Read Yes to Everything Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Yes to Everything (46 page)

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Logan, who’d seen and done too much for any one man, was begging her for mercy, “How are you keeping me from coming, Brooke? Oh please, please, baby.” She released the pressure at the base of his cock and pressed her fingers into the skin behind his balls. His roar filled the quiet room, “Brooke! Oh my god, oh god, yes, thank you, thank you. How I’ve ached for you, burned for you.”

His hand gripped the headboard so hard his knuckles were white, his other hand fisted in her hair. “Brooke. Beautiful Brooke, thank you. Thank you.” She sucked him until he had nothing left, sucking forcefully until he’d given her all he had; the muscles of her throat swallowing calmly. Only then did she release him with a soft pop and kiss the head.

Logan dropped down to kiss her, his arm going around her back and his hand anchoring her head to keep her tight to him. When he lifted his face, he kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and the tip of her nose before returning to her lips.

Resting his head against hers he whispered, “You are too generous, Brooke. So giving. Thank you, you can’t know. You just can’t know.”

Brooke stroked his face for a long moment, enjoying how he was hugging her, feeling the sincerity in his words. Moving her gaze to Decklan, she said clearly, “Switch.” Both men jerked against her and she added, “Now.” With a last kiss, Logan moved down the bed as Decklan kissed his way up her body. “Hi Decklan, thank you, baby.”

“Brooke, there’s no need to thank me. Believe me, the pleasure was all mine.” She circled her hand around him and tugged him higher. “Brooke, I…” She tugged with more force and he took the same position Logan had on her other side. “How do you…know? About…all this?”

She smiled at the implied question and shook her head, “No, never me. I’ve always been curious, even before I joined the band, when I heard the whispers. I never would have suggested it with Rex…there are some things you just know. I read ménage erotica and asked Sidney questions. She’s a wealth of excellent information and has zero sense of privacy.”

It was the last thing she said before she took Decklan’s cock to the back of her throat and made his eyes roll back in his head. Her hand was in Logan’s hair as she sucked Decklan hard and deep, her other hand working his balls firmly.

“Brooke, you…you do that the way I do it. Women never go hard like that. That’s…oh lord, so good.”

She moaned around his thick length as Logan pushed her up again, moving his slick fingers to the entrance of her ass. Brooke spread her legs further apart and Logan growled, already hard for her again, knowing this didn’t scare her in the slightest.

Slipping in carefully, she didn’t stiffen up or go still and he pressed past the tight muscles just inside before adding another finger. Her hips worked with him, grinding herself on his fingers and against his mouth. “Baby, you’re shocking the hell out of me. You’re so fucking perfect.”

Scissoring carefully out of her body, he set his thumb just inside her pussy and pressed the thin wall that separated her tight sheath from her anus. At the same time, he sucked her clit between his lips and flicked her hard with his tongue. Her hips were rocking now, her body going taut as the orgasm tore through her. She screamed around Decklan’s cock, clamping her mouth around his shaft and squeezing his balls more firmly.

The edge of pleasure/pain sent him over with a low growl, “Brooke, I’m coming, oh god that’s so good. Watching you suck me is unlike anything before.” Brooke raised her eyes and met his as the first jet of his semen hit the back of her throat and she held him deep, milking him with the muscles of her throat. “Oh my god how hard you suck me. Look at your pretty mouth stretched around my cock. It’s too good, too perfect. Thank you baby, thank you for releasing the agonizing pressure and for being so good to us.”

When she finally let him go, Decklan moved to lie beside her. His hand in her hair, he pressed his body to her, claiming her mouth possessively. Pulling her lower lip between his teeth, he tugged it, nipping it sharply. Logan left the bed with a last kiss to her mound to wash his hands and get condoms.

Decklan stroked over her mound, thumbing over her clit piercing and watching her face. “I always wanted to see it, you know, your piercing.” He kissed her again and when he lifted his head, his eyes were sad, “You’re so good, Brooke. So kind to let us touch you, to allow us to hold you. We don’t deserve your kindness and that makes it worth so much more.”

She cupped his face firmly and kept her eyes on his, “Listen to me, Decklan. No more talk of the past. You do deserve my kindness, my generosity. You both deserve my love but I’m not ready yet. I think I will be someday, but I can’t yet…it hurts right now. Be patient with me.”

