Amerithrax (72 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #True Crime, #General, #Fiction

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plasmids, 299, 314 Single Nucleotide

Polymorphisms (SNPs), 299,


Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs), 299

Iowa State University, 201, 277 Iraq.
See also
Hussein, Saddam bioweapons and, 47, 87, 143,

144, 147, 161

U.S. tensions, 162, 324, 375, 436

Iraqi Minister of Trade’s Technical and Scientific Materials Import Division (TSMID), 147, 148

Irish, Gloria, 41

Irish, Mike, 41

Ironing envelopes, 215

Irradiating mail, 215–16, 289, 306,


Jackson, Paul J., 162, 297

Jack the Ripper, 222, 384, 442

Jahrling, Peter, 118

Japanese Diet and Imperial Palace anthrax attack, 269

Jennings, Peter, 60, 72 Jewell, Richard (Centennial

Olympic Park bombing), 376– 78, 403, 411, 422

Johndroe, Gordon, 318

Johnson, David W., Jr. “Woody,” 377

Johnson, Don, 377

Johnson, Pat, 347

Johnson-Winegar, Anna, 324

Jones, Candi, 253 Jones, W. Irving, Jr., 88

Judicial Watch, 130, 318, 433

Kacyznski, Ted (Unabomber), 218, 222, 223, 227, 228, 231, 233,

257–58, 420

Kasumigaseki Station sarin gas attack, 270

Kazakhstan and bioweapons, 143– 44

Kazi, Aziz, 203

Keim, Paul S., 49, 161–62, 297,

298, 299–300, 303

Kellems, Margaret, 289 Kennedy, Edward M., 316 Kennedy, Ted, 122

Kerik, Bernard, 71

Kessler, Robert, 227

Kessler, Ronald 61, 100, 328, 405 Khamisiyah Weapons Depot, 149 Killing anthrax, options, 214–15 Killip, Hamish, 146

King, Peter T., 124 Kintzel, Roger, 378

Klayman, Larry, 318, 319

Klein, Marci, 66

Knobel, Neils, 361

Kohl, Kenneth, 400, 426

Komina, Anna Petrovna, 190, 192–


Koplan, Jeffrey P., 29, 30, 32

Kostarov, Yuriy, 191, 194

Kozlova, Vera, 192, 193

Kramer, Robert, 322, 375 Kreh, Bernard “Lefty,” 89–90 Krietemeyer, Andy, 329

Kristof, Nicholas, 415, 418

Lab or lab access of Amerithrax, 98, 101, 229, 272, 309

Lacy, Clinton R., 409, 411–12 La France, Drew, 386

Lake, Ed, 100

Lake Worth Post Office, 35 Lancos, Steven, 229–30

LaPorte, Peter, 347

Lavy, Thomas Lewis, 75 Lawton, Steve, 317

Layton, Marcie, 61

Leahy, Patrick J. letter, 104, 105,

107–8, 182, 251, 306

Lee, Phillip, 16, 18

Lee, Wen Ho (Los Alamos secrets), 379–82, 403, 422

Lehrer, Jim, 69

Lenox Hill, 166, 169

Lethal dose of anthrax, 28, 85–86,

214, 245

Letters from Amerithrax, 51–72 anti-Semitism of, 58, 174

capital letters used, 58, 73–74,

81, 113, 259

envelopes, porous, 52, 59, 101,


fingerprints missing from, 201– 2, 255

handwriting, 52, 58, 71, 102,

112, 229, 258

hoaxes, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77–80,

168, 203, 291–92, 302, 423

lost Leahy letter, testing of, 107– 8, 251–54, 260, 306, 311

lost letters, 53, 71–72, 73–82

misspellings in, 57–58, 74, 229,


paper used, 58, 202, 255

“pharmaceutical fold,” 100, 163,


photocopies, 100, 202, 254, 255

prestamped envelopes, 52, 71,

255, 259

return address, missing or fictional, 59, 64, 69, 73, 81,


Star of David in, 7

taping of, 52, 101, 163, 201–2,


threats in, 58, 59, 65, 73, 82,

112–13, 254

trimming of paper, 58, 82, 100–

101, 202

Tuesday mailings of letters, 102 unopened letter, needed for

analysis, 64, 81, 251–52

water damage, 58, 81, 103, 108,


Levitas, Daniel, 75

Lewis, Helen, 109

Lieberman, Joe, 169, 246

Life cycle of anthrax, 175–76, 273–


Lincoln, Ralph E., 88 Lisa, Charles, 41

Lomovtsev, Mrs., 190–91, 194 Lone domestic suspect theory, 142.

See also
Amerithrax; Hatfill, Steven J.

