Angel Uncovered (13 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

BOOK: Angel Uncovered
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'You looked beautiful tonight,' he whispered. 'I do love
you, Angel. Sorry I've been so crap. I've just got so much
going on in my head at the moment . . . Sorry.' And he
turned away from her again.

Chapter 5
Indecent Proposal . . .

A week later Angel was settling into her luxurious suite in
a five-star hotel at the exclusive Vale do Lobo resort in the
Algarve, overlooking the glittering blue Mediterranean.
But the stunning location meant nothing to Angel who
was seriously pissed off. She had expected Cal to be there
already but he'd just phoned to say he'd been delayed and
wouldn't arrive until the next morning.

'God!' she exclaimed, throwing her mobile on the
double bed in disgust. The only reason this trip had
seemed bearable was because she'd be able to spend some
time with Cal. Now she was faced with the prospect of a
night out with the WAGs and their partners while she was

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was Candy,
looking beach fit in a turquoise bikini, a matching sarong
wrapped round her waist, and turquoise-coloured
sunglasses. She clearly liked to accessorise.

'Hiya, I'm just off to the beach and wondered if you
wanted to come?'

'Only if you promise we don't have to sit anywhere
near Simone or Gabrielle,' Angel replied grimly.

Candy laughed. 'Don't worry, I haven't seen them. I
expect they're getting their hair done for tonight's party,
or their tans, or their nails, or their Botox!'

Candy then spotted Honey and spent the next few
minutes cooing over her. 'Angel, you really do have
everything, don't you?' she said in wonder.

'D'you think so?' Angel replied, thinking,
If only she
knew the truth.

'Definitely. You're my total role model!'

'Please do yourself a favour and get another one,'
Angel said quietly then changed the subject. 'Will this
bikini do?' She held up a hot pink one and twirled it
round her finger.

'Oh, it's gorgeous!' Candy answered. 'So girly.'

Ten minutes later Angel was ready to go. She'd tied
her hair into a pony tail, put on her favourite white
Chanel sunglasses and slid a pair of tiny denim shorts
over her bikini. She'd slathered Honey in sun cream –
much to her disgust – and dressed her in her sunsuit and
hat. 'I won't stay long in case it gets too hot for the baby,'
she told Candy as they made their way to the hotel's
private beach.

Angel was relieved it was private. She didn't feel like
having her picture taken, and she definitely didn't want
to be photographed in her bikini. It was all very well
getting her kit off for glamour modelling but those were
carefully thought out poses, and she'd seen too many
candid pictures of celebs on the beach with their bikini
bottoms disappearing up the crack of their bum or their
top falling off. She was also relieved to see that her least
favourite WAGs were nowhere to be seen. Probably they
couldn't come out in daylight, but were staying in their
coffins until sunset . . . Instead she noticed a couple of
wives with young children and waved at them, and they
waved back. Clearly Simone hadn't turned everyone
against Angel yet. But give her time, Angel thought
bitterly . . .

Despite wishing Cal could be with her, she had a good
couple of hours. Honey was in a great mood and loved
playing in the sand and going in the sea with her mother.
When she was getting tired she let Angel put her in her
buggy under the parasol and went contentedly to sleep.

'She's such a good baby!' Candy exclaimed.

'She is today,' Angel agreed. 'But, believe me, it's not
always like that.'

She yawned and Candy said, 'You have a lie down if
you want, Angel, I'll watch her. I've probably had enough
sun for a bit.'

Angel gratefully agreed; Honey still didn't sleep
through the night. She lay back on her lounger, enjoying
the feeling of the sun on her skin. Maybe this trip away
was just what she and Cal needed. Maybe away from
home and from Italy they might actually be able to talk to
each other. But she was abruptly pulled out of her
musing by a very unwelcome voice.

'Cal not with you then?' It was Simone.

Angel sat up quickly, not wanting to be at a disadvantage
in front of her enemy. She was wearing a white
shirt dress, huge sunglasses and a large white hat. She
looked cool and sophisticated and Angel suddenly felt
hot and sticky and self-conscious about her body laid out
on display.

'Does Jamie know how much time you spend thinking
about Cal?' she said in retaliation.

