Read You'll Say Yes Online

Authors: Tri Amutia,Jovy Lim

You'll Say Yes (25 page)

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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"Just curious."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hmmm..." He seemed thoughtful. I went rigid. "Speaking of free time, how about I asking you to go on a date with me?"

I blinked several times. "A date?"


I grimaced. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course. I haven't escorted you properly. The previous dates were horrible, for your part. I want to make it up to you. So, what do you say?"

I drummed my fingers on my desk. I chewed my bottom lip. Should I go or not? But, I must admit that I missed him and we didn't spend our time much outside the apartment.


His voice brought me back to the present. I ran my hand through my hair. "Um...yes, of course. Okay." I guessed a little time with him won't hurt me.

I heard him exhaled. I assumed he was nervous to wait for my answer. And then he chuckled. "All right. I also want to tell you that I'll spend the night in the hospital so I'll be home tomorrow and we'll have our date after lunch. How's that?"

I frowned a little when I heard him wanted to stay at the hospital. That means I must stay in my bed alone. I was beginning to sleep more comfortable in his arms.

"Sure," I tried to sound neutral, but it didn't fool him.

He sighed. As if he could read my mind, he said, "Believe me, Abby. I'd rather spend my night next to you too, but I need to take this shift so we could spend our time together tomorrow."

I smiled. I was touched by the way he tried so hard to manage his time so he could spend his time with me. That was the most important quality from Joshua.

"I know," I said in low voice.

"Don't stay late, all right. I love you."

I bit my lip. I was not ready to say the words yet. I sighed. "Come home soon," I said to him, hoping to foreshadow my feelings from him.

He was silence for a moment before finally said, "I will."

And the line went dead.

I went home early with takeout bags and planned to have a nice hot shower. After my shower, I ate my take out dinner in front of the plasma TV. The night when I spent alone after the Ryan incident was different from now. Even though I was alone, I knew Joshua will come home tomorrow. I turned off the TV at 9:00 pm sharp and walked to my room. I stopped at my door and glanced over at Joshua's door. I bit my lip and walked slowly to his door. I debated whether or not to go inside, but I've already spent my time in his room before so I guessed this time won't hurt me.

I opened the door gingerly and peeked inside. I turned on the lights and looked around to his room. I smiled and walked inside. His memorabilia board was still there, his closet and a desk. A fancy laptop and speakers on top of it, I didn't even think to touch that. I was not good in electronic stuff.

His wall was clean; I think he was not the type who would put some posters on the wall. His king size bed was neatly made and I blushed a little remembering the last time we spent the night in this bed. I opened the cover and slid under it. I inhaled his scent from the pillow. I smiled and snuggled myself on one of the pillows. I was fallen asleep afterwards.

I woke up by the feeling something wrapped around my waist. I adjusted my sight and realized I was asleep in Joshua's room. I tried to sit up to look over the alarm clock on the night stand, but something on my waist tightened its hold. I looked down and found Joshua's arm encircled my waist. His face was inches from my neck and I could feel his steady breathing. I smiled and tried to release his hold, but he snuggled closer.

"Don't go. Stay," He mumbled.

I smiled and turned my body around to stroke his hair. He leaned into my touch. "I just want to make you breakfast and do the laundry before we go for our date," I whispered.

He smiled and opened his eyes sleepily. "We're going on a date."

I chuckled. "Yes, we are. Now, go back to sleep. You're still tired."

He nodded and closed his eyes again.

I kissed his forehead and released his arms. Joshua went back to sleep while I was buzzing around from making breakfast and doing the laundry. I did some cleaning in the kitchen and in the living room, because we used to spend most of our time in those places. I finished two hours later and took a shower. Joshua woke up at 10:30 am while I was eating my breakfast or rather brunch in the living room. He ate his brunch next to me and took a shower too afterwards. I went to my room to change my clothes. Even though we've already lived together, but I wanted to look nice now. It was date after all. I decided to wear deep blue shirt and a knee-length skirt with flat shoes. I was in the middle of curling my hair when Joshua knocked at my door.

"Are you ready to go, dear?"

"In a minute," I answered him.

I looked myself over the mirror and took a deep breath. All right, let's get this over with. I opened my door and found Joshua was sitting in the living room. He stood up when he saw me and I nearly fell on my knees. He was wearing blue shirt, dark coat and dark trousers. His hair wasn't so unruly, even though still a little bit messy. God, was he ever going to be more handsome day after day?