Lopez, Jennifer letter, 6–9, 11,

425, 429, 443

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 162, 297, 379–82

Lost Leahy letter, testing of, 107– 8, 251–54, 260, 306, 311

Lost letters, 52, 71, 72–82

Lott, Trent, 123

Louisiana State University, 279, 293, 297, 331, 354

Lundgren, Ottilie, 239–41, 243,


Lysin-killer of anthrax (bacteriophage), 432

MacLean, Alistair, 369–70

Mad Bomber (George Metesky), 219

Mail as delivery vehicle, 35–36 Mail biohazard detection system,


Mailbox testing by FBI, 353, 408–


Mailbox used by Amerithrax, searching for, 387–89

Mail Defender, 436 Mail safety improved by

Amerithrax, 435

Malecki, Jean Marie, 16, 26, 31

Mandela, Nelson, 362

Marburg virus, 88 Marburger, John H., 342 Markov, Mikhail, 192

Mathematical model of anthrax contamination, 245

Matsumoto sarin gas attack, 270 Matthews, Chris, 70

Mawn, Barry, 61, 71

Mayer, Thom, 132

McCain, John, 69–70, 119, 124–25

McDermott, Rosemary, 96, 97 McGovern, Thomas W., 43 McGreevey, James E., 409 McGuinness, Michael John “Mac,”


McKelvey, Gerald, 441

Mead, Paul, 244

Media targets, 51–72.
See also
American Media Incorporated (AMI)

ABC, 56, 60, 69, 71, 72

CBS, 55, 60, 69, 71, 72

FBI delay in identifying powder, 59, 61–62

infant son of ABC producer, 60, 61, 68

mail deliveries stopped, 69, 212

NBC, 55, 57–60, 63, 67–68, 71,

72, 105

New York Post
letter, 82, 92–


route of letters, 53–56

testing for anthrax in letters, 66, 67, 68

Medical community.
See also
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Ciprofloxacin therapy

autopsy of Bob Stevens, 20–23, 26

bioterror medicines, rules speeding approval, 317

blood cultures as indicator, 33 confirmation of anthrax, 17 flu vs. anthrax, 138

gram-positive bacilli, 16, 17, 21

hemorrhagic mediastinitis, 14,


ignorance of anthrax treatments, 236

meningitis vs. anthrax, 15, 22–


nerve tissues impacted by anthrax, 236

pneumonia vs. anthrax, 13, 167

spider bites vs. anthrax, 60, 61 symptom clusters, jumps in, 180 “syndromic surveillance” (dead

dogs and cats), 180

viral syndrome vs. anthrax, 179 vulnerability to bioterror attack,

206, 212

white blood cell counts, 33 Melville, Herman, 1

Meningitis vs. anthrax, 15, 22–23

Messemer, Robert, 381

Metesky, George “Mad Bomber,” 219

Meyer, Richard, 18, 62

Miambo, Norman, 358

Microbiological culture, 343 Mihalko, Daniel L., 312

Military protection from anthrax, 151–52

Miller, Judith, 64–65, 74, 104 Miller, William Broad, 64 Milne, Thomas, 341–42

Misspellings in letters, 58, 73–74,

229, 256

Modec Decon Formulation, 430 Monsters of the mail, 218–25

bombs, handling rules, 222

Monsters of the mail

Jack the Ripper, 222, 384, 442 Mad Bomber (George Metesky),


Sacramento Vampire Killer (Richard Trenton Chase), 220, 431

scientists as, 222

Son of Sam (David Berkowitz), 221

Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski), 218, 222, 223, 227, 228, 231,

233, 258, 420

Zodiac Killer, 221, 256

Moran, Terry, 406

“Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report” (CDC), 242

Morgan Central Postal Facility, 55– 56, 121, 161, 177

Morgano, Richard, 55, 59, 71

Morris, Thomas L., Jr., 109, 127–

28, 135–37, 139, 167, 205

Motives of Amerithrax, 56, 174,

272, 320, 341, 441–42

Mount, Kevin, 72

Moussaoui, Zacarias (suspected twentieth hijacker), 48

Mueller, Robert, 30, 119–20, 141,

203, 307, 355, 367–68

Mullin, Sandra, 177

Murphy, Cecele, 132–33 Murray, Peter Christopher, 326

Nass, Meryl, 68, 154, 323 National Association of Letter

Carriers (NALC), 131, 159,


National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT), 331, 367, 368, 395,

397, 429–30

National Enquirer,
6, 9, 37, 426

National Examiner,
6, 426 National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 279, 433

