Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2)
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They seemed to take it at face value because they didn't want to ruffle my feathers too much. To change the subject, I asked about the business. They said business was going well and we talked little bit about my brothers. We kept things on the surface.

After we finished up, my mom said she had to run back, “You guys can just finish up.”

My dad took me to the side as we were just about to leave. “What's going on? Is there something else? I just wonder.”

“I kind of have an interest in somebody. I wondered if you could give me some advice about love. It sounds funny, but I really want to hear what you have to say or how you know when it's right.”

“Well honey, I think you know the way I felt about your mother. I wanted to be with her at all times and I liked her a lot. I was attracted to your mom. I know that's kind of hard to believe now because we are both old, but I was left with this deep interest in her. To the point that I always found something new about her. I like looking at her face – you have to like the face of the person because you’re going to be looking at that face every day.”

We laughed, “Thanks Dad!”

“I don't know if that helps much, but you should look for somebody that makes you laugh. Your mom and I had a lot of good times, but when we have bad times the laughter keeps us going.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

When I woke up the next morning, I hadn’t made a decision about going back to work on Adrian's house, Fox Hunt. I hadn't decided even though I'd been thinking constantly about Adrian. I didn't feel comfortable texting him yet. I didn't know what to say and I didn't know how to make it better. I wondered if he was just going to give me time before calling or texting. I think he was processing everything, too.

For me, it was nice to have a period of reflection. I learned that I really did know in my heart that Adrian was important to me. I knew that somehow this was going to work out. It had to because our connection was too strong. But for the moment, it felt right to go work for my parents. They made me feel at home and accepted, even though they had never really agreed with my choice of “design as a career.” I knew they loved having me around and I loved being there.

I happily went to my new “job” for the second day in a row. I did my thing there, which included my usual duties of hostessing and folding silverware. I enjoyed the predictability of my work.

The lunch rush came and I decided not to call my boss. I decided I enjoyed being behind the counter and taking orders. My parents appreciated the spare pair of hands, especially because I wasn't going to be drawing a paycheck.

Everything settled down after lunch. I went back to folding chopsticks into napkins and putting everything under the counter. A customer came in and I looked up and over the register to say hello. Before even knew it, I realized it was Adrian. His big blue eyes and his deep brown hair. He was standing right there in the flesh. I couldn't believe it. Just looking at him made something inside me feel that desperate pull. I wanted to be with again but I was just totally shocked. Adrian tracked me down.

“Hi,” he smiled. I quickly looked around because I wanted to be sure my parents weren't around but I had to put on a front.

“What can I get you today?”

“Do you have any lunch specials?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Well, you know we do have lots of lunch specials,” I said as I handed him a menu, “But is there a special dish that you like?”

“Let's see here,” Adrian said as he looked over the menu. I saw his hands shake ever so slightly. He looked back at me. I smiled and put my hand up to brush my hair out of my face in the place. Man, this is probably the most underdressed he’s ever see me. “I’ll have the cashew chicken and I'll take the eggrolls on the side. I'd like white rice not brown rice. Thank you.”

“You can choose any table to sit at and I will bring your meal to you,” I said as he handed me a twenty dollar bill.

“Keep the change,” he said and I stifled a laugh, “Would you mind showing me a good table?”

I walked with him over to the table farthest from where my parents were. As I motioned to have him sit down, he took me by hand.

“Kai, can you join me for a second?”

“Sure,” I said thinking to myself
I kind of want to join you for the rest my life
. I sat down and Adrian reached out his hands to grab mine. I moved them away, “Please, my family is here.”

“Kai, I just want you to know I am so incredibly sorry and embarrassed for everything that happened. It's my fault. I want you know that I really want us to be together and I will do whatever it takes for us to get back together.”

Adrian reached out for my hand again and I pulled away.

