Betrayed (13 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Hi mummy,” She smiles, “
said he would take me to the zoo, can I go, please?”

I glance at Jax’s father. “Um sure, if its ok with daddy.”

“Daddy, can I please?”

“Sure baby girl, go ahead.”

“Oh yay!
can we go tomorrow?”

“We sure can, perhaps we can stop for ice cream too?”

“Oh yes please.”

“So Jade, what do you do for a living?” Amber asks me.

“Only working at a bar for now, I am studying to be a veterinary nurse, so I am hoping to get a job doing that once I am done.”

. And how are you liking California?”

“I don’t mind it, a little different from Russia.”

She blinks and smiles, nervously. “Right, I heard you are…a princess.”

“No, not really. Mack is my father, so by blood I am not a princess.”

“Still.” She says, her eyes wide.

“How’d you like being on the ship?” Rusty asks me.

“It was nice, I love the crew. The Captain’s a jock strap though.”

Jax snorts and continues cooking. Rusty laughs and it sounds oddly like Jax’s boisterous laugh.

“He is a handful.”

“Uh huh, bastard thinks its ok to tie and spank a girl.”

Jax spits his beer out, everywhere. Everybody
in fits of laughter, except Jack who is glaring at me. I smirk as Jax turns to face me, eyes dancing with challenge.

“Careful princess.” He warns, grinning.

I laugh and head inside to refill my drink. Layla bounds in behind me.

“So what happened?” She asks, eye’s wide.

“With what?”

“With you and Jax? I heard he isn’t with Sammy anymore. Are you two together?”

“Not sure. They broke up; she didn’t want to share anymore and he, well, told her he was not going to change.”

“Is it because of you?”

“I don’t know but I kind of feel really guilty. Like it’s my fault.”

“Oh honey, no. He wanted it too, and you said they had an odd relationship. You can’t blame yourself for that.”

“I suppose.”

“Jade the meat is done.” Jax yells out.

“Go and play girly, don’t let him get away again. Damn, take that man and wring him dry.”

I laugh at her, and we make our way back outside. The food is spread out. We pile our plates high and take our seats.

“Good job son, you and Jade make a terrific team. This is amazing.” Rusty says through mouthfuls.

“Cheers dad.”

I finish up my food and sit with Sam and my dad for a long while chatting. I feel something wash over me, like lust. I clench my loins together; this was an odd feeling and familiar.

“Well well…he sure
how to wreck a good party.” Jack mutters.


“Good evening!”

I turn and gasp. In strolls, no wait, he
stroll. In glides
. I haven't seen him for years now; it explains the lusty feeling. Idiot and his powers. I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Same old Poseidon, with his golden hai
r and bronze skin. Looking all G
od like. He is wearing a white shirt that stretches across his lean muscled chest and a pair of faded denim jeans.

“Well, if it isn't the whore himself.” I laugh and leap up, rushing towards him.

He scoops me up into one of those hugs that you see on the movies; my legs lift from the ground and he swings me in a circle.

“Hello little princess, long time no see. Still as feisty as ever.”

“What are you doing here, I missed you.”

“Came to help out with this conquest. I was bored.”

I turn to Mack. “You didn’t tell me daddy?”

“Surprise.” He smirks.

“Oh…helllllo.” I hear Layla’s voice and turn. She has just stepped outside.

“Hello yourself.” Poseidon grins, winking at her. I shove him.

“Who’s your friend Jade?”

“This is…
…PJ.” I say, using his nickname. I don't feel like explaining him to Layla.

“Well, its lovely to meet you PJ. I am Layla, Jade’s bestie.”

“And here I was thinking she only had bestie eyes for me,” He grins, taking her hand and kissing it. “Its delightful to meet you, Layla.”

She blushes and I roll my eyes, glancing over at Jax. His mouth is set in a hard line. He isn't jealous, is he?

“So what did I miss?” PJ asks pulling up a chair beside Mack.

“Not much, we haven't managed to find out much about Ben and the treasure yet.” My father mutters with a sigh.

Shit, if they knew I…I slam my thoughts down and glance at PJ. He is watching me with narrowed eyes, Dammit, I have to keep my thoughts under wraps now.

“Sounds…boring.” He laughs, keeping his eyes on me.

“Who’s up for a game of volley ball?” I chirp, changing the subject.

“Oh yes!” Layla cries.

in.” Jack says, standing.

“I’ll have a shot.” PJ grins.

“Right, in the pool, I’ll get the net.”

I set up the pool volley ball and change into my bikini. When I walk outside, Jax hisses through his teeth and PJ whistles.

“Damn Jade, you are as sexy as ever.” PJ smirks.

“Shut up whore.”

We get into the pool and begin playing a rough game of volley ball. When PJ pulls me onto his shoulders, I squeal with laughter. I grasp his hair in my fingers and pull.

“Play nice God, hands to yourself.”

He laughs, that loud playful laugh. Jack takes Layla onto his shoulders, and we begin an even more entertaining game of volley ball.

“Oh god, we look so hot right now!” Layla snorts between laughs.

“Your team sucks ass!” I taunt.

“Oh you better take that back angel.” Jack warns in a playful tone.


“Punish her PJ.”

Suddenly, I am underwater. When we come back up, PJ slaps my thigh and I erupt with laughter, spurting water from my mouth and nose, how flattering.

“You asshole!” I roar with laughter and shove my feet into his ribs.