National Postal Mail Handlers Union, 207

National Research Council (NRC), 313, 321

NBC letters, 55–56, 57–59, 63, 67–

68, 71, 72, 105

Neisseria meningitidis,

Nelson, Bill, 425

Nelson, Daniel, 431

New Jersey Post Offices, 52–55, 59

66, 69, 390, 408

New York Post,
55, 56, 80–82, 92–

103, 105

New York Times,
64, 71, 329, 380–

81, 415, 422

Nguyen, Kathy T., 166–68, 169,

175, 177, 214, 245

Nguyen, Michael, 132

Nikiforov, Vladimir, 194

Nikolaev, Dmitryevich, 188

Niro Atomizer, 146

Nixon, Richard, 90–91, 286

Nolan, John, 238

Northern Arizona University (NAZU), 162, 273, 293, 297,


North Korea and bioweapons, 142 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 347 Nostril swabbing as unreliable test,


by Hatfill, 354, 366, 368, 371–73, 406

Obolensk, 340–41

O’Connor, Erin, 57, 60–61, 66

O’Connor, Tim, 424, 428

O’Donnell, Patrick, 106, 111, 128 Oehler, Gordon C., 271

Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), 235–36

O’Hanlon, Michael E., 310 O’Neill, John, 271

“Operation Avalanche,” 171 Operation CD-22, Project

Whitecoat, 282

Operation Large Area Coverage, 284

“Operation Pond Scum,” 439 Order of the Rising Sun, 264 O’Reilly, Bill, 73

Orihuela, Judy, 427, 441

Osterholm, Michael, 163 Ostroff, Stephen (CDC), 61 O’Toole, Tara, 43

Paliscak, Bill, 107 Parker, James A., 382

Parker, John, 156, 162, 253

Parkman, George, 97

Pasechnik, Vladimir, 146

Pataki, George, 121

Patel, Jyotsna, 105, 118, 121, 128–

29, 140, 180, 235

Patrick, William C., III anthrax knowledge of, 89 baby powder for masking

spores, 65

defensive work as offensive work, 91

grade of Daschle anthrax, 157 Institute and, 89, 283, 292 patented process for anthrax,

116, 292

salmonella as bioweapon, 264 spore longevity packaging,


Steven Hatfill and, 330, 371,

387, 407, 408

World Trade Center attack demonstration, 371

Patriot Act “Antiterror Bill,” 103, 104, 112, 343, 421, 441–42

Patterson, Mary, 423

Pecker, David, 6, 40, 424, 425,


Pence, Mike, 288

Pentagon, 110, 155, 295, 321–22

Perkins, Brad, 20, 27, 29, 30–31,

32–33, 434

Pesquera, Hector, 425, 427, 440 Peters, J. C., 428 “Pharmaceutical fold,” 100, 163,


Pialorsi, Pia, 119

Pine Bluff Arsenal, 283, 293, 316,


Plasmids, 299, 314

Pneumonia vs. anthrax, 13, 167 Political targets, 95–125.
See also

U.S. government additive (new) in Daschle

sample, 117, 156, 162 air conditioning spreading

anthrax, 113

ciprofloxacin therapy, 117, 119,

121, 124

cleanup of offices, 121 Congress, closing of, 124 conservative targets, 163, 254 decontamination of buildings,


detour and disappearance of Leahy letter, 107–8, 251–52

fear, dealing with, 119

Patrick J. Leahy letter, 104, 105,

107–8, 182, 251–52, 306

refinement of anthrax in Daschle letter, 114, 116, 292

route of letters, 104–5, 107, 108–


rumors spreading about anthrax, 123, 181

similarities in letters, 120 Thomas S. Daschle letter, 103,

106–7, 110, 111–17, 205

Pollack, Kenneth, 436

Polygraph tests, 316, 326, 328,

331, 402

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, 61, 68, 216

Pomerantsev, Andrei, 340

Popov, Sergei, 144, 157

Popovic, Tanja, 18

Porton Down Centre, 84, 278–80,

293, 299, 313, 314

Post-traumatic stress syndrome, 235

Potter, John, 126–27, 169, 204,

215, 217

Prescriptions for Cipro, tracking of, 209

Presidential Decision Directive, 271

Press conferences held by Steven J. Hatfill, 392–405, 406–8,


Prestamped envelopes, 52, 71, 255,


Preston, Richard, 176, 337, 355–

56, 369

Princeton Post Office, 161, 207

Profile of Amerithrax, 226–29, 230–

33, 261

Project Clear Vision, 295 Project Jefferson, 295 Project Saint Jo, 282 Project TOPOFF, 206 “Protecting the American

Homeland” (Brookings Institution), 310

Public anxiety, 33, 57, 68–69, 70,

77, 78, 123, 181, 207–8, 239

Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act, 122

Public help, asking for, 203, 233,


Public Law 85-268, 171–72 PX01/pX02 virulence plasmids,

279, 300

Quick Dryer, 230

“Quick test” for anthrax, 31 Quinn, Dan, 207

Radiation treatment of mail, 165, 215, 289

Rarity of anthrax, 16, 19, 20, 24

Rather, Dan, 72

Reactions to anthrax vaccine, 323 Read, Timothy D., 298–99, 300,

313, 314

Refinement of anthrax by Amerithrax, 99, 114, 116,

212, 229, 292

Regan, Brian P., 374 Reid, Richard, 442

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