Joshua looked at me with wide eyes and I instantly felt nervous. Did I dress right? Or did I have to change? I looked over my clothes and smiled at him sheepishly. "I'll go change now."

But, before I could turn around, he was already stood in front of me. "Silly girl. You look beautiful."

I chewed my bottom lip. "Really?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course, silly. Come on, let's get going."

We walked hand in hand to the apartment garage and Joshua guided me to his black car. Ah, yes, the special occasion car. This was my second time to ride this car after the dinner with his parents.

I raised my eyebrows. "The black car?”

He grinned. "It's a special occasion. Of course, I'll ride with this one."

He opened the door for me and I got in. He walked around the car and opened the driver's door. I buckled my seatbelt after Joshua did the same thing and revved the engine.

"I wonder what you'd do to this car if you don't have any special occasions for a long time."

He smirked. "The car stays in the garage, but I always check the machine regularly. You'll never know when you'll have a special occasion."


He drove swiftly from the garage and I looked at him when we were out from the apartment complex.

"Where are we going?"

He grinned. "It's a surprise."


He drove us to a bookstore and no, it was not the one where the book launching was held. It was another bookstore, also in town. I browsed some books with him. Sometimes cracking jokes to one another and finally I bought two books while Joshua bought five books. Our next stop was at the museum.

Yes, a museum!

I knew it sounds corny, but I enjoyed my time with him. After spending time in the museum, Joshua took me to lunch in a fancy restaurant. I couldn't protest now. I knew this was his turn to make a special date for me.

We finally spent our afternoon at the park. We sat on the bench and I cuddled next to him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned to his chest. He kissed my hair and I smiled. We didn't talk much, just enjoying our time together although a worry feeling crept to my chest. What if I really had to move to New York or England? What will happen to both of us? Should we live apart again? Should I end the engagement or ask him to move with me?

But, I didn't want to think about that now. I cared about him and...loved him. This time we were just a couple who would like to spend our time together.

We were not just a couple with a long engagement.

We were not just an editor and a doctor.

We were just Joshua and Abby.



























Chapter 16
The Candidate and The Gala

We never talked about my impending transfer anymore after our date. I spent my weekend mostly with Joshua. We laughed, cracked jokes, cooked together, watched some DVDs and simply enjoyed our time together. I wish we could stay like that for a long time; didn't need to worry about our jobs or mostly about my current status as one of the candidates who was going to be sent to New York or England. But, Joshua and I knew we must have to deal with it. He's already searching for some suitable hospitals in New York and England if I were really about to be sent there. I've told him I haven't made a decision yet, and my bosses didn't talk about it with me. Somehow I felt guilty, to make him move from Seattle to New York or England, if I really did have to move. But, he told me that he couldn't bear to be separated from me again. I felt my love for him go deeper the moment he said those words. And it terrified me if I must live apart from him.

Apparently, that day was about come. Wednesday morning when I just arrived at my cubicle, Mr. Smith was looking for me.

"Ms. Bennett?" A soft voice called my name and I turned around in my chair to see Marianne, Mr. Smith's secretary.

I cleared my throat. "Yes?" I answered in a shaky voice. Mr. Smith does not often send his secretary to call for an employee. This must be an important matter and suddenly, I felt nervous.

Marianne smiled. "Mr. Smith wants to see you in his office."


It's definitely an important matter.

I nodded slowly and stood up from my chair. I smoothed my clothes and followed Marianne who's already at the elevator door. I walked into the elevator and stood next to her. We didn't talk much and I was busy calming my breathing and my erratic heartbeat.

Is there something wrong with my job?

Does it have something to do with Ryan?

But, I dismissed that thought quickly. Ryan was a smart man. I didn't like him, but I knew he won't do something dramatic like that. Or is he going to...I don't me? My body went two degrees colder.

Marianne escorted me to Mr. Smith's office. She knocked three times and I heard Mr. Smith's voice to allow us to go inside. She opened the large mahogany door and gestured me to come inside. I walked in slowly to his elegant office. I was expecting Marianne to come with me, but instead she closed the door.

I gulped.

Mr. Smith smiled when he saw my nervousness. "Ms. Bennett. Have a seat."

I nodded slowly and sat on a chair across from him. "Good morning, Mr. Smith."

He nodded and leaned back to his chair. "So, how are you, Ms. Bennett? I assume you're enjoying your work here."

