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6: Meditate

Chronic worriers really need to meditate – to free their minds from worry. Through meditation, peace of mind will be achieved. Although as with other strategies stated in this book, reduced anxiety issues through meditation is not attained in the blink of an eye. It is a process that may take some time.

Meditation does not have to start with hardcore yoga right away. Don’t go rushing to fitness centers buying a yoga mat and yoga instruction videos. Not just yet. Start with the basics. Taking a few deep breaths every morning and before going to sleep goes a long way.  This is a great way to start and end your day.

After every session of Anxiety Time, you can try this meditation exercise. The aim of this exercise is to literally free your mind of things you have encountered the whole day. It is geared to help you lose focus on the things that are constantly bugging you.

Sit in a comfortable position. You can lean on something to make yourself more comfortable. Make sure that nothing will distract you during this exercise. Turn off any form of music, turn off the TV and your phone. Now close your eyes. Try to imagine being in a white room – no furniture, no doors or windows, just a plain white room. Imagine yourself inside this room of void. Not really focusing on something – just looking at the blank white space around you. After this thought has consumed you, open your eyes and end the exercise with a few deep breaths.

Meditating may seem difficult the first few times you try it. You will think it is silly. You may get distracted a few times. You may find the quietness a bit creepy. But once you mastered this technique, clearing the mind from unwanted thoughts will be an easy task. Other forms of meditation – such as different kinds of yoga – can help in reducing anxiety. Find out which type of meditation suits you. Whenever you feel stressed out or panicked, taking deep breaths makes all the difference.

7: Keep it Positive

It’s all in your head! Not to be harsh or anything, but it’s really all in your head. Almost all things chronic worriers worry about turn out to be nothing worth fussing about.

Having chronic anxiety makes people jump into conclusions, into the worst case scenario. They look at the world in a different light – full of terrors and dangers. The feeling of safety and security is diminished or, in worse cases, gone. When faced with a problem, irrational feelings and attitudes may arise.

This promotes a positive perspective of life. Anxiety is usually caused by fears. These fears, in turn, are fed and developed by our negative thoughts or events around us. As such, remembering the positive things in life will hopefully rule out the negative ones.

Think of things and events that are positive in nature – the sunrise, the sunset, the colorful flowers, your beloved dog, a child’s smile, a kiss from someone you love. The list of positive things in life is literally endless. Try to focus more on these things rather than the negative ones.

With promoting positive thoughts, you are not only trumping chronic anxiety but you are also promoting a healthy mental state of mind. More importantly, having a positive perspective gives a wider view of the world – a wider view of life. This wider perspective gives more options in life. Furthermore, we become resilient to different problems and difficulties in life when positivity is practiced.

8: Keep Moving

Exercise does not only promote a healthy body. It is also helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. Endorphins, the feel good hormones, are released in the body during exercise. As such, a person who exercises regularly is less prone to be induced to stress and other forms of anxiety.

With this in mind, allot a time in your daily routine to break a sweat. Go to the gym, run at the park, or simply dance – the possibilities to get moving are boundless. Exercise for at least half an hour a day. Sure enough, you will feel good after each session.

Breaking a sweat also releases toxins that are within the body. Additionally, incorporating exercise also helps in burning excess fat. Those pesky body fat will be one less thing to worry about!

Exercise promotes a happy outlook in life, through the endorphins released in the body. Moreover, chronic worriers will gain clearer mindset because of exercising. Exercise improves a person’s mood. As the stress is released, the feeling of anxiety is lessened.

9: Be in the Moment

Most, if not all, chronic worriers dwell on the future. They want to know what the future holds. They want to get results as fast as possible. Chronic anxiety will make a person want to make the clock work faster.

Chronic worriers take the sense of urgency everywhere they go. If a worry comes up, they demand for an immediate answer or response. If this demand is not met, they may think that something horrible or bad will absolutely happen.

To prevent this from happening, chronic worriers must try to observe things happening at the moment. Instead of focusing on what may happen next, be at the present. Thinking of the future is a normal thing to do. However, do not dwell on the horrors that the future may hold. Start working on the present so that the future will not be scary at all.  Dream of the future and do it in such a way that you would take steps today in order to achieve your desired future.