“What can I do to make it right? I want to make it just like it was before,” he looked at my face.  I could see that he was about to break down and cry right there in my parents restaurant. I looked him straight in the eye. I wanted this man so badly

“Kai, before you say anything else, I have something for you. I can’t believe I almost forgot to get it out.” Adrian reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out a little black velvet box.  He opened it up to reveal a giant sapphire ring.

 “I’m giving this to you because I want you to know that no matter what you end up deciding about you and me, I want you to know that what we had was real. Love can happen for you. A connection like that can happen. I know you didn't think that was possible. I kind of didn’t think that was possible for me either. It's in your hands whether or not we will be together, but you can always wear this ring and know that it happened once.”

He took the ring out and pushed it onto my left ring finger. I looked at it.

“It's a one carat sapphire and set in platinum for you, in case you wanted the specs.”

“Adrian, I can't accept this now in my parents’ restaurant,” I said as I took a seat across from him, “They are going to wonder what in the world. This man came in and ordered cashew chicken and then gave our daughter an expensive ring. This is crazy.”

He smiled and said, “I just want to make you happy.”

“Adrian, I want to tell you something.”

“No, you can take your time, Kai. You don't have to tell me anything. I want you to make sure that you know what you want.”

“Shut up. I want to tell you that the answer is yes. I want to be with you. I want you all the time,” I said. I could see his eyes light up with happiness and relief.

“Let me get back to work,” I smiled

“Can I see you tonight?” Adrian asked.

“Yes, I would love nothing more than that.”

I got up and Adrian stood. “Can I take my order to go?”

“Sure,” I said walking away and twisting my ring the other way around so that that sapphire was under my finger, revealing just the band.

I went to the back to get Adrian’s order together. As I assembled everything, I looked up and caught glimpses of him waiting by the counter. He was looking around and taking in my parents’ store.

I brought the bag to him and he winked to me as he left the store. I watched him walk out the door and he turned and waved. When he was just about to go around the corner, he turned around and blew me a kiss. Then he was gone.

I felt the pain of longing for him burst inside of me. I put down the menus I had in my hand and just started running towards the door. I pushed it open and I started right down the street. I knew his general direction and I screamed, “Adrian!”

The crowd parted and he turned around. I ran towards him and he grabbed me so hard. We hugged like we hadn't seen each other for a long time.

“Kai, you have no idea how happy you make me,” he kissed me deeply and passionately. I pulled away from him, “I missed you so much, Adrian.” We pulled apart from each other and I said, “Look, I’ve got to go back there. My parents are really going to wonder what the hell is going on here.”

“See you later, sweetie,” he said and he walked away.

I went back into the restaurant and my parents asked, “What happened?”

“That was my old boss. There was just something I had to deal with.”

My dad looked at me, “You’re pretty flushed in the face for somebody that was just your old boss.”

“Yep, I guess I am,” I said and I went back to bussing some dirty tables.

Chapter Twenty-Five

That evening I skipped over to Adrian's house. He had texted me about sending over a car, but I really had no trouble getting his place. I was floating on air so getting to his house felt like a breeze. I didn't really want to get to know the new driver at that time anyway.

I chose to wear a little red print dress with my brown gladiator sandals. I grabbed a little jacket to put over it. It was just one of my favorite outfits and something I feel comfortable in. Looking down at my ring finger, I saw that sparkling Sapphire ring. Whenever I thought about Adrian, the bottom of my stomach just fell. I felt so much for this person; I couldn't even describe how he made me feel. It was a total body-tingling experience being near him. The anticipation of spending the night with him made shivers go up my spine.

I walked up to his the doorman of his apartment building. Adrian must have informed him that I was coming. “Miss Jian,” I walked into the lobby, “I'll phone Mr. Moretz and tell him that you are on your way.”

I thanked him and passed the elaborate display of fresh flowers next to him.

“Those smell great,” I said and he nodded.