I chuckled nervously. "Yes. Yes, I do, Mr. Smith. I really enjoy it." His tone was firm and I must admit I wasn't feeling nervous anymore.

"Do you have any idea why I called you to come to my office this morning?"

I clenched my fists, trying not to tremble. I smiled. "No, I'm afraid I have no clue, Mr. Smith." My heartbeat increased again.

He smiled and leaned onto his desk and let his elbows rest. "I'm sure you are working with Mrs. McLane recently and she's the first foreign author that works with us. She called me last Friday and she told me she was pleased working with you. I, on behalf of the company, must say thank you, Ms. Bennett. You must know that if she was happy working with us, our company will be known outside the State. We would like to hold a celebration along with Mrs. McLane's book launching. I'll make sure you attend the event, Ms. Bennett."

I blinked several times. I knew Helena McLane was originally from Slovakia. She married an American and lived here with her husband. She was good at speaking English, but has a weakness in writing. She loves to read and write. The manuscript that I worked was her first book and she was so proud of it. She already asked me to come to her book launching and I accepted it, but to hear from Mr. Smith how I work with her could have a great impact for the company, was beyond me. I've always tried to work in good terms with all of my authors.

I took a deep breath. "Um...thank you, Mr. Smith. Actually Mrs. McLane already asked me to come and I said yes," I told him. As much as I hate attention, I knew this was important to her. I just want to make her happy.

My boss nodded. "It's good if you decided to come. There's one more thing that I would like to discuss."

There was silence.

Mr. Smith leaned back to his chair. "I'm sure you heard rumors about the new offices in New York and England."

My face turned pale. I swallowed hard. There was no way I could say no. "Yes, sir."

"I was paying attention to all the employees here since the rumor had spread. Some of them are trying to make good impressions while others were just trying to do their best. It seems you're not affected at all with the news. May I know why?"

Oh, Lord. This was like the first time he interviewed me before I worked here.

I smiled weakly. "I'm a newbie, sir. I love my work and I just want to give the best for my authors. Writing story is not easy, especially to fulfill different expectations. I give them all my respect to write amazing stories and to accept all the critical responses. It's not easy."

I paused.

He nodded again.

"And mostly because I feel I'm not qualified enough to become the candidate."

My boss chuckled. "You are far more than qualified. You are a smart and dedicated woman. I never saw someone like you here, Ms. Bennett."

I blushed. "Thank you, Mr. Smith."

"I want to tell you that you mostly are being transferred to England."

I gasped involuntarily. "E-England, sir?" Somehow I was wishing he send me to New York. I could deal with Ryan later.

He shook his head. "I may not be able to supervise you, but I see everything, Ms. Bennett. I know Ryan set his eyes on you and he was determined to send you to New York. But, I knew better. His evaluation was not logic. I wouldn't do that to my employees. I won't have them working under pressure."

A shiver ran down my spine when Mr. Smith told me about Ryan, but somehow I felt grateful he stood by me. "Thank you, sir," I said softly.

"So, are you going to accept the offer?" He asked me again.

Honestly, I didn't know. It was happening all of the sudden. I needed to talk to Joshua first. I knew we didn't talk about our relationship status right now, but he has the right to know.

"Or, perhaps you want to talk to him first?"

I blinked several times. "E-Excuse me?"

He smiled genuinely. "I know all about your fiancé, Ms. Bennett. I've never met him, but from what Mrs. Bennington told me, he was a good man."

I snorted mentally. I bet Mrs. Bennington was telling everyone about Joshua. I smiled. "He is, Mr. Smith."

"Does he work in Seattle?"

I nodded. "He's a doctor in the local hospital."

He nodded thoughtfully. "I see. I won't rush you, Ms. Bennett. Just come to my office when you made your decision. And as a reward, I'll give you a free time today and two extra days off. You don't have to work today and you may use the extra days off anytime you want. Just call my secretary and I'll give it to you."



He laughed. "You've already worked so hard, Ms. Bennett. You deserve a free time. Come back tomorrow. Enjoy your time."

I didn't know what to say. Have I done something wrong? "Um...sir, I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" I asked nervously.

Mr. Smith raised his eyebrows. "You will be if you refused my reward right now."

I blinked several times. Is this true? I had an extra day off today and another two days anytime I wanted? That's heaven!

My boss smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Bennett. Say hi to your fiancé for me."

