Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) (6 page)

BOOK: Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2)
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“Do you think you’ve been unlucky in love?” I asked him as I took the most delicate bite I could muster of the monstrous sandwich.

“You know, I like to think I know women pretty well having grown up with sisters, but I really didn’t want to commit for most of my life. Now that I’m in my forties, I feel ready.”

While he was talking, I remembered what Carrie Bradshaw said in Sex and the City. She said that some men were like taxis that never had their light on. Sometimes, the lucky woman would climb in right as a light turned on.

Feeling a little self-conscious, I changed the subject, “You are an incredible cook. This is the best sandwich I’ve ever eaten!”

“I guess it’s a day of a lot of ‘best evers,’” Adrian responded, putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing lightly. His hand sent electrical impulses up my body.

“Absolutely,” I said, meeting his eyes and putting down the sandwich, “Come here.”

Adrian leaned over and a kissed him. I couldn’t resist this man even though I wanted to protect my heart.

Chapter Thirteen

After lunch, Adrian sat down on the couch. “I don’t want to do anymore work for the rest of the day.”

“Me too,” I said, sitting down on his lap.

Adrian moved his hands to my face, “I don’t know what I did to have you in my life. Can I be perfectly honest?”

“Please do.”

“I want to start a relationship with you.”

I felt myself blush and I felt electricity in my body immediately after he said that. I didn’t know how to respond.

“Kai, is that something you can envision?”

I paused. Of course I could envision it. I could envision the two of us living in that renovated house, having a couple kids and being happy forever. On the other hand, I didn’t want to be hurt again.

Adrian looked at me, waiting for a response. He seemed surprised by the delay in my reply.

“Adrian, I want that more than anything in the world.”

He smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

“Wait, I need to tell you that I’ve only ever been with one other person, but it was not a healthy relationship. I stupidly stayed with him because I wanted to prove to myself that there was something there, but there wasn’t. I haven’t felt ready to open myself up again.”

Adrian nodded, understanding what I’d been through.

“Adrian, you make me feel alive. As soon as I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something about you. I can’t even believe that we just fucked each other like that. It’s unlike me, but it shows that I trusted you.”

Adrian stroked my face.

“It’s true. I like you. I like you a lot.”

Adrian looked deep in my eyes. I could see that his eyes were filling with tears.

“Oh Kai,” Adrian said as he stroked my hair. We held each other and I could feel our hearts beating together.

Chapter Fourteen

Adrian ended up putting on some coffee and turning on some classical music. He started taking some business calls. I responded to some work emails on my phone. Every so often I’d look out the window at the gorgeous view of the main house. Wow, everything felt like it had changed even since the morning when we ran through the house together. I was still the designer on the project, but now I felt like the lady of the manor. That sounded too regal. Maybe I was just the girlfriend.

“Kai, what are you thinking about?”

“Well, I guess that I don’t want to go back to New York.”

“Me neither. Do you think you can spend the night here?”

The inside of my body melted at the thought. I wanted to lie next to this man all night long. I wanted to wake up to him. Frankly, I wanted to fuck him again. Our passion was only just beginning.

“I want to. I hope it’s okay with my boss.”

Adrian nearly spat out his coffee, “Kai, I’m your boss because I’m the client. And I think it’s okay.”

“Would you email them ‘asking’ if it’s okay if you keep me another day?”

“Okay. I’ll email them and ask them if it’s okay if I can keep you for a very long time,” he laughed maniacally.

“No, be serious. I really have to be back in the office on Friday.”

“You’re funny.”

“No Adrian, I really have to get back to the office!” I said.

“Okay, I’ll get you out of work for tomorrow. Then I’ll see you on the weekend.”

Thinking about seeing him again over the weekend made my eyes widen. I’m entering the relationship zone.

“Sounds fun,” I said leaning over for a kiss.

“Oh it’s very fun,” Adrian said, rubbing my shoulders, “Kai, you are so hot.”

“You push every button of mine.” I said taking a nibble of his lip.

Chapter Fifteen

“Kai, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?”

“Let’s do something low key; I really don’t want to leave this love nest,” I said, “Maybe you could make me another one of those terrific sandwiches.”

