Betrayed (18 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“NO!” He roars.

I close my eyes as he fights to reef my hands from him; I feel my power slowly coming to use as I drag his injuries from his body into mine. I scream as the pain welts in, the burning in my leg, the thumping in my head, the snapping of my ribs and leg. I scream and scream; Jax tosses me off and pulls my body to his.

“Why kid, why?”

“Go…” I croak, falling to the ground.

Jax hears the door knob turn, and I watch as he grows tall, wide, springs fangs and claws. He looks down at me, and I tremble. It has been so long since I have seen this side to him. He leans a long, clawed finger down and strokes my face. The gesture shocks me, he seems to have gained complete control of the monster inside him. His eyes are flaming red as he turns back to the door.

The men enter and stop abruptly. I hear one of them curse, but they have no chance. Jax swings out and decapitates the first one so swiftly it was like a knife through butter. I scream and put my hands over my face. I can’t watch. I hear the gun go off, I hear screaming and gurgling, then everything falls silent. I am too afraid to open my eyes, scared about what I might see.

“Don’t open your eyes, give me a minute.” Jax says, his voice demonic. He is still changed.

I wait as I hear Jax coming backwards and forwards. He speaks to me again in a normal tone; I breathe a sigh of relief. When he is done, I feel him lean down beside me. The pain in my body is too much, and I whimper. I am slowly beginning to heal, but I feel drained and my insides are throbbing. Jax strokes a finger across my cheek, and I open my eyes. He is un touched. That kind of frightens me.

“Hey, you ok?”

“It hurts.” I croak.

“This time I can say, I know. I am sorry darlin, let me help you out?”

“I…are there more?”

He nods. “Yes, I need to find them but not until you are safe. I have called Mack, he is on his way.”

Jax lifts me into his arms and carries me out of the small cell. When we get outside, I realize we are in the middle of nowhere. I don’t even want to know who built such a horrid place. I see Mack’s car pulling up, and he leaps out. When he lays eyes on me, his face pales. Jax lets him pull me from his arms.

“Baby girl, oh, angel.”

He kisses my hair and holds me close.

“I gotta go Mack, take care of her.”

Mack nods. “I got her. The crew is waiting for you.”

Jax strokes my cheek again and leans down to kiss my battered cheek.

“You are my angel, I hope you know that. I will be home soon, and I am going to make all this up to you.”

I nod weakly. “Please, be careful.”




“I love you.”

He nods and kisses me once more. “You too mate.”

“Let’s get you out of here.” Mack says as Jax disappears into the thick forest to the left of us.

“Lilly?” I whisper.

“She’s fine. With Amber.”

We are in thick
bush land
; jeez they had taken us a way out. I see my fathers car; he walks over and slides me in the front seat. He helps me with my seatbelt and hands me a bottle of water. It is at that moment I know I have to ask him a question that has been bothering me since yesterday.

“Daddy, can I get rid of my gift?”

He stops and turns to stare at me. “You don’t want your gift?”

“I just want to know if it’s like the curse you and Jack had, can it be undone?”

“Yes, it can. Once it’s undone though, it can never be brought back on. It’s not like the treasure.”


“It’s a simple ritual. I have enough power to perform it.”

“I want you to do it on me.”

He gasps. “Baby girl, why?”

“I have never experienced pain for more than a few hours maximum. I can’t die, can’t get sick, I have never had a headache or felt what it

s like to be ill…”

“Those aren

t bad things honey, it is a terrific gift.”

“Maybe so, but daddy, nobody cares anymore. I use it, save lives and people just accept it. When Sammy got hurt the other day, Jax went running but with me…”

“Love, once it’s gone, it can never be brought back.”

“I just want to be normal.” I whisper.

He strokes my hair. “I know how that feels, believe me. If you’re sure, the choice is yours Jade. I won’t stop you.”

“I’m sure.”

He pulls over in a huge field and gets out of the car; he walks around to my door and opens it.

“Now?” I say, eyes wide.

“Now. If you want this, we do it now.”

“Can I ask one thing first?”


“Can you give it to Lilly?”

He nods weakly. “I can, she shares my blood.”

“I want you to give it to her.”

He nods.

“Thank you daddy.”

“Give me your hands.”

I swallow and then reach my hands over to him. There is no turning back now. This is what I want, to be normal, to feel normal. I close my eyes as my father begins whispering some unknown chant. He squeezes my palms, and I feel as though somebody is sucking on them, as though a vacuum has been put over my hands and is pulling. I gasp but don't flinch. My body jolts and suddenly everything is still.

My father lets go and then opens his eyes. I blink at him; that was it?

“Is…it gone?”

“Yes, love it’s gone.”

“Daddy…thank you.”

“I hope that was what you truly wanted because you will never get it back.”

“I know.”

He nods and then stands, when he reaches for me and helps me up, I stumble forward; light headed. I groan as my head spins and my body aches.

“You’re not fully healed, your body has taken on the last of your injuries.”

My head is pounding, god, pounding. I groan and grasp it. My father helps me into the car and pulls out two pills. I take them and swallow, shifting uncomfortably as my body adjusts to this new pain. I fall in and out of restless sleep until I feel my father pull up. I blink my eyes open to see we are at Jack’s house. Crap. Mack helps me out of the car and walks me inside. I see Sam and Rusty right away. Mack sits me on the couch, and they both rush over.

“Lass, you scared us.” Rusty mutters, sitting beside me and taking my hand.

