Betrayed (24 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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I nod; information overload. He pulls out some soft ties and yanks my ankles apart, tying each of them to the posts on the bed, then he takes my wrists and does the same until I look like I have frozen in the middle of a star jump. I squirm and blush.

“You are beautiful, don’t blush.”

“I….feel exposed.”

“You are, but only to me. Do you trust me baby?”

“Yes.” I whisper.

He nods again and wiggles about through the bag for a moment. Then sits on the bed beside me.

“Want to play with this again.” He grins and pulls out a pink dildo. I blush.

“You are bad Jax.”

“I have a few in my bag, you want to try them out?”

“Have you used that on…err...other girls?”

He gives me a fowl look. “I haven't done this with other girls.”

“Not even Sammy?”

“No we shared, not really played.”

“Where did you get them then?”

“You really wanna know?”

I nod.


I gasp. “What!”

“She brought them for us when I asked. You already told her I like it kinky.”

“Well…ok. I did.”

“Now stop talking.”

“I thought you said you weren't bossy.”

He grins. “I’m no
t, but I am wanting to play, so shhh

I smile and lay my head back down, closing my eyes tightly. He snorts.

“I am not going to beat you to death Jade, don’t look like that.”

I open my eyes. “I’m nervous.”

“You should be.”

I close my eyes, softy this time and listen to him a few minutes more. Finally, he slides onto the bed and kisses my neck. There we go. He slides his tongue in small circles over my shoulders and up to meet my mouth. He takes me into a deep, deep kiss, his tongue blending with mine. God, he tastes good. Like rum and Jax. He pulls back and sweeps my hair from my face. I look up at him.

“If you need me to untie you at any time, say stop ok?”

“Ok.” I squeak.

He kisses me again, then slides down my body to find my breasts. He sucks them into his mouth, toying with them and running his tongue over them with expert fashion. He suddenly bites down on one nipple, and I cry out. He looks up at me, judging my reaction. Then smiles, returning his attention to the other breast. He doesn’t bite it; he simply moves down my body over my  hips and to the junction between my legs.

I hear the sound of a vibrator starting up, and I become nervous. When he presses the little machine against me, old memories come flooding back. Yes, this is nice. He slowly slides the machine inside me, and I whimper.

“Faster.” I plead.

“No baby.”

He continues to slide it in and out with horrible slowness. I am tense, desperate and wanting so badly to come. When I am nearly there, he yanks it out, and I moan in displeasure. He replaces the buzzer with his mouth; the dildo with his fingers and I am howling again in seconds. Jesus. His pace is faster now, and I am almost there, I scream as I am about to come when he clamps his teeth down on me. I scream, a mix of pain and pleasure shoot through my body to give me an orgasm so intense; I see white. Holy crap.

When I come to, he is staring up at me. I blink my eyes open, and my lips part, nothing but a strangled sound comes out. He slides his tongue over the hurt he made, causing me to shiver. He slides up my body and glances down at me. He puts a soft kiss to my mouth and runs his fingers through my hair.


“I…holy crap.”

“It’s not so bad huh?”

I shake my head. “I loved it.”

“That’s only the beginning.”

I stare wide
at him. “Oh?”

He smiles, then begins slowly kissing my body again. This time, he bites me along the way, every time I begin to feel pleasure he clamps his teeth down on my skin, no matter where he is, and I cry out. It's an amazing feeling, soft, painful and blissful. I am wriggling, by the time he reaches my toes. God, he isn't going to make me wait longer, is he? He slides back up again, stopping at my nipples and sucking them until they are standing on end with the same desperation I feel. He laughs.

“Jax, please…”

“What?” He asks, innocently.

“Fuck me.”

He gives me a slow, sexy smile and straddles me. I stare at his erection and yank my hands, dammit I can

t touch it. Slowly, he runs his hands over it, up and down. The sight is arousing, so arousing my body comes to full alert. The way his hand slides down over himself, gripping tightly, then loosely. The way his body tenses, his muscles clenching. His small groans. God, he is driving me crazy.

“JAX,” I plead. “Stop.”

He moves his hand faster, groaning louder as he does. God it's so erotic, I can’t take my eyes off it, off him. His hands are so manly, so big, and I love the way they look enclosed around him. I wiggle, bucking my hips, and he growls, so I do it again. His moan tears through my ears and I am desperate to touch him. He slides forward suddenly and presses himself into my mouth. I take him, eagerly and decide to copy his actions, as I feel him swell in my mouth, I clamp my teeth down gently on him but enough to hurt, his roar of pleasure fills the room as he comes, hard.

“Fuck, Jesus, fuck.” He moans.

When he pulls back and sits on me again, his eyes are glassy with lust. I know Jax Watts, that was only the beginning.

“You bit me.” He says his voice is shaky.

“You bit me.”

“Fuck, you’re a bad girl.”

“Did you like it.”

He looks down at his erection; he is still hard. “What does it look like?”

“Did you take

He laughs; it’s a husky, deep sound. “No.”

“Then how…”

“My secret.”

“Will you fuck me now, please!”

He laughs and leans back, tilting his head to the side as he looks down at me. He is contemplating how he wants to play this game. Great. He leans forward and unshackles my wrists and then my ankles. Oh yay, I get to touch him. Wrong. He flips me over with one swift movement like I weigh no more than Lilly and takes my hands. He puts me on my hands and knees and yanks my hands down and through the gap so my bottom is in the air and my chest is pressed to the bed. I flush.