“Let’s get pizza.”

“Seriously, Adrian?” I tossed my head back and chuckle, “Do they deliver to empty homes?”

“Good point. I’ll pick it up.”

“Sounds good,” I said grabbing my coat.

“You don’t have to come, Kai.”

“While you’re gone, I’m going to walk through the main house again. It’s supposed to be a business trip after all.”

Adrian zoomed off in his convertible and I wandered through the house at a slower pace. It felt different than it had when I’d first walked through it with Adrian. I took my time and sketched the bedrooms, the study, the library, and all the upstairs bathrooms. My brain felt like a Pinterest board as I recalled everything I liked from the latest design shows. I felt confident that I could turn Fox Hunt into a place that felt like Adrian, but still had modern touches.

Because the place had not been remodeled for a long time and was heavy with dark wood, I felt like getting light into the space was vital. I kept being attracted to the windows. Looking out I was relieved that Adrian or the previous owners had taken the time to keep the grounds meticulously manicured. It was stunning out there – and we needed to get more of that inside.

Before I knew it, I heard Adrian’s car pull up. I walked outside to meet him.

“Man, I just love it here. I feel so relaxed.”

“You can see why I bought it then,” Adrian said, “It spoke to me on a deep level.”

Then he looked into my eyes, “Just like when I first saw you. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You are perfect.”

Every time he gave me a compliment, a little burst of electricity went up my back. I didn’t always know how to reciprocate everything he said to me, but I felt the exact same way that he did. I really wanted to get to know Adrian even more. I also wanted to fuck him as much as possible. That passion we’d felt early in the day had to be real. I kept doubting it, wondering if it was just a one-time thing.

“Thank you Adrian,” I said looking down, “Now where’s that pizza?”

“I found the cutest place just a few miles away,” he said as he lifted two large pizzas out of the car.

“Oh my god, two?”

“If we can’t eat it all, then I can give it to Jorge tomorrow.”

We walked slowly through the garden and entered the cottage. It felt like our personal sanctuary and when I walked in, I didn’t want to leave.

Adrian got out some plates and gave me a huge slice of sausage pizza with green peppers and olives.

“How in the world did you know my favorite kind of pizza?”

“I took a guess! I’m just lucky,” he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes at him as we sunk into the couch. He clicked on the TV and we put on a Mets game in the background as we ate our pizza.

“Mmm, this is really good. You’ll have to save their info.”

“We’ll order from them again the next time we’re up here.”

I quickly glanced at him.

“Am I moving too fast, Kai? I’m sorry. I like you and I’m just getting out of a relationship. Being with someone feels natural to me, for sure. But tell me if you want me to slow down.”

“Adrian, I have loved every single minute with you today. I want to see where this goes. I just don’t want to get hurt.”

“I won’t hurt you, Kai. You can trust me,” he said as he rubbed my shoulder.

We watched the game and I ate more of the pizza than I expected I would.

“You know what would make this better? Some beer or a glass of wine.”

“You want me to go out and get you something? I should have thought of it,” Adrian said, “Let me see what’s in the fridge.”

He got up and I heard him rummaging around. “Damn, if we were back at my apartment you could have your pick of delicious reds or whites.”

“All I can find is root beer,” Adrian came back with a couple of old fashioned sarsaparillas.

“That’s fine. Those sound good. I don’t remember the last time I had a root beer.”

“Me neither. Cheers,” Adrian said as we clinked glasses.

I screwed off the top. The bubbly liquid felt refreshing. 

“That’s good,” I said and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I nodded off.

Chapter Sixteen

I awoke to Adrian stroking my hair.

“The game’s over sweetie. Do you want to go to bed?” Adrian asked, moving the hair away from my face.

“Wow, I really fell asleep, didn’t I?” I said stretching my arms out. I leaned back in the sofa. “I don’t even want to move!”

Adrian reached down, putting his arms under me and lifting me up.

“Adrian, you don’t have to carry me,” I said laughing.

“I’m enjoying this,” he said with one arm under my torso and the other firmly gripping me under my knees.