Focus your attention on the things you can do NOW to make your life easier and better in the future. Seek ways to have a meaningful life. Getting an answer to your worries right away will not make the future better. Instead, focus on improving your life in the present to guarantee a better life in the future.

If the need for an urgent response surfaces, divert your attention to something that would clear that need. Listen to calming and soothing music. Take deep breaths and inhale in your surroundings. Learn to stop the clock and your anxiety.

Final Recommendations

Thank you for downloading this book! You have finished reading all the techniques written in this book. All you have to do is practice them strictly.

Remember that the key to overcoming chronic anxiety is to face it and not run from it. Personal control goes a long way in zapping those pesky worries. Scheduling your Anxiety Time goes a long way. Knowing how to control your worries helps in preventing worrying from attacking you at any time. Do not stop it, postpone it.

Practicing meditation, mind clearing techniques, and having regular exercise are some of the ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Such techniques help in diverting your focus when worries come. Note that your worrying must be done on your Anxiety Time only. Additionally, practicing stress reduction techniques provides clarity on the positive things in life.

Seek the help of the special people who truly care about you. Their understanding of your situation is helpful enough for you to get through your anxiety issues. Their love and affection guarantee that you will not have to worry about things.

More importantly, share this book onto others who need help as well. Help them get over chronic anxiety. Let them experience this book as much as it helped you. Help them to actually keep calm and get over things that worry them.

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Ultimate Guide to Life Success With Step-by-Step Instructions


I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“How I Made It In My Life: If I Made It, So You Can! Ultimate Guide to Life Success with Step-by-Step Instructions”

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to become successful in life. This contains all that I’ve learned in my journey to conquering life and all its challenges.

We are bombarded with many different books and guides on how to become successful, but do they work? We have been provided with so many suggestions and so many steps, but are they relevant? Will they really help us in life?

This book contains the habits and strategies that I used in order for me to become successful in many different aspects of my life. First-hand experience taught me how to become successful. It worked for me, so I am sure that it will work for you too. It starts with the habits that I have developed that made me look at situations in an entirely different light. I discussed how it is necessary for us to have a change in attitude, and how our every decision affects every circumstance leading to our success. I also provided some steps on how to create and execute plans that will help you achieve your goals. Finally, I provided the 5 Steps to Success and the principles underlying each of the steps that I took towards achieving my goals.

The path to success is not paved, so there were challenges that almost made me want to give up. I didn’t because in the process of moving towards my goals, I learned some very valuable strategies to keep myself motivated. In this book I will share those tips with you. I made it! After reading this, I am definitely sure that you will be successful too!

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

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1: Forming The Habits of Successful People

Becoming successful requires a change of attitude. Do not trick yourself into believing that luck will come to you and suddenly make you rich or happy. Your current habits directly affect the outcome of your actions and decisions. In order to be successful, we must change some of our habits that do not help us.


Think before you choose
– Stephen R. Covey, a legendary figure in self-development, cited being
as one of the habits of highly successful people. He defined being proactive as more than merely taking the initiative. It is knowing that everything that happens to us is a product of our previous choices. Our choices have power to rule or ruin us. As the successful entrepreneur Darren hardy puts it, “
ou make your choices, and then your choices make you.”


Once you acknowledge the significance of your choices, you will be more careful before making decisions. Caution is different from fear. By being cautious, you weigh all the possibilities before you act. By being fearful, you simply choose the safest way out. It would serve you well to develop a habit of analyzing your options quickly without holding yourself back. Remember that any choice you make will have a positive and negative effect on you and your surroundings.


It is also helpful to know that this habit can be applied even to the little choices you make in your everyday life. From choosing what to eat at breakfast, to which route you are going to take to work, and whether or not to smile at someone. If your choice happens to have a negative effect on you, you also need to remember that you have a choice to rectify it. If feel depressed because of the outcome of a bad decision, it is your choice. You can always choose to make the situation better.


