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Authors: Nicki DeStasi

Tags: #new adult

Worth It (41 page)

BOOK: Worth It
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I’m thinking like a chic, and I honestly don’t give a flying fuck.

Her eyelids begin to flutter as she awakes from her sleep. When her eyes finally find mine, she gives me a soft smile. “Hey.”

I give her a crooked grin. “Hey there, beautiful.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “How are you feeling this morning?”

She searches my face before her lips tilt up on one side. “Better. Thank you. I don’t know if I can express how much last night meant to me.”

“Me, too. Thank you for opening up to me and for giving me your trust.” I lean forward to place a gentle kiss on her forehead, and I gather her into my arms. “I’ll cherish that gift. Your trust and your heart, baby, are worth more than all the Super Bowl tickets for every season in a lifetime,” I mumble against her head, meaning every word.

I feel her shaking, and I glance down, ready to wipe away her tears again, but when she lifts her face from my chest, I see she’s trying to hold back laughter. When her eyes meet mine, she can’t contain herself, and she starts laughing harder.

I grin, confused. “What’s so funny?”

Once she calms down enough to finally answer, she says, “Only you would say something like that, using football tickets as an estimation of worth when most people would say, ‘All the money in the world,’ or something like that.” She shakes her head, and then she presses her face against my chest again.

I chuckle. “Come on, tell me something that’s more valuable to a guy. I thought it was sweet—truthful but sweet.”

“It was sweet.”

She lifts her head to kiss me quickly, causing the big boy downstairs to stir.

“I’m glad I talked to you, Jed.” She nibbles along my jaw and presses her naked chest against mine.

Christ, I just went from half-mast to full attention in under a second. My cock is faster than a Lamborghini.

“I love you, Jed,” she whispers in my ear, rubbing her naked wet pussy against my thigh.

I flip her over onto her back, my hips falling between her sexy thighs, and I cradle her face in my hands. I press my lips against hers, and I slip my tongue between her parted lips, kissing her deeply. “I love you, too, Anna, so fucking much.”




I swipe the mascara brush over my lashes, making them thicker and more pronounced. Once I complete the finishing touches on my makeup, I step back to admire the finished product in Jed’s full-length bathroom mirror. A royal blue strapless chiffon dress hugs my breasts and waist, and then it flares out to add a touch of flirty innocence to an otherwise super sexy dress. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve felt sexy in my life, and all of them have been with Jed. As I slip on my four-inch strappy silver stilettos, I reminisce about last night. Sharing my secrets with him has cemented our relationship, and he’s become my rock. Doubt still lingers because it’s nearly impossible to turn it off after all this time, but I know now with absolute certainty that it’s unfounded.

I turn my body to get a view of my backside, and for once, I give myself a little credit. I think I look fucking hot, which is a really good thing, just in case I encounter his ex again tonight. She wasn’t invited, but who knows what to expect when it comes to that bitch.

“Fuck,” I hear from the doorway.

I turn to see Jed standing there with his jaw hanging open. My own jaw drops as my eyes drink him in. His black dress pants hug his trim waist, and his white dress shirt is unbuttoned, revealing his tight white undershirt that snugly stretches across his broad chest. It hugs each and every one of his taut ab muscles, the same ones I run my fingers over often.

Good Lord, this man is always sexy, but right now, I just got an instant lady boner.

He catches me eye-fucking him, and he crosses the short distance to pin me against the wall. His hard length is pressed against my stomach, and my body reacts instantly to his touch, like always. Tingles travel through me, hardening my nipples and dampening my nearly nonexistent panties.

“Christ, Anna,” he murmurs against my ready and waiting lips. “I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you tonight.”

He captures my lips with his and pushes his hard length into me. I whimper into his mouth, not giving a fuck that his hands are running through my carefully crafted curls. I hook my leg around his hip, and he grabs hold, inching his way down my thigh. I grind myself against him, but I’m too short to get the best friction against my clit, even in my heels.

“Oh God, Anna.”

He grabs my ass and carries me to the sink. My body is aflame as I wrap my legs around his waist. His fingers inch up my legs as his lips devour me. He’s probably getting makeup all over him, but I couldn’t give a shit if I tried. My breathing comes in short pants as he pulls back slightly, so he can slip his talented fingers between my legs. I moan from his touch. It’s electric, and the need to have him inside me is all consuming.

I reach down and unbuckle his pants, releasing his smooth hard length. He groans against my mouth when I stroke his steely cock, and he moves my tiny thong aside to slip his fingers into my wet core.

“Always so wet for me, baby,” he whispers.

“I need you, Jed,” I pant. My body is pulsing for him as I guide him to me.

Without another word, he surges forward into me.

. I will never get enough of being full of him. He feels so fucking good. Delicious friction heats my body more than I thought possible as he begins to move.

“Ah, Anna, you feel so fucking incredible,” he grinds out.

I don’t know if it’s the angle we’re at, but he’s right. I’m not sure if it has ever felt this good before. My head falls backward, and I clutch his shoulders, digging my nails into his still clothed flesh, as he starts to pound into me. His feral growls fill the room as he fucks me and fucks me hard while I hold on for dear life. The delicious building starts low in my belly, and I feel myself tighten around his furiously moving cock.

“That’s it, baby, come on.” His movements grow harder and deeper.

