Amerithrax (71 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #True Crime, #General, #Fiction

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Battelle findings on Daschle anthrax, 117, 156, 157–58,


bloodhounds, 383, 384–87, 403 communication (lack of), 159

copycats threat, 80

Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), 355

delay in identifying powder, 59, 61

employee (former) of Institute as “person-of-interest,” 95

“false flag operation,” 379–80 genetic analysis of anthrax, 163,

247, 262, 263, 292, 297–300,


glove box found in Fishing Creek Reservoir, 438

“hot” bags, testing, 249–51 mailbox testing, 353, 408–9

polygraph tests, 316, 326, 328,

331, 402

prescriptions (cipro), tracking, 209

profile of Amerithrax, 226–29, 230–33, 261

profiling, 100, 219–21 public help, asking for, 203,

233, 306

Richard Jewell (Centennial Olympic Park bombing), 376– 78, 403, 411, 422

rumors circulated about Steven Hatfill, 355, 374–75, 398

scientists as suspects, 202, 263,

273, 302, 305, 309, 331

tension between CDC and FBI, 30, 32–33

theories on Amerithrax, 142 Threat Matrix index, 165

U.S. military labs focus, 261, 293

vaccine recipients focus, 261 weaponizing of anthrax theory,


Wen Ho Lee (Los Alamos secrets), 379–82, 403, 422

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, 235–36

Federico, Anthony, 410

Ferrell, Will, 66

Fey, Tina, 66

Field tests as unreliable, 291, 342–


Filtering face piece (FFP), 202, 213

Fingerprints missing from letters, 201–2, 255

Fischetti, Vincent A., 431 Fitzgerald, Jim, 233

Flannagan, Lisa, 21 Flash Jet Dryer, 229

Fleischer, Ari, 163, 263, 304–5 Flight school and terrorists, 39 Florence, John, 441

Fluidized Bed Dryer, 229–30 Flu vs. anthrax, 138

Foreign country waging war by mail theory, 142

Fort Dietrick.
Institute Fourie, Stephen, 363

Francisella tularensis,

Franklin, Benjamin, 170

Franz, David R., 96, 154, 270, 331

Fraser, Claire M., 301, 313, 314

Fried, Richard, 60 Friedlander, Arthur M., 286 Friedman, Cindy, 233

Frist, Bill, 122–23, 133, 138, 316

Funds (additional), 206, 217–18,

289, 310–11, 319, 435

Gallaudet University’s Kellogg Conference, 346

Gasteyer, Ana, 66

Geisber, Tom, 118

Genetic analysis of anthrax, 163, 247, 262, 263, 293, 296–97,

297–300, 313–16

(Virgil), 276

Gephardt, Dick, 123

Gerberding, Julie, 434

Gergen, David, 206

Germany and bioweapons, 144

Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War
(Miller, Engelberg, and Miller), 64

Giuliani, Rudolph, 62, 71, 178

Glasberg, Victor, 374, 386, 389,

390–91, 399–403, 411, 422

6, 41, 426

“Glove box,” 94

Amerithrax use of, 99, 100, 101 Fishing Creek Reservoir, glove

box found in, 438 Goldman, Lawrence, 411

Gordon, Gilbert, 348

Gordon, Theodore, 309, 351

Gore, Al, 423

Graham, Bob (Florida senator), 33 Gram-positive bacilli, 15–16, 17,


Grant, Elwin, 428

Grant, Llelwyn, 130

“Greendale School,” 358, 374, 391,

402, 414

Ground Zero, toxic dust at, 2–3, 52, 57, 72, 111, 125, 353, 424

Gruinard Island, 278, 332

Guarner, Jeannette, 62

Guillot, Stephen, 365, 429

Gulf War vets, sickness in, 153 Gull, James, 222

Haddad, Ben, 330

Hakam, Al, 149, 154, 162, 201

Hamburg, Margaret A., 206 Hamilton Processing Center, 54–

55, 69, 71, 105–6, 207, 236,

238, 242

Hammond, Darrell, 66

Hamza, Khidhir, 155

Handwriting on letters, 52, 58, 71,

102–3, 113, 229, 258

Haney, Tim, 121

Hanna, Phillip, 411

Hanson, Ole, 178

Hardwick, Tom, 178

Harp, Van, 142, 233, 251–52, 261,


Harris, Elisa D., 144 Harris, Larry, 76, 384 Hart, Dale P., 131–32

Hartford Courant,
293, 329

Hart Senate Office Building, 110, 111, 113, 118, 123, 138, 263,

287–89, 345

Hastert, Dennis, 123 Hatch, Orrin G., 76

Hatfill, Steven J., 325–32, 353–67 access to anthrax by, 356 Africa and, 357, 358, 359, 364,

