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Authors: Darcy Burke

You're Still the One (28 page)

BOOK: You're Still the One
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She nodded. “No regrets.”

He swept her into his arms and she giggled. “You're carrying me back to the house?”

“Too caveman?”

“You didn't throw me over your shoulder.” She giggled again. “I'm worried you'll wear yourself out.”

He looked down at her as he walked. The setting sun cast a golden glow, making her even more beautiful than she already was. “I'm a big, strong guy. I thought you liked all my new muscles.”

“I love your new muscles.” She ran her hand over his shoulder and bicep with lingering appreciation. “But I'd rather you reserve your energy for other activities.”

He gave her a seductive stare. “I promise you that I'll have plenty of energy to last all through the night.” He felt her shiver.

“Show me.” She kissed his neck, her tongue sliding over his flesh.

He was glad he'd reached the gate.

He bore her up to the house and carried her over the threshold. The door was barely closed behind them before she slid from his arms and tugged him toward the stairs. “Where's the bedroom?” she asked huskily.

“Who needs a bedroom?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “I don't
anything. Except you. However, I'd like a nice, soft mattress and access to wherever you keep your condoms.”

He walked slowly, teasing her with his hesitance.

She let go of his hand and pulled her dress over her head, leaving her in nothing but white lacy undergarments. His mouth went dry.

He walked faster, stalking her to the stairs. She started up and turned, going backward.

“Careful,” he growled.

She put her hands behind her back and unhooked her bra then tossed it at him. “You, too.”

The undergarment dropped to the hardwood stairs as they reached the top.

She broke eye contact to find her bearings, and he made his move. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and boosted her up over his shoulder caveman-style.

“This what you wanted?” he asked, carrying her to his bedroom on the other side of the upper floor.

She ran her hands down his back and pulled his shirt up to expose his flesh. “Mmm. Hurry.”

He quickened his pace and went straight for the bed, an ancient four-poster that squeaked horribly. He dropped her on the mattress with a loud creak and whisked her panties off, leaving her completely and gorgeously nude.

He dropped to his knees on the floor and clasped her ankles, pulling her hips to the edge of the bed. He quickly divested her of the strappy sandals and cast them aside. Then he ran his hands up her legs, skimming her heated flesh, pausing at her thighs, to push them apart.

He stroked his thumb over her flesh, knowing she'd jerk, and he wasn't disappointed. “You're so predictable.”

She sat up, bracing herself on her elbows, and looked at him, her eyes slitted with desire. “You want unpredictable?”

“I want anything and everything you have to offer.” He stared at her, holding her captive with his gaze as he pushed a finger inside her. Her eyes closed briefly, and her lips parted to release a breathy sigh.

He thumbed her clit and thrust his finger in long, slow strokes. She was hot and wet, and he didn't think he could do this for very long. Not if he wanted to make love to her. And he wanted that more than he'd wanted anything.

But first he wanted to push her over the edge. He knew her orgasm would be that much better when he made love to her. And he loved that he knew that about her.

He used his thumbs to part her flesh. She rotated her hips, seeking him. “I want to remember everything about you.” He licked her, and she cried out. “I want to learn everything that's new and different.” He suckled her clit, and she wound her fingers in his hair. “I want to go to bed every night with you by my side and wake up every day exactly the same way.” He plunged his tongue into her and she thrust against his mouth.

With fingers and tongue, he coaxed her higher. With each jerk of her hips and pull on his hair, he felt her move closer to her orgasm. He found her G-spot and pressed. Her muscles contracted and moisture flooded his mouth.

He didn't wait for her to recover, but stood and tore his clothes off. He went to the nightstand and found a condom. After he'd donned the sheath, he joined her on the bed. She'd managed to situate herself against the pillows, her head cast back and her eyes nearly closed.

“I think you got better at that,” she said, her voice low and dark. “And I don't want to know how.”

“I wasn't a monk. Sorry. And I can't imagine you were a nun.” It was strange, but he was simultaneously jealous and turned on by that. Jealous of the men she'd been with but excited for the new things they'd both bring to the bedroom.

She looked up at him and pulled his head down. “Okay, lover boy, show me what you've got.” She kissed him, tasting of wine and need and everything his life had been missing.

He guided his cock to her entrance, and she wrapped her legs around him, welcoming him into her. He slid in deep, his body thrumming with need. When he was fully seated, he just stopped for a moment. Pleasure and joy crested through him. He was right where he wanted to be. He was home.

He braced himself above her and brushed her dark hair back from her forehead. She opened her eyes, her green eyes finding his and filling with emotion.

He stroked her temple. “I love you so much.”

She skimmed her hands along his back. “I love you, too.”

He kissed her again and began to move. The friction was immediate and intense. He couldn't hold back. He drove into her with hard, fast strokes. She met him, her hips snapping against his. “Yes, Hayden.