Simone was about to reply, no doubt with another
bitchy comment, when Candy said, 'Well, we could
always ask him, he's just coming.'

All three women turned to look at Jamie. Any
attraction Simone felt for him had to be entirely down to
his personality and his pay packet because although
Jamie was not ugly he was incredibly ordinary with pale
skin, freckles and mousy hair, and a physique that was
skinny and sinewy rather than muscular. If he'd been
anything other than a Premiership footballer Angel
doubted that Simone would have given him the time of
day. He was completely lacking the Phwarr! factor. No
wonder Simone still obsessed over Cal. And he was only
twenty-two, a boy compared to Cal at twenty-seven.

'Hi, Simone, aren't you going to introduce me?' Jamie
said, his gaze lingering rather too long and intently on
Angel's cleavage.

Simone coolly made the introductions and Jamie
looked as if he wanted to stay and chat with Angel and
Candy but his girlfriend dragged him away, saying that
they had to meet Gabrielle and Connor. The two girls
waited until they were well out of earshot and then burst
out laughing.

'Oh my God!' Candy said. 'Did you see him staring at
your tits?'

'I wondered why Simone had had a boob job, she was
always so bitchy about mine,' Angel replied. 'Now I know,
it was to get him interested in her!'

'She's such a cow, isn't she?' Candy commented.

Angel nodded. 'But then, the way she sees it, I stole Cal
from her. And I'd be well pissed off if someone stole Cal
from me and I ended up with Jamie! Can you imagine
having to shag Mr No Charisma? And did you see those
pimples on his back – gross!'

The two girls giggled again, and for a while Angel
didn't feel so uptight about Simone. She was just a jealous
cow. She couldn't hurt Angel.

'You promise you'll call me if she gets at all upset,' Angel
said to Lucy. She had been a great choice of nanny. In
her late-twenties and highly experienced with children,
she had such an easygoing, cheerful nature. She was cute
rather than pretty, with short black hair, and lived in
combats or baggy jeans. Angel trusted her completely.
She was about to go to a party, a kind of getting-to-know-you
bash being thrown by the England manager, but as
Angel only wanted to know Candy and Liam, she was not
looking forward to it.

'We'll be fine, I promise,' Lucy reassured her. 'Just go
and have a lovely time.'

'Mmm,' Angel muttered, taking one last look in the
mirror. Knowing that all the other WAGs would be
dressed up to within an inch of their life, she'd kept
things simple but dramatic. She'd chosen a bright fuchsia
dress with a ruffled hem, which Gemma had assured her
colour for '08, and wore her hair in a sleek pony
tail which said sophisticated rather than Croydon face
lift. She made one last check on Honey who was sleeping
soundly and then set off for the party.

To start the evening the guests were being treated to
cocktails on the terrace overlooking the dazzling sea and
glorious sunset. Angel anxiously scanned them all,
looking for Candy and Liam, but there was no sign of the
she thought,
I should have arranged to meet
them first.
Feeling extremely self-conscious and wishing
that she had Cal by her side, she made her way over to
where Phil Hardcastle, the England manager, was
standing, thinking that she should at least introduce

Phil was in his early-fifties, his black hair flecked with
grey. Once boyishly good-looking, he was aging rapidly
but that seemed to be the fate of all England managers.

He at least was widely respected by players and the fans
alike for his tough, no nonsense approach. He was
talking to Gabrielle and Connor. Angel steeled herself as
she walked over to the group.

Gabrielle saw her first and Angel couldn't help being
aware of the other woman measuring her up, checking
out what she was wearing. The smug smile she gave told
Angel the Captain's wife was not that impressed. She
herself was wearing a short gold silk dress, gold designer
sandals, and a gold designer bag on her shoulder. Her
hair and make up were perfect.
God, it looked like hard work
being her!

Connor gave Angel a knowing smile and kissed her.
, she thought, air kissing him back.

'Angel! How lovely to see you again.' Another air kiss
from Gabrielle. 'Do you know Phil?' Gabrielle took

'Hiya,' Angel said shyly.

'Nice to meet you, Angel,' he replied, shaking her
hand. 'My daughter's a huge fan of yours.'