He nodded and kissed her gently for a long time. When he lifted away, she said, “You made mistakes but those are in the past. I forgave you long ago for things that had gotten out of your control. Let me give you what I can for now. Let it be enough.”

He smiled, “We’re grateful for anything you’re willing to give us, Brooke. We know and we understand. We love you. Waiting for you, no matter how long it takes, is worth it. It’s already been worth it.”

Logan laid down on her other side and both of them took turns stroking into her body. They watched her face and took turns kissing her as first one, then the other slid through her cleft and inserted two fingers into her pussy, stroking twice and withdrawing, the other brother’s hand taking its place. Then they each had a finger inside her and she was coming as their thumbs moved through her folds and over her clit.

Her entire body arched from the bed, her heels digging into the mattress, and they never slowed their movements, their kisses, the suckling of her nipples. “Please, I can’t take it…”

Logan whispered in her ear, “You can, baby. Take everything we can give you, our pleasure and our love, Brooke.”

Then they were both between her legs, stroking into her pussy, her ass, licking her and sucking her. Each of them had a hand over one of her breasts, rolling her nipples between their fingers. She didn’t know where one ended and the other began, adding to the eroticism of the moment. Her body burned, ached, kept reaching for more and more. “Oh, god, please. Please, I’m coming again. Logan! Decklan! Please, I need you inside me. Please.”

Bringing her down from her climax, Decklan lay down beside her, rolling on a condom and kissing her until she couldn’t breathe, stroking her breasts. Logan was over her, nestled in the cradle of her body and she felt like he’d been there a hundred times before. The head of his cock notched against her pussy. He coated himself and teased her before he slid inside and began to stroke steadily.

When he was seated deep, bumping against her womb, he groaned, “You’re so tight baby, so hot. Please give me the strength to hold on.”

Logan pulled from her after several powerful strokes and moved back. Decklan picked her up, rolling her into a straddle over his body. He settled himself at her entrance and thrust to the hilt hard and fast, leaving a burning pleasure as she worked to stretch to him.

He went still, staring at her, touching her face and hair, “Brooke, oh baby I’ve dreamed of being inside you, of being allowed to hold you. There are no words.” He kissed her with aching gentleness and Brooke felt her heart stutter in her chest as he held her snugly to him. Pulling her head down, he told her, “We won’t hurt you, I swear it.”

He gathered her mass of hair, pulling it to one side and stroking his hands down her back as Logan positioned himself behind her. Her arms were along Decklan’s sides and she lifted one hand to stroke over Logan’s thigh, gripping and stroking the hard muscle as he set the head of his cock at her anal star.

The brothers looked at one another in amazement. In their history, the women never participated, content to let them do the work. No one had ever touched the man entering her from behind, never seemed to realize they would want or need it.

Logan pressed forward, slipping past the ring of muscle just inside and carefully worked his way slowly and carefully into Brooke’s tight body. With each thrust, she stroked them, squeezing Decklan’s shoulder and Logan’s thigh, drawing the connection between the three of them tighter than anyone ever had.

When he was fully seated, sweat on his brow, she sighed between them, “That feels amazing, so truly incredible. Oh my god.” Logan lay against her back, keeping his weight up with his arms on the bed. “I feel so warm and protected. I like this very much. Thank you, thank you for being here.”

Logan kissed along her shoulders and she felt tears drop on her back. Glancing up, she realized Decklan had tears slipping silently into his hair. She stroked her hand over Logan’s hip as she touched Decklan’s face.

“I needed you both more than I knew. I’ve been painfully lonely and sad. We’ll start from today, start fresh. I’ll help you through your struggles, you can help me through mine. You’ve always meant so much to me, I think you know that. I want to love you, to feel alright with loving you. I don’t want to be alone anymore, it hurts worse when I’m by myself, but I feel selfish to take from you when I can’t give you all of me yet.”

Decklan put his hands in her hair, “Brooke, I love you. I’ll take anything you can give me and wait for the rest.”

Logan laid his cheek between her shoulders, “If you need to slow down after today, that’s alright, Brooke. If you’ll let us hold you sometimes, even if we can just hold your hands, be able to kiss you. Any connection will be more than we ever hoped for. I love you and I want you to take things at your speed. So when you are ready to love again one day, maybe you choose us.”