390, 437

anthrax attack by mail, study by, 330, 365, 407

apartment searches by FBI, 326, 327, 353–55, 367, 385, 397,

400, 410, 437

appearance of, 326, 360, 393 biological attack dangers, focus

on, 325–26, 365, 394

boasting of, 360, 368, 408

childhood of, 356

clearing his name, 411–22 education of, 359, 360–61, 363,


ethics complaints filed, 411–12 friends in biowarfare, 331 girlfriend’s home, search by

FBI, 384–85, 397, 417

“Greendale School,” 358, 374,

391, 402, 414

homemade toxins, 366

innocence, protesting, 328–29 inoculated against anthrax, 390–

91, 396

Institute employment, 328, 364,

367, 390, 391

intelligence of, 360, 368

“loner” profile not matched, 355, 404

Louisiana State University’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT), 331, 354,

367, 368, 395, 397, 430

mailbox near Princeton, connection to, 409–10

military career, 357, 360, 390 mini storage unit search by FBI,


366, 368–

69, 371–73, 406

polygraph test, failed questions on, 326, 394, 402, 416

Porton Down and, 404

press conferences held by, 391– 405, 406–8, 411–22

Project Coast and, 362, 363

resumes (fictional) of, 356, 389–

90, 407, 415–16

Rhodesia and, 357, 359, 363,


rumors circulated by FBI about, 355, 374–75, 398

Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), 328, 366, 391, 395, 418

scientific capability of, 355, 362 security clearance suspension,

326, 390, 407

Selous Scouts and, 358, 437 time line of whereabouts during

Amerithrax mail dropoffs, 356 UN inspector training, 367, 404 virus work of (vs. bacteria), 330–

31, 356, 364, 397

weapons of, 358, 362 William C. Patrick and, 330,

371, 387, 407, 408

Hazmat team, 34, 248

Health and Human Services (HHS), 19, 33, 38, 134, 162,

320, 322, 341

Hege, Dr., 223–25

Heller, Teresa, 55, 60, 71, 175

Hemophilus influenzae,

Hemorrhagic mediastinitis, 14, 169

Henchal, Erik, 115

Henderson, D. A., 43, 162, 342

Higgins, Steve, 66

“High consequence” scenarios, 310 Hijackers of 9-11 as suspects, 39–


Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al- Ani, 47

Ahmed Ilbrahim Alhaznawi (9- 11 hijacker), 41–42, 50

American Media Incorporated (AMI) connection, 38

Bob Stevens’s house, 40 CIA prediction of bioweapon

attack, 50

corpses, searched for anthrax, 50 crop dusting interests, 44–45,

46, 48–49

cutaneous anthrax on Ahmed Ilbrahim Alhaznawi’s leg, 41– 43

Czech Republic visits, 47 destruction in U.S. by another

country, 47

flight school and, 39 Hamza Alghamdi (9-11

hijacker), 41

Johnelle Bryant, 44–47 lesion on Ahmed Ilbrahim

Alhaznawi’s leg, 41–42

Marwan al-Shehhi (9-11

hijacker), 39, 41, 48

Mohammad Atta, 39, 44–49, 58 Osama bin Laden and, 69 pharmacy visit with red hands,


picture of Washington, D.C., attempts to buy, 46–47

ruled out as source of anthrax, 50–51, 113, 120, 206

Spain visits by, 47 travels of, 47–48

United Airlines Flight 93 wreckage searched for anthrax, 42–43

Zacarias Moussaoui (suspected twentieth hijacker), 48

Ziad al-Jarrah, 41, 42

Hirasawa, Sadamichi, 266

Hoax Buster, 436

Hoaxes, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77–80,

168, 203, 291–92, 302, 423

Holiday, Joe, 238

Holt, Rush, 409

Holtz, Timothy, 178, 439

Hoover, J. Edgar, 355, 385

Horsley, Neal, 79

Hose, David, 179, 182, 234, 235,


“Hot” bags, testing, 249–51 “Hot boxes,” 94

Hot Zone
(Cook), 369 Howard, Roscoe C., 426 Huden, Joanna, 80–81

Hughes, James, 33, 434

Hughes, Karen, 158

Hugh-Jones, Martin, 24, 100, 201,

297, 359

Human accident victims used to boost killing power, 87–90

Human Genome Sciences Inc., 433 Hunter-Cevera, Jennie, 262 Hussein, Saddam as suspect, 145–


aerosol sprayers, 145

Al Fadhaliya, 149

Al Hakam, 149, 154, 162, 201

Al Manal, 201

Al-Muthanna, 147

Al Walid Air Base, 149 anthrax, weaponizing, 148–49
Bacillus thuringiensis
(BT), 154

bentonite used as additive, 87, 161, 162, 292

botulinum, 147–48, 201

CIA warning, 151

crop dusting interest, 145 dispersal for anthrax, 145–46,

150, 324

“Double-Edged Sword of the Cousin of the Project,” 147

French support of, 200–201 gangrene, 148

growth medium for anthrax, 148 helicopters as platform, 146 Iraqi Minister of Trade’s