'Really?' Phil wasn't nearly as scary as she'd thought he
would be.

'Yes. In fact, I'm going to have to ask you for your
autograph, if that's okay with you?'

'No problem. I can always send her a photograph if
you think she'd like one?'

'It would make her day. Now, can I get you a drink?'

As Phil busied himself with getting her a glass of
champagne Angel noticed that Gabrielle looked
thoroughly pissed off. Obviously she preferred to be top
dog. She muttered something about having to mingle,
grabbed Connor's arm and swished away.

'So do you know many people here?' Phil asked when
he gave her her drink. Angel shook her head.

'Well, stick with me and I'll introduce you to some,' he
said kindly. He reminded Angel a little of a younger
version of her dad – the same down-to-earth attitude.
'Maybe you'd like to meet some of the more grounded
wives – ones who don't think the world revolves around
getting the latest designer handbag?' he said, eyes
twinkling mischievously.

'Are there any?' Angel joked back.

'One or two, believe it or not. Come on.'

Ten minutes later Angel was deep in conversation with
Suki and Madison. Both were in their early-thirties,
married with kids, and both had their own career. Suki
owned a beauty salon and Madison was a personal
trainer. They weren't anything like Gabrielle and
Simone. True, like nearly all the wives and girlfriends
she'd met, they were pretty, slim and well dressed – Suki
had bleached blonde hair in a stylish crop and Madison
had long auburn hair – but they didn't look like their
designer clothes were the be all and end all to them. They
were friendly and open with Angel, laughing about how
crazy it was to be staying in a luxury hotel, surrounded by

'But I guess you're more used to the paps than we are,'
Madison commented.

Angel frowned. 'I don't think I'm used to it. It still
surprises me that they want to take my picture. I'm like,
What's so great about me, walking down the street in
jeans and tee-shirt with no make up on? Or the worst one
I had was one of me stuffing my face with a sandwich.

Actually, no, that wasn't the worst.' She felt embarrassed
to say this. 'It was the one they took up my dress.'

'They're such shits!' Madison exclaimed sympathetically.

'Apart from
shot, the press want to show that
you're normal, like their readers, not just a celebrity,'

Suki put in.

normal!' Angel exclaimed.

'With that body and that face? Oh, Angel, you're not!'
Suki laughed. 'But I mean that in the best way.'

Candy then came over and introduced herself to
everyone, and the four women spent a very lively halfhour
gossiping over cocktails. Madison and Suki knew
who everyone was as their husbands had played for
England for eight years, and Angel liked them even more
when they made it clear that they didn't like Gabrielle

'She's so fake,' Madison said quietly. 'All she cares
about is being photographed with A-list stars. And she
only puts up with Connor because without him she'd be

'He's a piece of work, isn't he?' Angel said. And was
almost tempted to reveal what Connor had got up to at
the party, but she kept it zipped.

'I can't stand him!' Suki exclaimed. 'He is such a lech.
And I don't know why he goes around acting all cocky
because –' and here she lowered her voice still further –
'someone with inside knowledge told me that he's not
very big in

The women exploded into giggles and just at that
moment the man himself wandered over to them. 'Glad
to see you're enjoying yourself, ladies,' he said smarmily,
which only made them giggle more. Angel tried to pull
herself together and became aware that Connor was
giving her the once over yet again.

When he was safely out of earshot, Candy said, 'Ooh,
he likes you, Angel! I think you're in with a chance!'

She mimed putting her fingers down her throat.

'Getting in training for him then?' Candy continued.
'Though maybe just the one finger – the little one!'

'You are bad,' Angel shot back, but she was laughing.
She stopped when she caught sight of Simone looking
daggers at her and quickly turned away.

'The other person I can't stand is Simone Fraser,' she
told her new friends.

'That's a shame because we're such good mates with
her,' Suki replied.

Angel stared at her aghast. She was clearly going to
have to revise her opinion of Suki.

'Just kidding!' Suki exclaimed. 'We hate her too – she
tried it on with my husband Reece just after she split up
with Cal.'

'Thank God for that!' Angel said with feeling. 'I mean,
not that she tried it on, of course.'

'I know what you mean,' Suki answered, smiling.

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