“This is one pretty sight.” He murmurs, kissing my backside.


He stops instantly. Wow.

“You don’t like it?”

“I…sorry. I…didn’t mean to say stop. I just, god, I feel so open.”

“If you don’t like it, yell out baby. I will stop.”


He ties my ankles, leaves a length of rope and drags it over to my wrists, so I can’t pull them forward. I am stuck in this position, and boy I am blushing. He kisses my hips then drags his mouth over the flesh on my bottom, before diving his tongue into my sex again. It's out there in the open, so it’s not like it’s hard. I cry out into the mattress and buck my hips, which only takes him deeper. He teases and taunts me, for such a long time but doesn’t let me come. He pulls back and gets on his knee’s behind me. I feel him pressing himself slowly into me, oh god, the torture.

“Jax,” I whine. “Faster.”

“Ah ah.”

He slowly pushes himself into my swollen flesh, and I am desperate, I thrust my hips backwards and feel him slide in. Oh yes, that’s nice. He slaps my bottom, hard.

“Bad girl.”

He pulls out and starts the slow process again.

“Asshole.” I mutter.

He slaps me again, and I moan. This time, he drives hard into me, and I scream to the roof. Good god the man is huge.

“Slow or fast?” He growls.

“You know that answer.” I hiss.

He pulls out and slams back in, hard. I get an idea in my head, yes, it's revenge time. He thrusts into me over and over until I am screaming and he is roaring with pleasure. I come around him, and he pinches my bottom as I do. I growl and scream; the sound combined is quite amusing. When I feel him tensing around me, I stretch my tied hands out as far as I can until I feel his,
, balls. He slams harder, and as I feel him about to come, I slap him there, hard. He roars with pain and pleasure as he releases himself. He slaps me again for good measure before he pulls out.

“You little shit,” He whispers, stilling behind me. “You un maned me.”

“How?” I say, innocently.

“Slapping me like that, I wasn’t ready to come.”

“Was so.”

“Was not.” He growls, untying my hands. Wow, is he mad? I roll over when I am free and look up at him. He is mad! Oh my god.

“You are angry?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Yeah.”


“You made me come, I had more I wanted to do.”

“And I wanted to do that.”

“That hurt.” He snarls.

I swallow and shame fills me. I thought he would like it. I feel heat rise into my cheeks as my body tingles with horrendous embarrassment. I stand, tears spring to my eyes.

“I…I was only trying to join in with what you liked. I don’t need this after the shit I have copped tonight already, especially from my own husband.”

I turn on my heel and fly out the door; tears are pouring down my cheeks. God, I haven't cried this much for so long. I hear Jax curse and thump the wall, stuff him. He is allowed to do as he pleases to me, but when I try and join in, it’s the end of the world. I slide out the front door, run down to the beach and sink onto the sand. I make sure I sit in a dark part, so he can’t see me. I hope he feels guilty. I really do. I check my phone to see more messages from Mack. I am in the mood for a fight now, deep down I know it

s stupid, but I don’t care.

Jade, talk to me please.

Fuck off Mack.

n’t speak to me like that, you are
mad at me but I am still your father.

You are
Jack shit to me. I am done with you.

What do you want me to say? What do I have to do to make it better?

Leave me the hell alone.

Jade, baby, please don’t hate me. I made a mistake, I never meant to hit you.

But you did, and you chose her. I might have cooled down and forgiven you but you still got on that plane tonight after everything that happened. That told me exactly how important I am to you.

You think
I got on the place because you are
not important? No, I got on because it was for the best. I have paid for this trip and I want to go, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about what happened.

Whatever. I hope you and Sam are very happy. Tell her I fucking hate her.

Jade, enough! Sam feels terrible about what happened.

I am sure she does. Not. She won, of course she is pretending I matter.

You matter to both of us.

Get stuffed Mack, leave me alone, stay out of my life and go and have a wonderful time with that horrible woman. Maybe you can make your own kids together and forget about me.

He doesn’t reply which kind of hurts, deep down inside, I want his attention, I want him to plead. Now I just feel raw with hurt and pain.  I sulk on the beach, with my head in my hands. I feel a presence beside me and Jax sits down. I should know Jax knows me well enough now to know where I would hide. I shift away from him, still full of
about what happened.

“I am sorry mate.”

“Whatever.” I snap.

“It wasn’t your fault. I…was ashamed I came so hard and so quick. It hurt but; I loved it.”

“Good for you Jax.”

He grips my face and turns it towards him. “Don’t play that with me Jade, I said sorry.”

“And I said good for you! Now leave me be!”


I growl and shove him. “You are so nasty when you want to be.”

“I know.”

I blink at him. “I thought you would like it, you didn’t need to make me feel so pathetic.”

He winces. “You’re not pathetic baby, I did like it.”

“I didn’t know you had more planned.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to talk about it again, I just want to go to bed.”

“Were you talking to Mack?”

“I don’t want to talk about him either.”

It hits me then, and I realize it didn’t click before. If Mack was gone, what about the treasure?

“Jax, what about the treasure?”

“Mack has it.”

My heart sinks and I shiver slightly. “What?”

“He is taking it back to the ancient ruins to destroy it.”

Shit, holy shit. What do I do? If I tell Jax about Ben, he will surely start a war and we could all be at risk. I would have to go to Ben alone and…kill him. God could I do that? Maybe I should just tell Jax. No, god no, he would kill me, it would ruin us.

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