Fucking shit, oh my God.
I’m utterly thoughtless as an incoherent scream rips out of me. I shatter into a gazillion different pieces. My orgasm is so strong that it almost hurts.

His rigid body and deep rumbling moan tells me he is about to follow me into bliss.

Once we catch our breaths, I open my languid eyes and meet his heart-stopping smile. “So, I look okay?”

He bursts out laughing and steps back to slip out of me and clean up, but then his face goes white. His smile disappears, and my stomach bottoms out.

What did I do?

“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t put on a condom. Shit, I—”

“It’s not really a big deal, Jed. I’ve been on the shot since I was fifteen,” I cut him off. I’m a little relieved that his mood swing wasn’t because I did something wrong. I give him a half smile. “I don’t think we used one last night either, but with everything that happened, I don’t think we noticed. I thought it felt better than normal,” I say in an attempt to joke. But then, I’m a little self-conscious. The dark reason I started birth control dampens my blissful euphoria.

His lips quirk to the side in a smirk, and he kisses me softly. “Well, that’s good. Not that it would be bad to have a baby with you, but I don’t think we’re ready for that yet.”

I smile halfheartedly and move to get off the sink to clean myself up.

He stops me. “Hey.”

I turn to look at him.

“What’s wrong?”

I shake my head because I don’t want to go there right now. “It’s nothing, Jed. Don’t worry about it.”

He sighs and wraps his arms around me, and I press my face into his chest, enjoying the comfort of his embrace.

“Don’t start the nothing shit again.” His deep voice reverberates in his chest.

Sighing deeply, I confess, “I was just remembering why I got on birth control.
made me, and the reminder kind of threw me out of my happy place.”

He leans back and tips my chin up. He kisses me softly but passionately. “I wish I could take all that away from you. I wish I could change everything, so you didn’t hurt, but he can’t hurt you anymore. I wish I knew what to say, but maybe we can try to look at the positive. His demand made sure that you couldn’t have his evil devil spawn.”

My lips quirk up on the side because he has a great point.

“And you staying on it means I can have you anywhere, anytime…” He trails off and dips his head to capture my lips.

He kisses me slowly, seductively, and I kiss him back with as much feeling as I can.

I murmur against his lips, “Can’t argue with that logic.”

“I wish we would have had this conversation earlier. I’ve never gone bare before, but Jesus, you felt incredible,” he murmurs back.

I pull back, surprised. “Really?”

He looks a little embarrassed. “Really. I know this is going to sound fucking stupid, but I wanted to wait until I was in love to do that.”

I grin widely. “That’s not stupid, baby.” I drape my arms over his shoulder and lean in for a kiss. “That’s sweet.”

“I love you, Anna,” he tells me before kissing me deeply.

“I love you, too, Jed.”



“I’m gonna hit the head,” I tell Mark after we take the fifth shot of the night.

We’re staying the night at The Old Groton Inn where the wedding festivities are being held. The small ceremony was simple, and the reception has been a blast. As I make my way to the restroom, I eye Anna’s sexy little body moving to the music with the other girls.

God, she’s fucking gorgeous.

When I saw her in the bathroom back at my apartment, I couldn’t help myself. I think I would have spontaneously combusted if I didn’t have her right then and there. Thank God she was ready for me. She always is.

God, I fucking love that woman so fucking much.

I know for sure I’m going to make her my wife someday. While everyone was staring at the bride and groom during the ceremony, I was staring at Anna, imagining we were up there. I know with every fiber of my being that this girl is meant for me.

After I do my business and wash my hands, I exit the restroom, eager to get back to the party, back to my girl.

“Jed?” a voice stops me.

I swing my gaze in that direction. “Todd?” I tilt my head.

“Hey, man. Good to see you again,” he says as he sticks out his hand.

“You, too,” I lie, taking his hand. I still can’t put my finger on it, but I don’t like him. “You work here?”

He runs his hand through his short blond hair. “Yeah, one of the cooks knew my aunt, so he offered me a job.”

“That’s cool.” I nod and try to think of a way to get out of this conversation. “I should head back in.”

“Oh right. You here for Mark’s wedding?” he asks.


“Nice. Tapping all the bridesmaids?” he teases.

His comment irritates me. He was there last week when I mentioned my pizza chick.

“Nah, man. I have a girlfriend.”

“Yeah, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?” He nudges me.

I try to keep my composure, but he’s pissing me off. “Anna is special, man. I don’t need to stray.”

He cocks his head. “Anna?”

“Yeah, Anna Matuszak. You know her?”
I fucking hope not.

His face is unreadable, and he studies me for a second. He’s confusing the shit out of me, but I’m half-drunk, so I could be imagining it how creepy he’s acting.

“Name sounds familiar. Is Anna her full name?”

“No, it’s Savannah, but she doesn’t like it.” I should shut up. I don’t like this guy, and I don’t really want him to know anything about my girl, but my alcohol-fueled brain is slower than my mouth.

“Is that right?” he drawls out, like it’s interesting information.

He’s so weird.
I just nod.

He asks, “Is she in there?”


“Can you point her out?” he asks.

I don’t really want to because I don’t want any guy noticing her, especially Todd. But I can’t think of an excuse, so instead of being an asshole and telling him to fuck off, I reluctantly bob my head up and down. I walk to the doors and peek through the windows.

BOOK: Worth It
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