Worth It (24 page)

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Authors: Nicki DeStasi

Tags: #new adult

BOOK: Worth It
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I grab Anna’s hand as we walk up the steps to her friend’s house. She seems happier, but I’m not. I’m fucking trying here, but she keeps shutting me out. She seems so broken sometimes, and I want to fix her. It kills me to watch her struggle and not be able to do anything about it. I want to protect her and shield her from everything and everyone. I try to shake off the crazy thought, but the longer we’re together, the more I feel like a fucking caveman, and it bothers me.

I like her—a lot. I think I’m starting to fall for her, and based on the way she looks at me, she feels the same. That’s awesome, except she’s not letting me in.

Why won’t she let me in?
I huff to myself.

I sound like I’m growing a fucking vagina.

When we reach the door, it swings open.

Chad says, “Hey, beautiful!” Then, he sweeps her into a big hug.

When he releases Anna, Chad sticks out his hand toward me. “Hey, man. Good to see you again.”

I take it and say, “You, too, man.”

We follow behind him into the living room where Shannon is sitting in front of the game console, sliding in the disc and booting up the game. When she hears us come in, she turns her head, and her face brightens like a hundred-watt bulb. Standing when she sees us, she squeals, and she practically tackles Anna.

“Yay! I’m so glad you guys came,” she squeals again.

I cringe a little, and I think my ears might be bleeding. She seems like a sweet girl, but shit, I hate squealing. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.

After she lets go of Anna, Shannon throws her arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re here, too.”

She winks at Anna.
I wonder what that’s about.

“You wanna come with me to grab a beer?” Chad breaks in.


Once we reach the kitchen, Chad reaches into the fridge and then hands me a Bud. I pop the top and take a swig. Chad does the same and leans against the counter, looking like he has something to say.

“Listen, I don’t want to start this night on a bad note because Anna likes you. You seem like a cool guy, so I’m just going to say this and be done with it. Anna is like a sister to me. She doesn’t have a brother, so I’m going to take the responsibility. Don’t fuck with her. If this is a game to you or just some ass to tap for a bit, you need to end it. She’s had too much shit in her life, and she doesn’t need anything else to deal with. I don’t think that’s the case with you, but I just wanted to say my piece. Don’t hurt her.”

I stare at him for a second.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
I don’t know him well at all, and he’s preaching to me about how to treat a woman. I have a sister of my own, and I’m pretty sure I said something worse to her husband when I first met him. I know Anna has some shit she’s dealing with, and she told me how her last relationship ended. The fact that that fuckhead is still bothering her isn’t helping, I’m sure.

I sigh. Chad’s heart is in a good place, so I school my features before I say, “I don’t know what you want from me, man. Assurances? I can tell you, without a doubt, that I care about her a lot. I would never intentionally hurt her, and I’m not stringing her along.”

He nods. “All right, my job is done. I just wanted to put that out there.” Then, he pushes away from the counter and calls to the living room, “Anna, you want a beer, too?”

“Sure!” she shouts back.

Chad grabs her beer, and we head into the living room to join the girls. When we get in there, they’re whispering heatedly about something, but when they notice us, the whispering ends, and they both plaster fake smiles on their faces. I narrow my eyes at Anna, but she just shakes her head, keeping her fake smile in place. Her wide eyes give away her panic, and it makes me uneasy, but I’ll let it go until we’re alone.

I walk over and wrap her in my arms. Then, I bend my head to whisper in her ear, “You okay?”

“I’m great!” she whispers back too cheerfully.

I chuckle a bit and whisper back, “Can we talk about it later?”

She nods.

The doorbell rings, and Chad leaves to answer the door. I’m guessing it’s Aaron and Asshole. Sure enough, a couple of seconds later, they enter the living room. Both Shannon and Anna give the guys hugs, and I try really hard to control my jealousy. When Jared has his arms wrapped around my woman, his eyes connect with mine, and he squeezes her a little closer, keeping his tight eyes locked with mine.

I’m gonna punch this fucker.

“Aaron, Jared, you remember Jed,” Anna says.

“Hey, man. Good to see you back,” Aaron says.