So begins the battle of dunking and tickling. I drag myself away and sit on the edge of the pool to catch my breath; I have never laughed so much. Layla sits beside me while the men fetch another drink.

“Join us!” Jack yells to everyone.

“I think I will.” I hear that smooth, rugged voice say. I turn to see Jax removing his shirt.

“God damn,” Layla hisses. “He is yummy!”

“Oh…oh yes he is.” I whisper, not able to take my eyes from that rippled body. MMMMMM.

Jax dives into the pool and Lilly follows behind him. Mack and Sam also join in. Rusty sits talking to pirate Rusty…god that is confusing. They have the same name. Amber busies herself cleaning up.

“Can you put me on your shoulders daddy.” Lilly cries and Jax throws her up onto his shoulders.

She hits the ball over the net to Jack, and he throws it back to her.

“Nice work LJ!” He claps.

“I hit good huh?”

She hits the ball about on Jax’s shoulders for a while longer; I love seeing them together. Love watching how much he loves her, how much she loves him. My heart melts. Amber takes her when it starts getting a little wild again, and said she would bath her and put her to bed.

“Night baby girl.” I smile, hugging her.

“Night mummy, love you.”

“You too honey.”

“Night daddy!”

“Night baby!” He shouts from the pool.

When Amber leaves, we begin a bigger game of volley ball, slamming the ball over the net like a bunch of drunken fools. When Jax slams into me, after tossing the ball and falling back, I fall under the water with his body covering mine. He yanks me up, and I surface to a pair of dazzling green eyes.

“You ok?” He asks.

“You did that on purpose!” I spit, shoving him.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Did so!” I shove him again.

He glares at me. Oh he is totally pissed. Well screw him.  I get out of the pool in a sulk and go inside to dry off. Jax follows me.

“What is going on with you and that God?”


“You want him?”

I spin and glare at him. “No Jax, I do not want him. The man I want is interested in nothing more than having me as a little fuck buddy!”

He glares. “I am not here to make a fuck buddy out of you. I slept with you yesterday because I wanted to. I am not here to fuck things up.”

“Too late.” I mutter.

“Jade, stop it!”

“What do you want from me Jax? You’re here for Lilly, so be here for her. You can see her, communicate with her and love HER. You don’t need anything from me, nor do you need a relationship with me. I am over feeling this pain from you. It took me a long time, but I realized something, you are all about sex and being a pirate. There is no room left for anything else; there never has been and if there was, it’s reserved for Lilly. I have no place in your heart, or your life. You’re a cold, horny pirate. I should have seen that a long, long time ago but I didn’t. I am done. So please, leave me alone. If you wish to see Lilly, we will discuss that and nothing else. I am finished here.”

His mouth falls open. Ok, my little speech was a bit out there. I am about to speak again when Jack calls out.

….you have visitors.”

“More?” I say “Let them through.”

I step outside, look up and freeze. In my doorway, stands Grace and Steffan Casteah. I gasp, my knee’s tremble.

?” I whisper. I have spoken to her many times but hadn't seen her for so long, god…at least five years.


I barrel forward and fling myself into her arms, her soft hair sweeps across my cheeks. She smells of vanilla and lavender, as she always has. She holds me tightly, sobbing into my wet salty hair.

“Oh baby girl, I am so sorry. So sorry I treated you so badly; I missed you.”

I pull back and swipe my tears away, then turn to Steffan. His eyes are placid; he looks ashamed over how he has behaved.

“Hey honey…listen, I am real sorry too. I didn’t believe you about James; we found out what he was planning and I felt terrible. I am sorry Jade, for never being what I should have been.”

I nod, and let him pull me into a hug. I have missed him too, all my life I grew up thinking he was my father; I couldn’t pretend I didn’t care. I pull back and swallow. Before anymore can be said, Mack and Sam walk out and Mack freezes.

“Mack?” My mum gasps.


“Oh…oh, I didn’t know you were here. I…”

“Um. I forgot to mention it.” I say, guiltily.

“You’re her father?” Steffan says, his eyes wide.

“Yeah.” Mack snaps, his voice steely.

“Mack, you haven't changed a bit. Oh goodness, I look like an old woman compared to you.”

Mack steps forward and takes her hand into his. “Grace, you are as beautiful as ever.” He says, pressing a kiss to her hand.

“I am Steffan, her husband. King of Russia,” My step father announces, holding out his hand. “We finally meet.”

Mack takes his hand and shakes it, hard. Their eyes in deep competition. I glance at Sam, who is welling up with tears. Oh poor Sam.

“Sam, are you ok?”

Mack turns to her and his face softens.

“Oh my sweet, what is wrong?”

“Nothing, I am fine. It’s nice to meet your mum finally Jade.”

Mack kisses her gently, and my mothers face hardens. Oh my, there  are some serious unresolved issues there.

“Mum, Steffan…
…this is my family. Jax, my…”

“Boyfriend.” Jax says.

I turn open mouthed at him. “What?”

“You heard me.” He says seriously.

“You can’t be serious?”

“I think he is.” Rusty murmurs.

“Jax…is never serious.” I snap.

“You think I’m not serious? You want me to say it in front of all of them? That I love you?”

As though a volume switch had been turned off, the yard falls quiet. I turn, swallowing.


“That’s right. I am saying it. I don’t say it out loud to you, let alone in a room full of people. If that doesn’t mean I am serious, I don’t know what does. I love you; I will say it until you believe me Jade Casteah. I am in love with you. Always have been, always will be.”

“You still love me?”

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