Technical and Scientific Materials Import Division (TSMID), 147, 148

Iraq-Iran war, 148–49 Khamisiyah Weapons Depot,


Kurds killed, hydrogen cyanide, 148–49

Kuwait invasion, 150 Operation Desert Storm, 152 Remotely Piloted Vehicles

(RPVs), 146

rhesus monkeys for experiments, 147

ruled out as source of anthrax, 162

Scud warheads as platform, 148 speedboats as platform, 146 spray dryers, 146

“state actor,” 159 storage of anthrax, 149 tularemia, 147

UN Resolution 687, 153

U.S. supplier of bacteria, 147, 148, 149, 161–62

Venezuelan equine encephalitis, 147

weapons of mass destruction, 153, 154

Zubaidy sprayers, 145–46

Huxsoll, David, 151, 331,

“Identified-mailer” initiative, 217

Immunohistochemical staining, 33,

62, 169

Incubation period, 17

Infection, timing of, 20–21, 22 Inglesby, Thomas V., 43 Inhalation anthrax, 18, 24, 25.


Institute, 83–95, 280–87.
See also

Patrick, William C., III aerosolizing anthrax, 284 age discrimination lawsuit

against, 96

Americans, tests conducted on, 280–86

Amerithrax’s anthrax, 316

Ames strain, 277–78, 280 antibiotic sensitivity tests, 117 Ayaad Assaad as potential

biological terrorist, 95–97,


Bacillus globigii
covert tests, 281

Biological Safety Level 2/3/4 (BSL-2/3/4), 114

biological weapons program, 65, 83–86

birth defects from, 87 “Black Maria,” 84

brucellosis research, 84

Building 470/1412, 85, 87 CIA storage of anthrax at, 91,


clumping prevention, 87

Cold War and bioweapons, 90, 144

communication (lack of) with CDC and FBI, 159

covert tests on Americans, 280– 86


Coxiella burnetii
tests on Americans, 283

culturing anthrax, process of, 86 Daschle anthrax findings, 157 deaths of scientists, 87

defensive biological weapons, 91– 92, 93, 286

dormancy of anthrax spores, 286 Dugway Proving Grounds, 282,

285, 293, 315, 331

“Eight Ball,” 85, 283

employee (former) as “person-of- interest,” 95

extreme conditions, tests, 284– 85

F-100 Super Sabre for dispersal, 283

flies as anthrax carriers, 84 foreign scientists recruitment, 296 genetic engineering, 287

“glove boxes,” 94

Hawaii experiments, 285 hemorrhagic fevers,

weaponizing, 286 “Honest John” rocket, 284 “hot boxes,” 94

human accident victims used to boost killing power, 88–90

job cutbacks at, 96

Joel E. Willard death, 87–88, 89 Johnson Atoll as testing ground,


Leahy letter (lost), testing, 107– 8, 252–54, 260, 306, 311

lethal dosage of anthrax, 86 missing anthrax, 293

monkey experiments, 286–87

New York Post
letter, 82, 92,


Operation CD-22, Project Whitecoat, 282

Operation Large Area Coverage, 284

Pentagon, air-conditioning covert tests in, 281

Pine Bluff Arsenal, 283, 293,

316, 331

Project Clear Vision, 295 Project Saint Jo, 282 public anger against, 286

quantities of anthrax produced, 84, 86

safety measures, 94

scientists interviewed by FBI, 302, 305

security issues at, 294, 295–96

“Sergeant” missile, 284

Serratia marcescens
(SM) tests, 176, 281, 284

Shady Grove exercise, 285 silica to prevent clumping, 87,

161, 230, 292, 309

Steven J. Hatfill, 327–28, 364,

367, 390, 391

Strain 11966, 88

“Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert Action with Biological Agents,” 176

subway experiments, 176, 284

terrorist target, 93 testing of anthrax, 157

Thomas S. Daschle letter testing by, 113–16

Tuskegee Syphilis Study, 285 vaccine for anthrax, 151 Vollum strain, 88–89, 147, 286

weaponizing anthrax, 85–90

William A. Boyles death, 87, 88–


Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)

differences between Porton Down and Florida Ames strain, 299, 313, 314, 315

genetic analysis of anthrax to

trace to original facility, 293, 298–301, 313–15

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