Betrayed (14 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Never stopped. Now give a man another chance, I deserve one right?”

I leap into his arms. “Oh yes!”

When the emotion and our frantic kissing has died down, I turn back to my parents.

“Well then, this is Jax. My boyfriend.”

My mother blushes. “Well, its nice to finally meet the man who swept my little girl off her feet. We have heard a lot about you Jax.”

He grasps her outstretched hand and pulls her in for a hug, kissing her cheek. She comes out of it blazing red, and mumbling incoherently.

“Oh my.” She breathes.

I shake my head and roll my eyes at Jax. Little charmer.

“Will you be staying mamma? I want you to meet Lilly, my daughter.”

“Oh honey, I wouldn’t miss meeting her for the world.”

“Will you stay here?”

“Oh we wouldn’t want to intrude. We booked a hotel down the road, its lovely.”

Probably booked a million dollar room too.

“Ok, well at least stay a while.”

She hugs me and we all sit down, chatting and laughing. I couldn’t be happier in this moment.


I notice Jack

s odd
about half an hour after Jax, and I had decided to get back together. He walked inside and so I decided to follow him. He is standing in the kitchen gripping the bench. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he jerks away. Is he mad?


He spins towards me. “So that is it, you two are on again after everything?”

What? “Jack, you knew this would happen.”

“He left you, he ran away, found another woman and left you. Who was there for you when he was dead? I can’t believe you just took him back.”

“Jack…you know I love him.” I whisper.

Jax walks inside now, followed by Mack.

“What’s going on?” Mack asks.

“Jack,” I say ignoring them, “Why are you so upset?”

“Why?” He roars. “Why? Because you knew I was in love with you. You have known it for years. You let me sleep with you!”

“Before he came back.” I cry.

“Bullshit, you fucked me the night he came back.”

“Jack,” I stammer. “Stop.”

“No, I am sick of being this side person for you Jade. All along, you run to me when he pisses you off or hurts you, and stupid me lets you. Then you always run back to him, never ONCE thinking that maybe it affects me.”

“I didn’t know.” I whisper, feeling awful.

“Don’t you lie! You have known I am in love with you for a long time. You know it. That night we made love, there was something there, but he comes back, and you just shove me aside.”


“DON’T LIE!” He screams. I have never seen Jack so angry.

“Jack, I never meant to use you. I thought…you are my best friend; I didn’t realize.”

“Don’t you pretend you didn’t know, you felt it. ADMIT IT!”

“Jack please…”

“Go on, admit it. Tell him you have feelings for me. Don’t lie to me or him any longer.”

“I don’t…”


“Jack enough!” Mack snaps.

“Admit it Jade, go on. You have feelings for me too; you always have.”

“Of course I love you Jack, you are my best friend.”

“Its more than that!”

“I love Jax, you know that.”

“I do know that, I also know you love me too. More than a friend.”


“You know what, fine. Have it your way. I am done here. Done being the fucking side line. I don’t want you in my life anymore, do you hear me? Get away from me.”

I tremble. “Jack, you are my best friend.”

“Not anymore. I don’t want to see you again. I don’t deserve to be played the way you play me.”

“I am not playing you,” I scream, finally cracking. “You never made it clear, never told me you wanted anymore than friendship. Not ONCE! Don’t you dare tell me I played you. I loved you, and you are my best friend. I never knew you wanted more.”

“BULLSHIT!” He screams.

“Jack, I need you in my life. Please…”

“I’m done. Do you hear me? Go fuck up someone

With that, he turns and is out the door before I can stop him. I crumble; Jax catches me just in time. Tears stream down my face and onto his arms.

“I will go.” Mack whispers, leaving the room.

My mother has come inside and rushes over.

“Oh baby, it’s ok. He didn’t mean it.”


“Do you mind if I take her upstairs?” Jax asks.

“No, of course.”

My mother kisses my cheek and Jax lifts me into his arms and carries me upstairs. When we get to my room, he lays me on the bed.

“I am going to ask you once and once only, are you in love with Jack?”

I meet his eyes and see he isn't mad or hurt, he just wants an honest answer. He deserves an honest answer. Jax is my life; he has been for as long as I have known him. I live and breathe Jax; he makes each day worth living. I know I love him. I know I want him. What I feel for Jack, however, has become clear tonight. The screaming pain in my heart has given me an answer I didn’t realize I had years ago.

“You are my life, my soul and my heart Jax. You are the only one I want to wake up with and go to sleep with every night. You are my soul mate. I love you with all my heart.”

“I know that mate. I am not asking how you feel about me. I am asking you to answer a basic question. Do you love Jack too?”

“Yes.” I whisper.

He nods and sits on the bed beside me. “You know, I have always known that don’t you?”

I turn to him. “You never said anything.”

“I have never felt threatened by Jack, he is the only other man I can deal with being anywhere near you. When I knew you two slept together, it didn’t affect me how it should have. Part of me always knew it would happen. Jack has loved you for a long time, and if I wasn’t around he would be the person I would want in your life. He is a decent man. I know your heart lies with me; Jack has never been a threat. It's different with you two; you just have…a bond.”

I am sobbing heavily now. “Why do you have to be so damned amazing?”

He smiles. “Coz I love you mate, I don’t doubt that you love me too.”

I fall into his arms. “Jax, I need to fix this with Jack, but right now I just want you.”

“Shower?” He whispers.

“Y-yes.” I stammer.

“Are you nervous, baby?”


“You are…”

“Oh stop it.”

