Betrayed (21 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“Jade, we are going shopping.”

“Pardon?” I ask, confused.

“It’s a surprise, but we need to get you a dress.”

“A dress?”

“Yes, a dress. Stop asking questions. I have your
credit card, lets go.”

I gape at Jax who gives me a lazy grin. “Have fun, baby.”

“I truly am going to kick you one day soon.”

He walks over and leans down to brush a kiss across my neck. I shiver.

“Make it a good one.”

I shove him and shoot him my best glare. “Why do I need a dress?”

“You heard Layla, stop asking questions.”

I Humph. “How will you get home?”

“Layla is going to take you. Lilly and the God can stay here.”

PJ grins. “My pleasure.”

“Ah!” I sulk and grasp my bag.

Jax follows us out to the car, and I watch as Layla takes PJ in for a deep, sensual kiss. Geez, get a room. Jax wrinkles his nose up and spins me around to press a kiss to my lips.

“Thanks for the…”

“Fuck?” I say, grinning.

“I was going to say mind blowing sex, but ok.”

“Are you ever going to make love to me again, Watts?” I ask, remembering that time all those years ago when Jax made love to me. Nothing to this day has ever felt better than that.

“Maybe, gorgeous, maybe.”

He kisses my head and opens the door for me; I slide in and close the door, before winding down the window.

“See you.” I mutter, still wondering what the hell is going on.

“Later, gorgeous.”

They both give us a very manly wave as we back out. When we are on the road, Layla finally speaks.

“Oh my god, you two were totally going at it, weren't you?”


“You were, oh, you are so lucky.”

“Hey, so are you.”

She blushes. “I know, PJ is gorgeous.”

“He is, and arrogant.”

“I kind of like that though.”

“I am happy for you.”

She beams. “Really?”

, he is a prick sometimes, but he has decent intentions. Besides, I told him I would beat him with a stick if he hurts you.”

She laughs. “If you weren't my best friend, I would never tell you this, but god damn, Jax is mighty fine Jade. Even though I have some excellent eye candy for myself now, he is just…God he is yummy.”

“You’re telling me, I feel sometimes like I just want to spend every day on top of him.”

She giggles. “I bet he is incredible in bed.”

“He is kinky.”

“Really?” She says, waggling her eyebrows. “Spill.”

“He likes….
…..spanking, tying up, things like that.”

“And you don’t?”

I shift to the side and jack up my dress; she glances down at my red legs and gasps.

“Oh…wow, that’s so hot. So he spanks you?”

“Yeah, if I want him to.”

“Do you?”

I blush. “I do, and it

s so bad!”


“Well, it feels like we are doing the wrong thing. I mean I want him to hit me, and I like it.”

a big difference between sexual fun and serious hitting. He would never hit you out of anger, would he?”


“Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know, it’s my mind beating me up about it. My body loves it.”

“I bet,” She grins. “God, he is so rugged I am sure it would be extremely arousing to have him spank you while he…oh….yeah.”

I laugh. “It’s a huge turn on, and I love it. God, it was just my upbringing that makes me so uptight about it. My mother would flip if she knew.”

“I can imagine!”

“So, are you going to tell me why we are buying a dress?”


“Aw, is it a surprise?”


s Jax’s surprise.”

“Jax is giving me a surprise?”

“Oh yes, one you will never forget.”

“So what sort of dress do I need?”

“A pretty one, I am thinking baby blue.”

“Are we going to a ball?”

, maybe.”

I laugh, and we chat the entire time we shop. I am so glad I get to spend the afternoon with Layla, she absolutely makes my day. We pick out a long, satin, baby blue dress. It is very flattering and utterly stunning. I lays softly around all my curves and outlines everything I have to offer beautifully. The front sweeps down into a deep V that outlines my breasts and the back drops right down to my hips, it

s gorgeous.

We pick out some silver shoes and jewellery. When we are done, it

s late afternoon and I don’t know what is going on for the evening. I pull out my phone and text Jax.

Where r u?

At your place

What are we doing tonight?

Not much. Your mum and step dad r here, I think Mack and Sam will be over later.

Ok. We are on our way home. I spent all your money

I bet you did. I will have to punish you for that.

And how will you do that?

Let me count the ways…

Stop it,

Check you baby girl!

I turn to Layla. “Jax said they are at our place.”


When we arrive, I slip out of the car, and Layla takes the dress around back, so nobody sees it. When I walk in the front door, I hear chatter and laughter. I walk out back, and everybody is sitting around the table. I see Margy, and I beam. I haven't seen since the first night. I rush over and hug her.

“How are you honey?”

“I am good, you have been hiding.”

“Yes, I have been enjoying shopping far too much.”

“I am happy to see you Margy.”

“Beer lass?” Rusty asks.

“Please Rusty.”

He walks inside, and I grin at everyone. Mack and Sam, Grace and Steffan, Jack, Layla and PJ. Jax’s parents aren't here tonight, but that's ok. I slide over to Jax and sit on his lap; he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

“Have a good day baby?”

