Betrayed (23 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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He smiles. “You are happy, what more could I want?”

“Thank you Jack, for everything you have ever been to me.”

“Anytime angel.”

Jax and I share a romantic first dance, and we enjoy dinner with everybody. My mother is thrilled and is, surprisingly, mingling well. I am shocked. Steffan leaves early; he has to head back to Russia in the morning. It’s a sad farewell, but I am glad things are sorted between us. My mother begins drinking, and when her and Mack share a dance, it’s sizzling. Wow, damn. Sam’s jealousy is rippled across her face as she watches. I couldn’t see my father being unfaithful but did he have feelings for my mum still?

When he strolls over to me later in the night, Sam is close behind him. He asks for a quick word and so we find a quieter part of the room to talk. He looks uncomfortable, like he is about to tell me unwelcome news. Wait, he is isn’t he?

“Jade, I have to go now baby.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Sam and I fly out tonight, we are going on a holiday.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” I smile.

“We will be gone two or three years.”

My world stops. I gape at him; he isn’t serious right? Why in the hell would he go for that long?

“Why?” I ask in a small voice.

“I want to see the world, Sam does too so we thought we would just slowly travel the entire thing.”

“So you will go for two years?” I cry. “What about me? I only just got you in my life.”

“I am sorry baby.”

“What for?” I snarl. “You weren't there for the first half of my life, what the fuck should I care if you are not there for the last.”

He looks like I have slapped him and the entire room falls quiet. Jax is by my side, his fingers stroking my shoulders but I hardly notice. Sam looks like she is about to explode and steps forward.

“You are so bratty Jade! You think you can ha
ve him all to yourself and you are
insanely jealous of us. Why shouldn’t he be able to go on a holiday, you don’t own him.”

My voice comes out like steel. “What, you fucked my husband and couldn’t stand that he didn’t choose you, so you move onto fucking my father, the next best thing? You can’t stand it can you, so you try and take what I love the most. You bitch.”

My fathers hand connects with my face in a slap that is so hard, I bite down on my tongue and blood drips from my mouth. I see red; my legs are frozen in the spot and I can’t breathe. He reaches out to touch me, but I shove him, so hard he stumbles backwards and falls. Everyone gasps.

“Holy shit.” Jax mutters beside me.

I can’t focus on him though, or anybody else in the room for that matter. Not even my mother who is cursing at Mack and calling him every name under the sun. Mack steps forward, and he is looking at
me with pure pain, his head is tilted to the side, in that way that says ‘Please forgive me baby girl.’ I am furious, but most of all, I am cut to the bone. Tears are flowing down my cheeks.

“You were my hero,” I croak. “But it’s clear how you feel about me. Stay out of my life. Go on your holiday and never come back. I hate you.”

Mack looks devastated; his mouth opens, and his eyes are glassy and red, but I don’t care. I am so hurt. He stands and steps forward, but I hear the entire crew stand behind me. He might have the strength to take on one man easily, but not twenty.

“You ever hit her again Mack, and I will kill you.” Jax warns.

“Jax, get him out of here,” I whisper. “I don’t want him here.”

“Jade…” Mack pleads. “I’m sorry angel.”

“I wish I never met you, you are not worthy of being a father.” I say, my voice is croaky. I turn and run from the room; tears spilling down my cheeks and soaking my dress.

I run into our new room, and fall onto the bed. Carol rushes in after me; she sits on the bed and strokes my hair.

“Oh sweetheart, he didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“He is choosing her, choosing to leave me for another two or three years. That’s a long time; he will miss so much, and he picked her. She can treat me badly but as soon as I retaliate he hits me,” I sob. “I will never forgive him for this.”

“Oh darling,
, it’s ok.”

She continues to stroke my hair, I hear a bit of commotion on the deck, but soon enough it’s quiet. When I hear the sound of a car starting, I break into another fit of sobs. No daddy, why did you have to hurt me again? I am so hurt; my heart is aching.

“Hey Carol thanks, I will take it from here.”

I can hear Jax’s voice, and I am so grateful for him at this moment. He slides onto the bed and pulls me into his arms and trails kisses over my cheeks, and nose.

“Hey, it’s ok.”

“He chose her.” I wail.

“I know baby. He loves you, don’t hate him.”

“I hate him, I will never speak to him again.”

Jax doesn’t argue because he knows there is no point. His words won’t change how I feel. My father ruined my day, and he broke my heart on the day it finally got put back together. I hated him for that.

“Want me to send everyone home?”

“No, I won’t let this ruin my night.” I say, sitting up and swiping at my eyes.

“You look like a
.” Jax says and I spurt out laughter.

“Thanks Jax, you always know how to lighten my mood.”

He smiles and swipes away a tear with his thumb.

“Come on, let’s go and enjoy the people who are here for us.”

“Ok. Can I shower and change first?”

“Yeah mate, I will wait.”

I nod and make my way into the shower. I quickly wash away the make up and undo my hair; then I get out and make sure I look tidy before finding something to dress in. I pick a simple short black dress, and I slide it on. I brush my hair and ruffle it with my fingers then I make my way back out. Jax grins at me.

“There’s my girl.”

I smile; it’s weak, but it’s a smile. My phone rings and then buzzes with a message. I glance at it.

“It’s the fourth time its rung.” Jax say’s.

I pick it up and read the messages.

Jade, please answer the phone. I am so sorry baby girl. Forgive me.

I am so sorry I hit you, please answer the phone and let me talk with you.

I don’t want to lose you again angel, I love you.

I am flying out now. I am going to ring again soon, Jade I love you. Please forgive me, I couldn’t bear to lose my daughter again.

