Authors: Kevin Phillips
as propagandist, 12, 38, 451–52
as rebel Machiavelli, 39, 122, 451–57
Administration of Justice Act, 217
Admiralty courts, 115, 116, 117
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1748), 280
Alamance, Battle of (1771), 171, 177, 178, 188, 333, 336, 426, 526
Albany, Treaty of (1775), 361
Allen, Ethan, 22, 60, 180, 235, 237, 286
Allen, William, 79, 122
American Board of Customs Commissioners, 95, 117
American colonies,
British ban on intercolony trade in, 351
British ban on westward expansion in, 97
British maritime regulation in, 117
British ships captured by, 325, 327
Calvinism as political force in, 212–16, 566
Canada as threat to, 243–44, 274, 278
as Chosen Nation, 51, 58, 75–76, 415
conflict between royal governors and legislatures in, 210–11
de facto independence of, 19, 431–32, 438, 440, 540
English Civil War and, 417
ethnicity and religion in, 69–74, 213, 419, 554
expansionism in, 219–20, 278, 552
George III’s rebellion proclamation against, 15, 17, 30, 227, 229, 234, 259, 334, 351, 381, 438, 544
German immigrants in, 221
indentured servants in, 191–92, 577
Indian threat and, 278–79, 358
nationalism in, 7, 27, 93, 199, 200–204
population growth in, 93, 134, 203, 204, 268, 462
Protestant tradition of dissent as cause of, 214–15
reconciliationism in, 24–25, 465
religious dissenters in, 74–75
shipbuilding industry in, 268, 318
ships of, captured by British, 319–20, 325
subordination of, as British policy, 117–18
transported convicts in, 191, 192, 193, 365–68, 577
war mentality in, 3–4, 13, 20, 27–28, 29, 200, 380, 415
see also specific colonies and regions
American Congress,
American Creation
(Ellis), 25–26
American imperialism, 219–21
American Negotiator,
American Revolution, 3
blacks and, 196–97, 221, 357–58, 369–75
Calvinist impact on, 212–16, 566
as civil war, 197–99, 269, 381, 414–30
communications issues in, 12, 14, 24–25, 269
conspiracy theories and, 199, 216–19, 429, 543
debt evasion as cause of, 107, 120, 121, 125
discontent with British rule as cause of, 196
economic causes of, 197, 205–8
economic self-determination as goal of, 90–131
English Civil War legacy in, 429
French and Spanish entry into, 323, 380, 506, 514, 517, 520, 525, 537
as funded by tobacco, 395, 397–99, 412
ideology and, 195–221
indentured servants and, 358, 359, 365–69
Indians and, 357, 358, 360–61
local issues in, 421
militias as foundation for, 160–63
myths surrounding, 6
nationalism as cause of, 196, 200–204
New England as first theater of, 225–48
Patriot control of government as key in, 437, 541–42
political geography of, 7
Protestant tradition of dissent as cause of, 196
rights of Englishmen and, 196, 204, 209–10, 216, 218
Spain and, 323, 380, 508, 511–17, 520
American Sphinx
(Ellis), 431
Amherst, Jeffery, 280
Ammerman, David, 29, 249, 261, 271
Amsterdam, 302, 305
Anglicanism, Anglicans, 69, 74, 76–77, 80, 83, 94, 216, 240, 422
American bishops proposed for, 84–85
in Connecticut, 82–83, 240–41, 242, 553
in Great Britain, 382
high-church, in South, 82
vestry Anglicans
as Loyalists, 70, 127, 410, 411, 553
“passive obedience” doctrine and, 86–88
vestry Anglicanism
see also
specific colonies and regions
antinomianism, 189–90
Appalachian interior, 78, 359, 362
Aranda, Conde de, 512, 516
Armitage, David, 431, 432
Arms, Country and Class
(Rosswurm), 132
Arms and Men
(Millis), 162
arms and munitions:
American magazine raids and, 28, 30, 31–32, 33–34
American naval raids and, 33–34
American procurement of, 11–12, 16, 30–32, 97, 153, 154, 226, 231, 232, 295–313, 327, 328, 491, 494–95, 504, 520, 542, 572
American shortage of, 296–301
British ban on American imports of, 30, 32, 252, 308–9, 387, 539, 542