Take a step back and look at the bigger picture
– Little things may seem unimportant at first, so we always tend to neglect them. We have already discussed how everything is a consequence of our choices, now we need to see how these little decisions accumulate to trigger a big change. Take for example the meals that you choose to eat every day. If your goal is to become successful in losing weight, every food that goes into your mouth (which, you
to eat) has an effect on the outcome your weight loss program. A bag of junk food, or an extra slice of pizza may not seem to have any immediate effect, but in reality, your body respond to it in the same way that it would respond to any other food. You may get lost in the desire of satisfying your cravings, but if you try to be objective and see the bigger picture, will that decision help you in achieving your goal?

Forming this habit takes practice. No one ever really perfected it. As social creatures we are susceptible to temptations and suggestions. You may never get the hang of it, but now that you know how it will affect you, try to remember this habit and exercise it every time.


Priorities should be from yourself going outwards
– Put your own well-being first. Does that sound selfish? It’s actually not. Your choices and decisions start from you, and the immediate effect will manifest on you first. Afterwards, the effect will spread from the core (you) to the outer rings of your social circle (your interpersonal relationships, your environment).  In order for you to have a positive effect on others, you should have a positive effect on yourself first. You are the key to your success. It is not about being greedy, it is about developing yourself to be a better person. Selflessness may be ideal for tearjerker videos on the Internet, but in reality, it just doesn’t happen. People can never be selfless. People who help other people are able to do so because they helped themselves first. Those homeless people who gave money to other homeless people were not deprived of anything by giving. They have enough for themselves, that’s why they decided to share. They have already built the habit of developing themselves; that is why they are capable of paying it forward.


Let go of your biases
– While it is important to think of your well being first, your opinions and intentions should not be self-serving. Letting go of your biases and setting aside your current mindset is the key to arriving to an agreement with everybody. Do not pre-judge anything. Master this habit and you will know how it feels to always come up with a solution that is beneficial for you and for the people around you.


Listen before you speak
– It is not surprising how some people, even though they appear to be listening intently, lose understanding of what the other person is talking about. Such is our nature. We do not listen, we only wait for the time when the other speaker stops so we know it’s our turn to speak. The other party is eager to do the same, thus, misunderstanding is inevitable.

This is one of the most important habits that you should develop in order to succeed: listening. Take time to understand what is being said. Repeat it in your mind. Ask if there’s a need to clarify things. Put yourself in the shoes of the speaker to see if he means what he says or if there’s anything that is not being said. When you develop this habit, you will know the importance of both assertion and silence. Both can be heard, if you only listen without planning what to say next.


Be clear with your words and actions
– It sometimes upsets us if we do not understand what was said or done, and it is equally upsetting if we get misunderstood. Now that you know that listening is very important for you to understand what the other person is saying, you should also know that being clear and comprehensible at all times will prevent you from being misunderstood. You may develop good listening habit, but you can never be certain about the other person. Be clear with your words. It would not do you good to use euphemisms or words with double meanings. If you want to be understood, be direct without being arrogant. Be frank without being condescending.

If you cannot do it with words, act it out. The best way to be understood is to do what you are trying to say. There is no room for charades if you want to come across clear to everyone. Do what you mean to do with sincerity. It follows that you should not do things that will make other people misunderstand your intentions.


Be in harmony with your environment
– Your decisions affect you first then consequently affect your environment and the people around you. Your every move should be in cooperation with everyone else, if you are looking towards achieving your goals. Do not do anything that will cause harm, for later on it will boomerang to you. This habit of working in cooperation with the people around you will make you value the interdependency of people and nature.


Learn something new every day
– every successful person knows that success is not an end, it is an ongoing process. You cannot say that you are successful if you cannot teach other people on how to be successful. To do that you must acknowledge the fact that there is something new that you can learn every day and these new things can be passed on to other people.

These habits cannot be learned overnight. You would have to prepare yourself and keep an open mind. I have learned that forming these habits does not only lead to success, it also helps in making a better connection with the world around me. Think of these as core values that you can stick to and later pass on to others.

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