He buried his face in her neck and lost himself in her.

She clutched at his back and brought her knees up. He caressed the back of her thigh and wrapped his hand around her knee as he slammed into her. She cried out over and over again, and the bed creaked and squeaked, maybe alerting the neighbors who were a good hundred yards away.

She dug her nails into his back. “Come with me, Hayden. Please. I can't wait.” She gasped, tensing as her orgasm hit.

He was nearly there. One more thrust. His balls tightened and he came, shouting her name over and over.

It took several minutes for him to return to reality. With great effort, he got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, she was under the covers and had pulled them back invitingly.

She nodded toward the window where the curtains were blowing in the breeze. “I didn't realize the window was open. Oops.”

“I think between us and the noisy bed, the state of the window is moot. But I frankly don't care if all of Burgundy heard us.”

She smiled as he climbed into bed beside her. He drew her close and kissed her. “Were you really on your way to Germany?”

She snuggled against his chest, wrapping her arms around him. “Only if you told me to leave. I figured I'd go as long as I'd come all this way. Plus, I'd planned to drown my sorrows in beer.”

“Then let's go. I have to finish packing and arrange to ship some stuff home. After that, I'm all yours.” He shook his head. “Not true. I'm actually yours starting right now. Or an hour ago.” He grinned, happier than he'd been in a very long time. “Whatever. I'm yours.”

“Are you going to call your family?”

He looked at her. “Do they know you're here?”

She grimaced. “I'm afraid so. They're kind of a meddlesome bunch.”

He liked that she said that with humor. “They are.” He sighed. “But they're all I've got. And I'm guessing they're waiting with bated breath to see what happens.”

“I'm sure.”

“Maybe we'll keep them wondering. We'll just show up for the grand opening of The Alex in a couple of weeks.”

She laughed and lightly tapped his arm. “You're mean. The old Hayden never would've done that.”

He arched a brow at her. “There is no old Hayden. I'm still me. I'm still the frat boy you fell in love with.”

She looked at him with love and joy. “You're still the one—and you always will be.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Ribbon Ridge

the porte cochere in the rental car they'd picked up at the airport and parked near the back door to the house. After the last couple of weeks in Europe with Bex, he felt more like himself than he had in years, maybe in forever.

Bex reached over and clasped his hand. She gave him a warm smile. “Ready?”

“For anything with you next to me.”

She leaned over and brushed her lips against his. “You say all the right things, Hayden Archer.”

He captured her mouth in a searing kiss, taking strength from her love. “Okay, let's do this.”

He jumped out of the car and walked around to help her. Hand in hand, they made their way to the back door, and he paused briefly, thinking that just inside were all the people he loved most in the world—aside from the one beside him.

He opened the door and stopped. The hooks that had been on the wall since they were children had been moved higher and reorganized. There were more hooks—ones for Dylan, Maggie, Sean, Alaina, and Aubrey. Alex's wasn't there anymore.

Hayden's gut clenched. He glanced down the hallway to his right toward Alex's bedroom. Had they changed that, too? He didn't want to look.

He didn't think they'd be in the kitchen—there were too many of them now—so he led Bex to the great room. As they neared, he heard conversation. It stopped as soon as he and Bex came into view.

Mom jumped up from the couch, her gaze expectant. “Hayden. We're so glad to see you.” Her gaze dipped to where he held Bex's hand then rose again. “We're glad to see you too, Bex.”

Hayden looked around at everyone. “Let's just get this part out of the way. Bex and I are together. We're engaged, actually. We're moving into the house at Quail Crest. But tonight we're staying at The Alex.”

“We all are, loser, it's the grand opening.” Leave it to Kyle to try to lighten the mood. It seemed to work as everyone stood and came toward Hayden and Bex, congratulating and hugging them.

After several minutes, everyone resituated themselves, but Dad lingered near them. “Son, I hope you know how sorry we are. We shouldn't have meddled. We just thought that you and Bex belonged together.”

“Clearly we think so, too,” Hayden said wryly then took Bex's hand again, giving her fingers a squeeze. The engagement ring he'd bought her in Germany twisted on her finger. They really needed to get that sized, but on their drive through town he'd seen that a jewelry store had opened up on the main street. Life was always changing, and that wasn't a bad thing.

He looked toward his mom, who stood beside his dad. “You changed the hooks.”

“We did. The family's growing.” She smiled at Bex. “I'll order yours today.”

Bex's dimples made an appearance. “Thank you.”

Hayden looked around the room at his siblings and their significant others and felt the love in the room. He also felt a tense expectation. “I know I said I wanted you to leave me alone when I came home, but you don't have to. In fact, I'd rather you didn't.”

Kyle stood next to a chair where Maggie was sitting. “Good because we actually didn't have any intention of listening to you. See, the sommelier I hired while you were gone is kind of a tool so I'll be needing you to fill in again. I know you've got winery planning to do, but dude, I
your help.”