He slides his shirt off and then just drops his pants. I gasp, oh…oh god. He is so freaking beautiful it makes me melt inside. My legs become wobbly.

“Coming?” He asks in a husky voice.

I am staring at his piercings.

“Don’t they hurt?”

He looks down, then back up with a slow, sexy grin. “You tell me?”

“I don’t pay any attention.”

“Well, tonight…pay attention.”

I blush and hurry into the bathroom. He follows casually and steps into the shower, turning it on. Oh that backside, mmmmmm. I slowly slip out of my clothes and join him. Turning, he puts his hands on my hips and yanks me in further.

“Slow down baby, your breathing is intense.”

“I’m nervous.” I mumble, staring at the floor.

He lifts my chin, so I am forced to look into those oh so gorgeous green eyes.

“Don’t be, we have done this before.”

“I know…but the last few times was just…fucking…”

“Just relax.”

He fills his palm with a blob of soap and spins me around. Slowly, he lathers circles over my back, running his soapy hands down, over my bottom and thighs. He leans down to soap my legs and nips at my bottom on his way back up; I leap forward but his hand catches me and yanks me back.

“Now now, stay still.”

He stands again, reaching around so his hands rest on my breasts. His chest presses against my back and I can feel his hot, hard flesh against me. His lips trail down over my neck, and I gasp. Oh wow. He massages slowly, dragging his palms over my breasts and down my stomach, then back up again. Taking a nipple into his fingers, he rolls, and I moan. Oh, the sensations tearing through me are out of this world.

“It’s taking all my strength to go slow.” He rasps into my ear.

I shiver. He slides his hands down and uses his foot to nudge my thighs apart. He reaches in and strokes me; I gasp and then moan at the warm sensation that flows through me from head to toe. He splays his hand out across my back and pushes me forward, so I am forced to put my hands on the tiles in front of me. He continues to stroke, up and down, around…oh god.

“Jax!” I cry, desperate for release.

Suddenly, he yanks his hand away. I whine. Spinning me around, he turns me so I am now facing him.

“That is not getting wasted on my hand.”

He presses a deep, intense kiss to my lips and I quiver, my body is alive, ready. His tongue strokes mine, coming out occasionally to slide across my lip. Damn he is driving me crazy. He leans down slightly and put his hands under my bottom before lifting me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he gently pushes me back against the wall. I stiffen at the cool tiles against my back.

“Like this?” I whimper.

“Oh yeah baby, like this.”

He lowers me and thrusts inside so quickly and harshly I yelp. He stills a moment, before slowly sliding out and thrusting again.

“Jesus!” He hisses.

“Ahhhh!” I cry as he plunges inside me once more.

I take hold of his arms, pulling him closer to me. I want all of him. I groan as his pace quickens, and he tilts my hips, so he can drive deeper. I close my eyes and let my head fall back against the wall, pleasure tears through my veins as my release builds. God, now, hurry up. I am so close, why can’t I tip over the edge? Is it the stress from Jack?

“Oh Jax!” I cry, “I can’t!”

He slows and looks at me, wounded. “You don’t like it?”

“Oh god, of course I do.” I pant.

“Your too tense!” He hisses, dropping me. Oh, now he is mad at me.

“Jax, don’t be angry.”

He inhales a breath, then steps out of the shower and grasps a towel.

“Come on.” He orders, his voice hard.

I step out and he wraps the towel around me, before shoving me out into the room and lowering me onto the bed.

“Let’s see if we can fix this issue.”

He unravels the towel and lets his eyes slowly travel over my body. I flush and move to cover myself, but he grips my hands.

“Now we play my way.”

He glances around the room and sets his eyes on my belt. Oh no, was he going to hit me with it? He walks over, picks it up and brings it back. He grasps my hands and yanks them above my head before securing them to my bed head. I whimper and wiggle.

“Don’t wriggle, if you do, I am going to spank that gorgeous little ass.”

I feel my lips make a giant O, but I don't bother to argue, infact, I am kind of turned on. He walks towards the door then, pulling on a pair of boxers.

“Wait, you’re not going to leave me tied up are you?”

He laughs, doesn’t answer and walks out the door. I wait. A moment later he returns with, oh no, he isn’t serious? Whipped cream.

“You can

t be serious!” I gape.

His eyes meet mine. “Deadly.”

He strips himself off again and comes over, climbing on top of me so he straddles my hips. His erection juts out, all glorified and eager. He leans over and shakes the can, grinning at me, and then he spurts some onto my nipples. I cry out; it’s freezing.

“That’s cold!” I protest, wiggling.

“What did I say about wriggling?”

I still. He leans over and swirls his tongue around the cream on my nipples. Then, he sucks them into his mouth, groaning. Oh, from cold to…oh so warm. The sensation of his wet, hot mouth on my cold nipples is intense. I moan. He moves to the other, sucking, nipping and gently stroking until I am panting and begging him for more.

He sprays the cream the entire way down my abdomen, repeating the same, slow, sensual process. Licking, torturing. I feel myself swelling, my body heating. When he reaches my heat, I freeze. He wouldn’t? Would he? He does, with a spray he fills me with cream. I make an odd little sound at the feeling of the cold, cold cream on…my parts.

“Oh, that’s so cold.” I whimper.

He smirks up at me, before lowering down and driving his tongue through the thick cream. When I feel it slide over me, I cry out. Oh, ohhhhh. It is bliss. Warm on cold. He flicks his tongue about, with precise little strokes. Oh god, so close, I need to explode. I yank at the chains and squirm; his hand comes down on my thigh and I yelp.

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