“Please, move now. I’ve ached for you.” They gripped her hips and shoulders and began to move in tandem, one withdrawing as the other stroked in. She came in less than a minute the first time, moaning their names and clamping around them like a vice as they kept moving steadily, driving the orgasm on and on.

When her body finally released her, she said softly, “I…I didn’t know. If I’d known, I may have taken whatever you were willing to give me. I would have risked everything for this. I’m so fucking glad I didn’t know.”

“Oh, Brooke, I’m glad we never came after you hard. It was the wrong time. You needed to be loved, not used. Cherished, not hurt over and over again.” Logan kissed over her back gently.

Decklan added, “We weren’t good enough for you. We would have taken from you until you had nothing left and destroyed everything beautiful about you. We had no right to touch you then. You chose right, Brooke.”

Brooke lifted her body using her legs and pulled Decklan up. She kissed him with all the emotions swirling through her, her hands gripping his hair and keeping him with her. “Decklan, I want you to take from me now. I give you both full rights to touch me, to claim me. Please don’t stop.” She lightly bit his lip before letting him go, his hands going over her, cupping her breast and slipping down to stroke his thumb over her clit.

Turning her upper body, she pulled Logan’s mouth to her hard and he was groaning, his hands on her hip and cupping her breast. “I don’t want you to feel left out. You feel amazing, Logan. Let go now, fuck me hard and let’s let go of the past. All of it. Show me everything without holding back. Give me who you are now.”

She turned and their hands tightened on her. Both of them surged forward, burying their cocks to the base in her body. Then they were fucking her hard, both of them withdrawing at the same time and thrusting forward. She came screaming in less than twenty seconds and they held her steady as her body shook violently but they didn’t stop, shafting into her body in long fierce strokes.

“Yes, oh god yes, don’t stop, I’m so full and warm. I feel you…I’m not numb. Please don’t stop. I’m begging you. Harder, I can handle harder.”

Adjusting her knees, she waited until they withdrew and pushed back as they pushed forward. Again and again she slammed her body into them as they pumped their hips against her. “Brooke, no Brooke, you’re going to make us come. Oh my god that feels so fucking amazing! Your ass is so fucking tight.”

“Baby, your pussy is milking me so hard, I can’t take it, I can’t hold on. Brooke, you’re taking us so hard. Please come, baby, I can’t hold on.”

She did, pushing back with all her strength as they powered into her with all their strength. Screaming their names Brooke gripped their bodies inside and out and their voices blended together as they came, “Brooke, oh sweet lord, I’m coming. Oh fuck yes, yes, it feels so good. You’re so tight, so hot around me. I’ve never come so hard in my life. I’ve never felt so much of myself connected to another person. Thank you, oh god, thank you, Brooke. My precious girl, so beautiful, taking everything I have. Take it all, Brooke. It’s all for you, only for you, Brooke.” They continued to thrust until their balls were empty. Logan collapsed over her, keeping as much of his weight off her as possible.

Their hearts were pounding hard, “I can’t tell which heartbeat belongs to who. You have no idea how moving that is.” Her voice was soft and they kissed and stroked her whispering they loved her over and over.

When he thought his limbs would function, Logan pulled carefully from her body, getting off the bed. When she moved to get up, Decklan held her still. “Wait. Wait, Brooke. Please let us take care of you. Please let us, Brooke. You’ve given us so much more than you know.” She nodded and drifted to sleep.

Logan was holding a cool cloth to her, cleaning her of fluids. He lifted her gently from Decklan and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, snuggling into his chest. He held her tightly, whispering into her hair and stroking her back. Decklan returned a moment later and stretched out against her, kissing her shoulder.

She soon sank into a near comatose slumber, as if her body was at last taking a deep breath. A long time later, she opened her eyes groggily and Logan was staring at her. “Hi Logan.”

“You always know the difference so quickly, Brooke. Our own mother has to take a moment.”

Brooke reached out to stroke his face. “You have a tiny scar along your hairline. Your hair tends to fall to the left when left to its own devices and not raked back from your forehead. Your lips, like your eyes, are a hair darker than Decklan’s. You used to wear your hair longer but that’s less and less as time goes on.” Giving him a smile, she added, “Decklan’s hair falls to the right, he has a tiny freckle you don’t have in his hairline at his temple, his lips and eyes are lighter. I only have to concentrate when you aren’t close to me.”

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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