global competition for, 27, 30–34, 295–313
smuggling of, 30, 33, 34, 52, 120, 299–300, 314, 326, 542
Arnold, Benedict, 238, 244, 273, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 300, 462, 504
in attack on Quebec City, 468–69, 470–71, 474–75
military prowess of, 471–74, 505
St. John raid of, 461, 470, 471, 472, 492, 493
Articles of Capitulation (1664), 83
Ashley River, 140, 141
HMS, 21, 46, 145, 319, 347–48, 541
HMS, 307
Augur, Helen, 295, 305–6
Austria, 508
backcountry, 164–94
Britain’s poor understanding of, 164–65, 170–71, 179, 183
colonial governments distrusted by, 164, 174–75
evangelicalism in, 173, 183–84
Indian threat in, 168, 197
seaboard elites’ poor understanding of, 164, 171, 178
see also
frontier expansion
backcountry, northern, 165,
171, 175–76, 180
backcountry, southern, 165, 167–68,
175, 188, 333,
419, 420, 422, 423, 564
ethnicity in, 167, 172
ex-indentured servants, convicts, and runaways in, 192–93
immigration to, 165, 167, 171–72, 185–86
Indian Boundary in, 167–68
Indian threat in, 170, 179, 181–83
Loyalists in, 189, 190, 193–94
political identity in, 172
religious identity in, 172–74, 184–94
Bacon, Nathaniel, 62–63
Bacon’s Rebellion (1676), 113
Bahamas, 310, 494–95, 513
Spanish-American capture of, 514, 516, 537–38
Bailyn, Bernard, 164, 172, 199, 216, 217, 218, 367
Baltimore, Md., 22, 43, 128, 131, 395
shipbuilding in, 402–3
Bancroft, Edward, 213, 214
Baptists, 74, 76, 77, 80, 173, 184, 186–88, 213, 216, 236, 240, 336, 381, 422, 563
political affiliation of, 187–90, 562
Separate, 174, 178, 184, 185, 186–87, 188–90, 424, 526, 563
Barbados, 63, 64, 119
Barrington, Lord, 371, 392, 447, 448, 458, 523
Barron, James, 401–2, 502
Barron, Richard, 401–2
Baton Rouge, La., 514, 517, 537
Beaumarchais, Caron de, 32, 303, 308, 312, 313, 513
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 302–3
Bennington, Battle of, 180, 243
Bering Strait, 510
Berkeley, William, 62–63
Bermuda, 17, 310, 326, 494–95
HMS, 34, 305, 325, 495
Beverly, Mass., 317, 321, 352
Bining, Arthur, 130–31
Bissell, Isaac, 226, 243
American Revolution and, 196–97, 221, 357–58, 369–75
in New England militias and regiments, 369–70, 375
as pilots, 534–36
see also
slavery; slave trade
Blair, Fort, 364, 481
Bloch, Ruth, 76, 85, 89, 216
Bonomi, Patricia, 67, 76, 82, 85
Boston Harbor, 502, 505
Boston, Mass., 6, 11, 20, 117, 142
British ban on trade with, 301
British evacuation of, 237, 355, 450, 452, 462, 543
and British expedition against French Canada, 282–83
British fortification of, 9–10, 456, 457
British occupation of, 3, 9–10, 11, 17–18, 32, 38, 46, 145, 216, 239, 273, 289, 309, 317, 323, 331, 452, 492, 524, 541
Committee of Correspondence of, 452–53, 456
and French and Indian War, 283
Loyalists in, 8, 125, 126, 127, 237
maritime economy of, 140, 145
Patriot dominance of, 126, 127, 132–33, 237, 456–57
plan to trap British in, 12–13, 451–57, 543
population stagnation of, 133,
siege of, 15, 16, 33, 51, 54, 65, 163, 229, 231, 232, 236, 238, 273, 284, 289, 300, 315, 316, 318, 344, 447, 448, 459–60, 462, 541
Boston Massacre (1770), 137–38, 452, 454
Boston Port Act, 8, 217, 251, 254, 316, 325, 449, 454–55
Boston Tea Party, 8, 38, 45, 95, 139, 251, 264, 266, 453–54
Boucher, Jonathan, 86–87, 369, 409, 420
Bourbon Compact, 507, 509, 512, 519, 521
boycotts, 14, 109–10, 111, 127, 226, 227, 249–51, 253–54, 266
see also
Continental Association
HMS, 449, 498, 499, 502
Breda, Treaty of, 279
Breed’s Hill,
Bunker Hill, Battle of
Brewer, Jonathan, 290–91
Bridenbaugh, Carl, 84, 85, 146, 201, 283
“British,” use of term, 203
British Army, 11, 221, 383–86
Boston occupation of, 3, 9–10, 11, 17–18, 32, 38, 46, 145, 216, 239, 273, 289, 309, 317, 323, 331, 452