Adrian plopped me down on the bed. I lay spread out with my hair all over the pillows. He straddled me looking down at my body. “You can’t wear that to bed,” he said. I looked down, realizing that I was still wearing the robe. The whole day I’d been wearing just a robe, even when I’d walked through Fox Hunt taking notes. I started laughing and couldn’t stop.

I sat up on my elbows, “I’d better change into something more comfortable.”

“You can sleep in the buff, if you want.”

“No, I brought something in my bag,” I said pulling myself up and hopping down from the bed. I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom, “No peeking.”

In the bathroom I pulled out my pink lace nightgown with matching thong panties. Something had told me to pack this. Wow, this impulse buy was actually going to be used. I pulled it on and looked in the small mirror. I looked good. I was really hot, if I did say so myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Adrian lying on the bed wearing just his boxers. His hands were behind his head. When he saw me, I saw him smile and he reached one hand out to me. He pulled me into him and on top of him. No words were necessary. We just wanted to be close again.

Adrian started kissing my lips with an urgency that I loved. This man was all about me. I felt fully accepted by him and he made me feel safe and sexy all at once.

His hands went up my nightie and he grabbed my breasts. I arched back, tossing my hair behind me. I felt him move his hands down my waist and into my thong.

My body pulsed as his fingers entered me and he started moving my body up and down on his hand. He expertly fingered my clit, moving to remove my thong.

“Oh god, Adrian,” I said, “I want you.”

He moved swiftly, removing swiftly to satisfy my need. In no time I felt him enter me and my body exploded with pleasure and warmth. Grabbing my waist he moved me up and down and then I leaned forward on my arms and looked down at him. I locked eyes with him and smiled. Then I grinded my hips on him, moving myself around in circles on his cock. The sensation was overwhelming to him and he groaned.

“I’ve got you now,” I joked as I moved myself on him.

“Don’t ever let go,” he said, looking deep in my eyes. I felt my heart beating hard in my chest as the pleasure centers in my body pulsated. I was almost ready to orgasm.

Adrian was close, too. He reached up again to grab my breasts and touch my nipples. Then he moved down and took hold of my ass, moving me up and down. Thoughts fell away as my body lit up with overpowering sensations emanating from my core.

My body released its tension in bursts, clenching around his cock. Finally, knowing I was climaxing, he satisfied himself. With a couple deep thrusts, he achieved orgasm deep inside my body. I felt the same rhythmic bursts coming from him.

I immediately fell on him, exhausted from the effort. I lay there next to him, hot and sweaty. Our bodies twitched and muscles pinged.
Another incredible fuck. And I had thought sex like this wasn’t possible for me.

Chapter Seventeen

The next morning I woke up in his arms. I stroked his arm with my hand. I loved the feeling of his muscles. Then I looked over at Adrian sleeping. Look at him. He’s so perfect. I couldn't believe the connection I felt with him. How in the world did I find this person? I’m so lucky.

I decided to slip in the shower while he was still asleep. I move his arm ever so slightly and sprung out of bed. I could quickly shower and get ready for the day – and get myself back in my own head again. I just couldn't believe that we would have to go back to New York in the afternoon. At least we had the morning together.

The water felt refreshing as it hit my body. As I scrubbed up I touched all the parts of my body that Adrian explored last night, remembering every caress. His mouth, his eyes, his face. Touching his face and his body. Was it a dream? Tears came to my eyes. I couldn't help myself from crying a little bit because it was just more than I could handle having all my dreams come true all at once.

After I got out of the shower, I put my nightie back on and tiptoed into the kitchen to start some coffee. I had to clear my head and get myself under control again. I brewed a cup quickly and held it in my hands. It was warm so I took a sip and looked out the window at the main house. God imagine if I lived in that big house. Part of me couldn’t wait, but a bigger part was freaked out. I couldn't wait until this is my life. Then I reminded myself that Adrian was letting me design the entire place. Pinch me!

I had flashbacks of the night before. I remembered calling his name over and over again
Adrian, Adrian, Adrian.
He took me to a level of pleasure I didn’t think was possible. He was incredible person all the way around. I sipped the coffee again and felt his arms around me.

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