Hayden nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “I can do that.”

Sean sat on one of the couches next to Tori. “And I've got a proposal written up for filming the winery start-up. I'd love to meet with you and the Westcotts early next week.”

Hayden felt Bex squeeze his hand. “I can do that, too.”

“I've got a skydive session all set up for this Sunday afternoon,” Liam said. “Everyone's going. Except Aubrey and Alaina. They're going to watch from the ground.”

Hayden glanced at his parents. “Wait, Mom and Dad are going?”

Dad nodded. “Actually, I am. And your mother is still thinking about it.”

Holy shit. Hayden never would've guessed their mother would jump out of a plane.

“You up for it, Bex?” Liam asked.

She grinned. “Definitely.”

“And Bex, we just can't find a brewer we like as much as you,” Tori said. “Any chance you'll come back?”

She squeezed Hayden's hand again. “In a heartbeat. Thank you.”

Hayden decided it was time to unburden himself—in a more positive way than last time. “I have some work to do here . . . and I'm going to need your help. See, Alex died on my watch. I know we all feel variations of guilt, but I really felt like I didn't deserve to be here. So I left. Plus, I was mad at him. Really mad. I'd situated my entire life around being here for him.” He looked toward Bex. “To the point that I messed things up for myself.”

Kyle stepped toward him. “You deserve to be here as much as any of us. More, really. I, uh . . . ” He glanced away. “I envy the years you had with Alex. You say you messed things up, but nowhere near as bad as I did. I won't speak for anyone else.”

Sara stood from the couch where she was sitting. “I may not have messed up, but I'm so sorry you felt left out. It never occurred to me. I always thought I was the outsider. Or Evan.” She looked at Evan, who nodded.

Evan stood then, too. “I'd say you're nuts for thinking you were somehow excluded, but we all have our own unique perspectives. I can see how you felt that way.”

Tori joined the little semicircle that was forming in front of Hayden. “I completely blew it. We were all such jerks, always making stupid comments about you being the ‘oops' kid.” She grimaced. “I'm sorry.”

Liam moved in beside Tori. “You may not believe this, but I envied you sometimes. I thought it would be nice to not be associated with this group, to be on my own.”

Evan nodded. “Especially during the show . . . to not have the focus on you . . . I would've traded places with you in a second.”

Hayden was absolutely floored by everything they were saying. Emotion welled up inside him, and he was surprised he could find his voice. “I'm sorry you had to put up with the show at all.”

Evan shrugged. “Mom and Dad came around and put an end to it.”

Everyone exchanged looks, and it seemed this was news to at least some of them.

Dad stepped into the circle. “See, you aren't the only ones who make mistakes.”

Mom took Dad's hand then Hayden's. “And we'll all do it again, I'm sure. I'm just glad we have each other to work through them.” She looked around at her children, at her husband. “We do have each other, don't we?”

Hayden thought of what he'd told Bex in France, about not trusting them. But the truth was that he hadn't trusted himself. He'd screwed up with Bex, felt like he'd failed Alex, and the result had been a man who'd felt completely disconnected.

He took Liam's hand, and Liam took Tori's who took Evan's who took Sara's who took Kyle's who took Dad's. Hayden looked for Derek and made eye contact. “Um, hello?”

Derek jumped up and wedged himself in between Kyle and Dad. “Sorry, I was getting kind of choked up over there. That you all welcomed me into your family has always been the greatest gift I will ever receive.”

family,” Mom said softly. “It's our family. We might have lost one, but look at all we've gained.”

Everyone's significant others joined them, sliding into the circle and widening it so they filled the room. Hayden squeezed Bex's hand, so happy that they'd found their way back to each other.

The quiet in the room was incredibly peaceful. Then Evan spoke.

“I like to think of Alex like a pebble dropped into a lake. The ripples he caused were far-reaching—some large, some small, but all of them important. Whether it was bringing Kyle home to meet Maggie, hiring Aubrey so that she would meet Liam, dreaming up The Alex so that Sara and Dylan would find each other, and so on. Only you can say what his impact has been for you, and I suspect in many ways he isn't done. That is his legacy. This is his love.”

Everyone was silent for a long moment.

Kyle sniffed and wiped at his eye. “Evan, if you'd told me that you'd be the one to think of exactly the right thing to say at the right moment, I would've said you were batshit crazy.”

The tension and the melancholy gave way to laughter and joy. Hugs were exchanged again, and Hayden blinked back his tears.

“Enough with the sappy stuff,” Hayden said. “We can't show up to the opening of our own hotel and restaurant looking like we cried our eyes out.”

Liam's eyes found his. “So we're all . . . good?”

Hayden absorbed all of the love around him and looked at Bex, his heart bursting with joy. “We're family.”

BOOK: You're Still the One
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