You Got Me (19 page)

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Authors: Mercy Amare

BOOK: You Got Me
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Roxy hadn't had a panic attack in almost 3 months, but she didn't get rid of the pink in her hair either. She said it reminded her of who she is and where she came from. I didn't complain, because it was super sexy. I couldn't imagine her without it.

Last week, we got tattoos together. I know what you're thinking... Tattoo's are permanent, and most relationships don't last. Well, ours will. But it's not like I got her name tattooed to my neck or anything stupid like that.

Roxy got a tattoo on her right hip that said 'Now that you got me, I'm yours completely, forever'. It's part of the lyrics she wrote for me. It's actually really awesome. The tattoo is pink and black and its in a swirl.

I got the word 'Forever' tattooed on my back, close to my shoulder blade. I figured since I planned on being a teacher, I should get something I could cover up. Roxy was obviously thinking the same thing about herself.

My family loved Roxy, especially Grace. They were always whispering to each other and giggling.

I looked up at Roxy. She and my little sister were laughing. I winked at her.

“Girls...” Aaron said, all dramatic like, and rolled his eyes. “I'm
getting a girlfriend.”

I laughed at his words. “You'll change your mind when you're older,” I told him, checking out Roxy's legs in her short skirt.

Aaron hadn't gotten into any more fights since his arm was broken, and I was glad. He told me he just walks away, like I told him too, and it didn't take long for them to get bored of it.

Let's go to the movies!” Grace suggested, excitingly.

I started to say no, but Roxy looked excited. “There's a new Channing Tatum movie I'm dying to see.”

“Who is Channing Tatum?” Aaron and me asked at the same time. They both laughed, but didn't answer. We just followed them to the car, scratching our heads.


3 grueling hours later, we were on our way home.

I'm going to wash my eyeballs with soap,” Aaron whined.

I second that,” I agreed.

We all walked inside the house, and when we did, there were streamers hanging from the ceiling. There was a huge sign that says '
Happy Birthday Aiden
'. Roxy's parents were here, along with my mom, and my best friend Gary.

Gary, he was such a forgiving friend. He forgave me the next day after I punched him. He said his “wound” made it easier to get laid, because girls were all sympathetic to him. I rolled my eyes at that.

There was a huge birthday cake on the counter, with 20 candles on it. I had actually forgot I was turning 20. I couldn't believe I was not a teenager anymore. It felt surreal. I felt... grown up. It was a weird feeling.

After I blew out my candles, I felt Roxy's lips against my ear. “I've got some great
birthday plans
for you later.”

She pulled back quickly, and it took me a few seconds to recover from her comment. I was trying to think about anything other than the words she just whispered in my ear, though it was hard not to.



Life was good.

Aiden and me were officially together 6 months last week, and what a great 6 months it had been! Tonight was the first night that we had spent apart since we started dating. He was taking his little brother camping. I told him to go, that I would be fine, but I was going to miss him like crazy.

Grace came and stayed the weekend with me at my parent's house. She freaked out and said 'Oh my god!' a lot. Her eyes got really big when she saw the pool inside. She let out a little girly scream.

I pulled out my phone and sent Aiden a text.

Come back soon?

My phone vibrated instantly.
I promise.

I smiled at the text, and put my phone away.

Dr. Lewis and I cut our weekly appointments back to bi-weekly appointments. She even said hinted about cutting them down to once a month.

I wondered when I would be able to stop going to therapy altogether, but sometimes I thought maybe I never would. Sure, I felt better, but I had some pretty dark demons in my closet.

Grace eyed the bar on our way back through. “Can I have a glass of wine with dinner?”

I don't know...” I said, looking at her. She was just a kid.

I'm fifteen and a half! And a lot of my friend's parents let them drink!” She pouted.

Let's ask your mom first,” I started to pull out my phone, but Grace screamed.

You can't do that! She'll totally freak out!”

I smiled. “Then I guess the answer is no.”

She rolled her eyes, and sulked for a few minutes, making her seem that much more immature.

Fine.” I said, pulling out a wine glass.

Really?” She squealed.

There was a half finished bottle of wine in the fridge. It was really bitter, and honestly, it tasted disgusting. I wouldn't even drink it. I poured her a little drink.

She put it up to her lips and took a big drink. She instantly spit it out. “Gross! That tastes like vomit!!!”

I laughed, and she didn't ask for alcohol anymore after that.


When Aiden got home that Sunday, we locked ourselves in my bedroom the entire day. Aaron and Grace were out with my parents and they wouldn't be home until late.

