Amerithrax (74 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #True Crime, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Amerithrax
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Vines, Mack, 70

Viral syndrome vs. anthrax, 179 Virgil, 276

Virus work (vs. bacteria) of Steven Hatfill, 330–31, 356, 364–65,


Volkova, Aleksandra, 192 Vozrozhdeniye Island (Rebirth

Island), 332–35.
See also

Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg)

Waagner, Clayton Lee, 79 Wagman, Jake, 204

Walks, Ivan, 135

Wallace, Norma, 105, 110–11,

129, 140, 180, 234–35

Walter, Bill, 89

Warren, Sir Charles, 384

Warrick, Joby, 294

Washington Post,
294, 405, 430

Washington Times,
305, 365

Water damage of letters, 58, 81,

103, 108, 438

Watson, Dale L., 412 Weaponizing anthrax

Amerithrax and, 230, 312

FBI theory, 294–95

process, 56, 75–90, 115, 267–69

Saddam Hussein, 149

Weaver, Ken, 181, 202

Webb, B. B., 223, 224

Webb, Glenn, 245 Webster, John White, 97

Weekly World News,
6, 426

Weisfogel, Jerry, 237 West Nile Virus, 435

West Palm Main Post Office, 35 White House, 110, 139

“White powder” used by U.S. scientists, 309

Wientzen, Robert, 218

Wilhite, Deborah, 138, 205

Willard, Joel E., 87–88, 89

Williams, Anthony, 138 Williams and Connolly, 426 Willmott, Chris, 208

Wilson, David, 233 Winkenwerder, William, Jr., 322,


Wood, Hazel, 227

Woodcock, Janet, 317

Woolsey, James, 206

Yeltsin, Boris, 92, 199

Yevstigneyev, Valentin, 196, 199

Zakharov, Speridon Viktorovich, 189, 192

Zaki, Sherif, 21–23, 62

Zodiac Killer, 221, 256

Zubaidy sprayers, 145–46

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