I shake Aaron’s hand as he gives me a smile.
I knew I liked this guy.

“Good to see you again, too,” I say.

I turn to the slimy motherfucker and decide to be the bigger man as I stretch out my hand. “Hey, good to see you again.”

He forces a smile and grips my hand too tightly. “I’m Jared, Anna’s
close friend.”

My eyebrow lifts, and I squeeze his hand back even tighter. “I remember. I’m Anna’s

His eyes flare.

Bring it, asshole.

Before he can talk any more shit, Shannon tells everyone to snag a spot, so we can start playing. I decide to let Asshat’s behavior go, and I find a seat next to my girl. There are only four instruments, so we’re taking turns. Of course, everyone laughs at me when it’s my turn to sing because I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. I’m not tone deaf. I hear the tone. I just can’t reproduce it. I’m having a great time even though I’ve never played this game before, but Jared’s comments are starting to piss me off.

“I’m going to grab another beer, baby. You want one?” Anna asks me when we take a quick break.

“Yeah. Thanks, baby,” I say, smiling at her as she stands next to me.

She smiles over at Jared and asks, “You want one, too?”

“Sure, beautiful. I’d love that,” he says.

My temper flares again, but Anna just grins and nods.

When she moves between him and the coffee table, he places his hand on her hips to make it look like he’s steadying her, but the way his eyes rove over her body makes me very aware that he only wants to touch my woman. I clench and unclench my fists to stop myself from lunging at this motherfucker.
It’s not the time or place to beat the fuck out of Anna’s friend.

After she leaves the room, he glances over at me and smirks. Aaron, Shannon, and Chad have gone outside to smoke a cigarette, so now, it’s just shitstick and me for the time being.

Fucking fantastic.

“What?” he asks innocently.

me. I see you, and I see the way you look at her, but she’s mine. Keep your fucking hands off her.”

He scowls before he says, “For now, asshole. You’re just a fucking placeholder for me.”

I clench my jaw but force out a laugh. “You’re fucking pathetic. You’re stuck in the friend zone, yet you still think you have a shot.”

“Whose shoulder do you think she’s gonna be crying on when you hurt her? Huh? Mine.”

“She won’t be running to you because I won’t hurt her. If you wanted her, then you should have said something a long time ago. She’s mine, and I’m not letting her go.”

He pales before regaining his composure. “We’ll see, shithead. I’m the one who’s been here for years for her to lean on, to cry on, to laugh with. You can’t replace that. It’s just a matter of time before she dumps your ass for me.”

My jaw grows hard, and my fist curls, but before I can knock his ass out, Anna breezes back into the room.

“Here ya go, guys,” she says.

Anna leans over to give Jared his beer. He grabs her by the neck and plants a kiss on her cheek.

I’m going to bury this motherfucker.

She smiles and pulls back before making her way over to me. As she hands me the beer, I snag her around the waist, bring her to my lap, and kiss her hard. I slide my tongue into her mouth and completely own her. She moans softly and tugs on my hair, making my cock start to harden.

“Knock it off, lovebirds,” Shannon says as she enters the room again.

When our lips part, I chance a peek over at Jared, who’s scowling, and I smirk.

Take that, fucker.

We continue playing the game, but I’m very aware of everything Jared tries with Anna. He attempts to get her to sit on his lap, and he openly flirts with her. He brushes her leg and leans in close to whisper in her ear even though there is no fucking reason for it. Every time she touches him back, I start to see red, and I wonder if they have a history I need to worry about. It’s getting harder and harder to control myself, and my jaw hurts from clenching it so tight. The only thing that stops me from pounding him is that she’s clueless. That, and it’s obvious she only sees him as a friend. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t trying to steal

As the night continues, I try to ignore Jared, and I enjoy my time with the rest of Anna’s friends. It’s much easier to ignore him when I’ve got Anna next to me. Chad is a fucking riot, and I can easily see myself hanging out with him more.

At one point, the pickup-line thing comes out, and they each taking a stab at it.

“You must be Snickers because you satisfy me,” Shannon says.

“I’ll be Burger King, and you’ll be McDonald’s. I’ll have it my way, and you’ll be lovin’ it.” That one from Chad

“Good thing I have my library card because I’m checking you out,” Aaron jokes.

“Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?” Jared says, but it’s directed at Anna, so I don’t laugh with the rest of them,

“If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don’t worry. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas.” Chad says to Shannon, and she laughs so hard that tears stream down her cheeks.

My stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

Around midnight, Anna and I call it a night. Shannon gives me a hug good-bye.

Chad slaps me on the back and says, “Later,” but his look says,
We’re cool. I approve.

I appreciate it, but no offense, dude, I don’t give a fuck if you approve. Anna is mine, and nothing short of her ending it for a good fucking reason will keep her away from me.

Cool it, caveman.
I need to get a handle on myself.
This shit is not me.
I hope that last bit didn’t show on my face because I like Chad.

Aaron shakes my hand and says, “See you next week.”

Jared just gives me a chin nod and a smile that’s faker than Pamela Anderson’s tits.

I reciprocate.
I fucking hate this dude.

The hug that Jared gives Anna lingers way too long, and then he bends down and kisses her cheek. My jaw clenches, and I think I might explode. My hand balls into a fist, and I’m
close to punching the douche. I’m starting to act like a crazy man. I don’t know where this shit came from, but I have this primal need to keep Anna safe and hidden away from anyone who might take her from me. It’s driving me insane, but I can’t challenge this dick to a duel.
This has to stop.
I will myself to calm down.

Deep breath, relax. We’re leaving. It’s over.

After we say our good-byes, we make our way to my truck, and I feel slightly calmer. I open the door for Anna, and just like she does every time, she smiles brightly before she hops in. I shake my head a bit and smile as I walk to the driver’s side.
She acts like no one has ever done that for her before.
Then, my smile immediately fades.
Maybe no one has done that before.
My anger flares again, and my jaw grows tight.
How can no one have ever opened a damn door for her?
Now, as I climb in the truck and start it up, I’m fuming about how shitty she’s been treated by her exes. It makes me so mad that I could punch something. I know that I’m losing it right now, but the thought of her getting walked on all the time on top of dealing with Jared’s bullshit makes me want to break things.

God, it’s like I have PM-fucking-S!
It’s driving me nuts that I’m acting like some fucking possessive asshole.

“You okay?” Anna asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I try to wipe the scowl off my face as I pull out of the driveway at start driving. “Yeah, babe, I’m great. I had a lot of fun tonight.”

She gives me a funny look. “Okay,” she says slowly.

“What?” I snap.

“Nothing, I guess.” She looks a little startled. “It just looked like something was bothering you. You seemed fine when you opened my door, and then you were all broody when you hopped in.”

I purse my lips.
Should I get into this while I’m all worked up? Probably not, but I’m going to do it anyway.
“Can I ask you a question?”


I roll my eyes at her indecisive answer. “Am I the first guy to open a door for you?”

She studies me like I’ve lost my mind, and I think I have.

She says, “Yeah, I think so. Why?”

She acts like it’s no big fucking deal.

“I don’t know,” I grit out harshly. “It just makes so fucking mad that your asshole exes didn’t appreciate what they had, that you were treated so shitty, and that you were hurt. It pisses me off that you picked such fucking shitheads. You should be treated with respect, and you obviously didn’t get that. I don’t understand why you would do that to yourself.”

I need to shut up, but I can’t help it. Anna thinks I’m so fucking great, but this is my big fault. I lash out when I’m angry, and I can’t stop the stupid shit from flowing out of my mouth.

“A simple fucking gesture like opening the goddamn door for you?” I slam the steering wheel with my fist. “Couldn’t be fucking bothered. Un-fucking-believable.”

I’m trying to rein it in and smother my bubbling anger and my misplaced wrath, but then I remember the real reason I’m so pissed, and I lose it. I
my anger is directed at the wrong person, but it doesn’t stop the word vomit. It just comes out. “And what the fuck is going on with Jared? Did you fuck him? Did you spread your legs for him and—” I yell, turning to her, prepared to finish that sentence. Her expression sobers me fast. The blood drains from my face, and I want to take those words back, snatch them right out of the air before they reach her ears.
Oh fuck, I’m such an asshole.

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