“There is nothing better than Naked Sunday,” Aiden said.

Hmm, I don't know... Do you remember Naked Friday? That was a pretty epic day.”

Yes, it was.” Aiden pulled me to his lips and kissed me, and pulled away. “I love you.”

I love you, too. Forever.”

Forever,” he agreed before his lips covered mine. This time, neither of us had any intention of pull away.


3 years later



Today was the happiest day of my life. It was the day Roxy and me graduated from college. It was also the day that I would ask Roxy to be my wife. I was pretty sure that she would say
, but I couldn't help but feel nervous.

Roxy's dad was buying her a house for graduation. It was not a big house, just a small 2 bedroom condo close to their own home. When I asked him for Roxy's hand, he showed it to me. He said it was the “perfect place to propose”, and I couldn't agree more.

“I can't believe you're graduating today,” my mom said, and started crying again. “And my Grace... You're leaving for college in the fall....”

I rolled my eyes.

My mom and Roxy's mom were already planning our wedding. Of course Roxy didn't know it, but maybe she suspected something. I was not very good at hiding stuff from her, and she probably thought I was acting weird. Still, I hoped she acted surprised. I hoped that my proposal would blow her away.

2 hours later, I heard my name. “Aiden Dixon.” I walked onto the stage, getting cheered from my family, Roxy and her family, and the entire football team. When they handed me my diploma, I couldn't help but feel complete. One chapter of my life ending, but another great, even better chapter beginning.

When I heard “Roxy Gibson” called, I yelled at the top of my lungs for her. She walked onto the stage, and accepted her diploma. She looked at me as she walked back down. She was so happy.

The ceremony seemed to last forever, and it felt like they would never quit calling names. I just wanted this over with. I wanted the ring I bought for Roxy on her finger, proclaiming she was forever mine.

After graduation, Roxy insisted on taking the entire family out for dinner. The whole time, I couldn't stop sweating, and I was just ready to get her alone.

Let's get out of here,” I whispered in her ear.

She looked at me, and nodded.



Aiden was acting weird, and he had been for about a month now. I knew that he was hiding something from me. But right now, as we drove down the road, I didn't think about it. The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful day. I finally graduated college, and was done with school.

I thought Aiden was driving me to my parent's house, but he turned down a different road. I shot him a questioning glance, but he just stared at the road. He looked scared, and suddenly I was feeling nervous.

Oh my god, what if he was dumping me? Is that why he had been acting weird?

I pushed the bad thoughts to the back of my head and made myself breathe. It had been 3 and half years since I had a panic attack, and I was not about to have one right now.

Aiden pulled up to a condo and turned off the car.

Where are we?” I asked.

We are at your graduation present,” he smiled. “It's from your dad.”

What!?” I ran towards the door. “How come my dad didn't bring me?” I asked as Aiden unlocked the door. He didn't answer. He just flipped on the light switch. Inside, the whole floor was covered in pink rose petals. The rose petals led up the stairs. Without a word, he walked in front of me, and after a few seconds, I followed. The petals led through a door. Aiden walked inside, and shut it before I got there. I was about to cry, because he shut the door in my face, but when I opened the door, I saw where the rose petals stop.

Aiden was kneeling in the middle of the floor, holding up a ring.

“Roxy,” he began. “I have loved you since the first day I met you on the roof. I knew at that moment that there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for you.” He cleared his throat, and I could tell he was trying not to cry. Tears ran freely down my face. “I love you so much, and I promise that I will love you every day for the rest of your life. Roxy Gibson, will you marry me?”

Yes!” I answered without hesitation. With shaking hands, he gently placed the ring on my left finger.

Forever?” he asked.

Forever,” I agreed.

Aiden picked me up, and carried me to the bed. He made love to me, and I knew that today was the first day of forever.


The End.

Or, beginning.



There have been so many people who have helped me along in my journey, but my number one supporter is my husband. Thank you for reading all my books, and encouraging me to keep writing. I could not have done this without you.


Tess Watson, beta reader, blogger, and best friend. Thank you for reading my book over and over again with me... And for telling me when I suck.


Mercedes, thank you for all your help. With the blog, with being a beta reader, and for just talking to me when I need a friend.


Thank you to every blogger out there who has featured or reviewed any of my books. I seriously could not do this without you guys, and I appreciate every single one of you.


And lastly, to YOU, my readers. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my books. It seems surreal that I actually accomplished my dream. May all your dreams come true as well.



Mercy Amare

Check out my other books:


Don't Tell

A YA novella about love, forgiveness, and hope.


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