“Sorry Rust. Have you heard from Jax?”

“No, sorry love. The crew are with him, he wanted me to stay and wait for you.”

I nod. Sam squeezes my hands and kneels in front of me.

“He will be fine; he
what he is doing.”

“I know.” I whisper.

“Get some rest honey, you look terrible.”

I force a weak smile and watch as Sam clambers over to Mack and snuggles against him. A small sting of jealousy aches inside of me. Jack enters the room then, and his eyes fall on me, his looks angry still and I am desperate to make it better. I stand.

“Jack, can we talk?”

He closes his eyes, then opens them and nods. I follow him out of the room, and into the kitchen. He turns to face me.

“I…” I take a deep breath. “I want to say some things, and I don’t want you to butt in. I need to say them, and if you still don’t want to be my friend then fine, I will leave and not bother you again. Jack, when you came into my life we shared something special. A gift. It bonded us, and we became friends. I was always with Jax, and you knew that, but you chose to stay and be my friend regardless. I never asked you for anything more, and I was always honest with you about how I felt. Except for one thing. You are right; I do love you more than a friend. I have feelings for you that go beyond friendship, and I always have. Admitting it doesn’t change anything, I want to be with Jax. I can’t make you stay Jack, but I can tell you that without you, my life is incomplete.”

Jack stares at me for a long, long moment. Then his face softens slightly. “I never…I didn’t mean what I said Jade. I don’t want to be without you. I am hurt, but I will move on. I have to move on. I don’t want to lose my friend, and if that is all I can be, then so be it.”

I feel warm tears prick my eyes. “Jack, mean the world to me, and I will always care about you.”

He nods and swallows. “I have a lot to deal with Jade and it will take time, but I accept this and Jax loves you, he really does. I am happy that you have someone who you love back just as much.”

I step forward and put my hand on his cheek. “You are my best friend Jack, I never want to lose you.”

“You won’t.” He whispers.

“I love you. I mean that.”

“I know.”

I lean forward and take him into a warm, sensual kiss. He needs it, and so do I. I made my decision a long time ago, but I still loved Jack. He deepens the kiss until our tongues combine in a soft dance. I press my body to his and we stand, kissing for a long moment. When we pull back, he leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead.

“I’m sorry for the other night.”

“Me too.”

We hug for a long while, then lets go. “Tea?” He asks.

I smile weakly. “Please.”

I head back out to the lounge and sit on the couch, Jack brings me a cup of tea; I welcome the warm, soothing liquid. He sits beside me, hugging me close. Mack smiles at us, no doubt grateful we have worked it out. I glance at my phone. Nothing. I wouldn’t ring; it could get him into trouble and I wouldn’t want that. I flick through the messages from the last four hours. I stop at one.

I want word on that treasure by Friday. No excuses or I will show you how serious I am.

Shit, I knew I had to get the ball rolling. I turn to Mack.

“Daddy, how are we going with finding the treasure?”

“Why love?”

“I am tired of all this, I just want it all over.” I lie.

“PJ is out looking for its location as we speak. I expect to hear from him tonight.”

“What will you do with it, once you have it?”

“Destroy it.”

I shiver. How would I get it from them to the pirates? I needed a plan, a serious plan. We talk a little longer before Jack insists I get some rest. I fall into the couch; my body drained. I have never felt so drained, so tired. I fall into a deep, groggy sleep. I don't wake until late night; I sit up and glance around, my eyes blurry, my body aching.

Jack is sitting in the kitchen with Rusty; they are chatting quietly. No Jax. I feel as though ice is running through my veins. I slide off the couch with a groan and slowly walk in. Jack looks over at me and smiles, weakly.

“He’s not back?”

He shakes his head. Rusty gives me a sympathetic look.

“How long’s it been Jack?”

“Twelve hours.”

“Oh god, when will you go and find out if he is ok or not?” I whisper.

“Morning love.”

I feel hot tears spring to my eyes. I remember the pain of thinking I had lost him; I couldn’t survive it again.

“Where is Lilly?”

“Upstairs, sleeping. Layla brought her over a few hours ago.”

“I’m going to see her.”

I don’t let them answer; I just turn and plod up the stairs. I slip into the spare room and Lilly is awake, laying quietly. I smile at her, and she beams at me. Relieved I think. I slip down on the bed next to her and pull her into my arms. God, my baby girl.

“How are you baby?”

“Mummy, is daddy gone?”

“No honey, he will be back.” God’s I hope I am right.

“Are you hurt

“No baby, not anymore. We got into a little riff, but it’s all ok now. Did you have a nice time with Aunty Layla?”

“Yes, she took me to the big
, and I saw Suzy from school. We played for aggggges. Layla had coffee with that pretty man you know.”

“Pretty man?”


Reeeeeallly? I smile to myself. Layla and Poseidon. Who knew.

“That sounds fun baby girl.”

I hear the door shut downstairs and the sound of happy voices. Jax?

“Get some sleep baby, ok? I have a surprise for you tomorrow.”

“Really?” She squeaks.

“Yes, really. Sleep. Love you.”

“Night mummy.”

I tuck her in and close her door gently before hurrying down the stairs. My squeak of joy is heard by all as I lay eyes on Jax standing at the bench about to open a beer. He looks up at me and smiles, warm, loving. I cry out and rush towards him, leaping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He nestles into my hair and kisses me furiously.

“You are ok?” I whisper, touching him all over.

“I’m all good baby.”

“And the lords?”


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