Calvinist churches burned by, 215–16
in Canada, 273, 286, 294
at Cape Fear River, 528, 537
foraging by, 318, 319, 448, 498
German mercenaries in, 6, 68, 344, 377, 378–79, 387–88, 389–93, 507
logistics failures of, 14, 21
peacetime levels of, 378, 379, 385
Scottish and Irish recruits in, 383, 385–86
transport and supply problems of, 314–30, 339–41, 450, 523, 529
British Board of Trade, 98, 118, 157
British Constitution, 209–10
British Empire, 200, 203–4, 220–21, 382, 518
American colonies seen as crucial part of, 265
Catholics in, 84, 89, 578
expansion of, 83–84, 89, 552
British Isles and the War of American Independence, The
(Conway), 378
British Secret Service, 32
Broad River, 423, 424
Brooklyn, Battle of, 321
Broughton, Nicholson, 326, 327
Brown, John, 21, 285
Buel, Richard, 52, 505
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 3, 11, 14, 17, 27, 33, 34, 46, 227, 234, 238, 246, 291, 297, 300, 308, 310, 324, 345, 458
Burgoyne, John, 34, 170–71, 243, 246, 322, 341, 448, 449, 462, 465, 474, 524, 544
Burke, Edmund, 74–75, 135, 205–6, 207, 214, 265, 268, 277, 304, 371, 381, 389, 519
Burr, Aaron, 516
Bushnell, David, 496, 502–3, 505
Butler, John, 294
Butler’s Tory Rangers, 421
Caesar, Julius, 6
Caldwell, John, 293–94
California, 510
Calloway, Colin, 179, 361
Calm Address to the American Colonies
(Wesley), 411
Calvinism, 75, 212–16, 566
Calvin, John, 90, 212, 215
Camden, Lord, 68, 209, 218, 317, 390
Campbell, Lord William, 18–19, 332, 333, 339, 373, 419, 424, 471, 531
Canada, 17, 57
British Army in, 273, 286, 294
British expeditions against, 279–80
Catholics in, 88, 273, 274, 278, 279, 285
French-speaking populace of, 272–73, 286, 287–88
Indian tribes in, 272–73, 274, 287–88, 293, 359, 462, 473, 475
invasion threat from, 243–44, 274, 278, 462, 463, 475, 543–44
Canada, American invasion of, 19, 22, 54, 65, 180, 233, 238, 272–94,
285–86, 287, 291, 294, 297, 300, 309–10, 327, 351, 361, 459, 460, 461–76, 495
Arnold’s plan for, 473
British invasion from Canada thwarted by, 462, 463, 475, 543–44
near-success of, 463, 471, 474–75
HMS, 351–52
Cape Ann lighthouse, 498
Cape Breton Island, 280
Cape Fear River Valley, 65, 129, 157, 336, 339, 406, 426–27, 522, 523, 525, 527, 535, 574
British expedition to, 334,
336–42, 528, 537
as Patriot stronghold, 529–30, 573
Cap Français, 32–33, 311
Carleton, Guy, 21, 273, 278, 286–87, 294, 434, 467, 468, 469, 471–72, 473, 523
Carlos III, King of Spain, 509, 513
Carolina Backcountry on the Eve of the Revolution, The
(Woodmason), 172
Carolinas, 63, 92
see also
North Carolina; South Carolina
Castle William, 117, 142, 492
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, 7, 323, 388, 389, 507, 510, 511
Catholic Presbyterian Church, 190
Catholics, 9, 68, 410
in British Army, 385–86
in British Empire, 84, 89, 578
Loyalist-Patriot divide in, 410, 411
in Quebec, 88, 273, 278, 279, 285
Cato’s Letters,
Caughnawaga Indians, 273, 287, 358
Central America, 513, 514, 516
Chambly, Fort, 468, 473
Champlain-Hudson corridor, 57, 163, 179, 180, 284–88, 462, 475
Champlain, Lake, 60, 244, 282, 285, 462, 463, 472–73, 474, 492, 493, 494, 504
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury, 85, 87
Charles Edward Stuart (the Pretender), 181, 334, 480, 527
Charles II, King of England, 63, 196
Charles I, King of England, 59, 87–88, 159, 219, 383, 435
Charleston Harbor, 350, 526, 526,
British assault on, 338, 340, 522, 523, 524, 525, 530–36
Charleston, S.C., 28, 34, 65, 117, 147, 201, 301, 415, 424, 496, 529,
as center of radicalism, 132–33
fires in, 344
pre-Revolutionary growth of, 133,
waterfront of, 140, 141, 531
Charlestown, Mass., British burning of, 345
Charlotte, Fort, 18, 424, 531