“Mmmmhmmmm.” I mumble, leaning my head back onto his shoulder.

“You look tired honey.” Margy says.

“I am a little.”

“We won’t keep you long.” She smiles.

“No, stay as long as you like.”

I shuffle into Jax

s lap and snuggle in closer to him. Desperate for his warmth. I am feeling a little off colour.

“You not feeling well mate?” He murmurs into my ear.

“I don’t know. I’ve never not felt well, so I am not sure how it feels.”

“You look a bit off colour.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

I slide off Jax’s lap and sit beside him when Rusty brings me a beer. Three sips down and my stomach turns. I grip hold of it and shift uncomfortably. God, what is that? I take a few deep breaths, but my stomach turns again. What does this mean? I have never felt any sort of sickness; god am I sick or is it just normal feelings people get?

“You look like you are
about to throw up baby girl.” Mack says, his voice full of concern.

Jax turns to me and lifts my face; I groan. Oh crap.

“You sick mate?”

“I don’t know.” I wail as my stomach turns again.

“Is your tummy hurting love?” Margy asks.

“Uhh, yes.”

“Did you eat anything bad today?”

“I don’t know.” I groan, then throw my hand over my mouth as I feel burning creeping up my throat. Oh crap, I think this is what it feels like right before someone throws up.

I leap up and run, full throttle towards the bathroom. I fall to my knees just in time; the entire contents of the day fly from my mouth. Oh god, what a horrible feeling. Tears stream down my face as I lean back and flush the toilet. Jax comes in and kneels beside me.

“You ok baby?”

“God, I don’t know.”

“You still feel sick?”

“A little.”

He hands me a glass of water, and I am suddenly embarrassed that he has seen me like this.

“Oh, I am sorry Jax. You’re probably horrified.”

“It’s spew mate, I’ve seen worse. You are my girl now; I am not going to let you spew without help.”

I smile weakly. “Thanks.”

“You wanna lie down?”

“Do I? I don’t know.”

He nods and scoops me into his arms like prince charming and carries me to my room. He lays me in the bed and sits on it, stroking my hair. Damn, Jax Watts has a

“Careful Watts, I might tell everyone how sweet you really are.”

He grins. “Only for you baby, go to sleep.”

“Will you say sorry to everyone for me?”

He leans down and kisses my head. “Sure.”


“Yeah mate?”

“Can I ask you something?”

He nods and sits beside me. I have been wanting to ask Jax for a while now, the time just hasn’t been right.

“Who is Mark and Maddox?”

He tenses and shuts his eyes. “My brothers.”

“What?” I gasp.

“One is dead.”


“Yeah, I killed him.”

I stiffen. “You never told me.”

“Those scars on my side, Mark gave them to me when…I killed him.”

“Why?” I croak.

“He was beating his wife, badly. I found out when he put her in hospital, half dead. I killed him.”


“It’s part of my life I never want to re live mate. You have the right to know, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

I nod. “Where is Maddox now?”

“I don’t know. Neither does ma or pa.”


“Do you hate me?”

I shake my head. “No of course not.”

“It’s…what I have nightmares about.” He admits.


“I see his face…he clawed at me to get away. I was so angry back then, so violent. Maddox beat the shit out of me and bolted, I haven’t seen him since. It was part of me I never want to remember.”


“Get some rest please, we can talk about it more another time.”


He stands and walks to the door.

“I love you.” I say hesitantly.

He smiles that gorgeous, radiant smile where his dimples show and says “I love you too kid.”

Then he is gone, and I am left to ponder the deep dark secret that lies in his heart.


When I wake in the morning, Jax isn’t beside me. I slip out of bed, feeling remarkably better and make my way downstairs. I come to an abrupt halt when I see my father over by the door on the phone. He is shirtless, and I am completely taken by surprise. One, that he is here and two that he isn't dressed impeccably like he always is. I take note of his build and am quite surprised. Aren’t fathers supposed to be round and I don’t know…hairy? I guess that is the image I had of a father in my head but my father is tall, lean and as toned as a twenty year old. It’s rather disturbing that my father is as fit as my
, even worse that he doesn’t look any older than him.

“Yeah no problems Jax, see you then.”

My father snaps his phone closed and turns, jumping at my presence. It is then I notice my name in giant letters across his chest but it

s not my name as it is now, it says ‘Lilyahna’ my birth name. Interesting.

“Daddy, why are you here? And…how long have you had that awful name tattooed on you?”

He laughs and glances down at his chest. He has paler skin than most, but it kind of suits his dark hair and sky blue eyes. The man has pecks, seriously? I am going to have a word to him about getting flabby and hairy.

“Its been there since you were born and I am here because Jax asked me to escort you today.”

“Since I was born?”

“Yes, since you were born.”

“I hate that name you know?”

He smirks. “I know.”

“And why are you parading around with no shirt on? Come on d
ad, you’re
scaring me.”

He laughs and picks up the shirt thrown over the back of the chair and throws it on.

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