.  

Adrian put his hands on me, pushing me down on the bed. Then he softly but quickly flipped me over onto my stomach. He pulled off my thong, spread apart my legs and pushed two fingers inside me. Adrian moved them expertly rubbing hard in search of my g-spot. I moaned with every stroke.

“I'm going to make you moan louder,” he said as he reached down to grab his cock. Taking his fingers he massaged my labia and I felt his fully erect dick enter me. Adrian pushed hard to achieve full penetration and I whimpered. "I'm going to make you beg for more."

He took my butt cheeks in his hand and spread them apart so he get even deeper inside me. Bam, bam, bam, he went back and forth and I felt his girth. Adrian reached around and grabbed my breasts the other hand. He pushed my head down into the pillow and lifted my ass up. “Oh,” I moaned. It was all I could muster. I couldn't even tell him how incredible I felt, because I was overwhelmed with waves of pleasure.

“Kai, Kai,” he said my name over and over.

Adrian kept exploring how far his cock could go deep inside me. He would thrust while clutching my waist, pushing over and over. Then he would grind himself against me. Every time he did that I couldn’t help myself from moaning. Each movement hit my g-spot.

He took his hand and reached his hand down and fondled my clit. I wanted to claw the walls with the electricity I felt surge through my body each time he rammed himself into me and stroked my clit. I tried to move, but his hand went to my head and pushed it down. Then he would grab my waist and pound me harder. 

All of a sudden I felt the feeling of tightness and I knew I was seconds away from orgasming. The tension gave way to the release I’d been waiting for. “Oh god, Adrian,” I screamed as my body exploded into with rhythmic spasms. His rigid cock entered me powerfully one more time and with tears in my eyes he came.

“Kai, oh my god,” Adrian said, “You are perfect.”

He pulled out and laid down next to my, resting his hand on my back. I was overwhelmed by him. The way he controlled me during our love making was a surprise. I was even more shocked by how much I liked it.

He put his hand on my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss, “I took you and you are mine.”

I jolted awake. It was just a dream. It was the middle of the night and I was completely aroused. My labia was engorged, expecting Prince Charming to push himself inside me. I couldn’t fall asleep again in that state. I touched myself and started moving my fingers inside. With my other finger I rubbed my clit.

I grabbed one of my pillows and shoveled it under myself and between my legs. I started grinding against it with my fingers rubbing me. Similar to the dream, after grinding over and over, I felt that tension build. “Adrian,” I said his name and then my body exploded into a comfortable throbbing release. In that dream it had felt like he’d fucked me, but he wasn’t there. It was in that moment that I realized I had to fuck him again, no matter what.

Chapter Twenty-Three

That morning when I woke up, I felt wrung out.  I stretched and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I had that same feeling I’d had in the middle of the night in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't imagine my life without Adrian in it. I couldn’t imagine never fucking him again. I was grateful I didn't have to go into work and I could instead go be with my family at the restaurant. I felt confused.

I didn't realize how badly I needed a break until I took it easy that morning. I showed up at the store at about 9:30. My parents were so happy to see me. It had been a while since I'd checked in with them. I felt great to do the familiar duties of my childhood, restocking things, folding silverware into napkins. It felt normal and it was low stress, which I needed. Everything felt natural there. I felt numb, comfortably numb.

“Hey, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?” my dad asked me. It snapped me out of my daze.

“Yes, that would be great.”

I felt content. It didn’t last long because while I was setting up the prep station, I happened to be near my purse. I heard my cell phone ring and I grabbed it. It was my boss from Watermark.

“Hi Kai, I hope you doing okay. Is everything going well for your family?” asked my boss.

“Thank you. Everything is going fine. I'm happy and grateful to have the break to help them.”

“Look, I’m going to leave you alone, but I need to tell you something. You know the client we have, Adrian Moretz? He called and we told him you were on leave. He said he refuses to work with anybody else besides you. He said he will pull the business from our agency you're not available to work with him. So I'm just wondering if there's any way that you can come back.”

I paused. Hearing my boss say Adrian’s name shot electricity up my spine. I didn’t have a clue what to say in response. I stayed quiet.

“So, if there's a way for us to move forward with this client, we’d really appreciate it. You know that this business is important for the agency. We’d hate to lose it, Kai. It’s not our biggest job, but he’s well-connected and the word-of-mouth from a job well done would be really great for us.”

“I’ll think about it.” Of course Adrian was more than just a client. I had no idea where his head was now; I didn’t even know where my head was. I’d wondered if we had both screwed it up to the point it was not fixable. I didn't know how to get back to a place where I could work professionally on his dream home Fox Hunt. It would be painful for me if we weren’t together. But I believed him: he would pull the business if I wasn’t there. Why else would he want to work with the Watermark agency?

When my dad had offered to have me come over for dinner, what he really meant was that they would leave the restaurant in the hands of a skeleton crew and we would go back to our house to eat in private.

Our apartment was really close to the restaurant so it was not a big deal. We oculd always run back if they called my dad. My parents just wanted the privacy of their own kitchen.

We got to the apartment and put down our stuff. I felt something inside of me relax even further to be in my childhood home.

“Sweetie, we are a little concerned since you don’t normally just drop everything and ask to work in a restaurant,” my dad said as he served up piping hot white rice and my favorite creamy shrimp walnut dish.

“It's just a lot right now. I do see myself in the design world, but I just need a little break. I can't really explain it that much.”

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