Betrayed (22 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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“No, I think you need to get fatter.”

He stops laughing. “Fatter?”

“Yes, fatter. It

s scary that
you are so young and…toned. You’re
to look father like.”

“And I need to be fat to look father like?”

“Yes.” I say, folding my arms and giving him a ‘so there’ stare.

He grins. “So I take care of my body, and that makes me, un father like?”

“Oh shut up. It’s all an image, it

s very hard to introduce you as my father when you look the same age as my

He laughs, loudly. “Point well made.”

“How long till you get old, fat and wrinkly?”

“A while baby girl. Now come on, we have to get dressed.”


“In the dress you brought, Jax is waiting for you.”


“The surprise?”

“Right, the surprise. He wants me now?”

“No, at lunch time but you have to get ready! Layla will be back soon.”

“And you’re here becauuuuuse?”

“To make sure you don’t rebel, your hu..
has no faith in you.”

I snort. “No he doesn’t.”

“Are you feeling well?”

“Better, thanks.”

“Good good, well I have a few things to organize so I will be on my phone in the spare room if you need me.”

“Ok dad, ok.”

He laughs and walks towards the spare room.

“Where’s Lilly?” I yell out.

“With Jax.”

Right. What is he up to? I shower and blow dry my hair, when I come back downstairs Layla is home and is digging through the drawers for make up and hair straighteners. She has a dress with her, and some really lovely shoes. We are totally going to a ball.

“Hey Layz.”

She jumps and then smiles. “Hello yourself, sit….we have some work to do.”

“Thanks.” I mutter.

“You know what I mean, god you are going to knock him dead when I am done.”

She is right, four hours later I am primped, waxed, cleaned, decked out and looking like a movie star. My hair is falling in soft curls over my shoulders; the side is tucked up with a pretty little clip. My make up is natural but pretty, brining out my eyes and the fullness of my lips. The dress looks stunning on and makes my blue eyes look almost transparent, glass like even.

Layla looks stunning too; she is wearing a silver dress that is the same style as mine. Her hair is done up on the top of her head, and her make up matches my own. She looks gorgeous; PJ will die a million deaths when he sees her. My father disappeared to get dressed an hour or so ago, and when he walks out he is wearing a suit and tie, he looks very handsome. His face falls at the sight of me, and he makes a strangled sound.

“Oh Jade…you…look breath taking.”

“Ditto daddy.”

Layla clicks a photo of Mack and I; then we make our way to the car. When I realize we are going out to the house, I grow confused. Ok, so we aren't going to a ball. When we arrive, there are a lot of cars around, and I can’t see any people. I notice the deck of the house is done up with pretty lights and caterers are walking around. Oh, now it made sense. We are having a ball here. How sweet.

We get out of the car and with a deep breath; Layla whispers something to Mack and hurries down towards the jetty. It is then I notice all the lights along the wooden planks. Huh? Mack takes my arm in his and begins walking towards the jetty. The ship is lined up at the end; all decked out with lights and red ribbons. I want to laugh, the ball is on the ship and the after party at the house. Clever Watts, Clever.

It isn’t until we get to the end of the jetty and ‘Skinny love’ begins booming on the speakers, that I realize I have it all wrong. When Mack takes my arm and begins walking me down the jetty, it hits
me like a tonne of bricks. I am about to get married, how in the hell had I not realized this earlier. Tears prick my eyes and I halt.

“I am getting married.”

Mack smiles down at me. “Surprise.”

“Oh daddy, Jax did all this?”

“Every bit of it. Is this what you want Jade?”

“Very much.” I whisper.

“Then, you have a very nervous man waiting for you.”

He takes my hand again, and we begin to walk.  I am crying before I see everybody, but when I do the tears pound harder down my cheeks. Now I know why Layla used water proof make up. When my eyes fall on Jax, my world stops. Oh god, he looks incredible. He is standing at the front of the ship, decked out in a suit. A suit! My heart stops and my tears flow harder; I make an odd sound with my throat. God he looks gorgeous, hair all tidy and face clean shaven. He doesn’t look like a pirate, for the first time ever, Jax looks like a sophisticated man.

I see Jack standing at his side with Rusty and Layla at his other side, with Carol. I beam at her; I haven't seen her for so long; I want to run into her arms and hug her tight but all that I care about right now, is the gorgeous man before me. The look on his face is pure love and admiration; he looks gob smacked and damned nervous. When Mack stops in front of him and hands me over, I am sobbing like a small child.

“Jax Watts…I…oh God….”

Jax smiles at me and takes me into his arms.

“You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world Jade, you have taken my breath away.”

“And you,” I whisper. “You look so handsome.”

He beams at me, and visibly relaxes. I glance around the ship; the entire crew are here as well as my mother, father and step father, Jax’s family and PJ. I smile at them all, they all look happy, radiant and beautiful. It is at that moment I realize I have the best family in the world; I love them all. I look down at Lilly who is holding Rusty’s hand a wink at her. She looks gorgeous all dressed up, her hair in ringlets. God, it couldn’t be any better.

“Are we ready to start?” The celebrant asks.

“Yes.” I smile.

“Yeah.” Jax grins at me.

“Ladies and Gentleman, we are gathered here today to witness the love and binding between Mr Jax Watts and Lilyahna Jade Casteah. I hope you will join them in their happy time and share your love and affection, and support them through their years of marriage. My name is Hayley Jean, and I am proud to be here to witness this union.”

