Amber Brown Is Green with Envy

BOOK: Amber Brown Is Green with Envy
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Other Amber Brown books by Paula Danziger

Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon

You Can’t Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown

Amber Brown Goes Fourth

Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit

Forever Amber Brown

Amber Brown Sees Red

Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue

I, Amber Brown

Paula Danziger
Illustrated by Tony Ross


Text copyright © 2003 by Paula Danziger.

Illustrations copyright © 2003 by Tony Ross.

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G. P. Putnam’s Sons, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Danziger, Paula, 1944-

Amber Brown is green with envy / Paula Danziger;
illustrated by Tony Ross. p. cm. Summary: Fourth-grader Amber Brown
must make some important decisions when her mother and Max
move their wedding date up and prepare to buy a house together,
while her father makes some bad choices of his own.

[1. Fathers and daughters—Fiction. 2. Mothers and daughters—Fiction.

3. Divorce—Fiction. 4. Custody of children—Fiction.

5. Moving, Household—Fiction. 6. Family life—New Jersey—Fiction.]

I. Ross, Tony, ill. II. Title. PZ7.D2394Ip 2003 [Fic]—dc21 2003000127

ISBN: 978-1-101-65719-5

To Sarah Greene,
A Most Colorful Friend…….
and because she is English, she is also
A Most Colourful Friend!

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


I, Amber Brown, have had enough. “Dylan Marshall, you are driving me crazy.”

Dylan looks at me and smiles. Then he pretends to be guiding a steering wheel. “Vrroooooom. Vrooooooooom. Zoom.”

His older sister, Polly, looks up from the book she is reading. “Dylan, you are so immature.”

“Thank you.” He bows to her.

She sighs and goes back to her book.

Before my dad rented the downstairs half of their house, I used to think that Dylan was one of the BIG kids, a sixth grader.

Now I think that he’s just a BIG doofus.

Dylan pretends to drive into his younger sister, Savannah.

She ignores him.

“Road pizza,” he yells, pretending to run over their cat, Mewkiss Membrain.

“I’m going downstairs,” I announce.

“You’re supposed to stay up here until THE DADS come back from getting the groceries,” Polly reminds me.

I sit down and look at a magazine, thinking about how my life has changed in the last few months.

THE DADS…my dad and their dad…if grown-ups can be best friends, I think that’s what they are becoming.

My dad was not happy when he moved back from France.

I, Amber Brown, think that he wanted to get back with my mom, but it’s too late…she’s going to marry Max.

Dylan comes over and makes an armpit noise at me. “I’m bored.”

“You’re boring.” I smile at him.

“Thank you.” He makes a bow.

Actually, I, Amber Brown, think that Dylan can be fun. But not today.

Today he is driving me crazy.

I’m staying at my father’s house for Christmas vacation. So my mom went to California to visit her sister, my aunt Pam. Dad wants me to call his house “our house,” but sometimes I forget because it doesn’t feel like our house yet. Actually, I spent Christmas Day and one day after that with Mom at her house, which I do think of as my house because I’ve lived there all my life.

I, Amber’ Brown, have two houses because I, Amber Brown, am a shared-custody kid.

It’s a little weird to live in two houses, especially since they are very different from each other.

In the house where I live with my mom, it’s just me and Mom. Max visits a lot. It’s going to be a little weird when they get married, but since it’s only December and they’re not getting married until June, I’m not going to think much about it now.

In this house, my dad rents the basement
and first floor of the Marshalls’ house. There are four Marshalls who live upstairs….. The dad, Steve….. Polly, who is in high school….. Dylan and Savannah. Inside the house, we don’t keep the doors locked between the two places, so it’s almost like we are all living together. In fact, the dads got a sign for the front door that reads:

I hope that Dad stays here. He’s made so many changes…. when he left our house, when he left the country, when he came back.

He promised me that he’s not going to leave again.

He didn’t promise me, though, that he would stay here forever.

It’s not always easy being a shared-custody kid.

Dylan looks under the Christmas tree. “Where did I put my new computer game?”

He keeps searching, picks up a package and throws it to Savannah. “Catch.”

It hits her on the foot.

“Ow.” She glares at him.

It’s the present that I gave her, a soap-making kit called Gross Soap.

“Amber,” she says, “let’s make soap today.”

I was hoping that she would make the soap soon, but my dad said that I should wait to see what she wanted to do, because it was her present….. not mine.

I really wanted it for me, but my dad said that I had enough presents already. I gave it to Savannah so that maybe I could make the gross soap anyway.

“There’s nothing else to do. So this is your lucky day. I’m going to make soap
too,” Dylan says. “But first, I am going to get a snack.”

He leaves the room.

Polly looks up from her book. “Does anyone in this room want to play a joke on Dylan?”

Savannah and I raise our hands.


Savannah and I go over and sit on the couch in front of Polly.

She smiles at us. “That boy is driving me crazy.”

“Me too,” Savannah and I, Amber Brown, say at exactly the same time.

We link pinkies.

Polly says, “We have to talk quickly before Dylan gets back. Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to tell a joke that makes absolutely no sense….. no sense at all…but when I get to the punch line, which is ‘No soap. Radio,’ you two are going to
laugh a lot, and so will I. That will confuse Dylan.”

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