I throw the phone on a nearby table; my heart is aching, but I am not giving in. He broke my heart; he doesn’t get to throw a text message and expect it to be better. He went anyway, even after all that. It was answer enough for me.

“Lets go.” I mutter.

Jax glances at me wearily but doesn’t argue. He takes my hand and leads me out to the party. Everybody rushes over, but I insist I am fine and no longer want to discuss it. Jack comes over an hour later and takes my hand.

“Hi angel, I am so sorry.”


s fine Jack.” I whisper.

“He loves you Jade, you know that right?”

“Don’t Jack, please.”

He nods, but I can see he desperately wants to say more. Instead, he hugs me and lets me enjoy the rest of my night. I avoid my mother like the plague, but she gets hold of me eventually.

“I cannot believe he hit you.”

I suck on my tongue, it’s sore, a nasty reminder of tonight's episode. “It doesn’t matter.”

“If I see him again!”

“You won’t and neither will I.”

She frowns.
“Honey, you can be mad but you are
not going to stop seeing him are you? I am leaving tomorrow, and I would hate it to end like this.”

“Damn right I am, and I don’t want your opinions on that.” I snap.

She pouts. My god, my mother is drunk.

“Jax, can you get somebody to take her home.”

Jax nods and asks Rusty and Amber to take her home. They are on their way out. Rusty hugs me and Amber kisses my cheeks. They are the last of the guests to leave, so Jack goes with them.

“Welcome to the family love.” Rusty says. His green eyes are so familiar they warm me.

“Thanks…. Rusty.”

“Call me dad.”

, ok. Dad.”

He grins and hugs me again.

“Goodnight Amber, thank you for coming.”

“Not a problem at all love.”

When everyone is gone, I turn to Jax with a weak smile.

“You wanna save the…” he pauses and thinks of an appropriate word, “Playing until tomorrow?”

“No.” I whisper.

He raises an eyebrow. “You don’t?”

“It’s my wedding night Jax, and I want you, I need you…” I emphasize the last word.

“Then you will have me, anything for my wife.”

I smile up at him, and he takes my hand, the house is ours. We are alone. Lilly has gone home with Layla for the night; it’s just Jax and I. I won’t let this pass without milking every last ounce of it. He leads me to the bedroom and closes the door behind us. I am nervous again; I don’t know what he has planned for us, I don’t even know if I will like it but I trust him. Impeccably.

“So, err, how do we do this?”

Jax smiles at me. “You want me to make love to you first or…”

“Or.” I flush.

He laughs. “Ok then, do you trust me?”

“You know I do.” I whisper.

“Then get your clothes off, lay on the bed.”

I frown at him, and his eyes search my face. “You want me to take your clothes off?”

I grin. He rolls his eyes and runs his hands down my body and clasps the bottom of my black dress. Slowly he drags it up over my head. He takes a moment to stare at my body before reaching around and unclasping my bra. When it drops to the ground, he takes my breasts into his hands and gives my nipples a small squeeze. Oh, that’s nice. He slides his hands down the soft skin of my stomach to my underwear. He grasps it and lowers his body as his hands go down until he is kneeling in front of me.

“I think I like this position.” I murmur.

He barks a laugh and slaps my thigh; I step out of my underwear and he presses a small kiss to my searing flesh. He stands up, and his heated gaze travels over me.

“You got a beautiful body Mr’s Watts.”

“And you, Mr Watts. Ah ah,” I say, as he grasps at his tie. “My turn.”

He drops his hands and grins at me, as I slowly unfasten his tie. I flick it onto the floor and slide his jacket over his shoulders. Now he is standing in a white shirt and black pants. Mmmmm. I slowly begin unbuttoning his shirt and then I slide it off his shoulders. I hiss a breath through my teeth.

“Now there’s the man I love.” I growl.

“You don’t dig the suits?”

I grin up at him. “No sir, I dig the tattoos and muscles.”

He winks at me and I shove him slightly before returning my attention to his bare, gorgeous chest. I lean forward and press my lips to it, sliding my tongue over his nipple piercings. He growls and takes my shoulders.

“Who’s leading tonight?”

I nip them gently, and he moans. I move down his abdomen, following the same path he took with me. Slowly, I drag kisses over the taut muscles. When I reach his pants, I unbutton them with deliberate slowness. Then, I slide them down. I peer up at him through my lashes, and he is staring at me with a hungry, steaming look. I slide his boxers down, and he springs out in front of me. With a giggle, I take him in my hands and slide him into my mouth. He lets out a feral hiss and twirls his fingers through my hair. He lets me lick and suck him for a small while before yanking me to my feet.

“You will un-man me on my own wedding night. No more. It's my turn now.”

“I had to have some control.” I grin, biting my lip.

He gives me a lazy half smile. “Well, now it’s my control time. On the bed.”

I hesitantly slide onto the bed, and he shoves me slightly, so my shoulders fall back. He takes my ankle and slides my body around, so I am lying straight up and down. He leans over at me and slowly edges my legs apart, letting out a small growl of satisfaction.

“Mmmmm, you are gorgeous there.”

I blush.

“If anything is too much, say stop. No matter what. You won’t offend me, but promise you will say stop.”

I nod; my heart is thumping. He stares at me for a long moment before nodding and
out the door. A minute or two later he comes back with a bag. Oh god, what’s in the bag?

“I told you I don

t play doms and subs and I don’t. If you don’t like something, tell me. I won’t stop you from coming or boss you around. I will be dominant but not in a bad way; you tell me anything
you want at any time and you don’t have to call me sir or anything ridiculous like that. I said I don’t restrain with anything other than my hands, but tonight I am going to. Is that ok with you?”

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