Jax smiles at me, and I melt; my heart is beating so wildly I am sure he can hear it. I have never been happier.

“Do you Lilyahna Jade Casteah; take Jax Watts to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, through good times and bad, to be faithful, kind and loving from this day forth until death do you part?”

“I do.” I whisper, and Jax’s eyes become red and glassy.

“Do you Jax Watts; take Lilyahna Jade Casteah to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, through richer and poorer, through good times and bad, to be faithful, kind and loving, from this day forth until death do you part?”

“I do.”

I am crying again, tears pouring down my cheeks like somebody has turned on a tap. Jax reaches up and wipes them away with a finger.

“Jax, will you put the ring on Jade’s finger please?”

He takes my hand and slides the ring part way down my finger.

“Repeat after me.”

When Jax speaks, my world stops, his voice runs through my veins filling every part of me.

“I, Jax Watts, give you this ring with love and honesty. I promise to take care of you, love you and cherish you from this day forth. I promise to be your best friend, your husband and your rock; I will love you until the day that I die. That is my promise to you.”

“I, Jade Casteah, give you this ring with love and honesty. I promise to take care of you, love you and cherish you from this day forth. I promise to be your best friend, your wife and your rock; I will love you until the day that I die. That is my promise to you.”

When our rings are on, the celebrant smiles. I catch a quick glance around and so many people are crying. It

s over whelming.

“With the power vested in me, I am proud to pronounce you man and wife. Ladies and Gentleman, I present you Mr and Mrs Jax Watts. You may now kiss your gorgeous bride.”

“Finally.” Jax murmurs, before grasping me and pulling me into a deep, loving kiss. Everybody applauds and cheers.

When he pulls back, we are swamped by hugs and well wishes. We sign the papers and finally, we are free to walk around and greet everybody. Jax takes my hand and does not let go, the gold band on his finger fills me with pride. He’s mine; he chose me. We are finally together, with no boundaries. Our love can grow; we can make a family. We are one now.

“Oh Jade, you know how to make a woman cry.” Carol says, pulling me into a hug.

“Carol, I have missed you so much.”

“You too honey, you too. How have you been?”

“That’s a long story.” I smile.

“I bet it is. You look gorgeous; he is a very lucky man.”

“I am,” Jax says stepping over and hugging Carol. “Thanks for coming.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it little brother, oh, and your daughter is

“Isn’t she?” He grins.

“You two make cute babies, when do I get another?” She urges with a wink.

“When she’s ready.”

I smile at Jax, god I am so lucky.

“Well, I can’t wait!” She chirps.

“Lets head over to the reception now guys,” Jax yells. “Free drinks all round.”

A hoot rings out from the crew and I giggle.

“They are adorable.”

“Don’t let them hear you call them adorable.”

“Congrats Cap, Lass.”

I turn to see pirate Rusty; I hug him and he squeezes me tight.

“You make an old man proud little lass.”

“Thanks Rust, that means a lot.”

“You will always be welcome with us.”

When everybody begins to make their way over to the reception, I stop Jax by yanking his arm. I spin him around and press a sizzling kiss to his lips which soon deepens into an intense pash. Pulling back, his eyes are blazing.

“Jax, that was the most amazing thing in the whole world. Words cannot describe how gorgeous I feel right now. Thank you.”

He strokes my cheek. “You are most welcome, little wifey.”

I laugh. “You like that huh?”

“I do. Wait till I lay you down tonight and make it official.”

I flush. “Jax?”

“Yeah, gorgeous?”

“I want…I mean, now we are married…”

“Spit it out, little girl.”

“I want you to show me what you have been holding back on.” I blurt.

He looks shocked. He tips my chin up so I am looking him dead in the eye.

“You don’t want me to make love to you, on our first night?”

“Sure, but I am sure you have more than one go in you.” I say, in a seductive tone.

“You will kill me, but you are
right. Are you sure you want that?”

I nod. “I want to know what you like.”

“And what if it freaks you out?”

“Unless it involves other people, I am pretty sure I can take it. I can always say no; I trust you.”

He growls. “Well, you just made my night a whole lot harder.”

I frown. “Oh?”

“I have to go and mingle, when all I want to do is fuck my wife until she is screaming.”

I blush crimson. “Well, I guess you will just have to be strong.”

With the confidence of a
, I reach down and grasp his throbbing erection and squeeze it. He growls and takes my hand, forcing me to move it up and down slightly. I pull my hand away and smile innocently up at him.

“Poor baby, it could be a long night.”

“You’re a nasty, nasty girl Jade. You sure you can spare a quickie now?”

I pretend to be shocked. “We are married, and you want a quickie as our first act? Goodness me Watt’s you shock me.”

He laughs and pulls me to his chest. “Ok, you win. I will wait for my gorgeous wife.”

“MMMM, it sounds nice huh?”



“You make me real proud baby girl.”

I look up at him. “Why pirate, I think that’s the nicest thing you ever said to me.”

He grins down at me and presses a light kiss to my nose. “Come, our guests await us.”

He takes my hand, and we walk proudly to the house. When we enter, everybody cheers. Jack comes over and pulls me into a hug.

“Congratulations angel.”

I look up at him, stroking his cheek. “Are you ok Jack?”

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