This time I knew Mr. Smith was serious. I smiled widely and rose from my seat. I extended my hand to shake his. He also rose from his seat and took my hand.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Smith."

He chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Go on. Don't waste your day off."

I took my hand back and nodded sharply. I turned around and half-running to get out from his office. I giggled like a schoolgirl while going back to my booth.

Okay, so what will I do today?

I've already did the laundry yesterday and the apartment is still clean. Perhaps I could ask Joshua to...


I mentally slapped myself. How could I be so stupid? He didn't know I have an extra day off, but he probably already in the hospital and I couldn't call him now. I slumped in my seat. I looked over the desk clock and it was just 9:30 am. I rested my head in my desk. What will I do for today? I definitely didn't want to waste my time here until lunch came.

And what about Mr. Smith's offer? I knew I could refuse it and stay here, but I was sure Joshua won't allow me to do that. As much as I didn't want to go, this is an important phase in my life. I sighed. I knew it was the time that I must talk to Joshua about this; not only about our relationship, but also about our future.

I raised my head and closed my eyes. Or, perhaps I could visit Joshua in the hospital and bring him some lunch. I opened my eyes and gathered my things. I quickly got out from my office. I walked to my old car and as I waited for the engine to warm I decided to visit the local library. I drove from my office to the public library and parked my car in the corner of the street. It was weird to visit the library on my workday. Usually, I visited the library in Saturday before it was closed in the afternoon. I looked around for classic collections. I read some of them in the reading room. I stayed in the library until 11:00 am and I drove my car to a Chinese restaurant. I smiled to myself when I remember Joshua brought me the same meal when I had to stay late at the office.

I parked my car in the hospital's parking lot and I could see Joshua's black car in the employee's spot. I took a deep breath and walked to the hospital lobby. Honestly, I was nervous. I've never went to the hospital before in special occasion, apart from me being a total klutz. This time I went to the hospital to visit a doctor and brought him lunch.

How cool is that?

I stopped in front of the main lobby. Should I go in or not? I looked over the take out bags and sighed. I dragged my feet and approached the woman behind the desk.

"Excuse me. I would like to meet Dr. Walsh, please?" I bit my lip, trying to tame my nervousness.

She raised her head and narrowed her eyes. I blinked several times. I had a feeling I'll have a hard time to see Joshua today.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked me in her nasal voice. Wow, was this place should be a public service? Where's the service part?

I took a deep breath. "No, but-"

"Dr. Walsh is busy right now," She interjected.

I raised my eyebrows. "How can you tell he is busy right now? You don't even check."

She rolled her eyes. "This is hospital, Miss. Of course we're busy."

Uh-huh. I can see that.

I sighed, trying to be patient. "Just tell him first, please. I'll go home if he's really busy."

"Are you a family member of his?"

Well, not yet, I answered mentally. "Um..."


Both the woman and I turned our head to see Dr. Keller standing a few feet from the lobby's desk. He held a chart in his hand and the other hand was hiding behind the coat's pocket. I smiled grimly. "Dr. Keller?"

He smiled and shook my hand. "How are you? It's so good to see you, well, under better circumstances."

I blushed and from the corner of my eyes I could see the woman scowl at me. Dr. Keller looked over the annoying woman and said, "It's all right, Jenna. I know her. I'll take her to Dr. Walsh."

Oh, so the woman has a name.

"But, doctor, she's not Dr. Walsh's family or relatives," She said again.

Dr. Keller grinned. "Really? Well, she's his fiancée." He turned to me again. "This way, Abby."

The look from the woman's- I mean Jenna's- face was priceless.

I followed Dr. Keller through some halls and finally we were stopped at patients’ hall. I saw him immediately. His red hair was so easy to recognize. It shone under the hospital's lights and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him wearing his white coat. I've seen him work before when I got sick, but he never wore his white coat. He looked so mature and so much like


I even couldn't find the right sentence for that. He was standing in front of the high desk with two nurses behind the desk. I could tell those nurses were trying to get his attention, but Joshua ignored it. He seemed serious studying the chart in his hand.

"I'm sure he'll forget about the chart when he sees you," Dr. Keller whispered to me and winked.

I chuckled nervously.

Dr. Keller cleared his throat. "Dr. Walsh, there's someone who wants to see you."

"Who is it?" He asked without removing his attention from the chart.

"Well, I don't know, but she's brunette and beautiful."

BOOK: You'll Say Yes
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