The elevator opened for me and I pushed Adrian's number. Shooting up in the elevator to his apartment my whole body felt giddy and excited about seeing him. I just couldn't wait to be in his arms one more time. The elevator opened and as I walk towards his the door of his apartment, he was leaning in the doorframe wearing a cable sweater and jeans. He watched me as I walked towards him.

“Why hello,” he said.

“Why hello yourself,” I walked up to him and he embraced me. I felt immediately at home and comfortable once again.

“Come in. I have my personal chef coming to make us a really special meal. I’m just so happy you're here. In the meantime, let’s sit on the couch.” He led me by the hand to the couch and sat me down.

I looked in his eyes. We just stared at each other. Adrian looked away and laughed. 

“Do we need to talk?” he asked, reaching for my hand, “By the way, that ring looks spectacular on your finger. Who’s the lucky guy?”

I burst out laughing, “Why thank you!”

“Kai, I just want to confirm that you are totally comfortable with us resuming the relationship. I don't want there to be any nerves or fear or anything. I want you know my intentions are 100% good.”

“I haven't done a lot of talking, but I have done a lot of thinking. You should know that when I left our date at the restaurant my heart was broken. I wanted to make it better, but I didn't know how to. I didn’t know what to say. I didn't know how to communicate with you, but I wanted to get back to what it was like during our first days together.”

Adrian nodded, stroking my hand.

“As days went by, Adrian, I felt more and more convinced that we needed to be together. I couldn't really envision my life without you in it, but I didn’t know how to make it better. Then you showed up at my parents’ restaurant. Thank you for being brave and showing up.”

He reached over and kissed me and I melted into him. All of a sudden I could feel the tears burning my eyes, because I realized that just like me he needed confirmation that he wasn't going to get his heart hurt again. I thought how fragile we both were.”


“Great timing, that's the chef,” Adrian ran to the door opened, leading her in.

“Why don’t we go up on the roof while she prepares the food?” The chef poured us a couple glasses of champagne, “Here you go.”

We went up the roof staircase and there we were out on top of the world looking over the skyline of Manhattan. Adrian had an elevated rooftop garden walk, which meandered to the edge. There was a large fence around the perimeter of the roof and we inched our way along.

“Adrian, I'm a little scared of heights,” so Adrian grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into his arms away from the edge. “I’ll keep you safe, Kai.”

“This is fantastic! My hometown looks so different from up high.” 

“I propose a toast,” he said, “I am so grateful to the universe that we found each other and here we are. I don't ever want to see you walk out that door again, except beside me.”

Tears welled up in my eyes as we clinked glasses. He kissed my hand and we sat down in overstuffed porch furniture that he had on the roof. I looked up quietly looked out over the skyline and figured out where my parents were roughly. I wondered if they ever even been to the top like this. Then I looked over at Adrian. My brain and body screamed at me
that guy is so hot.

“Adrian, how is it possible that just a week ago you walked into the studio and now a week later we feel like we’re soulmates? Is it possible that this is too fast, that this is too much of a whirlwind?”

Adrian stopped and thought about it, “Well, I need to know that I've slept with a lot of women. Hopefully that's not a problem for you. I mean, I'm in my 40s now and I'm still single so that makes sense. The truth is that you are better than anybody I've ever slept with, but there’s more to it than just sex. We have a connection that I never experienced before. I know you have slept with only one other person than me. But that person was mean and hurtful. I will tell you this right now: I will never hurt you.”

“Thank you for telling me Adrian. I know you’ve had a lot of lovers; I Googled you,” I said, giggling.

Adrian laughed, “Of course you did. So there have been a lot of ladies, but never a Kai.”

“I think I’ve learned now that you will not hurt me.”

“Thank you for saying that. There is going to be a lot of talk in the media about us because I’m in the public eye. Whenever you get scared, think about how we are when we’re together.”

He paused as he turned to face me, “And when you move in, you’ll know not to believe the tabloids because I’ll be sleeping next to you every night.”

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